Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 10, 1911, Image 4
Kg • . ■Wy WAYCR088 EVENING HERALD We are uow re- ceiving plenty of fine fresh Eggs and are selling them at 25 cts. [Personal {Miss Ctrria Perham Social Editor { ozen Fresh lot of that Deakins Buffer 60<iC- 'C"X)000'.. '.-OOO'' Silverware Sale Discontinued fpat terns half regular price. r«uixion C5c per set Jesert Spoon, $1.75 per act Forks, $1.75 por set Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per set Only limited quantity In •tpek. Sco our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERS) & OPTICIANS Phone 5. A beautiful line of pattern hate will he displayed by Miss Eddie Pap •>ell at her fall opening October from 7 to 9 o'clock, and all day Tues day, the 10th. 3 tf A DREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Darnum, of Freevllle, N Y was the fever-sore that had plagued his life for yean In spite of many remedies be tried. "At last be used Busklen's Arnica Salve ard wrote ' It has entirely healed with scar elr a eear left.” Heah b iros. Dolls, Ec- runs. Cuts, bruises, Swellings, Corns aid Pllea like magic. Only 25; at All Druggists. Very Serious It Is ■ my serious matter to ask | for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this j reason we tr-e you In buying to be careful to get the genuine— BUcF&ttT Liver Medicine I Tho reputation cf this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in. digestion and liver trouble. Is tan. ly established. It does not Imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or K would net be the b> write Ever powder, with a larger ■ala than CD others combined. SOU TH TOWN FI WE HAVE TRIED THE SALVA DORE'S CIGAR. MADE AT TAMFA, IT IS FINE. TRY ONE, AT MUTU- -»L GROCERY STORE. 18 It A a. J / am headquarters for Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAODY BROS. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for Mllftlll lAUIAH HORLIGK’S The Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ago*. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it A quick hmch prepared in a minute. Take do imitation, just say HORLlCTS." Hot In Any Milk Trust / TOAST TO CIRL8. A health to the girl that can dance like a charm. And the girl that can pound tne piano; A health to the girl that writes verse by tiie ream Or toys with high C in soprano; To the girl that can talk, and the girl that does net; m;ik To the saint and the sweet little sinner— But here's to the cleverest girl of the let— The girl that can cook a good din ner! —Exchange. FOR FREEH APPALACHICOLA OYS- TEP.S, piiONE 242. -10 3t October 3rd, and 4th. Miss Edmee Wells left this morn ing for Brunswick, where she will Mr. J. E. Strickland, of Bristol, <3a„ is a visitor to Waycross today . Dr. J. L. Walker will leave tonight for Wrlghtsville, Ga„ to see his fath er who is not at all well. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. Mrs. Julius Wright and Miss Josic Owen are spending today in Savan< nah. Mrs. Delevan Salisbury, Miss Sa rah Salisbury and little Miss Stella left today for Homervllle, where they will vlilt several days. EVERYBODY SMOKES THE SAL* VADORES CIGAR, MADE AT TAM* PA, AND IT IS POPULAR WITH ALL 8MOKERS, AT MUTUAL GRO CERY STORE. 10 1t Mr. R. M. Williamson, traveling freight agent for tue L. & N., with headquarters In Savansah, Is a guest of LaGrande today. Dr. J. F. Wilson, of Poulan, Is In the city and is stopping at the VIr- die. Dr. Wilson is editor of tne Nut Groger, and is arranging to move his publication to Waycross. THE SALE OF YOUNG’S $150.03 LOTS HA8 ' BEEN REMARK*** E, BUT THE OUTLOOK FOR THIS MONTH WILL 8EE MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER MAKE THE 8TART TO HAVE A HOME ON EITHER JANE. ELIZABETH, MARY OR CARSWELL 8TREET EXTENSION. WALTER M. YOUNG, 9 6t. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS G. R. BRINSON COMPANY Guarantees Parisian Sage for Falling Hair and Dandruff. We want you to know that the girl vlth the Auburn hair Is on every bot tle and cartoon of PARI8IAN SAGE. We want you to know this fdr your own protection, for there are many Imitations, and it Is an easy'matter The musical trio at the Majestic Is to get the spurious article. I fine. You will miss a treat If you do You can always get the genuine not hear them. Go out tonight and PARISIAN SAGE at O. R. Bgnson i hear them. You are aure to enjoy Co., for only 60 cents a bottle anu^lt Their voices are unusually fine. Mr. R. M. WIrapee left today for Ocllla, where he will probably spend soveral weeks He expects to, locate again at his old home at Rome, Ga., about January 1. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED FOR 8ALE—Vacant lot on Folks SL Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric Ugnts; and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, GO j Elizabeth street. 21 tt. