Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 19, 1911, Image 4
Grand Fall and Winter Display f Personal I are uow re ceiving plenty of\ tine tresh Eggs and are selling them at Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Tailored Suits $15.00 Tailored Suits $20.00 Tailored Suits $25.00 * Mica Carri* Prrham 8ocia! Editor J A LOVE 8TORY. We have the latest arid most up-to date styles, - both in Ready- to-wear and Trimmed Sat beside her,-- And she smiled. Goo-goo eyed her And she smiled. Hesitated, Ruminated, While 1 waited, Still she smiled! 25 cts. A Dozen 601 NO AFTER THE Lice. Tm Mfld Mmethlag to clcaa wp dktefect nd kill praiita. KRESO DIP No.i fl will do tLe work. ^ DEPENDABLE INEXPENSIVE V TO USE - .special book- More up nearer. And she, smiled, Love seemed dearer, And she smiled. Then I seized her, Kissed and squeezed her?— Had r .pleased her?— Sure! She smlledl . —Town Topics. Fresh lot Deakins Ladies’ Ladies’ I am headquarters tor Chickens, Eggs and Butter. Judge. A. P. Perham returned to day from Atlanta. Oscar Cason, at Lakeland, Fla. Mrs. Martin and little son, cite and son ot Contractor Mart?tt who has charge ol the post office building, have arrived from Washington, N. C. CLASSIFIED Mr. H. V. Barnes, who had an at tack of appendicitis several days ago. Is very much Improved. His. friends hop* to see him out again soon.- A man can hardly suiter any great er anguish than to hare the conver sation work away from a funnv ay- ry he was scheming to blip hi Is apropos of something that was said — New York Press. | FOR ALDERMAN. . I hereby announce myself as a can didate for'Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic pri mary. I solicit and appreciate the support of the voters ot the city. W. H. Chandler. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms gentlemen, with bath, electric lights and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, 60 Elizabeth street 61 tt Thirty-two car loads of tourists from points out West passed through Waycross this morning. A number ol the tourists stopped over here, while the others went on to points In Florida. Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you will have no other. /. H. Adams, Phone 24 Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Shaffer, who | msde the trip from York, Pa., la an [automobile to Waycrosa, have gone on a trip to Jacksonville and other Ipolnts In'Florida. .FOR RENT—Room* for light house- j keeping or for young men. All con-! venlenoee. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf " Rev. J. F. Bohlcr, the blind .evan gelist will speak at the’prayer meet ing at First Methodist church tonight on "Bible Healing”. On account ot the Lyceum lecture, the eervlcee will be short LOST—A email black folding purae containing 6160.00 la N. Y. Exchange, Exchange Bank of leaued by the Wayprose, payable to R. L. Turner. One 920 bill, 4 1 dollar Mile, two clippings Savannah News, liberal reward return to Mrs. C. L. Young blood. Waycross, Da., phone 419. If St E,. a MITCHELL, D. O. M, D. OSTEOPATH, and Phyalslan and Surgeon, Ones 419-21 LaOraude Building. Hours: 9 to 12 aud 2 to 6 p.m Residence phone 402; Office —— | Mr. W. .8- Harris, who has recent- fly been with tRa Brinson Drug Com pany has gone to New Orleans. .Mr. Harris la considering moving to Cen tral America where hne brother la In the drug business. LOST—On streets, between It Brand etreet and Central ichool, gold broach. Finder please return to Min Ludle Rlppard. 12 a The body of Mr. John P. Martin, who died euddenly here on Tuesday night of last week, was shipped ta Louisville, Ky„ last night for buriaL The brother of the deceased lives In Louisville, end requested that the remains be 'sent there. <■ Mr. Joel H. Tucker, the father of Mr. John D. Tucker, itho resided In WeycroM for a long time, died Mon day at his bpme in Monti cello, Fla. Mr. Tucker was 66 years of age, and leave* one daughtgr and four sons. Mr. Tucker was tar twenty-five years tax collector of Jefferson county, and was one of Florida’s most prominent WANTED—By competent book keeper a light act of books, can d» rote from three to live hours pel day. Address P. O. Box 126. 16 5t Mrs. W. M. Nix Is spending a few etrncfbd, and the plot moves with a ■ days in Cordele. FOR SALE—1 hone buggy and hir- neis, 2 heifers, l -cane mill hnd boil er. Mrs. Youngblood, R. No.. 1,'Box 4. 