Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, September 29, 1911, Image 4
WAVCROSS EVENING HERALO KRESQ DIP No. I wO do U» west, DEPENDABLE SURE J INEZ PENSIVE I I'" t TO UEE Eggs Eggs Eggs lust Arrived 600 dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go At 25 cts. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAPDY BROS. GOOD RESOLUTION ke nnd keep la to patronize till fery when you are m need ot a clan turn out for any purpose, can supply your^ wants, prompt moderately. dive ua an oppor- illy to show you how well we can you. [cGregor Mayo ardlnp, Livery and Salaa Stables. L Waycroua, Oa PHONE NO. U. POOGOOOOOOOOOO Silverware] Sale DIs iscontinued fpat- ‘erns half regular flK-1- - !>oon 65c per set 1 Spoon, $1.75 per set ♦ $1.75 per set •atspoons,.. $2.50 per set 4 f limited quantity In »See our window for mwart Bargains! ; illc & Odom :WELERSI & OPTICIANS Phone 5. FOR CONSTIPATION. A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any* thing Unless It Satisfies.. The active medicinal Ingredients of Rexnll Orderlies, which Is odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, It forms a perfoct feowel regulator, Intes tinal lnvlgorator i SA strengthened Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy, nnd are notable for their agreeable- nsi to th palate and gentleness of ac* tlon. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or Inconven ience. Unlike other preparations for a llko purpose, they do not create a habit, but Instead they ovetcome the causo of habit acquired through the use of ordinary laxatives, cathartics and nnd harsh physic, and permanently re move the cause of constipation or lr* regular bowel action. We will refund your money without argument If they do not do as we *say they will. Three sizes, 50c, 25c and 10c. Sold only at our store—The Rex* nil Store. The Senls Phnrmacy. A5 fPersonalf £ Mias Carrie Parham Social Editor £ IT COSTS SO LITTLE. George Klingla. The pathway is ao long for some tired feet; So many hearts would stay their beat, If It were right: -ifn Such lonely ones grope through the night- lie need reach out nnd touch Hitndi burdened overmuch; Hands that love’s clasp have lost! At such a little cost We may be kind; Give us a little love to Wets and A heart that heats alone, and reaches out To dnd a heart to dream about: It costs so little Just to stop and hear Some heart's sad secret, or Its throb of cheer; To care a little that a soul la glad; To care a little that a soul Is aad. —S. S. Times. Millinery Opening October 3rd, and 4th. I The ladles of the Presbyterian church will sell cream at the regular hand concert next Wednesday night. Fresh celery Just arrived at J. W A. Hardy’s. Mr W. D. Creel, the well knowa barber, Is suite sick at his home on Pendergrast street. Mr. C. W. Waughtel, of Homeland, was a guest of the Phoenix hotel yes terday. Good line work shirts Just receiv ed. 27 2t J. W. Adams. Mr. R. F. White, Jr., of Wllmlng- ton, N. C.,,1* a guest of LaGrande to day. Mr; W. M. Nix left today for a trip of several days to points btlow Val dosta. Mr. A. B. Coe left this morning for Tlfton carrying additional Ware coun ty exhibits to the South Georgia Land and Agricultural Exposition. Mr. \V.' G. Sutton Is quite sick at his homo on Gilmore street. Mr. Sut ton has been confined to his bed for the past few days. Solicitor-General M. D. Dickerson, of Douglas, was a prominent visitor to hVaycross today. He stopped at the Phoenix. Silver : kin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sets, r.-.st quality, at Roddlng’s., 25 15t ’S HONEY AND TAR COM PjpUND 11/ lilgh place ss tha ild remedy for all coughs Mthlsr for children ot j Prevents serious re- \ cold. Take only the gen % Honey and Tar oom ttr-.ts# surf tit sres. Gem *• 8. Pain*. OR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic diseases of women nnd children. OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-Ilitch Bldg. Office hours; 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office Residence 393 Way cross, Georgia. