Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 06, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD New Line Crackers Iri Waycross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock V ~' REMEMBER WE ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES ano m Phone 24 for Cotton Bats , 5 2t. J. W. A:: a ms. Eggs Chicken and Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN NESSEE. WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 12S 1+0+00000000000+0+ [SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and 'Pitman’s Best Smok- s ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycroia, Ga, By PITTMAN CIGAR CP FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. Phone 135 Esl 1881 PARK MOR RAND CO, P W GINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hitch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. E. V. JONES PRODUCE CO. READY FOR BUSINESS. 1 To the Merchants of Waycross and vicinity:—We ask a share of your business. We will have on hand at all times everything in the fruit and produce line and promise you fair dealings. We will be located In the old Waycross Cold Storage building, next to J. p. Vann & Co. We will sell strictly wholesale. Our phone number will be announced later. Yours for business, 20 6t E. V. Jones Produce Co. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people with good security. L, J. Burch, Specialist 7 2m Redding Bldg. Waycross, Ga. PATENTS , M asfe Id. swift & co. o ooooooooooo o ELECTRIC <> o ’-Apply co <> O All Kl^ds of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street Phone 299. O O O.OOOOOOOOO o SERVICES TONIGHT AT TH~ FIRST METHODIST CHURCH The services tonight at the Firs' Methodist Church will be unique ir. that every church in the South Geor gia Conference is observing the da> and hour with special reference tc the great missionary interests of the church. Miss Mamie Myers, who is at home from Korea, will deliver the address, which will be most interesting and la structlve. She will also exhibit many curios from the country where the ;ospel has been so effective. The music will be good and the church comfortable. The public invited and the numbers are special ly urged to attend. THE LADIES OF WAYCROSS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN’S NEW STU DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY STREETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON OCT. 10, 4 TO 6. 6 3t .irs. Leon Wlhon, Mrs. James Sin clair and Miss Kate Wilson have turned after spending some time at Cornelia. Mrs. Wilson’s friends will bo pleased to learn that she is some what Improved in health. At Central Baptist Tabernacle Sun day morning Prof. Ray, of Bunn-Bell Institute, will conduct the regular service and at the evening hour, Rev. Hubert, of Douglas, will preach. There will also be a special song service at the evening hour. Mrs. Willis Swain, who is well re membered here as Miss Pauline Ses- soms, arrived here this morning from Atlanta and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cooper. Mrs. Swain will be in the city for a few weeks before returning to Mexico, where she is making her home. WEEKLY HONOR ROLL 8IXTH GRADE A. Burney Hemby, Norma Hargreaves, Ruth Miller, Florence Lowther, Maud Miller, Ruby Clemens, Marie, Allen. STOMACH TONIC Puts the Stomach In Splendid Shape . and Supplies Vim, Vigor and Vitality to the Whole Body. If you feel all run down, out of sorts, nervous and depressed, go and get a 50-cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets today. Take every one of them according to directons and when they are gone you will feet like a different person. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will ren ovate your disordered stomach and bowels; they will put life Into your inactive liver. They will banish nervousness, brain fag, dizziness, headaches, nlghtsweats, and sleeplessness. MI-O-NA will stop sour risings, gas and heartburn In five minutes. Large box 50 cents at G. R. Brinson Co., and druggists everywhere. Oct. 6, 16, 27 L. J. COOPER, President. J. W. BELLINGER. Cashier. AT THE MAJESTIC THIS WEEK. AT THE MAJESTIC . Pictures for tonight will bo as fol- Mr. T. J. Daring and family, Mrs j J. W. Adams and daughter, Myrtls,! and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strickland, of Waycross attended the dedicatory ! . Film No. 1. “The Candle of Life’’, service at the Methodist church here produced and foatured by the New last Sunday.