Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 06, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Eggs Eggs Eggs lust Arrived 600 dozen Tennesee Eggs To Go A 25 cts. A Dozen Phone 62 Or 301 /. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HARDY BROS. Personal Jm!»• Carrit Parham Social Editor One lot men’s pants to close $1.29 5 2t. J. W. Adams. Silverware Sale Discontinued f pat terns half regular price. teaspoon 65c per let Jesort Spoon, $1.75 per set Fork* $1.76 per eet Tablespoons,.. $2.60 per set Only limited quantity In •tock. See our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERSI & OPTICIANS Phone 5. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. VetenarJan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycroaa, Ga. Pay and Night Phone $98. A beautiful line of pattern hate will be. displayed by Mlua Eddie Par- •»eU at her fall oponlng October 9, from 7 to D o’clock, and all day Tuea- day, tho 10th. 3 lt Cut prices on all low cut ahoes. 6 2t * J. W. Adams. NOTICE! MISS EDDIE PARNELL INVITES THE LADIES OF THE CITY TO HER FALL AND WINTER MILLIN ERY OPENING MONDAY EVENING THE 9TH OF OCTOBER, FROM 7 TO 9 O’ CLOCK AND ALL DAY TUES DAY, THE 10TH. 3 SOCIAL POINT8 FROM GLENMORE. October 4th, 1911. A large crowd attended the Union Sunday School here Sunday. Mr. W. I. McQuaig made a buslncsi trip to Manor last Saturday. Miss Mary Allen visited friends In Manor Saturday. A number of our young people have been attending the cotton-pickings near hero during the past week and report having had a fine time, Mrs. D. P. Griffin and family, of Ruskln, visited friends here last Sat urday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Herrin. Mr. Lewis Herrin has returned home from Ruskln where he had been visiting tho past week. There will bo preaching hero at the I'r.lon School House Sunday October Hth. at 11 n. m. Everybody Is cor dially invited to a*urd. Mr. Hen»> McQi-'ic, of Manor, was welcome visitor in our town Suiv day. Mr. John Ward, the popular book keeper of J. O. Ward & Company, vis ited relatives In Blackshear last Fri day. Messrs. A. L. Hughes, H. J. Her rin and A. A. Allen, made a short and pleasant trip to Waycross last Sunday morning. Mr. T. H. Calhoun, of Beach, In the city today.. Mr. R. W. Wood, of Florence, S. C., was a guest of the Virdie last night. Mr. A. B. Coe ba-3 Just returned from the Tifton Fair. He says Ware's exhibit attracted much attention. r. P. D. Du Bose, of Balnbridge, among the visitors to Waycross Mr. Robert E. Spence, of Michigan, has arrived in Waycross to make his permanent home here. Millinery Opening! October 3rd, and 4th. Mr. J. A. Varnedoe, of Screven, Oa., was among the guests at the Phoenix Hotel today. Mr. R. T. Henderson, representing the Atlanta Georgian, is in the city In the interest of his paper. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Davis and baby have returned from Colorado, where they sspent several months. Mr. E. J. Marsh, of Marsh Cypress Company, who Is making his home at present in Albany, Ga., Is in the city today. When a woman calls for her hus. bond to "come here a minute,” he knows she has a two hours' job for him. Miss Genevive Huggins, of Way- cross, w'as the guest of Miss Eliza beth Darling last Sunday.—Blackshear Times. Mr. Julius . Woverman, of Red Cloud, Neb., is In the city prospect ing with a view to locating in this section. Messrs. J. W. Hinson, R. A. Cook and G. W. Best, prominent citizens of Hazlehurst, were guests of La- Grande last night. President L. J. Cooper, of the First National Bank, returned this morning from South Carolina, where he was called on account of the illness of his sister. She was much Improved when Mr. Cooper left her home. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line o f Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf j WANTED—Room and board In prl- 'vate family by two young men. Ap- FOR RENT—Seven room house, 43 t>Iy Herald office. 6 3t Gilmore street. Apply W. B. Elllhg-1 —-— ton, LaGrande Building. 1 tf ■ LOST—Male Shepherd dog; color yellow, with white ring around neck. FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folks SL! Answers to name of "Shep". Reward Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf of $3.00 for Information. J. L. Dyal, FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with hath, electric lights and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, 00 Elizabeth street. 21 tf WAKEFIELD LODGE,,NO. V KNIGHT* OF PYT-siA*. Meets » Meads.' evening at 3:00 Is | Cutis H«i vital are I Members requested V^S'sfoi?/ * K * nd - -ad Ttsmn, -V * / Knights are most "on dlally Invited to meet with ns. J. I* CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Millet. fC.oKtt.G8.4tM.otF, FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will teach your Individual caae If you have uy farm of kidney and bladder trouble or urinary Irregularities. Try them. Gem Pharinaoy; T. 3. Paine. 8tetson Hats, JJust received I*. