Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 20, 1911, Image 1
AYCROSS WAYCROSS, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1911 NUMBER 3< j VOLUME XVIII ELEPHANTS WERE MANY: ON STREET CAR MATTER ASSAULTED - KERNAN AT THE MACON FAIR TO-PARK-MORRAND CO, :xT MONDAY NIGHT Camels Drawing Large Float—Parade Attract :d ; -Much Attention • Does Not Think Company Will Accept Franchise. As Granted Was Taken From The Mar shal By Mob of > Fifty Men Ely,Famous Bird-Man, Lost Control of His Machine Work To Begin On Bunn’s Five-Storv Building • Now Soon Wade’s Auditorium- . Candidates Will Make Speeches The Foropaugh and Soils Brou.c'ra circus arrived In town early this mor ning. Early -tiio big canvas . tenth were placed In position. Col. W. W. Lambda, who represents tbe organisers ot the new street ebr company in the city,.was seen this morning and asked j( the company would accept the amendment to the street car franchise which was adap ted at the meeting of the City Cqjra- Cll last' Saturday night and -which re quired tbe payment ot three per cent of the gross receipts ot the Company j at the expiration of ten.years, In ad dition to thd usual ad valorem which ]- i the Company would have to pay on | Its property to the city. In reply Col. j Lambdln made the ollowing state ment: - "I do not tnlnk that the'gentlemen Interested will accept this amcifH-i, . meeting of the ClUzens Club will . The contract for the erection of H. held on Modday night, tte 23rd, at D. Bunn's magnificent five-story office 1) at the Wade Auditorium jn Sou- building on Elizabeth afreet, la rear rn Blocic. I of Herald office, has been awarded to here will be speaking by the Clt-' the Park-Mori-and Company, is Club,' candidates for Mayor and The building will cover the entire Macon, Qa.,. Oct. 19.—Eugene Ely, the world-famous aviator, was killed at the state fair grounds this after noon shortly after 3 gx’clock, when his machine t ref used to rise from a sen sational’ dip, and plunged with him He fell In Two porfor- y mances will be given afternoon and • evening. i The parade, which took place at 10 i> o’clock, was eagerly awaited by many r persons who congregated alon^' the t streets. It was one ot the best dis plays made here by a circus. One ot s the features was six camels drawing * a large, float. The drlyer had as s much control over them as be would i have had over the same number, ot ’ * horses: * ' Another attraction was the many el ephants and the. open cages of Hons*, leppards, tigers, bears' and hyeanaa. The tigers and lions were unusually - largo and were very much admired. • Every country on earth'has contrlb ■ uted to the wonders of the circus. . The tableaux wagons, band Chariots - bowdahs, floats and thrones were ' built In Liverpool from the designs 1 hy the best artists of Italy and France They are burnished’' with pure gold loaf. Tlio : costumes were deslgdbtl In Franco and executed on Japanese • looms. 1 Over 1100 people took part n the pa rade. 'They represent nil tho strange types of the human raco. A complete ’ I menagerie was disclosed In open ca- ' ges. ' Music 'was turiffsiicd by great brass bands. ’ In (he children’s section were dls* ’ -played all the characters ot tho lore ’ of Infancy, riding .on golden chariots I or posting In dellcato bubbles at I spun glass. They wore living pictur es from'Allce In Wonderland, Tho Bo- I bios In the Woods, Gullivers Travels, ’ | The Wator Babies, Aladdin -and bis wonderful Lamp, tbe Arabian Knights, Jack and tho Beanpole and Robinson [Crusoe, , r flffy feet to’ the ground, the presence of nearly eighty thous and people, to the middle of fbe In closure of the mile track, almost clearing the machine by a desperate leap that be made when be realized hts peril. His body was‘broken In a score of places and he died eleven minutes efterithe fatal fpR, regaining consciousness 'Just before the end, long enough to mutter: "I Lost Control—” ’’I lost control—I know I am going to die.” IR. T. G. HILLtARD WITHDRAWS FROM ALDERMANIC RACE. Ir. Editor:— [ Please permit me to make the fol- Jwlng statement through your col- 'S I heartily appreciate the many eh- Houraging words that have boon spok- Bn to me since my announcement for Blderman from tbe Second Ward and Blso tbe