Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 07, 1911, Image 2
WAYCR08S EVENING HERALD — THE EVENING HERALD Published By *HE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr. EdRora and Proprietor!. Mitt Carrie Parham, Paradnal, Society and Local. The Waycroea Herald founded In .USE. The Dally Herald founded In IISI hy A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephonea Bualnua Offlce 25 Editorial OIBa 2C Realdence 2(8. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroaa, Oa., Poet, elf to aa aecond claea mall matter. Wleo No.' S Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month 8 .45 I Monthe 81.25 S Monthe $2.10 1 Tear *6.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notlcea, carda of thanka, reaolutlona and notlcea of entertain- manta, where charge, are made, will fee charged at advertising rates of 0 aenta a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Bnbacrtbera to The Herald that do feet receive tbu paper promptly and early will please rlng up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble la Mm, ae this la the only means that we can assure you prompt and early EeUrery THE HERALD IS THE Offldal Organ of the United mates Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR08S, GA„ OCT. 7, 1011. An exchange asks, "Which Is Hoke Smith's choice of the three?" * Italy JS making preparations to oc cupy Tripoli. She has our permis sion to do so. 4. Editor R. Y. Beckham, of the Laymens Herald, has been appointed gape warden for Ills county. A good ■election. ,. . —+— A Chicago pastor says: “Walt un til you art burning with nn Idea be fore putting pen to paper." Yea, and then call out the llro deartment In. •toad. A Boston girl of seventeen years olt) has become the bride of a China man. Perhaps she wants to 60 sura that It will never be necessary 1 tor b V to do the family laundry work herself. 4 1 Florida newxpapera-are giving the candidates notice thnt they will not ,1 ■ ,-t ■» '« -l - . . , , print tree..puff* for them I11 future campaign*: ,v. Wise decision , jwljy should n newspaper give its space to narantbltlons? ( :—*~~~ ; a can see the new cdmet every night now, with the naked eye, near the-and of tha. handle, of, tlie nig Plp- par. olqeo lo tho Pole Star. . ^hocpiy;. CL Ig ;nog( T only .jpllea. Jtram tfesnasrlA, go yoiy ronxt to too much ,yf It. .,***„, nmntrnn e»JF ffflU.'llIRMji* inAaAMH ^rUpg tontfegco wopks. W»a found flfldgod In u»r Wl»R.,mu»d«itlei» sWWftSSk •Si Stopfer*. Kent, a.ijjl was as thin aa a lath, but^ft qrojy- ln^ a» lustily ga aver. It waa twenty INFORMATION ON THE GAME LAW. Any resident of the state may pro cure a license to hunt In hla resident county upon the payment of one dpi* !ar aa license fee; to hunt anywhere In the state upon payment of three dollars license. Non-residents of the state will have to pay a license of fifteen dol lars. The license must show residence, sex, age, height, color of eyes, color of hair and race. Any penon may hunt and fish in the open sealon in his own militia district or on his own land without the payment of a license. . Tenants and their families may hunt and fish In the open season on the lands leased or rented by them by and with the consent of the own er without a license, the lands of another without a license the lands of another wlthdut allcense without having first secured the con sent of the owner. Deputy wardens will be appointed for each district, whose duty it shall bo to prosecute all offenders of the game law. They will be authorized to inspect the license of all hunters In their respective districts, there fore all hunters should carry their license cards with them while hunt ing. As the deputy warden's only re- numeration will come from the col lection of fines, he can