Newspaper Page Text
The newest styles, the latest models and the prettiest goods known to the weavers* art
are seen in the beautiful display of Ladies’ Suits now on display at our store. The suits are
in all colors and shades, with some beautiful checks among the lot. Elegantly lined with silk
or satin, trimmed in the niftiest of plain tailored effects. These suits are in a class by them
selves and are easily ahead of anything ever shown in this line in Waycross. And the prices?
The prices will surprise you, for we selected them ourselves and saw that The Prices Were Right.
The New Long Coals
The latest fancy of Dame Fashion.
The long coats in Caracul, double faced
cloth, serge and other weaves. Beau
tiful effects in green, tan, black, blues,
etc. Prices to suit everybody
«. -
$6.00 to $27.50
Ladies’ Skirls
New line ju^t in
and more com
ing every day,
Voiles, Serges,
Panamas, in all
colors and black.
Dress Goods
Elegant line of
Dress Goods of
all styles and
prices, with a
beautiful assort
ment of trimm
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
Todd's Famous Shoes and H. & W. line
of Footwear for Ladies and Children.
Elegant line of Duck and Canvas
White Button Boots for Ladies. The
newest whim of lady fashion. Knee-
Shoes For Men.
Phone No. 212 Mary Street
Slate of Goorgle, County of Ware.
To the Superior Court of Bold county:
The undersigned petitioners, A. M.
Knight, J. E. Wadloy, U J. Cooper, W.
B, Buchanan and M l, Bunn allot Ware
county, Oeorgla, hereby make appll-
cation to aald court for a charter for
■ corporation to be known as '"The
Waycross Auditorium Company,” and
jour petitioners respectfully show
First That they, for thamaolvra,
their associates, successors and
•lens, desire to be constituted and
Incorporated a body corporate under
the name and atyle of "Tho Way Croat
Auditorium Company," for tha term
cf twenty years, with prtrtlage of re*
newal at expiration o( said time.
Second. The object of the propos
ed corporation la pecuniary gala to
Its stockholder*.
Third. The petitioner* deal re that
•aid corporation and body oaryantte
possess the right, power and authori
ty to sue and be sued, to hare and
aae a common seal, to make bydaw*
for It* government. to elect director*
for the management of It* affairs, and
to confer upon them the right to elect
officers and appoint agent* ami em
ploye*, to buy, sell, bold, Incumber
and otherwise dispose of reel and
personal property neceseary and ad
war.tateou* to the purpoee of said cor
poration, together with all other
rights, powers and prtrltxea Incident,
usual or necessary to like corpora
ties* under the law* cf the said Mat*
of Oeorgla.
Fourth. The particular basinets
proposed In be conducted and carried
on by said corporation la the erection
construction, maintenance and opera
tion of u building or buildings where
in are to be located auditoriums, thea
ter*. contention halls, frsternsl lodge
rooms, assembly rooms, offices, stores,
refreshmsot stands and space tor any
legal purposes whatsoever for lease,
•ale or actual operation by aald cor
poration; to purchase, lease, biro or
otherwise acquire real rod personal
property. !mproved and rVraprovad.
uen aforesaid, and to soil, dispose principal place of business of sold
of, tense, convey and mortgago aald proposed corporations hall be at the
property, or any pert thereof; to City of Wsycross, In the County of
carry on the business of eocurlng am] Ware, state of Oeorgla; but these pe
rn-com odsting religious, fraternal, po- tltloners would further show that
lltlcst, labor, business, and all other
conventions, neeembllee and the like;
to carry on 'the business of theatri
cal proprietors^ caterer* for public
entertainments, concerts, exhibitions
aud athletic contests; to carry an the
hitslncsw of rosaursnt keepers, and
vendors of tobacco, mineral waters,
provisions and any other article of
merchandise, either by themselves, or
by granting the license or right In
they desire that aald corporation may
bare the right to establish branch' offi-
es or agencies at other places, both
within and without the said stats of
Georgia, as thb holders ox a majority
of the stock may so determine upon.
WHEREFORE, tbeeo petitioners
pray that, after the filing and publlca-
Uon of this petition as required by
law, that an order be entered by this
court declaring these petitioners
respect of any proparty of tho com- body corporate, under the name and
pony to any other parson, linn or sty Is aforesaid, and granting to said
company: to conduct a general mar-
ehnntRso tmalmws for tho solo at ar
ticle* at alt kind* and description; to
acqnhw all nooorouy properties, mar
teal Instruments and abrasion for
css fn cmraotloa with Mho bolding of
pabia convwtfons ssul entertainments
of every dertcrlption; to do a Rtmaral
real estate agiaicy and mortgage bus-
tiroer: to Improve, mortgage, oper
ate, hold, manage, loose and other
corporation all the rights, powers and
prtvllgea aa set out and prayed for
hereto, or which may be Incidental,
usual and necessary under the laws
of said state at Georgia, for the pur
poses at their Incorporation.
