Newspaper Page Text
Will Be Largely Attended-
Merchants Especially
Board of Trade Will Ar
range Agricultural Dis
play in Atlanta .V
Atlanta White Waj
Model of Its Kind—Ii
terest in Waycross
lie Says Her Former
Husband Used An Ax
On His Victims
Many Homes Will
Gladdened By The
Now York, Oct. 18.—Another itorlc
train," with halt a hundred plump .tnd
pretty youngaters on board, will lcavo
New York tomorrow for the wild and
wooly district!. There they will be
placed in good homos, principally
farina and will bring Joy and gladnois
into houaea where the merry laugh
ter of childhood haa been unknown.
For yeara New York haa exported
annually thouaanda of lta surplus hu
man crop, and reporta ahow that mist
of the orphana hare done well and
have become a credit to their footer
parenta. The foundling aayluma at
ways lnveatlgate carefully all' appli
cations for children, although it if
declared that any peraon who wanra
a child la practically certain to lore
and care for it.
Nebraska, Colorado and Texas prob
ably get more of New York’s home
less children than any other status,
although all the western statea'share
In the jdiatrlbuJIon. Extromely pa.
Judging’by the expression of many
of the Waycross merchants and prop
erty owners, the white way meeting
at the Board of Trade Friday night
will be largely attended and some
thing definite Is sure to result
Investigations of white ways hare
shown their value as an advertise
ment to the merchants In front of
whose store the white way passes, and
when the proposition is agreed upon
there Is sure to be a scramble foi
places on the system. The cost haa
been figured down to such a low rate
as to place the advertiser (the whit/
way) within reach of everyone.
Recent statistics compiled by au- ^Circus is coming tomorrowlA real
thorities on the subject show circus! A big one! Among the very
that ornamental iron post street longest that travels. The reliable
lighting systems are rapidly Increas- j Adam Forepaugh and Bells Brothers
ing In the United States, especially in; Big United Shows with every depart- 1
the Southern States. Iment augmented and additional nov-
In Georgia three Important cities | cities rare and Interesting In the way !
have systems that ubo the ornamen-jof ail kinds of new. circus acts have 1
tal Iron posts with groups of lights been secured, in conjunction with a 1
topping them. Macon, Savannah and | long string of their pick of American
Atlanta have tho systems, the last performers. The Adam Forepaugh 1
named having a system that Is given | and Sells Brothers horses are a show '
rank in the South and pointed to all by themselves, and every depart- 1
from all sections of the country nsjment has been Increased extensively, 1
the moet comprehensive white way j and such a superb exhibition of blood- 1
systom In use today. od stock as form a part of this fam-
The statistics show that the white ous circus can be truthfully said no 1
Ellsworth, Kan, Oct. 18.—That one The Board of Trade has been given
man has been responsible for the mur-. exhibit space by the Atlanta, Birm-
der of entire families in several west- Ingham and Atlantic in the city tics-
em towns was suggested by estate- et office in Atlanta and install Sat-
meat made here this afternoon by'urday a general exhibit of agrcultu-
the divorced wife of Charles Mar-■ rai products. Everyone having any-,
xyek, wanted for the slaughter of the j thing that^wlll add to the'attractive-
Showman family here. (ness of this exhiUtt is urged to send
. According to this statement. Mar-‘same to the Board of Trade eaj-ly
zyek was convicted of forgery In Cel- Ftjday or notify the secretary by
orado 8prings, where six members of phone.
the Wayne and Burnham families To get the proper showing the ex-
were slain not long ago. He was "111:- hlbtt must be Installed Saturday and
qualnted in Monmouth, Ill., whero although this gives but short time to
three persons were murdered In ono gather the products the Board of
hone*. Trade hopes by co-operation of the
Tlj weapon used in each slaugnter citizens to carry a splendid array of
was an ax. products from Ware.
Miss Hazlehurst, wno has been un
der treatment in John Hopkins Hos
pital in Baltimore, underwent a suc
cessful operation yesterday. Rev. O.
F. Cook received a telegram this
morning telling of the operation an.1
stating that MIbb Hazlehurst Is get
ting along-very well.
I wish to express my sincere thanks
to the good people of Waycross
and community for tHe
kindness shown the family of Mr.
