Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 11, 1911, Image 8
IK.. P - 1 1 1 A bank pays you divide 1 ds on what you 5£ve,\we pay you„ dividends * on what you spend. Fo? the past 15 months we have been returning to our customers who bought on our easy payment plan 10 per cent, of the amount they paid, in trade coupons, this has meant a saving of hundreds of dollars to the people of Waycrosst This plan of dividing our profits has proven so popular that we are going to continue It, and we have now arranged the follow ing plan of dividing our profits with those who buy for cash. We have contracted with one of the largest manufacturers of high grade dinner ware, for a large amount of the handsome ware shown in the illustration. With each cash purchase we give you a coupon showing the amount. Every $5.00 worth of these coupons entitles you to from one to seven pieces of this ABSOLUTELY FREE f For the benefit of our cus tomers who buy on our easy payment plan, we pay you 10 per cent, of the amount, of your monthly payments, in TRADE coupons, (as good as cash at our sto;‘:> for making your pay ments at the storejnstead of|to a collector.. OUR NEW PROFIT SHARING PLAN THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES, WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 106 PLANT AVE, PHONE 499 First - Class Goods, Low Prices and our liberal policies, have made this the fastest growing store in South Georgia. This beautiful China Ware is on display at our store. We want you to come and see it- The decorations are the newest out, very handsome and will never wear off; the patterns are all matched, are neat and attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous ware, the best quality made in America. We give it to you absolutely free. The reason is, we want your business, and we are willing to show our apprecia tion of your business by divid ing our profits with you. If you want SPOT CASH prices on your goods and it Is not convenient for you to pay SPOT CASH, you may pay us ONE THIRD of the amount cash, and the balance in three more payments, due in 30, 60 and 91 days. No extra charges, its for your convenience. Royal Used and praised by the most Tli. crater of population 1* now •eld to be In en Indiana furniture factory. Well. It can alt down there an take a ten-year rest The Oregon woman who admit, •he had fourteen huabanda ehoutd bare had no lack of help huttcnlne up her drete walit behind. i competent and careful pas* try cooks the world over There ore a number of Important ntlKtr to be dactueed at the three beafitaaa version! of the convention, let there Mariana will be' short so at to el re the mefhert an opportuni ty trail then-*!v« of the nan-emua toafire* of ente-?V~r.eat whirh 'b* ratify met krre hospitably pro- tMed dor ."ho Titlftre from other -eitteo. j The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Crearh of Tartar—made from grapes j A man la oarer sure whether a * woman believes what he tells her or c c/cc-on. ;r., t. v. a. IS BUSY ON DISCUSSING THE BOOSTER EDITION EXPRESS RUES Hr. W- P. Thompson, special rep rrsentstlre of t|ie Savannah Morning Kens, la Mein ‘"back on hla Job" of hoastlni Waycrost In hla paper. Mr. Tbompoon went to Savannah In or der to get a lot of cuta made repre- icotlng "Waycrosa as It It". Hu aays that the Neva will print (our Ir sat ala pages devoted to this city. Tbo matter haa been carefully pre pared, and no doubt will be of much benefit to our olty. Hr .Thompaon Is stopping st Hotel Vlrdle, where he will be glad to aeo say of our business men who desire specie In the big edition of The News. Remember you ere helping to “boost" Waycross when you adrer- llee your business. CALIFORNIA STATE REALTY ASSOCIATION. Special To The Herald. Sea Francisco. Calif.. Oct. II.—The largest and matt enthusiastic meet- iagnf the California State Realty Fed- •ration ever held opnned here today at the Palace Hotel, with more than cm thousand memhera and visitor, la attendance. The convention, the aerenth of Its kind, will last three days and will close on Friday, the day before the ground breaking exor cise. for the Panama-PscIHc Interns- ,ttaoal Exposition of 1915 at which President Taft la to officl- Wushiugton, D. C., Oct. 10—Expro: company service and rates constitute the principle topic before the twenty, third annual contention of the Na tional Association cf Railway Com missioners, commenced here today for a session of five days. Other subjects to be taken up In reports and discussions are railroad rates sad rate making, railway capi talisation, car service, demurrage, telephone and telegraph rates, ship pers' claims on common carriers, rail way service, prevention of av-lea's and amendments to the set regulat ing commerce. The Invoatlgatlon of the tub-com mittee appointed to Investigate the service and rates of express compan ies has already davalopad many In- tereating facta, and the report pre sented today recommenda that the Inquiry ahould bt prosecuted further. Some of the memhera of the associa tion hold that Congress should be aeked to take action substituting rail roads for erpresa companies In the handling ot all express bnalhest, thus abolishing express companies. Others believe that the parcels post offers the beet oolutlon of Interstate express regulations, since with tuch a,system generally In operation the expreea carriers would be forced to reduce their rate* or quit bu tineas. Plenty Of Money OUR CUT PRICES FOR THE PAST 30 DAY8 HAS CONVINCE© US THAT THE PEOPLE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO BUY WHEN REAL BARGAINS ARE OFFERED. WE ARE HAVING A GOOD BUSI NESS, MAKING 8ALES IN ALL THE COUNTRY ADJOINING WAY- CROSS AND ARE GETTING A GOOD BUSINE8S FROM FLORIDA. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR CUT PRICES DURING OCTOBER. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF BUGGI ES, WAGONS AND HARNE8S TO SELECT FROM. I CUT PRICES: 385.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $75.00 FOR CASH $75.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $65.00 FOR CASH $55.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $55.00 FOR CASH $55.00 BUGGIE8 REDUCED TO $45.00 FOR CASH $50.00, BUGGIES REDUCED TO $40.00 FOR CASH $40.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO V .. $35.00 FOR CA8H $35.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO ft..$304)0 FOR CA8H WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO.FIND THE STYLE AND QUALITY TO SUIT YOU. If you are needing a buggy cr wagon, buy now and save tha big dlacount we are offering. , AT THE MAJE STIC THI8 WEEK. Jones Buggy Co. WAYCROS«. GEORGIA. NIGHT SERVIdE-NEW TRAIN i To Ashville ait(i"The Lind cf the Sfe> H ' Country 1 *te ^ SOUTHERN RAILWAY V LAND OF THE SKY SPECIAL. JackaonrlUt 8:05 pm Ar. Tyron 11:50 OSS Jaanp 10:50 pm Ar. Saluda 12:25 paa Colombia 6:50 am Ar. HendtrtoaTUW 1:00 pm,- Ar. Asheville 2:10 pm Through Pullman, Drawingroom, Broiler-Buffet Sleeping Car and die lighted coach, Jackaonrrtlle to' Asheville. For ten Information concerning fatal, schedules, etc., call on 'or t* 1. MEEK. A. O. P. A.. Atlanta, Go. - V