John & Walker,
Petitioner* Attorney.
I, Chao. E. Canon, deputy dork of
the Superior Courtof raid County,
wise dispose of roil rotate: to borrow ' certify Uiat tho foregoing Is a true!
and loon money upon snch property, and correct copy of the petition of j Fayeroat, Ca.
and to do any and nil other nets In- > A. M. Knight, at al for Incorporation
ddoot to or eonnoctod with snch as
Fifth. Those petitioners would
show that the capital stock of the pro
posed corporation shall he Fifty
Thousand Dollars (150,944.04), divid
ed Into aharee of One Hundred Dol
lars each; and they would further
•how that Six Thousand Dollars (|g,.
044.00) thereof, which Is mors than
ten per cent of the aald proposed cap
ital, has baen paid.
Ton bare to ba. on yous guard If
n>u ar ecausbt napping. It Invites
They are sought alter by men of
■Sain. You find them In leading
-osltlons of trust.
Our DIPLOMA Is an open ■ e-same
•a position and preferment. Our j
-osctaltr la to fit you for buxlnets; j
o make tha pay-roll larger; to to-:
vtan the salary of tha *blg mas.* 1
Entsr At Any Tim*.
Waycross Business ,
a F. Zelgler, Pros
"The Wayeroea Auditorium com
pany” as same appears In offleo as
filed this day. ( -
Witness my official signature tht* I Era's Hall, Lott-Hltch building at
9th day of September, 1911. jV OL
Jr. O. U. A. M.
Msete every Monday events* In Ref
Cbas. E. Cason,
Deputy Clerk, 8. C. Ware County.
Is a great medicine cf proven value
for both acute and chronic kidney and
Sixth. Your petitioners would fur-'bladder ailments. It is especially re-
thcr show that they desire that aald commended to elderly people for It*
corporation shall have the right to
Increete aald capital stock to any
amount not exceeding One Hundred
and FtRy Tbouaand Donors (|150,-
040.04), wbanarar tbs' holders of a
majority at the stock may no deter
mine. sod which tacreaaa >haD ba
wonderful tonic rod reconstructive
qualities, and the permanent relief
and comfort It gives thet Gem Phar
macy; T. 8. Paine.
Ytelttng brother* cordially Arifa*
to meat with aa.
Sherod Coftlns, L. Carl Coltlna
RsfrBeery CouncOu
Advertise la Tht WaycroM Evening
We handle the famous Mascot
cook stove, every roe a winner. Cash '
F. & A. M.
All Masons Invited to Attend
A M. BELL. W. M.
dUpntcO of an tha stockholders may off Saay I
cf every kind and description. and deferable. j I
which may be necessary for the bn»t- * Seventh. Tbs general office and26 tf
•naa. * | S or 6 data* •*t»” win curs «<*
o Furniture Company, j •**» of China ssd Fiver. Pr - -* ”
Plant rod Albany Avenue ! cent* 1-IiM*
i T.O
Tifton, Georgia and Return
Atlantic Coast Line
South Georgia Land & Agricultural!
SEPT 27-OCT 7,-11
40 oountlea In one col loeal ExposIUon, combining land.
' agricultural and ttra slot k shows.
Aeroplane and Auto Races.
Baseball Tournament.
Chautauqua of Music rod Oratory.
Scientific Lectnree and Conferences
on' tha Form, Stock and Domestic
Tickets on sale September 26th te October CA Inclusive,
rod for trains arriving In Tifton. a*., before naan of October
7A, 1911. Final limit to reach original storting point returning,
not later than midnight October 9th, 1911. For further Infor
mation see ycur Ticket Agent, or correepond wlA,
E. M. North. A. C. P. A.
Savannah Go.
B. T. Morgan, T. P. A.
Savannah Ga.
L. P. Green, 1. P. A.
TbomasvUls, Ga.
T. J. Wright, Agent,
Brunswick, Ga.
ftortlt Georgia gigrintltaal College
G. R. GLENN, A. M., LL. D., President •
Dahlonega, Georgia
lst-Total Expenses Less Than at Any Other College, -S125 to $175
■ Board, laigias. Booh. Fori Light, «>c., Vor Eatin Yjar.
2d-MignlfieentCliaiate: Mountain Location; Free from City Distraction*.
Order. Regularity and Setf-Depandence Taught Every
Military Department tad Cadet !
Under Supervision of uTs. Army Officers.
. . P j, &*ginifFiinifx
eU, fe LiT, ' h 081 ° ,ra At Alirimea Under Control of
po? rriLs mr.'u-z-. g. s. osn. kjesecft