Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 10, 1911, Image 6
• ' - . ■ ;• v ; .p LADIES’ The newest styles, the latest models and the prettied goods known to the weavers’ art are seen in the beautiful display of Ladies’ Suits now on display at our store. The suits^are, in all colors and shades, with some beautiful checks among the lot. Elegantly lined with silk or satin, trimmed in the niftiest of plain tailored effects. These suits are in a class by them selves and are easily ahead of anything ever shown in this line in Way cross. And the prices? The prices will surprise you, for we selected thetn ourselves and saw that The Prices Were Right. The New Long Coals The latest tancy of Dame Fashion. The long coats in Caracul, double faced cloth, serge and other weaves. Beau tiful effects in green, tan, black, blues, etc. Prices to suit everybody $6.00 to $27.50 Ladies’ Skirls New line ju& in and more com ing every day, Voiles, Serges, Panamas, in all colors and black. Dress Goods Elegant line of Dress Goods of all styles and prices, with a beautiful assort ment of trimm ings. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Todd’s Famous Shoes and H. & W. line of Footwear for Ladies and Children. Elegant line of Duck and Canvas White Button Boots for Ladies. The .newedt whim of lady fashion. Knee- land Union-Made Shoes For Men. 1 H. J. BENTON & CO. Rhone No. 212 Mary Street PETITION FOR CHARTER. State of Georgia. County of Ware. To the Superior Court of said county: Thn undersigned petitioner*, A. M. Knight, J. E. Wadloy, I„ J. Cooper, W. II, Buchanannml M L Bunn altofftVaro county, Cleorgla, hereby mnke appli cation to *ald court for a charter for a corporation to bo known a» “The Waycross Auditorium Company,” and your petitioner* re»poctfully *how: First That they, for thomselves, their associates, successors and as- algns, desire to be constituted and lncontoralcd a body corporate undor the name and stylo of "The Waycross Auditorium Company." for the term af twenty years, with privilege of re- asset at expiration of said time. Bcoond. The object of the propos ed corporation la pecuniary tala to Its stockholder*. Third. Th« petitioners desire Urn* aald corporation and body corporate possess the rtghL poster and authori ty to stm and be snod. to hare and ase a common seal, to make by-laws tor Its government, to elect directors tor the management of Its affairs, and to confer upon them the rtsht to oloet officers and appoint agents and on- ployes, to'buy. sell, hold. Incamber and other*ly dispose of real and personal property necessary and ad vantageous to the purpose of aald cor poration, together with all other sights, powers and prlrllgsa incident, usual or necessary to Ilka corpora tions under the laws of the said atato of Georgia. Fourth. The particular business proposed to be conducted and carried os by aald corporation Is the erection, construction, maintenance and opera tion of a building or buildings^ where- fa are to he located auditoriums, tbea- tara, convention halls, fraternal lodge ssoais, assembly rooms, offices, store*, aafreshmeut Hands and space for any gtgal purposes whatsoever for leave, ■ale or actual operation by said cor poration; Id purchase, lease, hire or ness aforesaid, and to sell, dispose principal place of buslnoas of said of, Icubo, convey and mortgage said proposed corporations hall bo at tha property, or any pnrt thereof; to city of Waycross, In the County of carry on tho business of securing and , Ware, State of Georgia; but those po- accomodating religious, frntornal, po litical, labor, business, and all other conventions, assemblies and tho like; to carry on tho business of theatri cal proprio.'ors, caterers for public entertainments, concerts, exhibitions and athletic contests; to carry on the business of reeaurnnt keepers, 1 and vendors of tobacco, mineral waters, provisions and any othor article of merchandise, either by themselves, or by granting the license or right In respect of any proporty of tho com- tltloners would further .show that I they desire that said corporation may have the right to establish branch' alli es or agencies at other places, both within and without the said state of Georgia, at the holders or a majority of the stock may so determine upon. WHEREFORE, those petitioners pray that after the flllng and publica tion of this petition' as roqutrod by law, that an order be entered by this court declaring these petitioners a body corporate, under the name and petty to any other person. P.nn or style aforesaid, and granting to said company; to conduct a general mor- corporation all tbs rights, powers and chandlts bnalneaa for tha sals of as- ; prtrllgoa aa act out and prayed for ttclea of all ktnda and description; to, herein, or which may ha Incidental, acquire all neotsmary properties, mus ics! Instruments’ and libraries for use In connection with tho holding of pubic convention* and entertainments of eviry