be counted upon to be dilijent In the discharge of his duties. The county warden states that he will use every effort to enforce the law vigorously In every district in the county. There seems v to 1 strong public sentiment In favor of the law, and Its enforcement will not be difficult. CflSTORIfl For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NSW SITT. Postmaster General Hitchcock says “The time la certainly coming when we must depend upon aeroplanes to carry mall. It la not effective yet, but It la being developed, and I think we shall soon And It practical." The flying machine may do very well for drop lettera—but then what’a the uae looking so far ahead?—Exchange. * ONION 8ET8. Silver tkln, Pearl and Yellow Onion •eta. Best Quality, at Reddlng-a. 25 15t j • ' NOTICE PROPERTY OWNBR8 Weeds i and grins must oa cleared from Iota as required by city ordl- nance. ,Flua 1 Pork .tnu,t bo done at onesi and wlthlnthe next ton (10) days ■■■.nuii w I . 2 ttVA-tn;* ni .w, ...... : D. -M.. Bradley, Health ■ Officer. f—»fvwywwww. New Corn Meal Fresh Cream of ■ ” Wh^sTf New Mackerel Hsy.cpiji '- itHfiO' Jbl^a i'lO) ■>«*• uaCE May’sMixed Cow Peed Several cases linwajjccurred of eye- •Ight tErea'te'nfd^r'loal l!y IheTnor- dlnatWJCTIbf# WMaWMV :lM«gpl •ptmdrWKtla themnlvee.Ahat:tlU> iai Vt u b0M2aatnsndaralomi, VfeatHM Tho tength ot the sharp pin. ■one ntepa will Sana to ha aakmato protect the general pUMfelt SQlWWNMianalgantdJ *.i"N l «r!!. ■waat atol i.ve.iua*. iw war a* htf to ‘WWttSSUUSUMSBiipSwB ■MMt^PSmasM *elkiM apaalMia waste basket ft tnalntalnwMfUMl w»o baakel tor thin feSBnumber of WrtSefc'flndV'l. At»HSB|MMUM piece of oOti ,, fe«tlfpmenL—Tampfe Garden Seed fr$isi*,itAi uniLiiimi ipiunimir ta' I j ••toffhnl InoAUMO^.^IW,.; :JMT . . o<.*SanHS#» *vaatH»Rdrvj J)alh t :p kei #**» tor. any, raia oJrffisUrrfet.tliaj HaUA. Catarrtj .wBfra- ■ "«wvr f rxV—;TTj .: ■ rr> ' I F. ). CHENEY A CO.. To!)**.#, I We, thaundaralgnail, have known F jJ.vOMeay for tfee ^Mt If, yean, am ifepiiMia him perfectly;pcQqrable In al if bealMto. tranaaottow sad financially ; *w»> toieany„^w.^«ny -obligation rrV.TS -VWKto JCtopap A MMPto.,.,. Irma*. Wboleagle Druggets, Toledo, < , Hall'e Catarrh Cure *• token,.Interv ■ •Ur, acting tllramlr .iron the hloo ABd wtupwMtrWfareT <'f"«h»,§pHM . taetltopnhja seep nttmffiUb-J* Take Halie Family FOIa loj^ponat - nation. j PARK PLA E High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. : W. D. Morton, Agt. B00H NO. 4 Southern Hotel BI6f 5 > J ■ Ware County Light and Power Company. OOGGOOOOOOOOOOGOOOGOOOOOOGGOCOOOOG OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI " . .. Waycross Savings and Trudl Co B* tnl?” . . J ♦OtoOOOO ^v^toOaoooOOOOOOGOOCXXXX) »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»#♦♦» 1 Farming With Dupont • h High Grade Dynamite D#W»n5.*.iwm 1 ivie S, ajpawMoro: n. f - . J'veokB- . - -1 ;n . . ' KH.-4 Vfls Uiiiaa : NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR 8TUMP8. msit .la-iiii THRMOTTER THE WEATHER THE > IT rnmu LESS DYNAMITE It TAKES TO DO -» ' , ;1 i.THE WORK. ;; | 1 4 i f 4»hS'. i'Atimw ■ * J ' ^ *««5«'LBT ME GO OVtp YOUR PROP- ton irri V i BRTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN •-t!hV t >*-■-, BHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A .-Jut LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE ' YOUR-FARM AND MAKE IT MORE — PROFITABLE NO. CHARGES FOR ;? - vr > <... K g T niAT*A WHEN MAY I CALL? We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. LaGrande Pharmacy oil':'. * ■> ■ | *f-:: : <1 •• n -a . df-.wsi jtumtnt L;3.,C. CRANE,.‘Expert Blaster, p nYfr. " toeran cr re. r-'-"-;* Afk _ - Watt-Hardware Co. waymss. ca. tseeeeetfefeeM******************** For First-Class JOB W0I Try THE HERALD. m ALA'~ ->*31