Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 13, 1911, Image 3
L. J. COOPER, President POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE ECH0E3 PROM GLENMORt. October 11, 1911. Rev. Teel, ot Oklahoma, delivered a most iatereetlng sermon at the school housS Sunday morning and wan heard by a large crowd. Hp »ooooooooooo<joo<>o >w Line Crackers In Waycross Sunshine Biscuits English Style, Now in Stock , REMEMBER, r,ARE LEADERS IN UP-TO-DATE GROCERIES Eggs Chicken ana Butter FRESH EACH WEEK FROM TEN. NESSEE. WE ALSO 8ELL EGGS BV THE CASE CHEAPER THAN THE OTHER FELLOW. WILSON GROCERY CO Leading Grocers. Wilson Block. Phone 128 ♦040000000000040# Buy your boys and girls Black Cat Stockings. They out-wear all others, Humphreys & Williamson. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, 'Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In WayeroM. G*, By PITTMAN CIGAK CP THE SALE OF YOUNG’S *160.0? LOTS HAS BEEN REMARK E. THE OUTLOOK FOR THIS I.ONTH WILL SEE MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER MAKE THE START TO HAVE A HOME ON EITHER JANE. ELIZABETH, MARY OR CAR8WELL 8TREET EXTENSION. WALTER M. YOUNG, 9 6L REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. For first-class rubber tire and wlr. •vheel work at prices right, see J. T. McGee, 21 Albany avehue. 12 301 COAL) COALI GOAL! WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, A8K FOR RED A3H. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK ES RED ASH. I AL80 HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. 1LSO DRY 8T0VE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI ES. QUICK 8ERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOOD WOOD, AN8LEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. AN8LEY, PROP. THE HERALD AND THE CANDIDATES. The Herald la a Democratic news paper, don't forget that no long ae yon lire In this world, and In view it this fact we propose to treat all Democrat, fairly and squarely, with out partiality .and with special favor, to none. The campaign for city and county officers le about to open. In fact It hoe opened. Therefore be It known that The Herald will charge five dollar! for announcements In it, dally and weekly editions from this date to the time of the primary. And there fore be It further known that we will charge for the publication of all platforms, corres pondence or controversy In favor of or in opposition to the candidacy of any person, the sum of ten dollars for a column, or In proportion for'the fractional part of a column. Buy the boys and girls school shoes here, and you will be one of lur sat isfied customers. Humphreys £ Williamson. FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS- ESL ISSt A8K YOUR NEIGHBOR WHY HE BOUGHT ON THE EXTENSION OF JANE, ELIZABETH, MARY OR CARSWELL STREET EXTENSION. HE WILL TELL YOU 'TWA8' BE- CAUSE HE INTENDS TO FOLLOW THE CITY WESTWARD, AND BE CAUSE HE COULD BUY HERE IN A GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD FOR ONE HALF THE PRICE THAT PROPER TY NOT NEAR 80 WELL LOCATED WOULD COST IN OTHER PARTS OF THE CITY. WALTER M. YOUNG, S fit REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. WE ARE NOW GIVING MEAL FROM NEW WARE COUNTY CORN. WE GRIND IT FRESH EVERY DAY. TRY BE PLEASED. SOLD IN ANY GUANTITY FROM fie WROTH I UP. - - — ■ A Great Advantage to Wo king Men J. A. Maple, 125 S. 7th St., .Steuben ville, 0., says: “For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe blad der trouble. I learned of Foley Kid ney Pills and their wonderful cures, so 1 began taking them and sure enough I had as good i ercults as auy hoard about. My backache left me ond to one of my business express man, that alone la a great advan'age, My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of mldery. It Is now a pleasure to . work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kidnoy Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." Gem Pharmacy: T. S. Paine. COAL! COAL! COAL! When you want good coal, ask for Red Ash. The Montevello is the coal that makes Red Ash. I also have a cheaper grade of coal. Have them on hand at all times. Also dry stove wood of all kinds. Telephone 70 for prices. Quick service to any part of the city. Good wood. Ansley Coal Company. 