Newspaper Page Text
In g home by the way of Atlanta, Mr. J. V. Dick Inf, wti hat b-en
vUerr they will apend several days, tasking Ms home In Chi.tag) for acme
The bride and (room were re:lpl- time, has been spending a 'otr days
tents of scores of handsome presents here at the. home of his father, Mr.
and congratulatory telegrams, show. R. 8. Dickies. He trlii rftai the.
In* the esteem In which they are held trlnter In this section.
■ - ’ Nat Goodwin sgys the rumor that
Mn. T. C. Sauls and daughter, he has married a*aln has been great-
Mrs. L. J. Defter, and son, W. J. ly exaggerated. At any rate Nat has
!• Bauh, returned last nl*ht from a vis- already bad an exasperated cumber
ft to relatives at Nashrllle, Os. . * of wires.
•i -
• i
Dorothy Dodd
Fine Footwear
For Ladies and Misses who
:are. We have Dorothy
Dodd Button Tan Shoes
at $3.50, the Velvet Top
and Cravenette $3.50 to
$4.00, Brown Velvets at
$4.00, Plain Vicis at $3.00.
Gold Medal Shoes for
$2.50 to $3.00, Ask to see them.
Long Coats
You can buy Suits and
Coats at the same
prices anywhere but
yoii can’t get such
values as ours.
recommend these to give perfect satis
faction. All leathers and tans. See them
When Y»u Start Out to
u Your Winfer “Tofts”
i • •>. i •« •.. .
Come Here. You’ll find
our assortment laige, cur
styles elegant, our values
and the way we serve
you pleasing. In fact we
have done and will do
everything in our power
to make this a pleasing and satisfactory
place for you to trade this winter.
$1.00 Alarm Clock, a big
Calico Simpsons worth 7c
our price
36 inch Laurel Percales
special at
8 3-4c
10c Dark Outings, short
Solid Colored Outings
10 yds good Bleaching
a good one, for 10 yds
58c Bed Sheets, full size
Large size Pillow Cases
9c each
$1.33 Bed Quilts
Some of the new
Dress Goods
Fine Wool Serge in Cream and
Black Pin Stripe Serges 54-inch 98c
38-inch Serge in colors as above:
Big demand for these. See them 48c
New Bedford Cord 50c; Auto Cord
35c; Cream Broadcloth 98c; 54-inch
Storm Serge 98c; 42-inch Taffeta cloth
97c; 36-inch messelin Silks 97c; in fad:
a full and complete line.
Walk Over
All Leathers $3.50,
$4.00, $4.50 to $5.00
Come and See
$3.50, $4.00 to $5.00
Other Makes 98c, $1.48
to $2.50 each
If we haven’t got it we will get it
for you
Boys' Suits and Odd Pants
Suits $1.98 to $6.50. Boys’
Pants 25c, 48c, 98c to $.1.48
Now how about that suit Men’s all wool serge and fancies, $10.00,
12.50,15.00 to 18.50. A. B. Kirschbaum guaranteed ior shape, color
and style. You must see these before you buy. Complete line of
gents’ furnishings. Won’t you drop in some day and slip on one and
let us tell you and show you where we can save ^ money on this
winters’suit. It will be a pleasure to show you.
Ckurckwell Brothers
In the presence of relative, of the
contracting part tea and a number of
Intimate frlenda, Mra. AUco Wilder
and Mr. Jamea W. Watt; both of thl,
city, were united In the bonde of ma
trimony laat night at the home of the
brlde'e elater, Mra. William Lockett,
on North Jackaon atreet The Her.
R. L. Brownlee, pastor ot the Pres
byterian church, officiated.
The reception hall, parlor and din
ing room on the lower floor were
thrown Into ono for the occaslri.