Josh Dinkins during his long illness
1 and at his death. I feel very gfSlofui
to all, and take this method to ex
press my appreciation.
C. M. Eunice.
Blackshcar Times, please copy.
Mr. J. E. Dicklns is now ready for
business at his new place in Phoenix
block In the store room formerly oc
cupied by Lewls-Watson Company.
Everything is nicely arranged, and
Mr. Dicklns is much pleased with his
new location.
We call special attention to the ad
of J. Er Dicklns In our today’s Issue. .
Miss Annie Laurie Walker is being
charmingly entertained by friends In
Macon, a number of pretty affairs
have been given in compliment to
her. ' '
boulevard because of the white way. ■ "• rho doors open for the Inspection
Citizens like-to walk around on well the menagerie one hour earlier,
lightod streots, it appears, and as all T bl* original, genuine and
merchants take care to have attrac* onl >’ Adam Forepaugh and Sells
tivo window displays, splendid busi* Brothers shows en*tour, and has boon
nc33 Is devoloped that might other* rebuilt beautifully at the cost of near-
wise go to somo other merchant of ^ Tickets can be occur*
some other city for that mattor. | * d ln advance, tomorrow at Brinson*
Interviews published recently wlth| Eru & Store, Elizabeth atroe», without
merchants at flr3t kicking on install*. etra charge.
! This evonlng at 8:20 o’clock tho
fifteenth season of. the Lyceum will
be usherod in by an address by Sena-
vwi'oiect J•»»» It.
clsslppl. Senator Vardaman Is, des
tined to become one of .the most po
tential factors, Ip <jur nat|onal life,
lor glftod as.he Is In every fay aa
befits a great commoner, he eitiere
i the. U. 8, Senate. Wit^h a , wonderful
presage already , attained. Courag
eous, true and $ed, backed by the
greatest endorsement ever given by
I h state to Its favorite son, ho ti pro-
pared to entertain ,and to Instruct a§
The Waycross White Way, will be ire but, ;sw,mfj> .In. public Uf$ today,
the subject fob quite a dlscuision next,, Don'tfqil.tpbearttfC Senator tjita
Wednesday night at W Ward of j ®Y^plns. ■, ;|> . ( , ,| -
Trade. ’ the meeting 7 talked ot"torf A ttw «empn‘oc((e^ may. ho,ha^ «t,
Friday night will nit’ba heli' In view thq floor., ajneraj'admlssipn fllj he
'o( the other meetings* for tbo samo W cants and 11.00, , ,, . ,
Shoes, Hats
and Fupnisfiings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and ds nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
meeting noxt Wednesday wilt undoubt,
edly be well attended. *’
‘ Cfnjrchwell Bros,, the etore that
'ceili Itlor loes/ prid ’the store that
catlsflez’, has an advertisement In the
Herald,, to which special attention is
directed.' ^he store has an Immense
stock of froch merchandise, which is
being sold st popular prices.
Visit Cburchwel! Brothers, and be
convinced that they are offering and
[selling gennlse bargains.
Special To The Herald.
| Buffalo, N.'Y, Oct.' 18.—More than
a thousand - delegates, leaders In Tho
Protestant Episcopal Church of the
United Stiles and the church oi Eng
land In Canada, and many of them of
-Ugh standing In business and the
professions, htvs gathered in this
’c(ty to fake part. In the annual con
vention of tho Brotherhood of St An
drew.. 7 §&yj
The meeting will continue four days
and will have as speakers Rev. Wil
son P. Stearjy, of Philadelphia; Rev.
Dr. John Henry. Hppkjos, of Chlcago;
Perhaps you could have it ln aa pret
ty a part of the country as you ever
saw.. > ■"! ' ii *»!■> i
Call upon us and see. If you say that
you are Interested, It le quite likely
that we can do something for yon.
Messrs. Wiimer H. Cason and Vv.
A. Miller returned last night from a
- pleasure trip to Baltimore, Washing-
[ ton and New York. They report a
most delightful and interesting trip.
Sr. fion
Rev. cannon Powell, president of
Mr. W.' S. Fenflit-, of Valdosta, wail Kins's College, Windsor, Ontario, and
—o"-- •>. at T.*n»e-f« res- a number of other elergym* and ed-;
s: ■ .'-‘o-SvdiLl wile resuLiUep. r ,,‘ ,