Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 16, 1911, Image 8
'v ; r-v npmps WAVCROM EVENING HERALD A barfk pays you dividerds on what you save, we pay you dividends on what you spend. .For the past 15 months we have been returning to our .customers who bought on our easy payment plan 10 per cent, of the amount they paid, in trade coupons, this has meant a saving of hundreds of dollars to the people of Waycross. This plan 6f dividing our profits has proven so popular that we are going to continue It, and we have now arranged the follow ing plan of dividing our profits with those who buy for cash. We have contracted with one of the largest manufacturers of high grade dinner ware, for a large amount of the handsome ware shown in the illustration. With each cash purchase we give you a coupon showing the amount. Every $5.00 worth of these coupons entitles you to from one to seven pieces of this ware ABSOLUTELY FREE ! For the benefit of our cus tomers who buy on our easy payment plan, we pay you 10 per cent, of the amount of your monthly payments, in TRADE coupons, (as good as cash at our stJ.'si-'for making your pay- mints at the store.instead ofjto a cjll?:tor. OUR NEW PROFIT SHARING PLAN First - Class Gdods, Low Prices and our liberal policies, have made this the fastest growing store in South Georgia. THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES, WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Wilker-HoodFurnifure Co. 406 PLANT AVE. PHONE 499 • This beautiful China Ware is on display at our store. We want you to come and see it. The decorations are the newest out, very handsome and will never wear off; the patterns are all matched, are neat and attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous ware, the best quality made in America. We give it to you absolutely free. The reason is, we want your business, and we are willing toshowour apprecia tion of yqur business by divid ing our profits with you. If you want CPOT CASH prices on your goods and it Is not convenient for you to pay SPOT CASH, you may pay us ONE THIRD of the amount cash, and the balance in three more payments, due in 30, 60 and 96 days. No extra charges, its for your convenience. Friday Oct. $3y200y000 INVESTED CAPITAL ST,000 DAILY EXPENSES 3 MILES OF PARADE GLORIES 10 ACRES OF TENTS p SELLi UNI r tn- ftl!) Tent Ever UBM8 nun with circus aots NEW NOVEL MILE OP 1.000 PERSONS 600 DORSES 126 BIG CIRCUS ACTS 60 Clowns w> k.„M\ RAILROAD CARS 750 WILD ANIMALS AUTOMOBILE DOOBffi 5 CONTINENTS COVERED OY THE AGENTS OF THIS SHOW 3HERDS F ACTING LEPHANTS 0? GREATEST THRILLER AT 10 O'OLOOK EVERY MORNING BIG, NEW STREET PARADE OnitO-CdUTlctti Units IS J» CWltWfifelR IttreHSTO* r SEE TACT r I Mike s On Sale Show Day At Brin^on’e Drug Store Architect Schureman wnen here last sprln?, e nipped some cypress ami yellow pine to homy, Rockford, Illinois, and had a door and a palt of sash made from it. Tho door and lumber, together have traveled 2,300 miles. They now stand in the lobby of the LaGrande office building, where they can bo seen by any one who de- sires; and Mr. Schureman will be pleased to give any information on the subject, if they call at his office, 425*427 in tho same building. While this door is second quality, !t is what would be used largely In the cheaper grade of houses for pain- ted work. It can be sold in Chicago for $1.75 at a good profit; and a first grade door fer $2.25. The price could be reduced in pro portion to tho freight as the point of delivery became nearer homo. It is absolutely impossible for white pine doors to meet this competition at Chicago^ New York, St Louis or atfy points south of there as they are now being ‘ sold at the lowest price in competition with birch veneered doors trade at Osakosh, Wts. Making the ktlles of cypress makes them as easy to hinge and put in mortlbe locks at white pine doors. And the first class doors, beautiful effects can be obtained by stained finishes. v Mr. Schureman being used to doing first class work. Is handicapped at the start without a factory to make doers, sash, special destgns for inter ior and exterior finish, stairs built in hook cases, side boards, china closets, etore fixtures, out side blinds, etc. It is hoped that some of our bcost- m will take hold o' this money tag plant at once ss Ur. Sckureman knows where to set aaNoUwt kefe to the plant with exptTsswet Plenty Of Money OUR CUT PRICES FOR THE PAST 30 DAYjS HAS CONVINCED US THAT THE PEOPLE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO BUY WHEN REAL BARGAINS ARE OFFERED. WE ARE HAVING A GOOD BUSI- |NESS, MAKING SALES IN ALL THE COUNTRY ADJOINING WAY- f CROSS AND ARE GETTING A GOOD BUSINESS FROM FLORIDA. WE l’ WILL CONTINUE OUR CUT PRICES DURING OCTOBER. WE HAVE A VERY LARCE 8TOCK OF BUGGIES, WAGONS AND HARNESS TO i SELECT FROM. CUT PRICES: $35.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $75.00 FOR CASH $75.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $55.00 FOR CASH $55.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $55.00 FOR CASH $56:00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO ....; $45.00 FOR CA8H $50.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $40.00 FOR CASH $40X0 WAGONS REDUCED TO $35.00 FOR CA8H $35.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO $30.00 FOR CASH WE HAVE A LARGE 8T0CK AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIND THE STYLE AND QUALITY TO SUIT YOU. If you are needing a buggy cr wagon, buy new and aave the big discount wo are offering. Jones Boggy Co. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. bringing a number of desirable cltl* gre,a to v.oci' for an appropriation. nets to Waycroaa. M CAUSE CHEAPER LIVING A committee of fifty will be ap- pointed rr.nu each atate In the Mis sissippi valley to obtain pledge, from public men to aupport deep waterway legislation. The association reaffirm ed the platform adopted a year ago at SL Lous for a woterway not lean than fifteen feet In depth. J. H. WADE, QUITMAN. Quitman, Ga., Oct 15.—J. H. Wade, died this morning at bis home here of heart failure, after an lllneai about ten days. The funeral and tn-J ferment w|ll occur tomorrow raora- CMcago, Oct. 15.—The construction a comprehensive system of water ways as a solution of the high coat of living problems by reducing the cost of transportation, was advocated j lag nt 10 o’clock. Mr. Wade wan by the Lakee-totheGnlf Deep Water- one of the oldeat and moat prom*- saoclatlon which ekieed III nent men of Quitman being 70 yean sixth annual meeting here today. aid. He was a membtr of tke well -tae- and this will he the mama e*l X *“**“• et 781 wCI «e to Wa*- knsnn Wait tin.';, ef ttls pinosnap at fhe j§w stiffen of eon- leaves a w:ts and tl.-te ri'.iJrea.