Newspaper Page Text
"-i 1 -1 ■
The newest styles, the latest models and the prettied goods known to the weavers’ art
are seen in the beautiful display of Ladies’ Suits now on display at our store. The suits are
in all colors and shades, with some beautiful checks among the lot. Elegantly lined with silk
.- . or satin, trimmed in the niftiest of plain tailored effects. These suits are in a class by them
selves and are easily ahead of anything ever shown in this line in Waycross. And the prices?
„The prices will surprise you, for we selected them ourselves and saw that The Prices Were Right.
The New Long Coals
The latest fancy of Dame Fashion.
The long coats in Caracul, double faced
cloth, serge and other weaves. Beau*
tiful effects in green, tan, black, blues,
etc. Prices to suit everybody
$6.00 to $27.50
Ladies’ Skirls
New line ju& in
and more com
ing every day,
Voiles, Serges,
Panamas, in all
colors and black.
Dress Goods
Elegant line of
Dress Goods of
all styles and
prices, with a
beautiful assort
ment of trimm
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
Todd’s Famous Shoes and H. & W. line
of Footwear for Ladies and Children,
Elegant line of Duck and Canvas
White Button Boots for Ladies. The
newest whim of lady fashion. Knee-
Shoes For Men.
Phone No. 212
Mary Sheet
Slat* of Ooorgla, County of War*.
TO the Superior Court of said county:
Tho undersigned petitioner., A. M.
Knight, J. R Wndloy, I.. J. Cooper, W.
H, Buchanan and M L Ilium all of Ware
county. Georgia, hereby make appli
cation to aald court for a charter for
m corporation to be known aa “The
Waycron Auditorium Company.” and
pour petitioner* reapoctfnlly ahow:
Firet. That they, for thomselves,
qhetr aaaoclatea, auccaeton and as
signs, deelre to be constituted and
incorporated a body corporate under
tin name and atyle of "The Woycroes
Auditorium Company," for the Item
of twenty year*, with privilege of re
newal at expiration of mid time.
Second. The abject of the propae-
ed corporation la pocunlary gntn to
Us stockholder*.
Third. The petitioner* dtsdrs tha*
■eld corporation and body corporate
i the right, power and authori
ty to ree and be sued, to bare and
nae a common aeaL to make by-laws
for Its government, to elect dtructore
for the management of It. affairs, and
to confer uixm them the right to elect
officers and apirainl agent* and on-
ploym. to buy, aell, hold, titcutabor
■ad otbcrwl%! dispose of rati and
pemural property neceaaary and ad-
wantaxeou* to the purptwe of *ald <w
jo nit Urn, together with ail other
tight*, power* and prirllgea Incident,
moat or necessary to like corpora
tlon* under the law* ot the **ld note
of Georg!*.
Fourth. The particular business
gwonoted to be conducted and carried
on by *ald corporation I* yie erection,
oou,miction, maintenance and opera-
tlon of a building or buUdinga whefo-
fn are to be located auditoriums, then-
tan, contention halls, fraternal lodge
rooms, oBiembly rooms. officer. stores,
refreshment stands and space for any
hffat purposes whatsoever for lease,
ale or aetnat operation by aeld cor
poration; to purchaae, leose, hire or
•fberwfae acquire real aad personal
property. Improved and unimproved,
ness aforesaid, nod to coll, dispose principal place of business of aald
of, lease, convey and mortgage said proposed corporations hall be at tb*
property, or any port thereof; to City of Wnycroea, In the County of
carry on the business of socuring and ! Ware, State of Georgia; but these pe-
accontodatlng religious, fraternal, po
litical, labor, business, and all other
conventions, assemblies and tho like;
to carry on the business ot theatri
cal proprle.ora, caterers for public
entertainment*, concerts, exhibition*
and atlilotlc contosts; to carry on the
business of resnurant keepers, and
vendors of tobacco, mineral water*,
provisions and nny other article of
merebnndtse, either by themselves, or
by granting the license or right la
tltloners would further show that
they deelre that said corporation may
have the right to establish branch' offl-
e* or agencies at other places, both
within and without tha said state of
Georgia, aa the holders ot a majority
of the stock may io determine upon.
WHEREFORE, these petitioner*
pray that after the filing and publica
tion of this petition aa required by
law, that an order be entered by thle
court declaring these petitioners a
respect of any property ot the com- body corporate, under the same and
pony - to any other person, firm or style aforesaid, and granting to aald
company, to conduct a general mar-. corporation all tha rights, power* and
chandbw bnatnese for tbs sale at a! privities eg set out and prayed for
tides at all kfadt gad description; to herein, or which may be Incidental,
acquire all nni'i—ry properties, mue- usual and nacesaary under the laws
tag -tnatrunwtta tad libraries tar of said state of Georgia, for the pur-
with (he holding at pose* of their Incorporation.
pubic convwrtions ad entertainment*
of envy diwcrtpUon: to do a general
rritl ornate lecney and mortgage bus-
breswr: to huprope, mortgage, oper
ate, hold, manage. lease and other-
John S. Walker,
Petitioner* Attorney.
