Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 12, 1911, Image 1
■HUM WAYCROSS, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12. 191! VOLUME XVIII TO THIS PART OF STATE SAYS GOVERNOR CRUSE RECEIVE THANKS FROM Officials Advertising Day, Nov-. 20, To Be Observed In Waycross Board of Governors—Real Estate Agents Are Commended Present Conditions, He Says, Outgrowth of The Gamblers GOES OUT OF COURSE IN NEW YORK CITY GREAT POLITICAL STIR ~ Makes Kansas City, Mo., Completing Over j Thousand Miles Had Gone From Lowndes Grave Charges Brought Willi County With Father, Tn Enter Tour Georgia Advertising Day, November 30, will be observed in Waycross to the fullest extent. Resolutions requesting the citizens to urge homeseekers to locate here were adopted yesterday by the Board of Trade Governors. The Georgia Ad Day is a movement recently started by the Atlanta Constitution.,It has the backing already of various organ izations in the state, and will un doubtedly result in much good for the state. The resolutions as adopted yester day follow: Resolved, That pursuant to the proclamation of Ui» Excellency, Hoke Smith, governor of Georgia, the Way- cross Board of Trade hereby extends a most cordial and pressing invita tion to homeseekers from beyond our borders to come to South Georgia, the most favored section wader the sun, and cast their lot with us. _ Resolved Further, That each and every member of this body is hereby, earnestly requested to extend person al Invitations to whonugvver they may to come and settle among us. Be It Resolved Further, That the publishers of the newspapers is our city and county are not only request- Real estate agencies of this section have aTways been great developers, Oklahoma City, Oct. 11.—“The pres- ent conditions prevailing in the cot- especiaily those located at Waycross. I ton market are the outgrowth of a In view of the continued activity of! commission of gamblers and specu- the agencies and the splendid results ‘ lators,” said Governor Cruce today, that they are getting for their var-1 when replying to a message ftont ious propositions the Board of Trade j Governor Colquitt of Texas, EUggest- Governors yesterday afternoon adop- ■ lug a conference of governors and ted resolutions commending them secretaries of boards of agriculture for the development work and ex- °f cotton growing states, in an effort tending a cordial invitation to their customers to settle In tills locality. All the agencies have been active, as is natural In Waycross, but those especially commended for their de velopment work are the Deen Realty Company, the W. H. Crumb Com pany, the*'Homestead Pecan Compa ny, and the South Georgia Land Com pany. The last named company will e headquarters at Waycross and Detroit. ed to publish these resolutions but especially to advertise the advanta ges of South Georgia on November 30th., next, “Georgia Advertising Day”, with a view of influencing homeseekers in favor of this goodly land. FOR FRE8H APPALACHICOLA OYS TERS, PHONE 242. to device means of remedying condi tions. Governor Cruce says the pres ent low prices of cotton are not Ju3tf- fled by conditions. New York, Oct. II.—Two pretty lit- Kantfas City, Mo., Oct. 11.—C. P. Ge Georg | a g j r i g| Ludie Martin, twelve KoUiiMa. the trans-continental flyer I* ycarg 0 , d nnd her BlBtor _ JolilCi e lev speeding the nl-sht at Overland, Park. (a y Cftra( were remanded to the ca.-e nin J mllcs voutbweit of here, after' (h0 0crry Soclely today ln tSe hatflag flown 1,482 miles from Ms childrens court. Their father, John starting point In New Tork. [Martin, a wealthy land speculator of 4 riving here, the the air at 4:25 aviator again i laltlra. Gn., was taken from the Hotel p. m., sailing Churchill, Broadway and Fourteenth from his original landing placo inj t|rect> ,^ t erday to Bellevue Hosih* Swope Park to the aviation field at a j wbero bf . j s recovering from chio- Overland Park. , ra! poisoning. Hodgnra will remain there until According to the older of the ala- Friday in order to adjust his engine. ters, they came to New York with He will then resume his flight to the tbQir fatIler 1o Jofn (be aiidden auto- Paciflc coast.,He begun his flight to- mo bilc tour which starts south !?at- day at Marshall 84 miles from Kansas ' un j aj - City, at 8:24 o clock. Rw was forced ! n 0 th were provided with auto veils to descend at Blue Springs nt 9:50 [ and had cIoth | n g which Indicated jO clock because cf trouble with his their people were well to do. J The nearest large town to their NEW MEMBERS JOIN. At the Board of Governors meeting yesterday applications were received J and acted on favorably from nine j o’clock because cf traubl citizens of Waycross. The member- j magneto. The aviator lo^t an Ii ship will vote on the applications at j there and rising at ha came to home is Valdosta, Ga. There they the meeting tfckwaonth, ns well as on; Kansas City. - j have relatives with whom the author- applications brought over from the! After a luncheon at 'he Evanston itiej have communicated. Their September meeting. The steady gaTiijGolf Club Rodgers deeded upon an-1 mother has been dead for some years, In membership is apprecated by tho officers as it indicates a spirit of co-op eration that is very much desired. EVERYBODY SMOKE8 THE SAL- VADORES CIGAR, MADE AT TAM- PA, AND IT IS POPULAR WITH ALL SMOKERS, AT MUTUAL GRO- . 10 3t CERY STORE. 10 1t other flight, that to Overland Park. • and but for the actlvitleo of the ch’t- Getting awoy frsai Swope Park ho . dr en’s society when their father was flew to the South. The sun blinded taken to the hospital yesterday they him and without knowing it he turned J would have been entirely alone ln the west. Before he realized it Rodgers j great big city. was lost in the clouds. Ho sailed over twenty miles westward out of | LOOKS GOOD FOR LITTLE JOE. ' I his course before ho finally got hla j Waycross, Ga., Oct. 12, 1011. bearings. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 11.—From letters made public by Gov. O’Nea"?!”® develops that charges have been fil ed against State Railroad Commission er Leon McCord, president of the state convict board; James G. Oak ley, state tax commissioner; P. G. Bowman, of Birmingham, and Dr. E. T. Fields, state prison physician at Ensley, to the effekt that they sold or offered for sale stock in a gas and oil company which they own to cer tain men in Birmingham who had ap plied for saloon licenses, and as ft condition to the v sale promised to cure the license for those who bought the stock. Governor O’Neal has been investi gating the charges, and'tonight made public letters received fi r om the [our accused In reply to a letter he had charges and asking their co-operation. The names of the men making the accusation are withheld, and Governor O'Neal has appointed Hon. R. B. Ev- ins his personal attorney, to make an jfficlnl inquiry Into the matter. Messrs Oakley and Bowman make Vehement denials of the ohargo, and Moseys Mc Cord and Fields Informed the gov ernor that, they want a full and im- partial Investigation. It'is stated that the present excise commission of Birmingham is not in volved ln the matter, but that other men who were urged upon Governor A Look at The Mew Fall Clothes, Shoes, Hafts and Furnishings Will Convince You That You Can get as good goods and as nice Styles as are Shown in the larger cities The Prices Are Much Less. H. C. SEAMAN. NEW LINE OF LADIES, MISSES Accepting the invitation extended the Board of Governors of the Board j j of Trade on yestorday voted to havb • representation at thef Montgomery, Ain., convention in November of tho I Mississippi to Atlantic Inland Water-i way Association. President Sweat appointed on the committee Cel. W. . W. Lnmbdin, Judge John. T. Myers, land 8cnator Goorge W.Docn. They j stated that they would arrange to at tend the convention in view nf the Editor Herald: While in Atlanta this week tho .writer took tho trouble to inquire info the chances of the different candi dates who are willing to bo Governor ; O'Neal for appointment were to bo of tho great state of Georgia. The j Influenced in favor of tho stock pur- talk does not seem to be as to who j chasers. * will be the winner, but who will get i — ■ ■ ■ ■■ the Hoke Smith vote. At tho state house the opinion seems to be that 4 Pope Brown will not poll over 00 per (cent of that vote, and as ono of tho clerks statod, If this prediction hold* out, as it seems to be up to this tmio ; Little Joe Is tho next* nohilneo. Jtfugo Rusrell, it fr-, predicted will run sec- <"'.d to Little Joe. Will H. Stevens. W. H. FENT. WILL BE IN RACE J Tho Herald has been requested to : atate that Mr. Will H. Fendt will ha ~ • | a candidate for Aldornian from the Young Men's Christian Association, j Fourth Wurd ln tho approaching cl.o- w Tho State SFcrTTury, Tflr. J. V. j tion. Mr. Fendt has. been a citizen discussion regarding a cross”Florida ca nead ' W,U ttrr,ve hero toraorrow and j H Wayero.a for a number of yean nal to connect the Inland routee of «*Poctn to meet the hoard of dlrcc- ja! .d da quite well known. Hn Is an tori at the association at 7:30 p. m.. employe of the Coast Line shops and the gulf and the AtianUc. The con- vontion t. an Important ono and 1.1 After ,bl * mootIn * ,he boar(I w,, ‘ aot always well attended. PARKER THEATRE as the Jury for the. mock trial. Col, Wilson, Col. Bennstt, Col. Myers and Judge Parker, It Is .understood hare consented to represent Mr. and Mrs. Long who are to he tried. The en tertainment promises to be a most unique one. The public Is Invited to attend. AND CHILDRENS 8H0E8 COMING IN EVERY DAY. ALL THE LATEST 8TYLES AND ANLL THE LATEST List of attractions booked for the Parker Theatre for season of 1911- 1912. This list will be largoly In creased when the full list of attrac tions are In: Oct 25, "The Man on the Box: ' j Nov. 8, "Crealore’-t Band" 45'pieces; I Nov. 9, "May Stewart”; . Nov. 17, 1 j "Clansman”; Nov. 20, "The Private ! Secretary”; Nov. 23, "The Chorus i Lady"; Nov. 28, "Pocks Bad Boy"; : Nov. 29, "Rosary"; Doc. 2, “Arrival of | Kitty”; Dec. 6, “Wlzzard of Wise- land"; Des. 28, “Down In Dixie"; ; Jca. 12, “The Third Degree"; Jan. 17, I "Beverly”; Jen. 20 "The Thief”; Feb. i 1. 'The Night Rider"; Feb. 5 "Lyman ; Twins In The Speralators"; Feb. 20 | "Coburn's Greater Minstrels”; March 2f, "The Lion sad the Mciuo”; March E. S. has a number of friends. Mr. Fendft announcement will appear in a day or so, 7 BIlljJE IN RACE The Herald has been requested to state that Mr. E. 8. Henderson, a 1 well known citizen, will be In the i race for Ordinary at the approaching I election. Mr. Henderson formerly! lived at Manor, but la now a resident 1 of Waycross and nt present Is a mem ber of the city police force. Mr. | Hendorron has a number of frlenda and will be warmly supported. His' announcement for the ofllce will ap pear soon. Manager Parker aaya he Is having 'he theatre thoroughly overhauled add the heating arrangements will be i-arfect. WHEN T>«E ENGINE STARTS t( Ir too Into for are Insurance. No one know* where the next Are will be. Somebody's house or place of busfncsa Is In flames. INSURE NOW. Don’t look upon the Idea a* gambling with the law of chance. .Fire insur ance Is the legitimate Investment ot the business man. It is part of buri. ness expense. A.M.Knight & Son 1 REAL ESTATE ANO INSURANCE AGENTS ■m