16 6t PARK MOR RAND CO. •“GINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CSNCRE’E. citizens. Wanted At Once, FOR RENT—10-room house, 52 Jane street Apply J. W. Moore, 61 Tebeau street 19 tf Three first class representatives to represent THE GEORGIA LOAN 6 INVESTMENT COMPANY, In Way- cross, and South Georgia, they must be sober, honeeh and truthful, and must come well recommended, com mission proposittoh, good money to the right men, none but the above need apply. Call on or write, Summer Colds WANTED—Furnished rooms or part ot houae for light housekeeping. Ad dress "M." Herald office. .19 tt Seals’ Cold Tablets WANTED—Position as stenograph er or cashier by cSlhpetent young Is- care Herald office. that a snowball daea In sunshine. Try them on guarantee. dy. Addreee ”H’ 19 tt Rooms No. 9 and 10, Exchang (formerly the Jefferson Hotel.) Steers your Lyceum tickets at once. Don't m!u the first number. 14 SI. i PLENTY OF CHICKENS AT J. W. S. HARDY'S. It II Phone 62 Or 301 J. W. S. Hardy WE ARE NOW MEAL FROM NEW COUNTY CORN. WE GIVING WARE GRIND IT FRESH EVERY DAY. TRY SOME OF IT AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM 60 WROTH UP. PHONE NO. 3. WHY HESITATE* An Offer That Involves No Money Risk If Yeu Accept It. We are so positive our remedy will ripmpletely remove constipation, no matter how chronlo tt may be, that we. ocer to furnish free jf all cost If ' Jt falls. Constipation Is commonly caused by weakness of the norvss end'muscles of the large intestine. To expect cure you must therefore tone up end strengthen those organa and restore th4m to healthier activity. We want you tl try Retail Order lies on our guarantee. They ure oat en like candy, and are particularly good for children. They , eem to act directly on the nerves and uncles or the bowels. They apparently Mve a neutral action on tra other organs. They do not purge or cause other In convenience. We will refund your money If they do not overcome ehron- la or habitual constipation and thus aid to rollers he mryisds ot associate or dependent chronlo atlments| Try Retail Orlcrllcs at our risk. Threo slues. 10c, 26o and 60c. Sold only at our store—The Retail Store. Ths Seals Pharmacy. C. A. OOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 10 Albany Avenue. Waycross, Go. Day and Night Phone 608, Suits Rev. M. C. Austin, of Brunswick, Is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs; H. Murphy have re turned alter a delightful trip to rela tives In New Jersey. Mr. T. H. Blizzard la able to be out again, after an Illness of several Miss Pearl Cason returned last night from a visit to her brother, Mr, Suits Ladies’ Tailored $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. \ AND Soil Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson Never Bnild a Bouse BOARDERS WANTED—Good board can be teenred ac 64 Reed atreeL 7 tf FOR RENT—Room at 61 Parallel SL or phone 462. 18 lm Unless yon have a first class ar chitect, as It ts cheaper to atudy the plan on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever In my family It became necessary for me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I hare a large stock . of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, fire-proof, seml-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN ant tee what we have got; It may assist you In making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone 177, Residence Phone 467' P. O. Box 182. D. S, SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer, THE MAN ON THE BOX. Those of our local theatre goers who appreciate high class comedy should be very much Interested I. the coming of "The Man on the Box", dramatized by Grace Llvlng- stone Pornise from the novel of the same name by Harold McGrath, to be presented at Parker Theatre qn Wed. nesday, October 26 As tho book was, and still D, one of the best sell ers,’’so has the play proven to bo one of the best and most successful comedies staged In recent years. Both In the book and on ths etage, "The Man on the Box” developer a combination of comedy, farce, sent!- meat, emotion and mild mekMlrama that la pleasing to all lovers. It 1* well written. Its scene* are well con- stupidity of action that helps along its mirth giving qualities and Its comlo power. Mr. Bart Leigh heads the company, presenting the play here, supported by Miss Hilly Long and a strong cast The production will be complete In all details. Seats on eale at LaGraade Pharmacy. BODY 8ENT TO L0UI8V1LLE. •* ' ■ ’ ' 'i®