24 tf W. W. Ansley, Prop. Miss Ruth McCormick, who has been the popular guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Wilson during the past month, returned to her home in Arab! last Friday, ber absence will be felt with regret by many friends in this community. Mr. R. R. Hobbs, ot Coffee, wvu* a visitor on our streets Friday. Mr. H. J. Herrin attended the Sunday school rally at Millwood Sei ur !ny. AT THE MAJE8TIC. Tonight we will offer one of the greatest vaudeville features we have ever presented at our house. The EUis’es in a marvelous exhibi tion of mental telepathy or mind reading. Blindfolded securely on the stage Madam Ellis will describe ac- urately and correctly any and all ar ticles, she will read names and ad dresses from cards, letters, etc., ami numbers on bills, running into mil lions, her most remarKable work, however is her adaptability In ans wering questions, her wonderful 3uc cess Is In so often locating lost or stolen valuables, missing friends or relatives, and her remarkable offl- ttoscy In foretelling the outcome «<! fnlure uncertainties makes her work of deep human interest. Mis. W. I. McQualg and Hi*'* laugher Gladys, ,hre visiting he.- slater, Mrs. Rosa Little in Savannah tt is week Mr. E. M. Herrin, the popular tax IF YOU CANT GO OUT TO SEE “YOUNG’8 LOT8” TODAY, GO TO- NIGHT, GO IN THE MORNING BE- FORE YOU GO TO WORK. BUT GO. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU receiver of Ware cousty, was a vlsi- WANT, WHERE YOU WANT IT. toT here Saturday. , AND AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN j AFORD. Mr. J. T. Strickland was in ouri WALTER M. YOUNG, town collecting taxes one day last 9 6t. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS week. Messrs W. I. and F. L. McQuaig made a short)and pleasant trip to Homervllle Sunday. Big supply or card board, all col on, Just received at Herald. tf A number of our youny people at tended the Baptist Association near akin Sunday. Among them was Misses Cl Jc, Bessie and Susie for bitt, Mary Allen; C. B. and Willie Corbitt. It you want to be well dressed buy a suit from our big stock of stylish uJ’or-made suits. Humphreys & Williamson. MERELY A MATTER OF SPEND- ING LE88 THAN YOU EARN. KEEPS GROWING EA8IER TOO; BECOMES SURPRISINGLY EA8Y AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- TO THE HABIT OF 8PENDINQ MONEY THOUGHTLE88LY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT 8AVE. CULTIVATE THOUGTHFULNE8S AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO 8AVE. THERE'8 PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND 8ATI8FACTI0N IN A *8AV. INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON 8AVING8. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS S200.000 CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. file Kind You Han Always Bought Hoars the Signature of Dig shipment eloctrlo font receiv ed. Gyck Electrlo Supply Co. 20 Volt StreeL II tt A carload of peaches, pears, and grapes ot all-kinds, and quinces, at Durst’s Variety Store. 9 It Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hughes will leave this week for a two weeks visit nfong relatives anti trlends In Alaha Mr. George Tatum, ot Ruiktn, was a welcome visitor In our town Sun day afternoon. Don’t forget that the Glentnore school will close Friday October 13, and that everybody Is Invited to dtK tend Uie exhibition at 7:30 p. m. —F. L. M. We can please you In price, quali ty and «yle, in our .'saifis taii'.r made suits. Humphreys £ Williamson. E. V. JONE8 PRODUCE COMPANY PHONE 219. 7 fit Fresh supply of horses and mule, just received. M. Downey. 9 tf Coffee Goodness Proven by a Century of Use itiafylng and, fascinating t in dally u« for ovar a „ illy *a about this coffee blend that ha* been century. Something far different from ordinary co .ee*. This !• the coffee that was served in the quaint French Market, New prleans, to society belles and beaux of the olden time. And that was so liked by Andrew Jackson. Henry Clay and other famous men. It is toaay the same identical, deliciously aromatic blend that was famous over a hundred years ago. .. Then you could get this coffeq with a history—the real ' h ‘ii For the old French! only at the French Market, New Orleans, may serve it dally at your own table, blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and delivered everywhere In perfect aroma and atrength In her metically sealed tins. Injurious elements ait roasted out ot French Market Coffee. In New Orleans, tor hundred, of year.. It has always been the custom to drink cup after cup, even at midnight. You may do the same today. Be sure you get the genuine. . "There fa only oat real old French Market flavor. At All Grocer? at RniOS «adOioesfleM»S»l» French Market Mills OSowOrtwn MbeCe»Ud-.Fmwi«ef>) New Orleans, La. For The Sake oi YOUR And your packet book, you’d better come to this store soon and look over the new styles in Clothing, Sh oes and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are fi .ding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Store i 40 PLANT AVE.