numerous voluntary premia- es that have pledged me.a large and appreciated constltutency and I here- by express my, appreclstlon for the anticipated support of many whom I ■now to be my personal friends and |whom I. believe would .so declare at fthe ballot box In the event of my con- Ely made a remarkable flight this morning shortly before noon, ascend- Ing the atmosphere heights to ah al titude of 3,100 feet At 2:45 o’clock he began his second flight of thffi day, j rising gracefully from the track ln-| closure, which he circled In a few I minutes, traveling at about 60 miles an hour. As ho was completing tbe circle, he mode one of- his famous dips, seemingly to startlo the thous ands beneath hfm who, were wathing wilh straining eyes. . ““““a 0( al ‘ th0 Those j« cDoaaIdi and at that tlmo 0 „ m0 . c ,*'' hom 1 ha,e “® n * hat the pates t , ona and otber matter, requiring at- (fixed .by Council are absolutely pro- tenticn will be passed upon, by tho . I.hlbatory. They have boon wonting court , a Jury' will also be drawn for p jon the proposition fori the last two the next term of ths court. ( I years and have never been able to in- . , tercst « ut » lde “P*® 1 . m account °' Mrs. Q. c. Smith Smith, of Cordelo, , certsln cl,la ‘ 0 * wW <* Ml *‘ th0 Is In tho city for this evening, tbe original franchise. They have h*d of Mrs Maud necki . , several strojt car men to oome and w— look over iho situation In Waycross which to build and equip an adequate and these parties have alwdyinurtied system, for tho olty. All financiers, the proposition down stating that capitalists, Investors and bond brok- there Is no money In a-street car sys- era, who are experienced on the sub- tdn in a town under 15,000 tnhabl- Ject, write us that the rates proposed tants. Ths letter which was pi^illsb- by tho City Council would render It ed a few days ago from Mr. Ark- Imposelble to sell the bonds. A lead-1 Wright, President . ot the Atlanta Ing bond broker writes as follows: I Streot Railway Company gives the “ ‘It Is so bard at tills, time to yet' concensus of opinion of ali street car outside capital Interested In such a| i tr on oil the subject. proposition- on account of the fact i "The.-jentiemen Interested In 'the ‘hat It |s very necessary, to have a 1 proposition are all local men and very liberal franchise. The truth of tbelr object Is to build up and develop ‘he mottet Is that I should think i our city and not make- money for that the City of Waycross should giro. themselves. They are not Jockeying you this franchise outright find do with the city but are willing to pay everything humanly possiblox to on-1 a reasonable percentage. The only skis you to effect a sale of your bonds, j (basis thoy can calculate on are the I think that the rates propolod aro, {rates whjch obtain In other cities, prohibitive." • , | So tar they have been unable to And "The effect of the policy proposed any city In the United States the size hy tbe City Connell Is to drlvenutsldo | of Wayoross- which exacts as large a capital out of tho city entirely and S percentage'as that proposed by the also ,to,keep homo capitalist from lu-' City CouncH. It Is tho hlgost rate to vosUng their money In this enterprise, be found In nny city In the state. In- K ‘ho city were to glvo the company eluding Atlanta; Savannah and Ma- A,franchise outright for fifty years, con and other largo cities. In Macon, R would get the best end of the bar- mature thought .1 have decided to withdraw . my name' as a candidate 'from'.the Second Ward for reasons that are exceedingly- good to myself, my fapilly and friends. With kind est feellpjo, for all .of\our Waycross citizens, I am yours trzAs, i T. O. Hilliard. ’ Inulng In the- ixver, after having considered '—‘ir carefully and after more Shoes, Hats and Furnishings Will Convince You That You can get as good goods and as nice Styles as are : ^ Shown in the larger cities The Prices Are Much Less. NEGRO PICKPOCKET CAUGHT. H. G. SEAMAN NEW. LINE OF LADIES, JdlSSES WOULO VOU LIKE A ' ■« HOUSE LIKE THIS? Perhaps yon ooald have It, In m prat-1 ty a past o< the oountty as you ever IF VOU DON'T THINK SO Call upon us snd see. If you say that you are Interested, It Is quite IIP.*’ that wo can do aomethlog for yj A.lVLKnigut & Son