Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 14, 1911, Image 2
WAVCROSS EVENING HERALD V Tut EVENING HERALD -Published ILISI t HERALD PUBLISHING CO. JA. P. Perham, Sr. 'A. P, Parham, Jr. Edltara and Proprietors. Ml,, Carrie Parham, Personal, Society and Local. Tlta Wnycrosa Herald founded In 1885. Tbs Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. rerham, Sr. Telephones Buslnua Office 28 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 288. PVary Afternoon Except Sunday. Pfflca No. 8 Jane Street. RATE* OF SUBSCRIPTION, v Month '. 4-45 * Months 11.28 * Months 82.50 1 Tear 85.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolution! and notices of entertain- Bents, where charge! are made, will he charged at advertising rates of 6 •ants a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Boboerlbera to The Herald that do Bet receive the paper promptly and •arly will please rlng-up the Circula tion Mansgor and report the trouble 8o Mm, as this Is the only means that a can assure you prompt and early Tory. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District Georgia. Hurrah for sood roads and let the candllates take enro of themselves. 4. No ambitious war corrcsponden:, who 1s sober, capable and wants to work, need Blarve theso troublous times. 4, The lime la not yet for advising people to do tbolr Christmas shopping early, but when It arrives we shal so advise. + There must bo something In Dr Cook. Hroro ho Is still Inspiring doubt ns to whetbor he ever reached the north pole. 4. It makes no difference ns far as his own personal roputatlon as a ball player la concerned, whether Ty Cobb's team wine the pennant or not, JOE d^ROWN 1 *; PROPOSAL. Macon Telegraph. "For atate-wlde prohibition,” would I receive more votes at a primary 'In [ Georgia than Hon. Pope Brown could poselhly get for himself. “For local option" would got more l vot-a than Judge Rujuell could poe-1 slbly gel. If Dick Russell Is In earnest about I local option, and Is not riding It for the sake of votes, he should agree to the Joe Brown plan which will assure | the greatest number of votes tor that cause. If ope Brows Is entirely serious in derlrlng to mantaln 3tate-wide prohl-1 bitlon, and Is not riding that Issue | becanso Russell mounted the othc— he should agree to the Joo Brown Plan because It wlfl assure more votes for that cause. If neither Judge Russell nor Pope | Brown agree lo the Joe Brown prop oaltlon, to let the people vote directly on the question, then tic peep), w j have the right to draw their own tjtlfclonie* Common Coldc muit he taken 8er ioualy. For unleos cured they gap the vl- tallty and lower the vlta^resletone. to more serious Infection. Protect your children and youreelf by prompt uso of Pdley’s Honey and Tar Compound and note lu quick and de cisive results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lunge it Is nn ever "ready and valua ble remedy. Gem Pharmacy; T Paine CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1W Exact Copy of Wrapper# THE CENTAUR COMPART. NEW *1 Hero’s hoping we’ve beat all the imragraphers to the statement that the Ohio courts gavo tho electri trust n shock when they ordered It dissolved. —pfr— It la our opinion, based on what wo have road and observod nnd on a gon- era] knowledge of conditions, that tho * team which get* tho moat runs .vltl win the world’s aerlei.—Kx. An Hast Indian la threatening to sue tho city of Chattanooga for (S'),* OOO for cutting off his long curly hair while he waa Incarcerated for vagran cy. The city trimmed him and now he wants to trim tho city. —4.— The problem of the Idle negro has become 10 serious In Jacksonville that the board of trade haa nstruct- ©d a apodal committee to take up a campaign to Insure the rigid en forcement of Florida's vagrancy law. The aatne condition confronts the smaller towns In a limited ratio. / * I Our good friend, H. M. Stanley, J editor of the Dublin Courier-Dispatch | has announced hts intention to run ' for the office of Commerce and Labor, • whch office waa created by the last act of the General Assembly of Geor gia. We know of no better man to All the place.—Cllnch County News. * NO NEED TO 8TOP WORK When your doctor orders you step work. It 8>aggora you, “I can't' 1 you say. You know you are weak, I run-down nnd failing m health, day by day, but you must work es long as you can stand. What you need Is | Electric Bitten to give ton, strength, and vigor to your system, to prevent I breakdown and build you up. Don't I bo weak, sickly or ailing when Elec-1 trie Bitters will benefit you from the I first doeo. Thousands bless them for | their glorious health and strength Try them. Every bottle la guaran teed. Only 60c at All Drug^tsti. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. Before You Reach The Limit of physical endurance and while your I condition Is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive rosults will delight ycu. For I bac kache?, nervousnes*. rheuraaUsf, I and nil kidney, bladder and urinary | troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. Paine. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bldg I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO <>0000000000000000 OWN A HOME FARM FOR SALE. On, of the best farms In Wars | county, eonalnlng HO acre*, sale. It Is does to the city and will I be aold with or without the growlnf [ crop. It la not Saints Rest farm, aut I, almost ta good. Apply quick P. PERHAM, 8R„ at Herald f office. WE LOAN YOU MONEY T3 BUILD. PAV BACK IN YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL 8ELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERM8—SEE U8I ♦OSOOOO- Waycross Savings and Tru& Co ' OOOOOOOOOOCXXbOVXX) OFLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Still rotaln, Ita high place as the beat household remedy for all cougha and colds, either tor children grown persons. Prevents serious re sults from a cold. Take only the gen uine FOley's Honey and Tsr com- j pound, and refuse suastltutes. Gem Pharmacy; T. 8. Paine. Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite HOW’S THIS? We offer ■ ue Hundrtd Dollars Re ward for any ca,a at Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O 'Ve. the undenlgned, have known F. Borne Idea of the growth of the Mormon church In this state Is gtren by the Mission Messenger, the orgtn • ol ,b. Baptist Women of Georgia. In t0t th * lMl 15 *•“*■ *“ 4 a recent Issue It csl.s .Mention toj^ 11 *'* hlm per,ee,ly hcnorat,e ta * the fact that th. County School Com-' bu *‘”“ • r ““ cUo " ’> nd fin * nd *"T table ta carry out any obligations made by hit firm. Welding, Klanan A Mnrrln, "♦•loner of Coffee county la a Mor mon nnd that Coffee has a voting pop ulaton of 700 who belong to the Mor monl church. It says there la a churrh In Atlaata with a membership of over 100. The Messenger attrib utes this showing to the work of the Mormon Elders, singly and In pairs, . . „ . ... ..... i, .! per bottle. Sold by nil drurgltt*. through this section / for sev.-rvl i 1 i Taie Hall’s Family F'.tle for const!- 1 ration. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure '• taken Intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces if tho system, j Testimonial! seat free. Price 75c years—TIftoa Gazette.. NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR 8TUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKE8 TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP. ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORS PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL7 Ware County Light and Power Company. We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! K. J. Co.. LaGrande Pharmacy J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. waycross. 6a> vV For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD.