Newspaper Page Text
A bank pays you
dividei ds on what
ycu £&ve, we pay
you dividends on
what you spend.
For the past 15 months we
have been returning to our
customers who bought on our
easy payment plan 10 per cent,
of the amount they paid, in
trade coupons, this has meant a
saving of hundreds of dollars to
the people of Waycross. This
plan of dividing our profits has
proven so popular that we are
g oing to continue It, and we
ave now arranged the follow
ing plan of dividing our profits
with those who buy for cash.
We have contracted with one of
the largest manufacturers of
high grade dinner ware, for a
large amount of the handsome
ware shown in the illustration.
With each cash purchase we
give you a coupon showing the
amount. Every $5.00 worth of
these coupons entitles you to
from one to seven pieces of this
For the benefi/of our cus
tomers who buy on our easy
payment plan, we pay you 10
per cent, of the amount of your
monthly payments, in TRADE
coupons, (as good as cash at our
st 3.-31 for making your pay
ments at the storejnstead ofjto
a collector.
Low Prices and our
liberal policies, have
made this the fastest
growing store in
South Georgia.
the store of great values, where your credit is good
Walker-HoodFurniture Co.
This beautiful China Ware
is on display at our store. We
want you to come and see it*
The decorations are the newest
out, very handsome and will
never wear off; the patterns
are all matched, are neat and
attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous
ware, the best quality made in
America. We give it to you
absolutely free. The reason is,
we want your business, and we
are willing to show our apprecia
tion of your business by divid
ing our profits with you.
If you want SPOT CASH
prices on your goods and it Is
not convenient for you to pay
SPOT CASH, you may pay us
ONE THIRD of the amount
cash, and the balance in three
more payments, due in 30, 60
and 9§ days. No extra charges,
its for your convenience.
years ot age as new employees.
I Probably 05 per cent oj bald-head-
| ed people may regain a good head ol
■ healthy hair It they follow our ad
vice and accept our offer. We havo
a lemedy that we positively guaran
tee io grow hair on my head, unless
—— ’ I the root! are entirely dead, their fob
The special meeting of City Coun- j c j eI dosed, and the scalp has be-
«U last night created much Interest como g Iaie j „nd shiny. We want
and the city hall was crowded with people to try this remedy at our risk,
ylgllort and attorneys representing uith the distinct understanding that
the Interest* Involved. | unless It docs exactly what we claim
Mayor Cox presided,-and all the lt , vlll and satisfaction In ev-
Aldermen were present. The first erv reipec(i wc ,hall make no charge
matter Uken up was the request of for the remf( jy used during the trial.
Mr. P. A. Masters for some changes j \\-. know exactly what we are talk-
In plumbing ordinance Under pres- lns ab0 ut, and with this offer back of
eut ordinance men dying plumbtn* 1 our statements no one should scoff,
work In Waycross must stand an ex-1 douht „ ur wo rd, or hesitate to put
smlnatlon as to their qualifications to! our remedy to an actual test,
do goad work. This Is In the Inter- j w,, wan t every one In Waycross
set of the public health, as poor j wbo (l sulferlng from any scnlp or
plumbing might often endanger the ha(r trouble, dandruff, falling hair, or
health and perhaps life of our elti- baldness to try our Rexail "93" Ha':
una. Mr. Masters bat stood this ex- 1 Tonlc We want them to use it regu
smlnatlon twlco and failed to past. 1 i ar |y_s ay until three ho'tlea have
The whole matter was discussed pro be(m USBI i—and if It does not erndl-
and con for one hour, some Aldermen catl! dandruff, cleanje an refresh the
favoring Masters and tomo the abto- aca ip > ,| ib tcn ( be ba | r | n the roots,
lute enforcement of the ordinance ns nn d grow new hair, we will return
read. Finally a compromise was every cent paid us for the remedy
reached and motion adopted giving {or tbo mere asking. There It no
Mr. Masters chance to stand another formality expected, and we exact no
practical examination. Tho officials obligation from the user whatever,
were Instructed to enforce the ordl- We are established right here In
nance on all other plumbers tn city waycross, and make this offer with
without exception, nnd publish the a fu) | understanding that our business
list In local papers. j success entirely depends upon the
Carnival License Killed. ,on of treatment we accord our cus-
Alderman Dunn'a motion to make tenners, and we would not dare make
license for carnivals 22,000, was on tbe ab ove offer unless we were poet-
mot'.m ot Alderman Sinclair, second- tlvely certain that we could aupstan-
ed tv* C. W. Parker, laid uon table In- , la , e | t C vcry particular. Remem-
deflrltely. ber , you can obtain Resell Remedies
■ —■— in this community only at our store
■ALD HEADS NOT WANTED, i—The Resell 8tore. The Seals Phsr-
Caldness Is too Generally Considered macy.
