Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 11, 1911, Image 4
K WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD A DREADFUL 8IGHT To H. J. Ilarnum, of Freovillo, X T., wns tho fever-sore that hna plagued M* life for years In aplto of many • remedies ho tried. At last he used lUmklcu's Arnica Salve aid wrote *U has entirely healed with scarf el? t scar left.' Heals burns, noils, Ec* r«mn, Cuts, Urulses, Swellings, Corns nxd Piles like magic. Only 25 j at All Druggists. • COOOOOOOOOOvoOOO^ Silverware Sale Discontinued tfpat- terns half regular price. Ceaapoon 65c per eet Jesorl Spoon, $1.75 per eel Fork! $1.75 per let Tablespoons,.. $2.50 per set Only limited quantity lu stock. See our window for Silverware Bargains! Little & Odom JEWELERS] & OPTICIANS Phone 5. A beautiful line of pattern bat* will ht di.played by Miss Eddie Pap ."ell at her fall opening October 9, from 7 lo 9 o'clock, and all day Tuos- day, tho 10th. 3 tf We are uow re ceiving plenty of fine fresh Eggs and are selling them at 25 cts. A Dozen Fresh lot of that Deakins Butter / am headquarters tor Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAODY BR08. WAR DECLARED. Cstarrh Germs Must Be Conquered or Health Will Be Destroyed. If you have catarrh you must van quish an army of persistent, destruc tive microbes before you can get rid of It. You ufight as ,ye\\ choose your weapons, declare war and annihilate this army of catarrh germs right uow. Stomach dosing won't kill them; neither will sprays or douches. HYOMEI, a pleasant, antiseptic, germ destroying air breathed over the entire membrane will put catarrn gernTs out of business in short order. HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-me) is guaranteed by O. R. Brinson Co., to end catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and croup, or money back. If you own n little HYOMEI hard rubber pocket Inhaler you can get a^eparate bottle of HYOMEI for only GO 'cents. If you haven't an inhalor buy a complete outfit that on ly costs $1.00. Oct 11, 21; 1 [Personal I £ M iss Carrie Parham Social Editor £ TH0UGHT8 FOR THE DAY. Oar'life is a b#ok—a different page * is turned each day; The mysteries the next conceals none dare to say, The binding of life's book is hope, with faith enwove; The golden rein about itv leaves is human love. —Lee C. Harvey. Mr. J. J. Murray, of Hasty, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John Sessoms spent yeiterday in Savannah. Everybody works around Waycross but the idlers and they are legion. For all kinds of electrical work, see Albert Sweat, Phone 24. 11 6t Mill; i October 3rd, and 4th. The report comes that quite a lot of young Owls were hatched out last night at the Nest in*tiils city. The rdlnl Weil, you wanted it, and you got it, and you are likely to get more. FOR FRESH APPALACHICOLA OYS TER8, PHONE 242. 10 3t That IJck Russell Club did not materialize or if it did we haven’i seen it. Mr. and Mrs. Ade Morgan are spending some days in Asheville, N C. Major McGee will leave tonight to attend the state fair at Macon. Good luck and a pleasant time for the Ma jor. Mr*. C. A. LeCount Is in Macon visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Hol lingsworth, and attending the state fair. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason v/e urje you In buying to be careful to get the Genuine— Black-*”” Liver Medicine The reputation ct this old, rella- i ! biomedicine, fcr constipation. In* digestion and liver trouble, is ftmv i ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It Is better than ! others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger tiuuvUl ethers combined. SOLD d TOWN Fa! INVESTMENTS ON THE EXTEN SION OF JAfJE, ELIZABETH, MARY AND CARSWELL STREETS ARE 8AFE FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THEY ARE QUILT EDGE AND MON EY INVESTED BY ANY ONE WILL YIELD GREAT PROFITS TO THE INVESTOR. WALTER M. YOUNG, 9 fit. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. Mr. K, C. Smith and family have moved back to Waycrossfrom Hah!- ra, Ga. Mr. Smith says there's no place like Waycross. EVERYBODY 8MOKE8 tHE 8AL- VADORE8 CIGAR, MADE AT TAM PA, AND IT IS POPULAR WITH ALL 8MOKERS, AT MUTUAL GRO CERY STORE. 10.it NEW INDUSTRIES FOR GEORGIA FOR THE PA8T WEEK. H&twick—$25,000 bank. CfcjrksvUle—$ 10,000 wator works company. Denton—$25,000 bank. Hampton—$00,000 bank. JJncolnUm—$25,#0(0 bank. McRae—Gin and warehouse com pany. Rome—$25,000 bank. FOR ORDINARY. 1 hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Ordinary ot War© county, subject to tbo Dem ocratic primary to bo held later. If fleeted, 1 ; promise to give my atten tion to the omco and keep it open. H ill be no side line with me. This early announcement it made neces sary by the fact that other candidates have already announced for this of- jfleo. Soliciting the support of my friends, I am, your* to *erve, G. P. FOLKS. Regular meeting of Waycross Lodge, No. 07, I. O .O. F., tonight. The members are urged to attend, and visiting Odd Fellows are most cordially Invited to bo present. Tho ladles of tho Catholic Churcn have decided to hold their annual Christmas sale on December 19 and 20. Further announcement will m&do later concerning the details of that *sale. A California wireless operator says that he talked with a wireless sta tion across tho Pacific In Japan, 6,000 miles away. This certainly Is stretch log conversation. It also may be atrotchlng the truth. Don’t forget tho entertainment at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night. Ev erybody invited. It la rumored that Mr. and-Mr*. Long who were mar ried some time ago at the Y. M. C. A. have had a difficulty which will be settled Friday night. At present it is understood that the couple are not speaking to each other. . WE HAVE TRIED, THE SALVA DO RE’S CIGAR, MAOS AT TAMPA, IT 18 FINE. TRY ONE, AT MUTU- AL GROCERY STORE. 