I Chan. E. Ceaon, deputy derk of
the Superior Couriof said County.
wise dispose of real estate; to borrow 1 certify that the foregoing It a true
and loan money upon such property, and correct copy of the petition of
tod to do any and all other acta In- A. M. Knight, et al. for Incorporation
cMent to or connected with such- ** -The Waycroet Auditorium Com-
fou hare to be on your guard It
you er ecaught napping, It Invites
They ere sought alter by men of
strain. You find them In leading
positions of trust.
Our DIPLOMA It an open sesame
ss position and preferment. Oor
ertclilty l* to (It you for bualntca,
>o make the pay-roll larger; to ta-
vtesse the salary ot the "big man.'
Enter At Any Time.
Waycross Business
Waycross. Ga. R. F. Zelgltr, Pres
Tifton, Georgia and Return
Atlantic Coast Line
jSoath Georgia Land & Agricultural
[SEPT 27-OCT 7,-11
to ooontlea tn on* col lost! Exposition, combining land,
’ tcrloujtural and Itr* etas It shows.
Aeroplane and Auto Ranee.
Baeebali Tournament.
Chautauqua of Music and Oratory.
Scientific Lectures and Conference*
on the Farm, stock and Domestic
Fifth. Those petitioners would
■how that the oapltal stock ot the pro
posed corporation shall bo Fifty
Thousand Dollars (150,000.00). divid
ed Into shares of One Hundred Dol
lars each; and they would further
show that Six Thousand Dollars (|S,-
000.00) thereof, which It more than
ten per cent of tho said proposed cap- ’
Hal, ha* boon paid.
Pony” a* tamo appears In office as
filed this day.
' Jr. O. U. A. M.
Mmi* every Monday events* Is Bad
Witness my official signature thtx • Ues's Hall. Lott-Httch building al *
9th day of September, 1911. jfi. to.
Chap, E. Cason, Visiting brother* cordially Invited
Tickets on sale September 2Cth t* October Cth inclue(vc.
and for trains arriving In Tifton, Ga., before noon of October
7th, 1911. Final limit to reach original starting point returning;
not later than midnight October 9th, 1911. For further Infbr-
matlon see your Ticket Agent, or correspond with,
E. M. North, A. O. P. A. L. r. Green, 1. P. A.
Savannah Go. Thomcsvllle, Ga.
B. T. Morgan, T. P. A. T. J. Wright, Agent,
Savannah Ga.
Brunswick, Ga
Deputy Clerk, 8. C. Ware County.
It a great medicine cf proven value
( tor both acute and chronic kidney and
Sixth. Your petitioners would fur bladder ailments. It is especially re
thrr show that they desire that said, commended to elderly people for its
corporation 'shall have the right to vvondorfut tonic and reconstructive
increase sold capital stock to any
amount not exceeding One Hundred
and Fifty Thousand Dollan (1150,-
000.00), whenever the" holders of a
majority at the stock may so deter
mine. and which Increase shall he
qualitlee, and the permanent retlel
and comfort It gives the:. Gem Phar
macy; T. 8. Paine.
K) meet rith ns.
Sherod Corl'.n*. U Carl Collin*,
fteoSectr Coancflo*
Advertise In The Waycross Evening
(ortli ©corgia gigrirultural ©allege
’o handle the famous Mascoc
oook stove, every one a winner. Cash
F. & A. M.
AM Masons Invited tc Attend
J. M. BELL* \V. M.
G. R. GLENN, A, M., LL. D., President ‘
Dahlonega, Georgia
1st—Total Expenses Less Than at Any Other College,-fISS to !!7S\
Cocci4 Boaiti, Lodging Boob, Fact, Limits, etc.. For Entire Yjrr. I
2d-MagmficontClimate; Mountain Location; Free from City Disirac' .,:.s.
3d-Obedience, Order, Regularity and Se'.'-Dcpc-decco Taught Every
, StUvfcnt.
dtri-Finest Idilitary Department rad Cadet Band in Gaoigia. Both
under Supervision of U. S: Amy Officers.
disposed oE as the stockholder* may or ewey terms.
ot every ktud and description, end determine. j Home Furniture Company,
Which may he Decenary for the ismt- 1 Seventh. The general office an# M tf Plant and Albany Avenue
X or It doses "Off*” will cure -rn*
ca«» of dills end Feviu Pr*-*
cents. 1-SWf
Bth-ThcrouSh Instruction in A. F. :.nd B. S. Cource.i end, in addition, Full
Courseaia Agricutturu, Ki.-A-.g, Engineering, Commercial Science, etc.
f k rr.rrrv.-j j
'-A-7-. ASSESS 0. H. Cim, T3F3XZ