Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 17, 1911, Image 7
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD ^M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCE8 FOR ^ ORDINARY. Circumstances force me to get inti the ‘‘game” this early and-announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary at the next Democratic primary elec- .^iin. Should any onb^lse ocer for this, .place I trust thpi^fe will be as fln^a man as my zf friend B. H. Thomas, which would'' insure a clean race. If elected I will see that the office Is kept open all day. I solicit my share of-the votes. A. M. Knight. MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald Is authorised to announ ce that Mr. P. H. McGee will be a candidate fjsr Mayor of Waycroie, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of his plat form will be published later. FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga. t Sept. 9, 1911. To the Citizens of Waycross: I will bo a candidate for nomina tion as Mayor of Waycross In the approaching pnmary. Within a few days 1 Will publish a -short statement of the principles that I shall advo cate in asking the voters of the city to support me. j. (Signed) Harry D. Reed. . * FOR ALDERMAN 8ECOND WARD. ,To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary and ask the support of all classes of citizens. 1 promise fidelity to thetrust if confer red upon me. • I ... W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subl et to the white Democratic primary <V he held later. If elected, I will do my part toward giving the city an impartial, business admlnlstra- *lon- R t*. ' H. Hongeveld. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg to aay I do so with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppose mo. I expect, If elected, to look closely after tho affairs of the office of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time In attending to the Important duties of tho office. I expect to make a fur ther statement tn regard to certain mattery later. C. W. Parker. FOR ALDERMAN The friends of Mr. Sffiott T. Benton announce him as a canlldate for Al derman from the Fourth Ward,sub ject to tho Democratic primary to be called later. We feel quite sure It elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most efficient and active official, and ask the hearty supbort of the voters of the city. | MANY FRIENDS. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald la authorized ‘ and re quested to announce that Hon. J. E. T. Bowden will be a sandldato for tho State senator from tho Waycross dls trlct In the pnmary to to called later and that a plain (tatement will ap pear some time b ter 13 6t FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE 8I*TH . WARD. To the clfmS&h Waycross: * I hereby announce that I wtU be a candidate to succeed myeelf, as Al derman for th« sixth ward, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held some time Is. December. In malting this announcement, I wish (d thank the good people of Waycross for their many kind words, and warm support 'while acting as their repress tatlve, and If elected, I will try and serve them os faithfully tor the next two .years. Vary truly yonrs, : On 5 Per Oent Money AND Stop Paying Rent! Own Your Own Home! Opportunity knocks Toda) Every Man's shoulder is broad enonph to provide a home for his family it he will make the effort START TODAY low W INVESTMENT COMPANY, /*. TIFTON» Georgia IS AN INSTITUTION OF CHARACTER, FURNISHING A PLAN WHEREBY ONE CAN BORROW MONEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUYING, BUILDING, IMPROVING PROPERTY OR LIFTING A MORTGAGE AT only 5 per cent simple INTEREST PER ANNUM AND N0 more, and at the same time allow ing THE BORROWER TO REPAY TfclE LOAN IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT, ANNUAL PAYMENTS ACCEPTED. IMPROVE YOUR VACANT LOTS! IMPROVE THE VACANT LOTS YOU OWN BY PUTTING UP A NICE RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS HOUSE AND SELLING OR RENTING SAME AT A HANDSOME PROFIT INSTEAD OF LETTING IT LIE IDLE AND HAVING TO PAY TAXES ON SOME. THING THAT DOES NOT BRING YOU ANY REVENUE. TO THE MAN OR WOMAN WHO RENTS! our plan enables you to own YOUR OWN HOME IF YOU WILL MAKE THE EFFORT, AND THEREBY BECOME YOUR OWN "LAND LORD” AND STOP SQUANDERING YOUR MONEY IN RENTS FROM WHICH YOU DERIVE NO BENEFIT. TO THOSE THAT HAVE MORTGAGES COMING DUE! IF vou HAVE borrowed money FROM THE PRIVATE MONEY-LENDER UPON WHICH YOU ARE PAYING A HIGH RATE OF INTEREST, YOUR OBLIGATION WILL FALL DUE SOME DAY. WILL YOU BE IN SHAPE TO MEET IT? IF NOT YOU SHOULD BY ALL MEANS TAKE UP OUR PLAN AND SECURE THE LOAN, THUS PREPARING THE WAY TO MEET YOUR OBLIGATION WITH THE PRIVATE MONEY-LENDER, AS THE AVERAGE 8TATI3TIC8 SHOW THAT SEVEN 0UT 0F EVERY HUNDRED PEOPCE 8AVE THEIR PROPERTY WHEN COVER ED BY A MORTGAGE BEARING A HIGH RATE OF INTEREST. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ON OR WHITE, . R. M. Phillips, Wo R. Rutledge State Agent, MACON, Ga. Dis. Mansger, WAYCROSS,JGa. Rooms 9 and 10, Jefferson Hotel FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. The friends of Mr. T. G. Hilliard hereby announce him a candidate for Alderman from the Second Waycross Ward. Mr. Hilliard was raised In Ware county and has lived In Way- cross many years. Ho is favorably known and will be warmly supported. friends. FOR ORDINARY. the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not be a candidate to succeed myself as Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and tho people having elected me to that position for one term, which has better -fitted me to fill that position for a succeeding term, I have decided to yield to tho solicitations of my many friend* who have Importuned me to stand for re- election and hereby make this ray announcement for Ordinary of Ware County, subject to the Domocrntlr pr'mary to be called by the Democrat- Executive Committee of Ware coun- Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Ordinary Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to bo held later. If .elected, I ; promise, to give my atten tion to tho office and keep It open. It will be no side line with me. This early announcement Is made neces sary by the feet that other candidates have already announced for this of fice. Sottcitjng the support of mi friends, I am, yours to serve, G. P. FOLKS. Special low prices tad easy terms )n bed room suites, iron beds, odd Dteces, etc. We will please or re fund your meaty. s Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. • i — ^ .4EL Cadillac NO BETTER MACHINE MADE. AL WAYS READY FOR SERVICE. NOTHING TO BUY BUT GAS AND OIL AND GO A YEAR WITHOUT RE. PAIRS. ONLY SIX MACHINES AL LOTTED TO THIS AND PIERCE COUNTY. ORDER NOW. M. KELLEY Agent FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce my canlldacy for Alderman from toe Fourth Ward, subject to the primary to bo called later. 1 will appreciate the support or the clItzcuB of Waycross, and it elected will work for the Interest and upbuilding of the city. W. H. Fendt. Ah FOR ALDERMAN. To my friends and citizens: I hereby announce myself derman of Sixth Ward, subject ttf tho primary to be held In December In doing so, I respectfully ask the sup- rort of all the citizens of Waycross, and it elected. [ will at all timet use my vote to what X think Is tho best interest of Waycross and her citi zenship. Tours (or progressive Waycrose, FOR ORDINARY. To tho Voters of Ware county: 1 hereby announce that I am a can didate for tho office of Ordinary of Wa*e county, subject to tho Demo cratic primary to bo hold later, if elected I promise to give my entire time to the duties of tho office and solicit tho support of ray friends. Respectfully, E. S. Henderson. WAYCR088 LODGE No. 806. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IEC0ND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P. M. All Mesons Invites to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC, 0 6r 0 doses "C6t" win core any cue of Chills and Tsrer. 'Prise, 29 J. C. Payne £~~SJGIST WILLIAMS' BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS 8TREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE 8HOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE / Man Works From Sun To Sun w Oman’s'Work Is Never Done FOR 80ME PURPOSES YOU WANT TIN-WARE, FOR OTH ERS GRANITE-WARE; AGAIN ENAMELED WARE OR VVOOD- RN WARE. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AND THE WAY YOU WANT IT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE 8MALL EXPENSE OP A PROPERLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN, THE AMOUNT OP TIME YOU SPEND IN IT, AND HOW MUCH DEPENDS UPON YOWR — COOKING, YOU CAN WELL AFFORD TO HAVE THE PROPER UTENSILS FOR THE WORK. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. . [House Furnishers to the People v 44 Plant Ave. ' Phone 184 * . I