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, ‘*Yer Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” v Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, Ga, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CO . WANTED—A machinist for saw . Mr. j. p. Byrd and family, and Ml they will no tdecelve you. ’ PARISIAN SAGE Is rigidly guaram Iced lor dandruff, tailing hair and scalp Itch. It la a moat delightful and Invigo rating hair draaalng that puta life and brilliance Into the hair and caus- ea It to grow It the hair root be not dead. , • • lt‘a the tonic you will uae always If you uae It once. I hereby announce that I will be a caudldate for the office of Ordinal;* ot Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to ho held later. It elected, I ; premise to give my atten tion to the office and keep It open. It will be no aide line with me. This early announcement la made necea- aary by tho (act that other candidates have already announced for this of fice. Soliciting- the support ot my friends, I am, yours to serve, O. P. FOLKS. Policeman C. L» Mattox spent yes terday In Valdoata, where be went to appear at a witness In the city court. The case, however, which was a dam age salt against the railroad company was postponed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Redding were called to Ty Ty this morning on ac count of the sudden death ot Mrs. Redding's aunt, Mrs. Owen. Mrs. Owen la well known In Waycross, having been a visitor here a number of times. Quite an interesting meeting of Wakefield Lodge, No, 27, Knights of Pythias, was held last night. Prof. E. L. Ray. president of Buna-Bell In stitute, was preaenL and made a aplendid address on the principles of the order. Prof. Ray. la a fluent speaker, and his address was greatly enjoyed. Summer Colds tuff as they art, bars about the sama chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets mill work. Regular Job to right man. j. H . Gaskin and family, of Douglas. Hlckox Lumber Co., Waycross, Ga., R. were guests of the Phoenix last F. D. 5. or to Dr. R. H. Bush, Phone n | Bbt . S31, Waycross, Ga. 29 tf _____ REVIVAL AT TRINITY. BOARDERS WAnVeD—Good board can be secured ac 54 Reed atreeL 7 tf 1 The ReV | V al meeting at Trinity — ■ church will continue through Wednea FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel SL day night. Services each evening at or phone 462. 13 lm .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or lor young men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf FOR RENT—Three nice unfurnlih- td rooms tor light housekeeping. Phone 746, 37 Gilmore street. 9 6t FOR RENT—Furnished roofs. Ap ply 26 Jane. 10 3t THE SALVAD0RE8 IS THE BEST CIGAR ON THE MARKET. 80LO BY MUTUAL GROCERY STORE. MADE AT TAMPA.. 10 1t COAL1 COAL! COALI WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED ASH. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK ES RED ASH- I ALSO HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM'ON HAND AT ALL TIME8. ALSO DRY STOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 POR PRI CES. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOOD WOOD. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. ANSLEY, PROP. SMOKE 8ALVADORE8* CIGARS, TO BE FOUND AT MUTUAL GRO CERY STORE. MADE AT TAMPA. that a snowball does In sunshine. Try them on suaranteo. There will bo o meeting ot the 7:30 o'clock. Rev. J. B. Thrasher, the plistor, will Idave Immediately after the meeting to attend and preach at the Taylor's Creek camp meeting In Liberty county. The ladles ot Trinity Church are observing the Home Mission week ot prayer thla week. Services each at- trnoon at .:30. The ladies and friends of the church are invited to these afternoon services. Everybody In Waycross cordially Invited to the ovenlng service. The Isdies of tho Central Baptist Tabernacle who have charge of the ‘Woman's Exchange", which has been ao successful, are planning to butld an attractive room on their beautiful vacant lol Just back of the Tabernacle to be used as an ex change. The ladlea expect to make thla one of the moat attractive plac- PATENTS THE LADIES OF WAYCR0S8 ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN'S NEW 8TU- DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY 8.TREETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 10, 4 TO 6. • 6 3t IF YOU CANT GO OUT TO 8EE YOUNG'S LOTS” TODAY, GO TO- NIGHT, GO IN THE MORNING BE FORE YOU GO TO WORK. BUT GO. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT, WHERE YOU WANT IT. AND AT PRICE8 THAT YOU CAN AFORD. WALTER M. young' \ 9 6t REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. THE LADIES OF WAYCROS8 ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN’8 NEW STU DIO, CORNER PA.RKER AND MARY STREETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 10, 4 TO 6. « 3t Big supply of card Board, all cob on, Juat received at Herald. tf In the city. They also hope to'PARK MOR RAND CO. have In connection with the ex- -“Gl N EfeR S AND. CWlTRACTORS. change a rest room. We've heard o( people getting Into trouble from t&o much of other li quid* but those Pennsylvanians esn charge their dtaasten to too much water. INVESTMENTS ON THE EXTEN SION OF JANE, ELIZABETH, MARY AND CARSWELL STREETS ARE SAFE FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THEY ARE GUILT EDGE AND MON EY INVESTED BY ANY ONE WILL• Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CSNCRE-E. >. \ WOODMEN OF, WORLD. CAMP lU Muf* flrst and thirl Thursday *» each month. Masonic Ball. Richard I* Singleton, & C. D. P. w*ol!*y. Clerk. . THEISEALSiPHARMACY. 3 v uiTEnxin htorx E. V. JONES PRODUCE COMPANY First Methodist church *Ep worth Lea-. YIELD GREAT PROFITS TO THE PHONE 21tt 7 6t Sue tonight at 8 o'clock. The meet-1 INVESTOR. 0 J log will be lead by Mrs. E. P. Pea-| WALTER M. YOUNG, j Fresh supply of horses and mules. body. ! 9 St. HEAL ROTATE BARGAINS.' just received- M. Downey. 9 tf