Newspaper Page Text
Just one year ago today tho doorj of our store was thrown open to the
trading public. Since openingg day our store has been crowded. We
have enjoyed a good trade, and for which we are indeed grateful to the
good, people of Waycross and Ware county and surrounding territory. We
iriust say we never dealt with better people. And just at the time
are about to start upon a new year we desire to again call your attention
to the fact, it is our earnest and constant endeavor to please every patron
of this store perfectly—to carry out, in fact, our repeated guarantee of
satisfaction or your money back. So we want to say right now that if any
one has purchased here any article that has not proven to be worth all
we charged them for it, we want the opportunity to make It right.
No dealers any where examine their goods with greater care, and
none are more particular about the kind of goods they sell, but we are
only human, hence we sometimes make mistakes of judgment, and if
have sold anything during the past year that has proven unsatisfactory
in any way we want to know about it. Drop in at your Earliest conven
ience, tell us about it, and we will see to it that you are reimbursed for any
shortcomings in the goods we have sold you.
We realize fully that only by serving you well can we hope to serve you
often and to that end we will labor with might and main. You can come
to our store expecting much—for much is waiting here for you—much in
quality, much in service, much in everything that goes to mak^ satisfac
tion certain for our customers."' We appreciate your patronage. Come
again. Yours to serve, , /
Churchwel! Brothers.
• tent officer, and will be*strongly sup*
J yorted for peJelecHlon. HJs deputy
clerk is also a very competent man.
Mr. Berry’'? announcement will ap
pear at the proper time.
Rev. J. F. Harbin, who has made
a very efficient and accomodating
treasurer, wishes it to be understood
Mr. E. J. Berry, clerk of the super- that W ill stand for re-election. His
lor anti city courts, requests tho Her- announcement will appear later,
aid to state that he will be a candi
date for re-elecion at the election
nert year. He also states that Mr.
Charles E. Cason, who has been" dep
uty clerk for the past five years, will
continue in that capacity in thd Will Wright, a negro, was brought
event of his election. , from Beach this morning and.lodged
There is no disputing the tact that In jail. He is charged with stealing
Mr. Berry has made a most compe- clothes.
Upoh a White Woman In
Laurens County—Was
Under Arrest
Eastman, Ga., Oct. 6.-*-Frank Mack,
negro ^chauffeur from Dublin, was
lynched near here late last night by
a mob of unknown men.
Mack attempted, criminal assault
upon the wife of a' well known planter
of Dodge county, but was frustrated
by the arrival of several negroes who
During Races In Savannah
Practical Demonstra
tions To Be Given
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 6.—One of the
practical benefits which will come out
of the holding of the great road races
in Savannah in November, when the
International Grand Prize and Van
derbilt races will be held, will be the
road instruction and information to
be given road commissioners of the
were working in tho field and were United States east of the Rocky
The attempted
the house by her
assault occurred
Arrangements have been made to
have these in Savannah in force, and
about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, j Uie county authorities are arranging
r.nd the negro was captured before he j to Rive them object lessons in road
could make hi? escape. f building and preservation which
He was fumed over to officers to; should have an appreciable effect on
be brought to the Eastman Jail. When, the quality of roads in many sections
about five miles north of here they i the country hereafter,
were met by the mob at Gum Swamp! The arrangement to bring tho road
and the negro was taken away, tied | commissioners to Savannah includes
to a pine tree within five feet of the • tao presence at the time of Director
public road and his body riddled with j Pnge ®f the Durenu of Roads of tho
bullets. j United States Department of Agricul-
The coroner’s jury returned a ver- ture. Tho opportunity for the road
diet that the “deceased cam e to his j experts has been brought about by tho
death from gunshot wounds at the Indian Refining Company, which has
| for the last two years oiled tho Sa
vannah course. This year the com
pany is so proud of its work and so
confident that the running of the ra
ces will see all world's records for
road racing eclipsed, that it has de
cided to have the road builders of the
country here to see tho performance
made on^ftads oiled by It, and have
the opportunity to see tho work Itself.
The visitors will be brought in spe
cial cars from New York, Atlanta and
other points where they will gather
and make up parties. While in Sa
vannah the road experts will feave the
hands of unknown parties.”
Mr. William Wilson, one of tho
city’s oldest and best known citizens,
Is quite Ill at his home on Parallel
A Look at The New Fall Clothes,
Siloes, Fiats
and Furnishings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Mach Less.
Circus Day An Important
Factor In An Ed
ucational Way .
An hour can always be spent In
circus menagerie with great pleasure
and educational advantage to students
of natural history. Theno is no limit
to the lessens to be learned there in
comparative zoology. The trouble is
that people are afraid to ask ques
tions of employes of the common run
of shows for fear of discourteous re
plies. A great deal of interesting and
odd information is thus lost.
Thero need be no fear of such
treatment when the Forepaugh and
Sella Brothers’ circus comes to town
Friday October. 20. The manage
ment of this show lins introduced a
feature in their zoological tent
isitors are received and conduc
ted through the various aisles and
ivenues air.qn;; the pens and cages by
ralf.irmed lecturers, especially en
gaged to answer all questions and
Impart further information, while ex
perienced trainers demonstrate many
strange fucts.