—Blackshear Times. I York Motion Picture Company, make i of film "Ambrosia”. FALL CABBAGE PLANTS. | Film No. 2. "Dark Feather, the Our fall cabbage plants, Wakefield Squaw.” A feature Bison picture by and Flat Dutch, are now ready for the New York Motion Picture Corn- shipment, and. we Want your orders. Pany. Prices f. o. b., Meggett: &*- ___ 1,000 to 3,000 at $1.50 per l.OOol 4,000 to 8,000 at .... $1.25 per 1,000! FRESH SHIPMENT OF SEAL 10,000 and over at .... $1.00 per 1,000 We advise that you place your or ders promptly as tho supply is very limited this fall. Satisfaction guar anteed. S. M. Gibson Co., Meggett, S. C. 0N10N SETS. Silver skin, Pearl and Yellow’ Onion sets. Best quality, at Redding’s. 25 15t SHIPT OYSTERS TONIGHT, PHONE 288, H. H. BOSTICK. 2 3t MR8. ALVIN RATLIFF DEAD. News of the death of Mrs. Alvin Ratliff, which occurred yesterday af ternoon at her home in Blackshear, was a great shock to her relatives and friends in Waycross. As Miss Iva McGee she lived here for quite a while and wefs very popular. She | leaves, besides her husband and a. little baby, her father, several sisters: and brothers and a large number of j near relatives. The funeral occurred j at Blackshear this afternoon. Mr. D.] A. McGee, Mrs. E. D. Carswell, andj Mrs. F. Eaton attended the fun eral. A DREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, N Y., w’as tho fever-sore that had plagued his life for years In spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used Busklen’s Arnica Salve aid wrote* *lt has entirely healed with scarcely 8 scar left.” Heals Burns, Bolls, Ec zema, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings, Corn* azd Piles like magic. Only 25: at All Druggists. EfeponaiLiiity TO THE PUBLIC: RESPONSIBLE BANKING IS THE POLICY UNDER WHICH THIS INSTITUTION HAS BEEN MANAGED SINCE THE FIRST DAY THE DOORS WERE OPENED. THAT THIS POLICY IS APPRECIATED IS INDICATED BY THE CONSTANT AND GRATIFYING GROWTH IN BUSI NESS. , IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE OFFICERS OF THIS BANK TO CONTINUE ADDING NEW ACC0UNT8 OF THOSE INDI VIDUALS DESIRING THE MOST EFFICIENT SERVICE AND RESPONSIBLE BANKING. ON OUR RECORD OF RESPONSIBILITY YOUR PATRON AGE IS INVITED. ~ First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of Big shipment electric (ant receiv ed. Byck Electric Supply Cc. 20 Lott StrccL 11 tt ONION 8ET8. Sliver skin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sett,. Pitt quality, at Redding's. 25 let Mr. H. Welseor, who was for a long time with Mr. O. R. Youmana, Is In. the city. Mr. Welaser has been living In Jacksonville for the post several months. MARRIED. Mr. John Driggers and Miss Nettle Youmana wero married yesterday af ternoon at the home of the groom’s father, Mr, Henry Driggers, about four miles southeast of Waycross. The hride and groom are both well known and have many friend,. Beautiful crystal vases, IS Inches tall, for only 10 cents, Saturday, Oc- tober 7. Durst', Variety Store, 70 and 72 Plant avenue. » It Big supply of card Hoard, all col on, just Tcctlrtd at Herald. tf §• • ~ v ■ -v Come to thla store for hoalery and underwear. 5 2t. J. W. Adams. Fine line Men’a Hats Just received. 5 2t. J. W. Adams. WOODMEN OF, THE WORLD. CAMP ISA Uuii first and third Thursday >* each month. Haeoalo HAIL Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clark. THE LADIES OF WAYCR0S8 ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN’S NEW 8TU- DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY 8TREET8 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 10, 4 TO «. 6 3t WARDEN LAMBDIN ANNOUNCES HI8 DEPUTIES Hal Lambdln, tho recently appoint ed fish and game warden for Ware county, announces his deputy war dens. and he has certainly selected a string of most efficient men. They are as fallows: J. A. McSwaln, Ras kin; M. L. Steedley, Waycross; D. J. Blackburn, C. E. Cason, W. E. Steedley, E. A. Quarterman, Waycross; L. B. Herrin, Millwood; Lewis F. Anthony, Waycross; Mills B Brinson, Bolen; J. J. Taylor, Beach; J. T. Wilson, Braganza; W. P. Lit tle, Manor; J. J. Murray, Fairfax; C. D. Woodard, Hoywood; Tim King Waresbo:o. Mr. I-ambdln atates that It Is the Intention of hlmaelf and his deputies to rigidly enforce the tew game las In tho Interests of hunters, property owners and citizens. Special atten tion wll be paid to tho fish dynamit ers and field baiters, who have so tong defied every standard of hunt- lug. The season for deer, fox and squir rel bunting opened October 1st., until January 1st Season for doves, par-1 trldgev, wild turkey, plover*, opens' December 1st., to March 1st Noj game can now be shipped out of state, f So be on guard Mr. Hunter's, for thej game wardens will get you sure, if, you don’t look oul j I For The Sake of YOUR 1 | Appearance And your pocket book, you’d S bett' »• come to this store soon g and look over the new styles in ^ Clothing, Shoes and Hats Hsac- 9* * m ac n K If you are looking for a suit ** that combines Style, Comfort, s* Quality and Service, then you g are looking for The Steele Clothing ass Store. ^ You’d Better Pick Out ^ Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Store 40 PLANT AVE.