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mercer visited relatives near Waycross Sunday. Mr. D. N. McQuaig made a bull- ness trip to Waycross Tuesday. The Clenmoro school will close Fri day, October 13, and everybody te In vited to attend the exhibition at the Bchool house Friday October l'th at 1:30 p. m. —X. Y. Z. Mr. Oeorge !). Haggard has return ed from tho exposition at Knoxville, where he did a fine business selling and advertising Haggard's Salve. Mr. Haggard also visited Birmingham while away. After a suspension of several days, work on the new Jail waa resumed this morning by the Park Morand Co. The delay was caused on account of the lack of material. The material, has now arrived and the work on the now structure will be pushed. OFLEY’S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Still retains its high place as the best household remedy for all coughs and colda, either for children ot crown person*. Prevents serious re sult* from a cold. Take only the gen. ulne Foley's Honey and Tar eon,, pound, and refuse substitutes. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. I After spending their honeymoon In the mountains of Tennessee, Mr. and Mra. H. Daniel returned to Blackshear today and will make their home with Mr. and Mra. C. A. Sydnor on College avenue. Mrs. Daniel, who was Miss Florence Adams, of Waycross, Ga., will by her accomplishments and charms add a great deal to the socie ty of Rlackshear as she did to that of Waycross.—Blackshear Times. Men's an dboy's cap* just received. S St. J. W. Adams. Summer Colds bad as they are, hava about tha tame chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets that a snowball dees In sunshine. Try them on guarantee. _ THEISEALSiPHARMACYl MNHi' biTOxali stork wtKsaMtaiaini *a<oio»a«o*e>o*o*i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Wanted by an established firm In Atlanta, Ga., man to take an active Interest In management. Must be re liable and able to give best referenc es. Salary $125.00 per month. Mod erate Investment required. Young man preferred. If you are In a posi tion to talk business, address O. H., 500 Forsyth building, Atlanta, Ga. R. F. D. 1, Waycross. 5 3t DR. J. T. DIXON, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to chronic diseases of women and children. 0BSTETRIC8, CANCER AND DROPSY. Office Third Floor Lott-HItch Bldg. Office hours; 9 to 11 a. m. 4 to 6 p. m. Phone, office Residence 393 Waycross, Georgia. WANTED—A machinist for saw mill work. Regular Job to right man. Hlckox Lumber Co.. Waycross, Ga., R. F. D. 6, or to Dr. R. H. Bush, Phone 631, Waycross, Ga. 29 tf BOARDER8 WANTED—Good board can he secured ac 54 Reed street. 7 tf PUBLIC 8ALE—One car ot farm wagons, spring wagons, buggies, carts, traps, one car ot farm horses and mules, on Satuday, October 7th., at Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia. Everything must be sold regardless ot cost. J. B. Busser, owner. 6 2t HOU8E FOR RENT—One alx room house on Parallel street for rent, $18 per month. Call on W. C. But- 6 2t FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel St or phone 462. 13 lm FOR 8ALE—Thirty-six acre farm near city limits; good new buildings. Apply to E L Gorman, 20 Seaman street, Waycross, Ga. 44t PUBLIC SALE—One car of- farm wagons, spring wagons, boggles, carts, trap*, one car ot tana hone* and mule*, on Satnday, October 7th, at Homeland, Chariton county, Georgia. Everything must he sold regardless of cost. J. B. Busser, owner. 5 It SCHLEY BURIED TODAY. Washington, Oct. 6.-rFuneral serv ices for Rear Admiral Schley will be held at St. Johns Church at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The In terment will take place at Arlington National Cemetery. Four companies of mld-shlpmen and two companies of blue-jackets from Philadelphia, Annapolis and Washing, ton and the naval hand will form the military escort to accompany the bodj from Admiral Schley’s home to the church and thence to Arlington Cem etery. The "army will not be represented In tho parade. The delay In advlsln| the Navy Department of the wishes of the family In regard to a military funeral operated to curtail the funeral cortege below the numerical strength provided for In the regulations as the proper honor to be paid a Rear Admi ral. C O <> O O O O O O O O O O H LESTER MARV1L ° O Formerly Lott, Fain & Cq <> > FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND jO O EMBALMER8. O Telephone 600 Day or Nght O O' Private Chapel and Morgue O 0 ooooooooooo 0 oooooooooo o OWL HINSON & CO o O UNDERTAKERS O O AND , O O EMBALMERS. O O Phono 91 and 163. O o OOOOOOOOOO o ooooooooooo o o WILSON o BENNETT o & LAMBDIN o O Attorneys A Counselors At Lsw O OOOOOOOOOO o ooooooooooo o O A FLEMING M D <> O Office over Gem Phsrmscy O O In Southern Building, O o OOOOOOOOOO o ooooooooooo o O BeaJ. J. Parks Harry D. Reed O ° PARKS & REED <► O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O o OOOOOOOOOO o Crystal vases, 18 Inches tall, for 10 cents Saturday, October 7, Durst’s Variety Store, 70 and 72 Plant avenue. 3 4t 0OOOOOOOOOO* J B BAGLEY M D ° O PHYSICIAN A SURGEON O O Office n Southern Building O OFFICE HOURS. O O Ml A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. U. O O OOOOOOOOOO 0 o OOOOOOOOOO o T J CARSWELL « PH. a, M. D. Diseases of Children; Dleeetet of Women; Obsterlce. Pvsldence 166 Plant Ave. Phone 616. r Office In Walker Building Phone 623. ooooooooo w A treat is In (tore for the ladles who attend Miss Eddie Parnell'S fall opening Monday evening, October 9, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and all day Tues day. 0 3 tf -- o OOOOOOOOOO o o JOHN S WALKER o Attorney and Counselor At O Law O Office upstairs Southern O ® Hotel O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O O OOOOOOOOOO O * J. E. KNIGHT, M. D. Office 22C-22S Southern Building. Office Hours: 9 to U a. m; 2:30 to 4 p. bl; 7 to 8 p. bl