This is the only circus in the coun
During Balloon Ascension
Brodie Fell Seven
Hundred Feet
TIfton, Ga., Oct. 6.—Captain John
Brodie, who does the high {living act
for an amusement company, fell 700
feet from a balloon on the exposition
grounds at 5:15 this afternoon and
was instantly killed. Cnptain Brodie
had just finished his high-dive act and
Professor Gowdy, an aeronaut, was
preparing to ascend. Brodie volun
teered to take tho other balloon for a
race. The ascension was a beautiful
one, both balloons cutting loose to
gether and ascending sido by side only
a few yards apart, a distance of bo-
tween 700 and 1,000 feet when the gun
was fired as a signal for them to cut
Brodie dropped slightly In advance
of Prof. Gowdy. Tho drop Is made in
a quadruple parachute. He cut loose
the first two safely. Whether the
third became entangled or lack of ex
perience caused him to bungle will
never bo known. The third parachute
failed to fill, and like a shot from a
try that gives any special attention | gun> Brod)o c(lnl0 700 feet to th „
or thought to pntrons beyond pen
raitting them to wander around for a
short while among the animals and
then try to squeeze Into tho main
tent if they cnn. They are given no
assistance whatever.. With this
show it Is the aim to umuso people,
to Instruct them, and by all means to
make them comfortable. If one uses
his eyes and Is not afraid to ask ques
tions, he will pick up any amount of
odd information.
For example, he wll learn that a gi
raffe can utter no sound, and can go
longer than a camel without food and
opportunity to hear from Director water; that an elephant does not
Pago of the Bureau of Roads, to ex-, smell with Its trunk and can feel tho
change Ideas with each other and! bite of a fly; that camels are bred In
have an object lesson In building the Siberia; that a hippopotamus exudes,
several kinds of roads which have* blood from Its pores when angry;
made Chatham county famous. Chat- that the male ostrich sits on the eggs;
ham was one of the tlr}t counties in that the female kangaroo curries
the South to go In for good roads and Jits young In a pouch; that a rhinoc*
Its success is shown by the fucces- 1 cre* eats less than a dog; that the
cive bringing to the city of the only J best of Oriental lace Is made from
real international road races ever .the hair of the yak; that the South
held In America and the Anal winning African vlak vaark, or wart hog, has
of the right to hold America’s nation
al race, the Vanderbilt.
A jolly crowd of ladles and gentle
men left this morning to celebrate
warts on Its nose only during times
of plenty and when hard times comes
the warts disappear; that there are
two distinct feathers on every quill In
the eml’s back.
The menagerie of the Adam Fore
ground, falling with a crash that could
bo heard a quarter of a mile. Despite
tho fate of his fellow which ho could
not fall to see, Professor Gowdy, with
wonderful norve, cut loose his three
parachutes and descended In safety
nearly a half mile away.
John Brodie waa unmarried and has
a mother nnd sister In Crystal Lake,
Wls. He had been with tho amuse
ment people a long time end his death
has cast a gloom over the entire com
A special attraction it the Stale*-
tic thli week la the Buckley 1 ,. The
■light of hand work of Sir. Buckler
l> simply Sne, while Sire. Buckley I*
a line mueiden, end thli attraction
alone, to etny nothing of the moving
picture,, la alone worth the price of
admleelon. Do out nnd *e* thli splan.
did exhibition tonlxht.
"Waycrori Day” at the TIfton fair, j paugb and Bell, Brother,' clrcu, li n
The crowd, while not a, large aa ox-j complete zoological chain. Nothing
pected, mill no (Joubt boost Way- t that bat any attractive value Is ml»«-
croas thoroughly and let TIfton know ( Ink. In fact, there are many apecl-
that wo are on the map. Among,t men, on exhibition that never before |
those going on the trip were were,'have been ,een In America. There
Judge J. T. Myen, Dr. O. P. Folk,, are 780 animate In all. Among them,
W. N. Jones, W. D. Mofton, H. S. be,Ides tho,e already mentioned, are
DuBoie, C, F. Andrews, B. SI. Com- Ibexes, xebus, nyghaus, gnus, nnteat-
fort, Allen Spence, J. B. Lewis, W.
L. Fisher, J. D. Mitchell, Dr. J. K.
Robin,, D. J. Miller, W. H. Stevens
and Mr. Dailey of Fort Wayne, Ino.
The party will bo well entertained
In TIfton and will return tonight
era, tapir,, pecarlea, llama,, chimpan
zee,, mandril,, kangaroos, porcupine,,
horned hone,, zebra,, zebrold,, ,,-
crcd oxen, water buffalo, Philippine
cattle, dromedarlez, a vait collection
of odd types or flab and fowl nnd ev
ery variety of the cat b,ar, deer and
monkey tribe,.
An tmuilng and Intereitlng feature
OPENING OF DOLAN'S NEW STU-|or the menagerie Is the nuriery where
DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY j many animal bable, are dl,played In
STREETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON, | company * with their ferocious par-
OCT. 10, 4 TO O. ' 6 3t' ent,.
Just Tn, red snapper Jilue flxh or | The flnt footbal game of the sea-
mullet, call 189. Your order will be son Is being played out on College
tilled promptly- 1 Git Hill this afternoon tetween Bunn-Bcll
Institute and the Waycrosa High
Don't mils getting some of those School.
crystal vasee Saturday, October 7, for!
-rl- to cent,. Punt', Variety Store. Phone 34 fer towelb.
It Ir tao late for flrd Insurance. No.
one knows where the next lira will
he. Somebody’* hone* or piece of
buelnese le In flame,.
Don't look upon the Idea as gambling
with the law of chance. Fire iniur-
ance la the legitimate Investment of
the business man. It Is pert of bail-
next expen,e.
A.M. Knight
& Son
77 end 77 Plant avenue.
3 ft 5 2t.