Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 16, 1911, Image 2
18 EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD ubllshad A. P. Perham, 8r. A. P. Parham, Jr. Edltora and Proprietor*. Ml** Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Waycroes Herald founded In IMS. Tbs Dally Herald founded In US1 hy A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephone* Business Office 25 Editorial OH* it Residence 268. rvary Afternoon Except 8unday. Sintered at the Wayeross, Ga„ Posh etri* aa second class mall matter. Tfflce No. S Jane Strast BATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. a Month » •« I Month* I Tear ... H 15.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice*, cards of thanks, (•flotations and notice# of entertain* mants, where charge# are made, will 8* charged at advertising rate# of 6 gents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribe!* to The Hflrald that do Sot receive the paper promptly and •arly will please ring-up the Circuit* Ifiwi Manager and report the trouble |» him, aa this Is the only means that u can aesure you prompt and early flumj. _ THE HERALO IS THE QfidaJ Organ of th# United Hlatea Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROS8. GA„' OCT. 16, 1911. Out on the PsciSc coast an editor and preacher have swapped jobs for s week. It skauld be Interesting to cbseive how the sky pilot gets along with the •’devil.*' 4r The union of glass workers’ and glaziers of Sacramento hat been granted an Increase of 50 cents a day under an agreement effective Novera ber 13. The men will recelv $4.50 a day, with half holiday on Saturday. *— The San Francisco Lumber Cferka’ Association, the lumber handlers' union and several other labor organ- 1 tat Ions engaged In practically tnu same Industry, are considering proposition to amalgamate under one charter. hr The Athens Danner says that Joe Brown's position on the prohibition question Is sound and if the agita tlon It to continue, let the people *'le on the Issue and not on the merits or demerit# of s man running fer the gubernatorial office. * Miss Martha T. WUltarys, of Buf falo, has given to the children’s hos- 1 itnl. of that city, the lands nnd build Inga where it Is housed^ The valu# of the gift is more than $432,000, Miss Williams has beoo for a num I er of years a member of the man* aging board of the hospital, which was founded by herself and her mother. She made the gift aa a me morial to her mi UpMtflfl is to forbid the shooting of Aes. as these gentle and beautiful b^ffi# have been found to be destroy ers of pernicious weeds. The Audu bon society is doing a useful mission- iwy work In opening the eyes of th# public to the great use of bird# in th# destruction of weeds and insects and to the consequent folly and loss In their slaughter. This law In Texas Is election day. nn example which other states will As to ’’LUtls Joe” Brown, he Is doubtless soon follow in the local \ the strongest character in Georgia quite proper to inaugurate a politi cal campaign In Georgia anti! there was some definite assurance as to when a vacancy la the executive offi ce and there was no reason why can didates should be charging up and down the state trying to “disturb the political peace” and drawing far mers and business men away from their private affairs. Pope Brown agreed with 'him. Pope, did Hot see any use in precipitating the cam paign until it was known when Gov- ernor Smith was going to, step down and out For a few days Pop# re mained In the background, but when be heard that Dick Russell was la one corner of the state talking “local option”, he felt like It was tithe for him to get out and “run some more’ So the way he went. Pope did not have the courage to do what he thought ought to be done. Pope seems to pay too rauca atten tion to Dick. When Dick said the liquor question is the issue. Pope said “It ought not to be, but if you are gong to make it the issue, I at with you; I'll take the other side. Pope even went as far as to say that he had always been a local op- tlonlst, but that he was willing to take whatever side Dick wanted him to, or words to that effect. It was like two children at school playing base. The stronser one says; “You take that one and I’ll take this one, and the weaker one consents. Good men, honest and moral, are often weak. Somebody after Pope too* the “prohibition side," hame him say that he would favor 4 per cent alco hol in beer, which is much more than present law allows. Several years ago. some smart railroad law yers persuaded him to reduce the tax 'values of the Atlantic Coast Line about a quarter of a million dollars less than the railroad had given in under oath. Then. the ease with which Pope allowed himself “confer red" out of the gubernatorial races oa two or fTiree occasions shows that however good and honest he may be, he is not strong enough to hold his own against the “interests” that will come against him in the governor’s office. To be candid about “Plain Dick 1 Russell, we doubt if a great many people In Georgia look with any de gree of seriousness npon his race. The people do not often vote for one man for office while he Is clinging to another office with a vice-like grip. Especially is this true when the candidate is of the caliber of the present one. If there were anything in the “issue” which he is trying to ride nnd if there were anything in his personality to attract voters to him above others, the very fact that he Is holding his place upon court of appeals while making the race for anrtuer offico would defeat him. “Plain Dick” is not an extra ordinary man. He is known as standing candidate for office In Geor gia—he Is the old horse that becomes lively when the bell taps. He in jures himself by criticising the 1 and boasting of their non-enforce ment while remaining upon the high bench, and he lowers the dignity of that court by his present attitude. The people have takeu his measure ALCOHOL 3 PEK CBVT. I I Aft(ebbkftipMtaiCrii- slniladng EtRniafliM li.-’.JfeSKiris; Infants /Children Promotes DtgntiooJCbafit ness and ftescrontatosariSj Opiumitafpte nor>fccaL Not Narcotic. &&itouik£Mzunna .Mi ft—* AtUUUb- The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Ancrfect Remedy for lion. Sour StomdiDUntaJ Worms fomnlskmsiirwut ness and LOSSOFSleET. Use For Over Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thirty Years CASTORIA —MB————*3*————A—— PARK PLACE - High class Subdivis ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. } W. D. Morton, Agt. B00U NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bid; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO vOOOOOOOOOOOOOC’OO OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL BELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE US! Ware County Light and Power Company. Wayeross Savings and Trudt Co ♦oooooo and will reward him accordingly on preservation of useful birds. Columbus Enquirer-Sun: “Judge Russell’s, local option plank will not be approved by the voters of the state, nor will Pope Brown’s belated stand on state prohibition win him vote*. Joe Brown has the correct view of this subject. The prohibi tion question aas no place In this politics today. He is little in size, but a giant In strength of intellect and moral character. He Is too honest to “play politics” with great ques tions that have no business being In politics. He Is too intelligent to play to the prejudices or passions of the people and he is too strong to let *cme other candidate mark out the path that he must tread. He believ es in the “will of the people” from race. The legislature is already elec- , ...... * . .v , . tho top of his head to the sole of ais ted and U make, no difference who [hat thelr I. named a. governor. the .tatn. b , „„ „„ b<llerM liaI th. prohibition ,n..Uon will remain,^ ^ of protMt |hoI|M n , v(r be th. same. It th. question Is to be ^ ^ „ ** agitated, let It be removed from P«-| (W)U1> lhat mlnortlel ta „ rtjhta Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite NOW IE THE BE8T TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO 06 THE WORK. ’ LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGE8 FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL? We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! ft J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. LaGrande Pharmacy sonal politics and submitted to the people on the issue alone. —*—— THE STATE CAMPAIGN. Valdosta Time,. Several week* ago—in fan. months a,o—Governor Brown aald tration which he gav# that he did not think that It wan montha ago. \ that should not be usurped, and that Democracy consist, of deeds, rath er than words. And the people of Georgia ?re going to return him to the governor's office lo carry on the uutec, peaceful, hut strong, admin!*- few J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. w*yen»s. ca. For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD.