Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 13, 1911, Image 4
call Ilka the bucket brigade In a email town." 10 3t the binlneea of our people. Summer Colds bad aa they are, hare about-the aame chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets that a eaowbal! dae* Id —«uo Try them oa guarantee. FCLBY KIDNEY PILLS WU teach your Individual rate If yot bar* nay form of kidney asd bladdet trouble or urinary IrreyubrlUea. Try them. Gem Pharmaay; T. g. Paint. WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD We are uow re-lijp ceiving plenty oft :* Clb rine fresh Eggs arid are selling Ti « Her * ld oflU eery floe Job work. them at - — -*** - Mr. Dan CowarJ, of Fairfax, was In the city today. Mr. J. O. Johns made a trip to Stockton today. A Dozen A friend Is one who not only fills want but wants to fill it. Fresh lot of that Deakins Batter hilts Anise Daniel left today for Slocon to attend the atate fair.' She will be with her sister, Mra. .Barfield. » jrlll do th« work. £ DEPENDABLE SURE INEXPENSIVE r ro use Policeman E. Cottlnsham la spend Ini a few' days at Hampton Springs Fla. I am headquarters tor Chickens, Eggs and Butter. EX- gem PHARMACY T. S. Paine, 05! IS GROWS HAIR OWEXtO HEADS Bald-headed People Way Gat A New Chance In Life. In these dayt when youth i» (he moving factor in business. when a man makes his maflrsTOlrty-flvo and la ready to retire It foifty-ffve, when bualncss houses pshston the man we call “middle aged" rather than allow hla lagging Influence to Intrude upon the commercial rush, a bald head la almost fatal to any man's hopes. The following must therefore prove inter eating to people who are losing their hair or who are bald. Resorcin Is one of the latest and most effective germ killers discovered by science, ant In connection with Beta Nnrthol, which la both germlcl dal and which destroy* the germa which rob the hair of Its nutriment, and also creates a clean and hoallhy rondlton of the scalp, which prevents the development of new germs.- Pilocarpln Is a well-known agent for restoring the hair td Its natural color, where tho loss of color Jiae been duo to a disease of tho acalp. . Yet, It Is DM a coloring matter or Tlila combination of curatlvoa mixed with alcohol as a stimulant perfects a most cIToctIvo remedy for hair and acalp trouble!. The famous Uoxall “03" Hair Tonic la chlofiy composed of Resorcin, Beta Napthol, and Pilocarpln. It helps to i tho scalp healthy, to nourish — hair, to stlmulato the folllclos. Whoro the head la already bare. It enters tho follicles, revitalizes tho supplies nourishment, and slim- i a new growth. - —i to try a few bottlct ot . ou our per • — trial will no! - .1 you a penny If It doe* not giro rou absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith In thla reme-ly and should Indisputably demor.tlin'.o mat w, know what we are-talking nbout we say that Retail “SS" H-i* Tonic will grow hair on bald beads, except, of course, where baldness has i that the dead, Phone 62 Or 301 /. W.S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HADDY BROS. AFTER FORTY YEARS. Camdan, 8. C., Woman Recovers From 8tomaeh Trouble. No one who Is not well nourished can bo good-natured. That It why dyspeptics aro always Irritable. But stomach trouble can be cured In nearly nil cases, even after years of suffering. Mrs.- Sarah C. Am mons, Camden, 8. C., says ‘“I 'suffer ed from nervous dyapepsla for forty years and feared 1 should never get over It. It kept me In misery all the time. I was terribly run down, could not sleep—thought my healtfi was ruined. “Last spring I began taking Vlnol and It has no cqunl. I toon began to Improve and now I am a well wo man again for the first time In forty years. My appetlto la good, 1 sleep well and havo no stomnch trouble at nil. Theso arc the plain facts." Take our word for It. when you aro -weak and run down, cannot eat or sloop, Vlnol Is whst you need for It will .build you up and make you strong. Wo yunrnsteo Vlnol to ploase —your money back If It does not. Tho Seels pharmacy. Wnycross, On. Miss Annie Bell Adams, of Way- cross, visited her sister, Mrs. R. H. Daniel, Tuesday.—Blackshear Times. Mr. James A- Morton has returned from Hampton Springs Fla., much Improved In health. Dr. W. R. Thomas, ot Waycrosj. spent yesterday in this city.—Valdos ta Times. Mr. A. W Pierce, of Fitzgerald, Is among the visitors to Waycross to day. Mr. B. B. Gray, of Plnebloom. was among the guests at the Phoenix yesterday. People who prate at being willing to pay the price usually flee at the first figures. Cblskens! Chickens! Eggs! Eggs! Butter! Butter! Just arrived today at J. W. S. Hardy's. Mr. T. B. Ray, of Norcrosa, Ga., was a guest of the Phoenix yesterday. Dr, Lattlmer, accompanied by Miss Talu Lattlmer and Miss Geneva Kel l-.nu, went over to Dupont yesterdav, returning last night. The Herald would greatly appre ciate It If you would just drop In the office and pay that little subscription bin. Before You Roach The Limit of physical endurance and while your condltloh la atilt curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Tholr quick action and posltlvo results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumaUst, and nil kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. 