A Sign of Advanced Age. j *
A bald-headed person does not COWS YtT ON TOP.
have an equal chance with one hleeaed Alderman Dunn moved again on
with a healthy head of hair, because the cows last night and Introduced a
haldnen U too generally accepted as motion mat vow u« <•»■=** —
an indication of
hie, first vote was understood to bo a was tho intention of company to build
tie, Slncalr, Parker and Brewer tor. line eventually to Blackshear and
cows. Dunn, LeCount nnd Moore Warosboro.
against cows. Mayor cast hie vote, Alderman Brewer Makes 8trong Fight
for cows and lt was thought the mat-! Alderman Brewer took the lead In
ter was settled. But Brewer did not the light to protect city's Interest and
really vote ao motlod was lost and had evidently given the question
whole light broke out 1 again and after much intelligent study. He took the
all kind* of motlona and suggestions porltlon that If city conceded any of
had been made, a motion to adjourn these requests to railroad company,
was put and carried and the cow the company should be willing to
question Is still unsettled. ! concede something to city, and he
| offered the following compromise:
STREET CAR FRANCHISE I To extend time giving city
STILL UNDER DISCUSSION. | right of purchase after 35 years.
1 The live Issue at Council meeting j Second. Or would be willing to
last night was the street railway for eliminate that clause entirely If com-
Waycrors. At a previous meeting a pany would agree to give city 3 per
new application for franchise was In- rent of gross returns after 10 yeara
troduced and It looked for a while and 5 per cent after 20 yeara.
Ilka as though Waycross wouM navel Third. That the company should
two competing road.. But during In-; designate what street, they would
terval the two companies have gotten cover each year and at the end
together, and last night Col. J. S. of ‘bree year, all afreet, not u.ed by
Walker arneo and announced that railroad should revert back to city
matter, had been harmonized, |he «« that the railroad company would
two parties combined and were all not claim a 50 year, franchise on all
together now, supporting the petition these streets named to the exclusion
fer amendments to the old franchise of nnot.ier company,
granted to Loomis & Dcen. Col. W. Fourth. That they should forfeit to
W. Lambdln and Judge J. L. Sweat 'he city the 21.000 bond which will be
represented the Dean franchlae or as November 13th. If road Is not
It la now known and chartered as 'hen started In good faith, and should
The Waycross Street and Suburban * lv e a cash or recurlty bond for »5,
I Railroad Company. Col. Lambdln Odd <° he forfeited of the company
read the petition and stated briefly had not done at least 110,000 worth of
the requests and changes asked by. * or,t during the next year,
company, which are briefly as fol- The entire Council seemed to con-
Iowa: In present franchlae the city “r w “ h Brewtr ln hl ” g, “ a anfl
retains the right at end of 20 yeara Dunn and Sinclair apeclally stressed
to purchase the street railroad at a'the Importance of maintaining the
fair valuation from company and run' cla,; ' s * Stvlng tho city the right to
It under municipal ownerahtp. Col!p"<*<“« 'ha road' but were willing to
Lambdln and bis company aak that '“end this time to 35 year.. Finally
We Are Rea
Otter Yon Real Bargains
this clause be stricken out The fran
chlae calls tor company to pay a
share of cost of pavement If they
place the tracks on Plant avenue.
This clause they also wish stricken
after some two hours or more of dta-
cuaalon the matter was referred to
the Streets and Lanes Committee,
Dunn, Brewer and Parker to confer
with Street Railway Company with a
out. Also they aak for change In to harmony and report back at
route and tor use of Gilmore street
from Marion to city limits. CoL
lambdln. Judge Sweat, Dr. J. L.
8. Wal-
a special meeting to be held on Sat
urday night
Full! Fish! Fish! red mappers,
ot requests of ^ „ BBUe t, call 1«». C It
and tinted It;
Jones Buggy Co.
uiAV/«Bneo ^
Very Serious
D to a very serious matter to aak
| tor one medicine and have the
i wrong one given you. For this
reason wo urge yen in buying to
I be carefci to get tho genuine—
Liver KftilWaa
I The reputation of this old, rellfc
hie medicine, foe constipation, in
dignation and Uver trouble, tat Brn»
ly established. It does not Imitate
other medicine*. It is better than
others, or it would not be tbs Ah
vorite Over powder, with a larger
fill ethers combined#
I u
To those wishing low
easy terms, we can
In furniture and furnishing
Special orders will receive our care
ful attention.
Home Furniture Company,
10 tf plant tnd A’bany Avenue.-
The co-partnership
lng between C. E.