10 It ■BHMHniH Summer Colds bad as they are, hare about the same , chance with < Seals’ Cold Tablets that a snowball doe. In tunahlne. Try them on gharactea. THEISE ALS« PHA RM ACT VOK BKXILI 4TORK . -v Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation is Ex tended to all Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—Vacant lot on Folk* St. Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf FOR RENT—Two furnlahed rooms gentlemen, with bath, electrlo lights and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, 50 Ellrabeth street. 21 tf BOARDERS WANTED—Good board can be secured ac 61 Reed street 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 61 Parallel SL or phono 462. 13 lm .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or lor ybung men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Wayerosa, Ga, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CP Kish! Fish! Fish! red snappers, blue fish or mullet, call 189. 6 It THE 3ALVAOORES IS THE BEST CIGAR ON THE MARKET. 80LO BY MUTUAL GROCERY STORE. MADE AT TAMPA.. 10- 1t THE LADIES OF WAYCROSS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN'S NEW STU DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY STREETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT, 10, 4 TO 6. 6 3t FOR RENT—Three nice unfuralsb td rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 746, 37 Gilmore street. THIS AFTERNOON AND EVEN. 4 U ING AT THE MAJESTIC, FAMOUS PICTURE KING GEORGE’S CORO- NATION 8ERVICE. FOR RENT—Furnlahed roofs. Ap ply 20 Jane. 10 3t PUBLIC SALE—One car of farm wagons, buggies, spring wagons, carta and harneaa, at Homeland, Charlton county. Oa„ Oct. 14, 1911. J. A. Baa- scr, owner. 11 3t WANTED—A white man to work for the blind evangelist, J. S. Bataler! who can read and write a fair hand. Apply 15 Alice Btroet. 11 2t LOST—Bay horse. Finder pleaie return to Dr. Jacquelln Knight. 11 6t LOST—Fox Terrier dog. brown epota on head and tall. Answers to name of "Prince.” Reward, notify J. F. Morgan at Postofllce. 11 It FOR FRESH APPALACHICOLA OYS TERS, PHONE 242. 10 St COAL I COAL! COALI .WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED ASH. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE £OAL THAT MAK ES REO ASH. ’ I ALSO * HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. ALSO DRY STOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI CES. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOODWOOD. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W. W. ANELKY. PROP. IF YOU CANT GO OUT TO SEE '■YOUNG’S LOTS” TODAY, GO TO- NIGHT, CO IN THE MORNING BE FORE YOU GO TO WORK. BUT GO. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT, WHERE YOU WANT IT, AND AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN AFORD. WALTER M. YOUNG, 9 6t. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. THE LADIES OF WAYCR088 ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE OPENING OF DOLAN'S NEW STU DIO, CORNER PARKER AND MARY STREETS TUE8DAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 19, 4 TO 6. 6 3t WHAT OLD FOLKS NEED Some Are Younger at 65 Than Others Are at 40 Years. So. many people begin saying, "Well, I'm getting old now,” about tbo time they reaca 60, and then let themselves act old—and the fact Is they could stay young for a long time, In all but years. We hare men and women of 65 who aro really younger than some are at 40 years; were more active and more up to date in everything. When your energy begins to fall build yourself up with our delicious cod liver and Iron remedy, IVInol, which la a wonderful tonic, Vino, strengthener for all weak persona. A gentleman of ^Allentown, Pa*i aays: "I am 76 years of age and find Vino! a great medicine. It Is wonder PARK MOR RAND CO, Big snpply of card Hoard, all col or*, Just received at Herald. tf FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. fully strengthening and~-comforting to me.” (Name on requesL) Thousands of feeble old people have found Vinol to be Just what they need to revive .thelr flagging strength. We guarantee It to please you—mon ey back If it does noL Th» Seala Pharmacy, Waycroas, Ga, ’ M GINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CCNCRE-’E. WOODMEN OK, THE WORLD. CAMP 16& 'f< Majfa first and third Thursday *n each month. Masonic Hall. - Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. THE SALE OF VOUNG'8 $150.09 LOTS HAS BEEN REMARKA->. E. SUT THE OUTLOOK FOR THIS MONTH WILL SEE MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER MAKE THE START TO HAVE A HOME On EITHER JANE.I E. V. JONES PRODUCE COMPANY ELIZABETH, MARY OR CARSWELL ‘ PHONE 21$. 7 fit STREET EXTENSION. | WALTER M. YOUNG, •- j Fresh supply of hone* and mules INsTJ just received. < • SL REAL ESTATE BARGAIN 1 *