description; to do a general real estate agency and mortgage bus- trees ; to tnvprofw. mortgage, oper ate, hold, manege, lease and other, wlae dispose of real astate; to borrow and loan money upon inch property, and to do any and all other acta In- cMent to or eoonected with such bualncea. Fifth. Those petitioners would show that the oapltat stock of the pro posed corporation shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars (>90.000.00), divid ed Into share* of One Hundred Dol lars each; and they would further show that Six Thousand Dollars ($6,- 000.00) thereof, which Is more than ten per cent of the aald proposed cap ital, has been paid. Sixth. Tour petitioners would fur- astral and necassary under the laws of said state of Georgia, for the pur poses of their Incorporation. John S. Walker, Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY: 1, Chaa. B. Cason, deputy dork of tho Superior Courtof aald County, certify thut tho foregoing Is n true and oorroct copy of the petition of A. M. Knight, et al. for Incorporation ss "The Waycross Auditorium Com pany” aa tame appears In office as Bled this day. Witness my offldal signature this 9th day of September, 1911. Chaa. E. Cason, Deputy Clerk, 3. C. Wan County. 5 — npff AT THE FRONT You hare to be on your guard It ftm ar ecaught napping, It Invites «trailer. VAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLS-* GRADUATES.ARE NEVES SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought alter by men of affairs. You find them In leading tuitions of trust Our DIPLOMA is an open se-aams <e> position and preferment Our vaeclalty Is to lit you for business; o make the pay-roll larger; to in •teess the salary of tha ”btg man.* Enter At Any Tima. Waycross Business College $2.40 •no , Tifton, Georgia and Return VIA Atlantic Coast Line ACCOUNTCF (Sooth Georgia Land & Agricultural ■ Exposition (SEPT 27-OCT 7, 11 (0 counties In on* col loss! Exposition, combining hud, ’ agricultural and Uv* aloe k shows. WOMAN'S BUILDING ran WOMAN'S, WORK CARNIVAL OF AMUSEMENT -Aeroplane and Auto Races. , Baseball Tournament Chautauqua of Music and Oratory. Scientific Lectures and Conferences on the Farm, Stock and DomesSc Waycross. On. R. F. Zolsltr, Pro* FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY (Liquid) Is a great medicine of proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It a especially re thcr show that they desire that aald commended to elderly people for If corporation shall have the right to Increase said capital stock,to any amount not exceeding One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ((ISO,- 000.00), whenever the' holders of a majority of the Hock may so deter. wonderful tonic and reoonitruetlr# qualities, and the permanent rellel and comfort ft gives theL Gem Phar macy; T. S. Paine. WAYCROSS COUNCIL no. tt . Jr. O. U. A. M. Mens every Monday erontag In Ref Men's HaU. Lott-HIteb building at 9 ». m. Visiting brothers cordially tavtud to meat rlth on Sherod Coffins. U OMl Collins. CeoSeety OonncUoa Advertise In The Waycroae Evening Herald. ■Oerwis* acquire real and personal mine, and which Increase shall b» property, Improved and unimproved, j disposed of as the stockholders may 'or my every Mad and description, and detonates. •which may be necessary for th* bust- Seventh. The general office anff 'ss tl We handle the famons Mascof •oofc stove, every one a winner. Cash ' WAYCROSS LODGE No. 80S. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT f:00 P. M. All Masons Invited to Atternf A M. BELL, W. M. W. A CLARK, SEC. Tickets on rale September 26th to October 6th inclusive, and for trains arriving In Tifton, On., before noon of October 7th, 1911. Final limit to reach original starting point returning; not later than midnight October 9th, 1911. For further lnfbr- matton sec your Ticket Agent, or correspond with, E. M. NOrth, A. O. P. A. L. P. Green, T. P. A. Savannah Go. TbomaaviUe, Ga. B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. T. J. Wright. Agent, Savannah Go. Brunswick. On. fjtortlf ®eotgia Jljriniltural Mien -, ay terms. ' S or « dose* -aise- -will ear* »t Home Furniture Company, I «•» of Chill* and F.*vei J*r*-<- *5 Plant and Albany Avenue I cents. ’ 7.jtMf G. R. GLENN, A. Af., LL. D., President Dahlonega, Georgia * SPECIAL ADVANTAGES AT THIS INSTITUTION: 1st—Total Expenses Leas Than at Any Other College,—Stag to BITS Coon, Board, Lodging. Books, Fad, Lights, ote., For Botin VW. 2d—Magnificent Climate; Mountain Location; Free from City Distractions. Sd-Obedience, Order, Regularity and Self-Dependence Taught Every StudenL 4th—Finest Military Department end Cadet Band in Georgia. Both Under Supervision of uTS. Array Officers. 6th—Thorough Instruction ir. A. " a-.d C. S. Courses and. in addition, Full Courses In Agriculture, Mining, Engineering,mmmcrcia! Science, etc. Cth- Beys Live n Our Own Dcrm-icries, At AU Tunes Under Control of Officer-. - . ry» nns*. a c. e. citot. ?nsn)E.ir ■