8 Patuo. Miss Meta Nlcholls, ot Waycross, ns tho guest of tho M!t«c3 Blazons and Catherine Mitchell last week.— Blackshear Times. October 3rd, and 4th. Our Millinery Opening of Fall and Winter Pattern Hats will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 3rd and 4th. We will show also a pretty line of Tailored Suits. A Cordial Invitation tended to all Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED THE ELESIES'. WONDERFUL MIND READER3. '^oRsMx^^ssrisrssifflk^ I Apply to H. J. Sweat C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. IS Albany Avenue. Waycross, Ga. Day asd Night Phono 698. Mlaa Vonlco Adama, of Waycrosa, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Strickland, and her slater, Mrs. Har dee Daniel.—Blackshear Time*. Mra, C. E. Scott returned That night from, a visit to relatives In Sa vannah . Poter Haines, the slayer of Annls, has been pardoned by the governor of New York. It looks after all, a little llko Harry Thaw ought to have some kind ot a, show.—Rome Heritld. ——E The Valdosta (Ga.) Times (DcmJ •ays: “The Saturday Evening Pdlt once aaid that Little Joe Brown wik so quiet he would turn In a fire alarm In a whisper. That may be 10, but when he does turn In the alarm In Georgia the people all respond to his Mr. William Guy, the well known and popular Braganxa clUzen, wan transacting business In Waycroas to day. Mr. J. W. Starling, of Millwood, was a visitor to Waycrosa yesterday. Mr. Starling la one of Ware county's beat eltlxena, and was for some time a member ot the County Board of Education. We call .attention to the cerd ot r. D. S. Schureman. rrchltect. In today'* paper. Mr. Schureman come* Mchly endorsed and ictommended from Rockford and asks a portion of THEISEALSIPHAJRMACY V GS REXALLViTORE ’ FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric Ugnts and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, GO Elizabeth street 21 tf BOARDERS WANTEDr-aood hoard can b* socured ac 54 Reed street 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 61 Parallel St or phono 462. 13 lm i '.FOR RENT—Rooms for light house- j keeping or for young men. All con-j venlenees. Couple without children! preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf, MODERN EQUIPPED new house, 69 Williams street, 7 rooms, exclusive hath and dressing room. Rent, eluding lights and water, 926.00. Va cant tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 14th. A. Es Cochran, Phone 611. FOR RENT—Three nice unfurnlih- td rooms for light houaekeeplng. Phone 741 27 Gilmore etreet. 9 Ot PUBLIC 8ALE—One car ot farm wagons, buggies, spring wagons, carts and harness, et Homeland, Charlton county, Oa., Oct 14, 191L J. A. Bos ier, owner. 11 St WANTED—A 4 white man to work for the blind evangelist J. S. Bahler, who can read and write a fair hand. Apply 16 Alice atreeG " -ll "2t LOST—Bay horse. Finder please return to Dr. Jacquelln Knight 11 6t LOST—On streets, between 16" Brunei etreet and Central echool, gold broach. Finder please return to Min Ladle Rippard. 12 tf WANTED—7k> rent one large com pletely furafkhed room for house keeping by a couple wRSout'chlldren. Address "D". car* Herajd. 12 2t INVESTMENTS ON THE EXTEN SION OF JANE, ELIZABETH, MARV AND CARSWELL STREETS ARE SAFE FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THEY ARE GUILT EDGE AND MON- EV INVESTED BY ANY ONE WILL YIELD GREAT PROFITS. TO THE INVESTOR. . WALTER M. .YOUNG, 9 (L REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. AT THE MAJESTIC HAIR .INTS. Worthy The Attention of People Who Wish to Preserve the Hair. Have your own brash and coma at home and at hair dresse-a Never use a brush or comb !n pub lic places, they are usually covered with dandruff germs.- ' . Wash your hair brush once a week with soap end warm water to which !i added a disinfectant. Shampoo tho hair once a week with pure soap and. water. Dae PARISIAN SAGE every day rubbing thoroughly Into scalp. PARISIAN SAGE la guaranteed by G. R. Brinson Co., to destroy dandruff germs and abolish dandruff, or money beck. To etop hair from falling and scalp from Itching, or money baek. To put life and beauty Into dull faded hair, or money back. Price 60 eenu Oct ll, 14, Nor. I FOR ply 26 Jane. It* economy to buy Black Cat stockist. They fit better and west longer. Humphreys ft Williamson. PARK MOR RAND CO. -ULINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Httch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. Elxarordinary Aniuoncement Sleeping Car 8ervlce Between War- cron and Atlanta, via: A BjA A R. R. Effective wtth Bret car leasing Wsy- crou 8:00 p. m„ Monday September 4th. The A. B. ft A. have secured fo rthla eervlce elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage Ton may secure your sleeping car diagrams are kept contlnuosnly open, space at the ticket office. Union Sta tion, at any tlma prior to your TheA. B. ft A. Railroad represents "Standard of Exsellanc* In 8arvli Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. tears Waycroas *:<» p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 0:40 a.m. Leave Atlanta 10:16 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:45 ajn TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, O. P. A, Atlanta, Oa. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, B. E. Camp, T, A., Waycrosa, Sta- 15 icT£