Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 09, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING'HERALD WARE ; p Pnbllihed By — t HERALD 'PUBLISHING! CO. A. P. Parham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Mies Carrie Parham, Personal, Society and Local. The Wayorosa Herald founded In USE. The Dally Herald founded Is IIU by A. P. Perham, Br. I TAKING , Telephones Businua Office IE Editorial Offle 2E Residence 1EI. PVery Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. . Month I .45 I Months 11.25 f Months *2.50 I Tear *B.OO SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments, where Charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 sente a lino. NOTICS TO SUBSCRIBERS Bubwcribers to The Herald that do pet receive Mmj paper promptly aud MLrljr will .tdoasc rlnc-up the Circula tion Mann Tr am! report the trouble >o him, as.tbifc Jh the only means that iUR can as-rijr® you' prompt and early #»llv*ry. THE HERALD 13 THE Gfficla! Organ of the United btatos • Court of the Routfccrn District of Georgia. It's a dull day in South Georgia when somebody fln’t starting some thing in ap earnest desire for im- proremen t. According to recent press reports' members of the Farm ers' Union in Ware county are inves tigating the advisability of urging tbs abolishment of the offices of the country treasurer and -county commis sioners, submitting a check account with a bank for the treasurer and employing bne man to devote his en tire time to the county work ia/place of tho three commissioners. s The matter has been discussed sev eral times In the meetings of the Union and so for irothing definite 1ms been done. There seems to be a sentiment farvorlng reduction of ex penses for officor3 in the’ county and thd application of the savings on road work and other Improvements In the county. Resolutions placing tho Ware county union either for or ngalnsj such a change are to be pasn- 1 ed shortly. If favoring a reduction, the farmers will at once begin o campaign to get their ideas carried out. What comes of the Ware county movement remains to be ^cen, but it in a slgnirant fact that people gen orally seem to bn retting tbo idea that county and municipal business might be better administered under a less -cumbersome Fystem. It in very Important that the public mon ey bo profitably invested in good roads and other permanent improve ments.—Quitman Free Press. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WAYCROS3, GA., OCT. S, J011. Heir to one* million # adllars, a Harvard I. •- £on« to‘work an a grocery cier.c at ten dollars u week in order to lenrn the buslnes-t In which ids father made hia for tune. if "Plain Dick” Russell had a sor- The friends of Hdlotr H. M. Stanley j lous thoughl 0( wlnB , ng the govern orship lie would give up his position on the Court of Appeals. But Dick is -running fqom habit. When the boll taps ho is usually in the race.— Valdosta Times. —* of Dublin, nr(L boosting him Tor th» position of head of tho Department o' c n:merle of :•»•. He h n good man and would ably fill tho of- fleo.—Valdosta Times. , v Charles F. Kdney of South Actoh, Mass., disputes I ho right of Maine to claim the recortl for prolific squash vines. Mr. Kdney says that from one of his vinos he picked 17 squashes that totaled in weight 288 pounds. * Vyndcl A. Howes, a letter carrier, of tfaso., Me., think» ho lmi a state record for picking four-leaf clovers. During tho summer he snys ho picked no fewer than throe a day and last Wednesday he picked 09 in a compar atively short time. William Barker, or South Portland, Me., hau in his garden five peach troe-i that have grown from pits carelessly thrown out. Two of tho trees are ' bearing and from one of these Mr, Barker picked 15 peaches this fall that uveroged nine inches in circum ference each. £££?' \ jteteUtt- I At*eS*i+ I jfefc*. ? MiwJb’i/- I fljgasfcn I Aperfed Remedy forCtmsflR- tion, Sour SIoraaeh.Dlarrtoa Worms ,Convuteions.Fevtrish nessandioss or Sleek In Dss For Over Thirty fears Ware County Light and Poyver Company. Exact Copy of Wrapper. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to Lean to colored people with good security. L. J. Burch, Specialist 7 2m Redding Bldg. Wayorosa, Ga. Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Spokane, Wash., is said to bo tho originator of father’s day. which during the pan toummer was widely celebrated on tho Pacific const. Tho emblem for fathers’ day is a r^se, a ret! rbso for a living father, a white roso if the father is dead. * If good, tuny-going Pope Brown al lowed a few strong-.mlnded lawyers to make him cut tho Const Lino’s tax values several hundred thousand do!* ONION SETS. Sliver tkin, Pearl and Yellow Onion sets. Best quality, at Redding's. 25 151 NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS Weeds and grasB must be cleared from lota ns required by city ordi nance. This work must be done onco and within the next ten (10) days. 2 tf D. M. Bradley, Health Officer. P Effing 1 PARK,. PL A E | High class Subdivis ion for white people • only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. I W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bids; MAY’S New Corn Meal Fresh Cream of Wheat New Mackerel Hay, pom Oats May’s Mixed Cow Feed lars below,what Ilia road gave them May’s Mixed ? ji « In for under oath, what might ho not CfOf} Garden Seed do in other-matters w^ere srong In-j fiucnce were brought to bear upon hint?—Valdosta Times. L i T. Charkley Hatton, the man who designed the Austin dam. which col- ’lapsed recently, carrying death and destruction with It, was from, 1906 to 1910 constructing engineer for the city of Pensacola, engaged In putting in the sewer system, which has been anything but satisfactory.—Jackson ville Imes-Union. —+— Thfa la the time of year when pen* pi* arc preparing to buy their' fall and winter supplies of clothing, dry foods, shoos, etc., and naturally they wont to buy to the beat advantage. There Is no better way to do til, than to carefully rend the advertise ments.In the Herald tor In >o doing this one can get t correct Idea of prleoa, styles and quality of good,. HOW'S THISf '"e Offer a» Hundrtd D^llr. a ;** ward for any easy of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.. P. J. CHENEV A CO., Toledo, O. W*, tho undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for ths la,l IE years, and , belle,* him perfectly hcnorable In nil | buslnett transactions and financially l able t* carry out pay obligation, made by hi, firm. WaMIng, Kianan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggist,, Toledo, O. Hall', Catarrh Cure**, taken Intent- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface, cf the system. Testimonials sent tie*. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all drufflsU. Take Kail's Family Fill, tor consti pation. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'X>0<X'00000<X>C>0000 OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAV BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE UBI Wayc<*oss Savings and Trudt Co ♦oeodoo- - vveoeooooooooooooooryyo Farming With Dupont , High Grade Dynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THEHOTTER THE WEATHEfl THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATES. WHEN MAY I CALL? We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! If. J. ANTHONY ■ - Hardware' Co. .1 LaGrande Pharmacy J. C. CRANE, Expert. Blaster* Ask Watt-Hard ware,Co. wtyenss, Ga. >S»8S««8MM88PStS*M*»M»*»WSP For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD.