Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 07, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD L. J. COOPER, President BAKING POWDER Msdfutefy Pure Economizes Batter, Flour,'* Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar come for all. OOIXJ^OOOOOOOOOOOO fHew Line Crackers In Waycross Sunshine Biseuits English Style, Now in Stock REMEMBER WE ARE LEADER8 IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES THE LADIES OF WAYCRC . . ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO -HE OPENING OF DOLAN’8 NEW OTU- OIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY j ^ STREET8 TUESDAY AFTERNOON,. OCT. 10, 4 TO 9. 6 3t Eggs Ch icken and Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN NESSEE. WE ALSO SELL EGGS BY THE CA«E CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. CENTRAL BAPTIST TABERNACLE Prof. Ray of Bunn-Bell Institute will conduct the morning service. At; the evening hour Rev. Hubert, of Douglas, will preach. There will be| a special song service «t the evening | rour. The public is cordially Invited to attend the Tabernacle. Fresh lot Deakins butter Just ar rived at J. W. S. Hardy s. 7 ll E. V. J0NE8 PRODUCE COMPANY j PHONE 219. 7 6t,‘ Repon - Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ISmdke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and 'Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Minuf«ctv'ed In Waycrou, Ga, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CP FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. W. P. Price, Pastor. Corner Elizabeth and Remshart Sts. (TRINITY CHURCH REVIVAL Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. I GROWING IN INTEhE8T. ■Preaching, 11:00 a. m. f The revival meeting which has beei Preaching, 7:30 p. m. in progress during the entire wee* Subject f*or the mourning service will be “an A1 Sunday School.” Spe cial efforts are being put forth to greatly Improve our Sunday School, and the special sermon by Dr. Price in the morning, should be heard by every Interested Sunday school work er In the city, regardless of denomi nation. ^The choir leader is pleased to an nounce that In future we will have, in addition to the large chorus choir, several instruments, which will very materially help the msical part of the services. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend. The Wohian’s Missionary Council of the Methodist Church, have plan- Phono 135 Est 188% PARK MOR RAND CO. PNGINEEB8 AND CONTRACTORS, Lott-HUch Building. RE-INFORCED CSNCRE’E. E. V. JONES PRODUCE CO. READY FOR pUSlNESS. To the Merchants of Waycroaa and vicinity:—We ask a .hare 'of your business. We will hare on hand at all times everything In the fruit and prndufq llnn and promise you fair dealings. We will be located in the old Waycross Cold Storage building, next to J, E, Vann & Co. We will (ell etrlctly wholesale Cur phone Dumber will be announced later. Yours for buslnesi, 80 Ct E. V. Jones Produce Co. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan to colored people with good security. L. J. Burch, Specialist 7 2m Redding Bldg. Waycross, Os. PATENTS \ g fill ot sw Bgr—'nSyYSBSljiy—L I mu or i rss£'*s!£zr'~ n T* Ft, ’’wShtaotCB, D. C. PATS « >000000000 O 6 BYCK ELECTRIC ° o SUPPLY CO o O All Kinds of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. <> O 20 Lott Street Phone 290. O oooooooooooo Just received, fresh eggs at 25c dozen. J. W. S. Hardy. 7 It at Trinity Church' Is Increasing In In i ne d “ simultaneous campaign for the terest with each days efforts and advancement of the cause of mlsBlona souls are being saved and reclaimed and the first meeting will be held In Rev. J. B. Thrasher, the pastor, IS | the first Methodist Church Waynes- dolng the preaching, and his choir, j day afternoon, October 11th, 3:30 assisted by some of our local singers, j o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is ex- Is making good muBic. tended to all the ladles of the other Quite a number adeeded to the j churches to come, work, and plan for propositions made last night. The j a united crusade, members of the church are interest* I Zoe Blackshear, Sec. 6 2t Ofl and at work. The only service today will be for children at 4 p. tn T'.mrrrow's services as follows: Love Feast, at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. TO THE PUBLIC: RESPONSIBLE BANKING IS THE POLICY UNDER WHICH THIS INSTITUTION HAS BEEN MANAGED SINCE THE FIRST DAY THE DOOR8 WERE OPENED. THAT THIS POLICY IS APPRECIATED 18 INDICATED BY THE CONSTANT AND GRATIFYING GROWTH IN BUSI NESS. IT IS THE DESIRE CF THE OFFICERS OF THIS BANK TO CONTINUE ADDING NEW ACC0UNT8 OF THOSE INDI VIDUALS DESIRING THE M08T EFFICIENT SERVICE AND RESPONSIBLE BANKING. ON OUR RECORD OF RESPONSIBILITY YOUR PATRON- 0GE IS INVITED. ~ First m. Sunday School , at 3:30 p. m. The public Is cordially Invited to attend these service, "and lend u, any assistance possible. A cordial wel- “Magniliquel C’est le Cafe de noire cher Paris!” (“Magnificent! It is the coffee of our beloved Paris/") SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching at the Second Baptist Church tomorrow by the pastor. Rev. W. M. Bladen, at 11 a. m., and*7:30 P. m. Sunday School at 3:30 In the after noon. Ladies’ Missionary Society Wednes day afternoon at 3:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Everybody cordially Invited. Fish! Fish! Fish! red snappers, blue fish or mullet, call 189. 6 It National OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS S200.000 Bank CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. rhe Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears ths Signature of Big shipment electric fans recelv- 1 Byek Electrlo Supply Cc. 20 Lott Street 11 t! ONION 6ET8r Silver akin. Pearl and Yellow Onion seta. 'Best quality, at Redding's. t 25 15t The Sake of YOUR I It is interesting to hear the com ments of the French visitors .from Paris as they drink, for the first time, the famous coffee of the old French Market in New Orleans. Austrians from Vienna also go into raptures over it. Because only in Paris or Vienna can be found the equal of this world-renowned coffee.' It is richly aromatic, delightfully fragrant; so dif ferent from ordinary American blends. For over a hundred years RsnchMarketGifFee could be had nowhere in America but at the French Market. But NOW you all may serve it daily at your own table. For tho old French blend is perpetuated by Tho Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and French Market Coffee is now delivered everywhere in hermetically-sealed tins. "There is only one real old French Market flavor”—only one coffee with a history. Get it from your grocer—today French Market Coffee is blended, roasted -and packed only by the French Market Mills (New Orleans Coffee Company, LtrL, Proprietors) For Appearance And your pocket book, youM better come to this store soon and look over the new styles in Clotting, Sho es ana Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want inhere. . Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Store 40 PLANT AVE. ( A