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, G.v Day and Night Phono 598. Mr. C. C. Buchanan, Jr., will go to At lanta Mondny to assume his duties as auditor for the State oBard of Ed ucation, to which position he was elected this week. The advertising car of Adams Fore- paugh and 8ells Bros, great shows Is In the city today. These famous shows will exhibit in Way^roB* on October 20. Full Zephyo 2S St line Flelshers Germantown Miss Frances McDonald’s. bags and suit cases cheap. J. W. Adams. Mr. Clark Grier, of Dublin, and 5(r. D. B. Jones, of Macon, are in the city fn the Interest of the Macon Tele graph’s reunion edition. The- Tele graph proposes to issue a special edi tion of one hundred thousand copies for distribution In Georgia and South Carolina. The edition will contain thirty-two pages, and these gentlemon want Wuycross business men and the city to take two pages advertising the advantages of this section. BIC LOT FRYING CHICKENS JU8T ARRIVED AT J. W. S. HARDY'8. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson We Are Ready To Offer You Real Bargains CLASSIFIED % OUR FALL STOCK IS HERE. I JUST RECEIVED ONE CARLOAD HIGH GRADE BUGGIES. ONE CARLOAD FARM WAGONS. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF HARNESS AND SADDLERY COLLARS, ETC. WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL CUT PRICES. COME AND LET US SHOW YOU JUST WHAT IT WILL SAVE YOU TO TRADE WITH US. Jones Buggy Co. FOR RENT—seven room nouse, 43 Gilmore itreeL Apply W. B. Kills*. | ton, LaGrande Building. l tt BOARDERS WANTED—Good board i can b e secured ac 54 Reed street. 7 tf j FOR RENT—Room nt 51 Parallel St. | or phone 462. 13 m j FOR RENT—Rooms near court 1 houae In Parker House, also black j smith shop to he used ns shopor for i storage on Parallel street. Apply Mrs, i C. Parker, 19 Church street. . 13 tf FOR SALE—Anyone desiring a nice fancy outflt it can be found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horae, rubber-tlrs runabout and harness; ell practically new, pan be bought reasonable. Hnlnes avenue, Phone 7. IS tl WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. BRONCHITIS CONQUERED POSITION. WANTEO-Young mar- Seventy Years Old And Praises Won- rled man. 23 years old, with 4 years Summer Colds bad as thty are, have about tbs asms , chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets that a snowball “7yes In sunshine. Try the Ion guarantee. TffEZSEAli iPHAJRMACYl derful Hyomei. *7 had a severe attack of LaGrippe It left me with bronchitis and catarrh ot my throat. I became quite deaf In one ear so I could not hear a watch tick. I commenced using your HYO MEI and inhaler and> soon got relief, and believe that it saved my life. I* have recommended it to many. I am over seventy years old. I have told several prominent doctors what it did for me.” Wm. H. Mowder, Washing ton, N. J., R. F. D. March 16, 1911. For catarrh, asthman, bronchitis. Toqgln, colds and catarrhal deafness HYOMEI Is guaranteed by G. R. Bfihson Co. Complete outfit includ ing Inhaler and bottle of HYOMEI $1.00, separate bottles HYOMEI If af- experience In clerical work, wants po sition. Willing to work. Address 26 Canton street, City. 23 6t FOR RENT—Three nice up-.ta.lrs rooms, suitable for light housekeeping at 52 Brewer street. Apply J. a. S., —. . . Plant avenue. 05 •>, terwards needed 50 cents. 13, 23,4 ot BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. . Wanted by an established firm In Atlanta, Ga„ man to take an active Interest In management. Must be re liable and able (o give best referenc es. Salary 1125.00 per month. Mod erate investment required. Young man preferred It you are in a posi tion to talk business, address G. H., 500 Forsyth bulldlag. Atlanta, Ga. FOR 8ALE—A Columbia chainlet! bicycle. In first class repair, brand new tires. Will sell at a bargain If taken quick. Dr. W. K. Meeks. Jak ker building. :s 3t FOR SALE—Two building cheap to quick buyer. Apply at Her ald office. : FOR SALE—A nice lot for sale, cheap, 2 blocks from Gilmore. Address owner, hire. L. C. Denmark, Jackson- vllle, Fla. 19 iltJ U» FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folks St. Apply to H. J. Sweat 1’ FOR RENT—Two story house Mary Street Apply O. R. Wolfe. Si Jane. 15'< FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS r F0R RENT—9 room bouse, cold Will leech yonr individual case If yon 1 11:111 hot ***«. $27.59 per month In have any form of kidney and bladder l4ranc *- A PPly to No. 9 Haines nr*, trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Pbarnlacy: T. S. Paine FOR RENT—Two furnished rocirs gentlemen, .with bath, electric and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates. Elizabeth street - l / FOR RENT—Furnished room light housekeeping, at street. 83 6t FOR RENT—Room for young man. Apply 41 Brunei street ■