Chairs were placed In these apart
ments tor the guests during the cera
met.)'. In the ball pot planta ana
masses of pink rosea were used a,
deccratlon, while rase* filled with
Lowers were placed on cabinet, and
maa'ela In the parlor and dial?*
J Promptly at alx-thirty o'clock, Miss
Alice Lockett, a niece of the bride,
and Mias Susie Mae Watt, of Way-
cross, a sister of tho groom, entered
simultaneously . from the doorway,
leading Into the dining room, poising
through that room and Into the parlor
where they wore awaited by the
Rev. Mr. Brownlee. The two maids
of honor were followed by the bride;
on the arm of the groom. The cere
mony, aa performed by the Rev. Mr.
Brownlee, was a most beautiful and
Impressive ope.
The bride wore a handsome gown
of lavender crepe meteor, trimmed In
silver, with draped tunic ot lace. Her
picture hat of white lace was trim
med In white willow plumes. She
carried a shower bonyaet ot white
carnations and lllllas ot the valley.
of white carnations,'
Immediately after the ceremony a
delicious buffet luncheon was served.
Punch was served In the hallway.
Mrs. J. W. Barnett, of Athens, ant.
Miss Bessie Clark presiding at the
punch bowl.
wherever known.
A host of friends Joint the Herald
In extending congratulations of the
The out-of-town guests present at
tbo wedding were Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Barnett, of Atheni; Mrs. John T.
Mrs. Wdtt Is one of Albany’s most Watt, Miss Susie Mae Watt, Mr. John
attractive matrons. ( She has, since
her early girlhood, been a resident of
Albany, and her personality and gra
cious manner bare male ber hosts of
Miss Lockett was attractive In a
pretty gown of white lace over writ)
satin, trimmed Is pears. She car-
room In front of a large bay wind-)* j rled white carnations, tied with em-
in the parlor an altar of palms sad broldered tissue tolls,
ferns was improvised. In front of _ .Mlts Watt wore a handsome gown
which the bridal party stood durisg of pink mescaline, hand-embroidered
t'.- ceremony. in rose dtslgn. Her bouquet was also
Mr. Watt Is a member of the Urm
ot Watt-8app Hardware Company,
and during his fow years' residence
in Albany has popularized himself
both In Albany's commercial and so
cial circlet.
Mr. and Mrs. Watt left on the 9
o'clock train for Nahoochee Valley
and Lookout Mountain, where they
will spend a week or ten days, tetuft.-
ing home by tbe way of Atlanta,
where they will spend several days.
T. Watt, Jr., Mr. Lawrence Watt, Mr.
Bonn C. Crawley and Mr. Warren
Lott, all of Waycrosa.—Albany Her
We .desire hi thank our kind friends
and nslgbbors who were so kind and
good to ns during our recant Illness,
especially do we thank Dr. Bagley,
Miss Bennett of King’s Daughters
Hospital, Ber. Scruggs, Warren Bros.,
and Mr. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Creel.
Mrs. John A. Perdue was hostess
at a delightful little diner party on
Tuesday evening at tbo Capital City
club In honor of Mra. J. L. Walks-,
of Waycross, state historian of the D.
A. It.; Mrs. C.C. Hall, of Macon,
regent of the Amelia Washington
chapter, and Mrs. Billing Whitfield,
regent of tbe Brunswick chapter D.
A.,R. .. ,
The dinner table was decorated In
pink roses, with pink shaped tapers,
and a delicious dinner was served, the
affair being one of a happy series
given In honor of tho visitors who
are In Atlanta this week.—Atlanta
Georgian. •"
Many kitchens In Waycross help, to
feed the loafing negro vagrants.
Housekeepers should see where their
groceries go.
Tha present condition of municipal
politics In Waycross -accentuate! tbs
necessity for a commission form of
government, does It notT
Rev. Whitley Langston and nev. J.
B. Thrasher /left today for Taylors
Creek to attend tbe animal camp
meeting. This is tha ninety-ninth an
nual meeting held at Taylors Creek.
Rev. Osgood Cook will leave Monday
to atten^he meeting.
Mr. Lawrence Watt has returned
after a stay of some months at Battle
Creek. His friends will be pleased
to learn that he Is greatly Improved
In health.
is,; tn&S-
The report that the Itallan-TUVklsh
war ta about over will bring to tho
minds of some people the recollec
tion that there was a war over there;