Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 17, 1911, Image 4
v-p «G HERALD - GEM PHARMACY T. S. Paine, : ioi UP. PHONE NO. 3. MOR RAND CO. RS AND CONTRACTOR* Lott-HItch Building. REINFORCED CIMCRE-E. Secure your Lyceum tickets at once. Don't mica the first number. 16 3t. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. Much Sickness Due To Bowel Disor dare. A doctor's first question when con* suited by a patient, "Are your bow els regular?" He knows that 98 per cent of Illness Is attended wlflTtnnc- tlte bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be removed gent* ly and thoroughly before health can be restored. Resatl OrJerltes are n positive, pleasant and safe remedy for consti pation and bowel disorders In gene"* al. We are so. certain of their gres cumtlve value that we promise to return the purchaser's money In ev- ery case when they (all to produce entire satisfaction. Kcrall Ordcrlles'are eaten like can dy, they act quickly, and aid In pro ducing a soothing, strengthening, healing Influence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea, or other annoying effect. They are especially good for chlldroi.. weak persons, of old folks Three •Ires. 10c, 25c and 50e. Sold only at our store—The Uexall Store. The Seals Pharmacy. We are uow re- v • * ■ ceiving plenty of fine fresh Eggs and are selling them at 25 cts. A Dozen (Personal 1 £ Miss Carrie Parham Social Editor £ New hats received at the Bon Ton with felts and new shapes. 17 It Miss Maggie Seaman is*the gest of relative! In Quitman for a few days. The brain women never Interest like t he heart v.-oraen; white rosea please less than red.—O. W. Hoimes. Fresh lot. of that Deakins Butter No woman Is all sweetness; even the rose has thorns.—Madame Heca- lam headquartersj for Chickens, Eggs , hoCKlx } , ilerdny and Butter. Mr. M. J. Baxton, a prominent Folkston merchant, was transacting j business in Waycross yesterday. Judge F. Willis Dart, <of Douglas, as among the many gests at tae MAY’S WE ARE NOW OIVINO MEAL FROM NEW WARE COUNTV CORN. WE GRIND IT FRESH EVERV DAY. TRY SOME OF IT AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM 5c WROTH Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy 8UCCE630R TO HADDY BROS. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetensrlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, Cx Day and Night Phono 198. MtC K. C. Rogers, of Amerlcus. (la.. Is among the visitors to Waycross today. Mr. J. It. Ritch, of Xicholls. wj among the guests at the Vlrdie ye terdny. HuraUhreys & Williamson are shoving some beautiful long coats, ladies and misses. COAL! COAL! COAL! WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED ASH. THE MONTE* YELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK ES RED ASH. I ALSO HAVE A CHEAPER ORADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. ALSO DRY STOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI. CCS. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOOD WOOD. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY. 10 tf. W.. W. ANSLEY, PROP. S3 Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you will have no other. U. Adams, 1’lione 24 Among the prominent visitors to Waycross yesterlay was Mr. C. Dow ning, of Brunswick. , The friends of the family will be pleased to learn that Mrs. D. McGee is much better today. Mr. D. M. Creswell, of Winston- Salem, N. C-, was a guest of the La- Grande yesterday. Ex-Mayor R. R. Hopkins, of Bruns wick, is in the city today, and If making his headquarters at the Phoe nix. / Judgo A. P. Perham left this morn ing for Atlanta where be goes to at tend the regular meeting of the' trus tees of the old soldiers* home. Miss May Day Kekle arrived in the city from Brunswick last night and la the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. M. York. Grand Fall and Of Ladies. Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored .Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. Winter Display In Millinery 0 We have the latest and most up-to date styles, both in Ready- ^ to-wear and Trimmed Hats. Onr Millinery AND Sait ieparSmenl is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers, to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. v Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED nFSffsXCS^VAomtloionKlkrst Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tf FOR RENT—Two furnlshdd room, gentlemen, with bath, electric Hants and pbone. Apply to F. A. Bates, Elizabeth street 21 tl /• E. B. MITCHELL, M. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and 8uryeon. Offlco 119-21 LaGrapdo Building. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 p. m Residence phone 402: Offlce Mist Agnes Brewer, who has boon the guest of Sir. and Mrs. Richard Scruggs, left for her home In Sa vannah this morning. Mr. Henry Seaman and Mr. Will Seaman returned last night from Quitman where they attended the fun eral of Mr. Jim Wnde, which took place there yesterday at ten o’clock. COWART'S 388. SWEAT RED POTATOES GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. AT 75CENT PER BUSHEL. 17 2t FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. "1 started to tell my wife about a woman who made her own summer gowns,1 /"Weir? “She capped my story with one about a man who made 3f.ooo.00ti and bought hie wife 311,000 worth of gowns.”—Washing ton Herald. Mr. C. A. Cartwright, division freight agent of the A. B. t,A., with headquarters In Fitzgerald, and Mr. C. B. Kealbofer. general freight agent of tho same road with hoadtyiar- ters In Atlanta, spent yesterday In Waycross. Mr. Roy H. Walden hnd n stroke of paralysis Saturday night, his whole rgbt aide being nlfeltcd. Hie ycondlilon was quite serious for a while, but he Is some better today, though he Is still unablo to talk. Mr. Walden Is quite well known and has many friends In the city who will re gret to learn of his Illness. ’ Senator Vardanian fresh boa his: gnat victory la the Senatorial rr!-| miry will he the attraction at the I Central School Auditzrlum nest | Thursday evening. 14 3t' Summer Colds bad ns they are, have about the same chance with Seals’ Cold Tablets I that a eaowhall does Ih sunshine. - Try them on guarantee. THEISEALSi PHARMACY vuntxiusroui ►oeceoeoeoeoeoet BOARDERS WANTED—Qood board can he secured ac 54 Reed street. 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 51 Parallel SL or phone 462. * 131m .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con veniences. Couple without children preferred. King 149. 4 tf MODERN EQUIPPED new house. (9 Williams street, 7 rooms, exclusive bath and dresalng room. Rent, In cluding lights and water, 325.00. Va cant tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 14th. A^Es Cochran, Phone 611. FOR RENT—Three nice unfurnlnh- td rooms for light housekeeping. Pbone 746, 37 Ollmore street 9 6t LOST—Bay horse. Finder please return to Dr. Jacquelln Knight 11 6t Never Build a Bouse Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as It is cheaper to study tho plan on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever In my family It became necessary for me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. IJiave a large stock of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, flrcrproot, semi-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN anl see what wo have got; It may assist you In making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Offlco Pbone 177, Residence Phone 457 P. O. Box 1S2. D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. * C* LOST—A small black folding puree containing $150.00 In N. V. Excha'nge, Issued by the Exchange Bank ol Waycross, payable to R. U Turner. One $20 bill, 4 1 dollar bills, two clippings Savannah News. Liberal reward return to Mra. C. L. Young blood, Waycross, Ua„ phone 419. If St LOST—On streets, between II Brunei street and Central school, gold broach. Finder please return \o Min Luclle iUppurd. It if WANTED—By competent book keeper a light aet of hooka, can de voto from three to five hours per day. Address P. O. Bex 135. 16 5t f OR SALE—1 horse buggy and har ness, 2 heifers, 1 cane mill hnd boil er. Mrs. Youngblood, R. No. 1. Box 4. 16 6t COWS FOR 8ALE—A few good Jersey cows, fresh In milk, for sale at reasonable prices. Apply N. 3. Inns. . 14 3t T&UaftcfrrVMOBllC 2>0tfBL£