Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 05, 1911, Image 4
Silverware Sale Discontinued {[pat terns half regular price. reaspoon 65c per aet Jesort Spoon, |1.75 per eet Korku, (1.75 per aet Tabloapoona,.. $2.50 per aet Only limited quantity In atock. Sea our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERS) & OPTICIANS Phone 5. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. II Albany Arenuo. Wayeross, Oak Day and Night Phone 118. A beautiful line of pattern hata wjll in. dU’dayed by Mies Eddie Pan "ell at her fall opening October' !, from 7 to 9 o'clook, and all day Tues day, the 10th. ] tf ■ Cut price# on all low cut shoes. 6 « • J. W. Adams. rrwea dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go A 25 cts. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 /. W. S. Hardy 6UCCE3SOR TO HAODY BROS. NOTICE! MISS EOOIE PARNELL INVITES THE LAD1E8 OF THE CITY TO HER FALL AND WINTER MILLIN ERY OPENING MONDAY EVENING THE 9TH OF OCTOBER, FROM 7 TO 9 O’ CLOCK AND ALL DAY TUES DAY, THE 10TH. 3 g CHARLIE” HAS A WORD WAKEFIELD LODGE. NO. Z7 KNIGHTS OF PYT-nAS. Meets ev-'T Meads.' evening at 8:00 In | Caatle Hal' ’’■ant ave J Members •*v requetteU to atttqd. Odd TtilUm V v * > / Knlx'it# are moot dlally Invited to meet with no. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. T. E# M lifer. K. ot K. ft 9. A M. of F*. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL8 Will teach your individual case If you hare any form of kidney and bladder trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Pharmacy: T. 3. Pains. Editor Herald Diplomacy In its place Is one of the greatest weapons for Buccesa ever yet sharpened by the' wft and Ingenu ity of man. Some people do not know Just how to draw the line between diplomacy nnd bypocracy, and others believe the two words synonymous. The truth is, they are In reality, very different, for n man can be a di plomat and by no means called a hy pocrite. Diplomats have prevented wars and devastation while the hypo crite has always held high office In the/levilB cabinet, and will never be selected to act In matters of honor and justice while the world lasts. Now, without reference to any can didate for state, county or city office, or any man now In office In the state, county or city, It does seem to m» that were I an office holder I would strive, with nil my soul, to act accord- lng to my honest, convictions in all matters pertaining to my state, coun ty or city, as the case might be, re gardless of consequences, aft^r first endeavoring to listen to reason and serious thought given to what 1> just and right, and tho best Interest of the people. Let no men act the hypocrite to get an office, but If he suceeds In getting It let him use all the honorable diplo macy necessary to keep things mov* Ing in a harmonious groove or direc tion, nnd not act In a way simply to catch votes In the future elections. Do true no tnattfr what happens. Is a motto worthy of any ttfoe man's ac ceptance and wether In office or ont of it. Tho acts of all officials are wntched hy all good citizens wbo are interested in the welfare of their country and they are apt to keep in mind'the acts of iheso officials who by their acts and votes show what and just where their Interest lies. Wayeross visitor yesterday Mr. Warren L .HinsoiTlg confined to his home today by illness . Sheriff David Ricketson ,of Douglas was a guest of the Virdie last night. Mrs. E. J .Remeey is able to be out again after an Illness of a month Judge John C. McDonald has sold his automobile and Is now sporting a handsome horse and bugy. M. Downey will be back next Wed nesday .October 11th, with a carload of fine Indiana horses and mules. 5 5t One lot men’s pants to close $1.29 > 2t. J. W. Adams. Opening! October 3rd, and 4th. Mr. H. J. Liles has been confined his homo onRoosevelt street for the past few days. Mr. Innes Wooten, of Fitzgerald, in the city, and is being warmly greeted by his many friends. Mr. M. Clemens, the policeman the A. C. L. yards, Is sick at his home in Owens Boulevard. Col. E H. Williams ,a prominent at torney of St Marys ,1s in the city to day . Mr. J W Boutwell, traveling repres entative of the Savannah Morning News, is In the city today and is stop ping at the Phoenix Mr. O. S. Godbold, special agent of the Coast Line, with headquarters in Savannah, spent last night at La- Grade . Fireman W. C. Gardner is now serv ing on the police force while Mr Cot tingham is off on a vacation. Mr. Roy Cason is filling ^(Ir. Gardner's place with the fire department. Mr. J. H. Rafferty, district passenger agent o fthe Georgia Southern and Forlda Railroad .with headquarters in Jacksonville ,was among the visitors to Wayeross today. Mr. Julius Taylor Is in the city on short visit. Mr. Taylor Is en route to Wilmington, N. C., from Marathon, Fla., where he has spent the past tew months. . Mr. James K. Bibb, a former Way- cross merchant, Is in the city today greeting his numerous friends. 'Mr. L. J. Cooper, president of the First National Bank, is spending sev eral days in South Carolina, where he was called on account of the serious illness of his sister Political strife has cost thecountry too much money and bad feeling for people to he careless and indifferent as to who should govern in state, county or city, and the less politics the greater the prosperity of the whole country. Be true, be brave, be honest, and all.right thinking men will trust you. CHAS. H. RSDDING. . Men's an dboy's caps jrist received. Btt. J. Wa Adams, Judge Parker finished the civil busi ness of Coffee Superior Court at Doug las yesterday afternoon, and adjourn ed until next Monday morning when the criminal docket will be taken up. Judge Parker returned home last night . The Park-Morand Company .subcon tractors on the new postofflee building a force of hands to work laying brick on the building this morning. Work on the structure is proceeding very.satlsfactorlly, and will be pushed to completion. Summer Colds bad as they an, have about the same chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets that a snowball does In -sunshine. Ttt than on (unrantao. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED FOR RENT—Boom at 51 Parallel SL or phone 462. 13 lm I LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN— |One gray mare from C. H. Ficken's I j lot on Friday night, Sept 29. Will JCL| weigh about one thousand pounds; FOR RENT—Seven room 'nouse, 43! tall slightly bobbed. Return to ub at Gilmore atreot. Apply W. B. Ellihg-1 Wayeross and get reward, ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tf. Cox Co. FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folks SL Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf FOR RENT—Two story house on Mary Street Apply G. R. Wolfe, 35 Jane. 19 tf WANTED—To swap large strong farm mule for pony built horse. Ap ply to A. P. Perham at Tho Herald office. 3 tf FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric llgnta and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, CO Elizabeth street 21 tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Waited hy an established Arm In Atlanta, Ga„ man to take an active Interest In management Must be re liable and able to give best referenc es. Salary 9125.00 per month. Mod erate Investment required. Young man preferred. If you are In a posi tion to talk business, address G. H. 500 Forsyth building, Atlanta, Ga FOR SALE—Thirty-six aero farm near qity limits; good neat buildings. Apply to E. L. Gorman, 20 Seaman street, Wayeross, Ga. 44t • FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf Q oooooooooo o O H LESTER MARVIL ° O Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O > FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMERS. O O Telephone 600 Day or Nght O, O’ Private Chapel and Morgue O O OOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOOOOO o O WL HINSON & CO « O UNDERTAKERS O O AND . O O EMBALMERS. O. O Phone 91 and 153. O OOOOOOOOOOo WANTED—A machinist for saw mill work. Regular Job to right man. Htckox Lumber Co., Wayeross, Ga., R. F. D. 6, or to Dr. R. H. Bush, Phone 531, Wayeross, Ga. 20 tf BOARDERS WANTED—Good hoard con he secured ac 54 Reed streeL 7 tf FOR RENT—New two-story house on Reed street October 1st Apply W. W. Ansley, 42 Brunei street 29 tf FOR SAL*—Anyone desiring a nice fancy outfit It can be found for sale at Sutton Grocery Co. Horse, rubber-tire runabout end harness; all practically new, can be bought reasonable. Haines avenue, Phone 7. FOR RENT—Rooms near court house In Parker House, also black smith ahop to be used as shopor fot storage on Parallel street Apply Mrs . Parker, 19 Church street 13 tt Stetson Hats, jjust received ' 5 2t. J. W. Adams. 1 \ TjHErSEALSiPHARMACYB 5 -.nfBKMALt STORE PUBLIC SALE—One car ot farm wagons, spring wagons, buggies, carta, traps, one car of farm horaet and males, on Satnday, October 7th.; at Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia. Everything most be sold regardless of cost J, B. Busser, owner. & 2t PUBLIC SALE—One chr ot form wagons, spring wagons, buggies, carts, traps, one cur of farm horses and mules, on Satuday, October 7th, at Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia. Everyfflthg must be sold regardless of cost. J. B. Busser, owner. 5 2t WANTED—Room and board la pri vate family hy two young men. Ap ply Herald office. 5 3t LOST—Male Shepherd dog; color yellow, with white ring around neck. Answers to name of "Step". Reward ot 33.00 for Information. J. L. Dyal, R. F. D. 1, Wayeross. 5 3t DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic diseases of women and children. OBSTETRIC8, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-Hltch Bldg. Office hours; 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 pt m. Phone, office Residence 393 Wayeross, Georgia. OOOOOOOOOOOO O WILSON o o BENNETT <* o & LAMBDIN o O Attorneys A, Counselors At Law O O O O 0-0 oooooo * OOOOOOOOOOOo O A FLEMING M D <> O Office over Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern Building. O. O OOOOOOOOOO O OOOOOOOOOOOo O BenJ. J. Parks Harry D. Reed O PARKS & REED ° ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O Southern Hotel Building. O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O O OOOOOOOOOO o. OOOOOOOOOO• J B BAGLEY M D « PHYSICIAN 4t SURGEON O Office a Southern Building O , OFFICE HOURS. O Ml A. M. 34 P. M. 708 P. U. O OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOo O T J CARSWELL o PH. O, M. D. o Dlseasea of Children; O .Diseases of Women; O Obstsrlcs. O Residence 186 Plant Are. O Phone 518. O Office In Walker Building _ O Phone 128. O O O O O o O O O O O Cl } JOHNS WALKER <► Attorney and Counstlor At O o Law o' o Office up-stairs Southern o o Hotel. o o WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA.- o A treat Is In store for the wbo attend Miss Eddie Parnell's fall opening Monday evening. October 9, |0 OOOOOOOOOO o J. E. KNIGHT, M. D. Office 228-228 Southern Building, from 7 to 9 o’clock, and all day Tnes-(Office Hours: 9 to U a. m; 2:30 to day. 3 tf 4 p. a.; 7 to 8 p. m. j