Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 20, 1911, Image 6
hr I - ■ ’ ^ if > • ■ow Chiirchwell’s Dorothy Dodd Pine Footwear For Ladies and Misses who care/ We have Dorothy Dodd Button Tan Shoes at $3.50, the Velvet Top and Cravehette $3.50 to $4.00, Brown Velvets at $4.00, Plain Vicisat $3.00. Gold Medal Shoes for $2.50 to $3.00. Ask to see them. We recommend .these to give perfect satis- faction. All leathers and tans. See them ||. Suits|g and Lofig Coats You can buy Suits and Coats at the same prices anywhere but you can’t get such values as.burs. ’ . » \ $10.00 $14.48 $22.50 Churchwell’s When You Start Out to i«/ Your Winter “Togs” Come Here. You’ll find our assprtment Jaige, our styles elegant, our Values and the way wd serve you pleasing. In fact we have done and will do everything in our power tomake this a pleasing and satisfactory place for you to trade this.winter. value 59c our price 5c 36 inch Laurel Percales special at ' 8 3-4c 10c Dark Outings, short lengths 812C Solid Colored Outings 10c 7 10 yds good Bleaching Some of the new a good one, for 10 yds 78c i • s Dress Goods 58c Bed Sheets, full size Fine Wool Serge in Cream and AQ_ Black Pin Stripe Serges 54-inch 7OL 39c 38 inch Serge in colors as above: / Q t Big demand for these. See them Large size Pillow Cases New Bedford C^rd 50c; Auto Cord special * * 35c; Cream Br dcloth 98c; 54-inch Storm Serge 98c /2-inch Taffeta cloth 9c each 97;; 36-inch me •- iin Silks 97c; in fad: a full and complete line. $1.33 Bed Quilts or Counterpanes Come and See 97c If we haven’t git it yre will get it for you Walk Over Shoes All Leathers $3.50, HOP, $4.50 to, $5.00 JOHN B. STETSON HUTS $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 Other* Makes 98c, $1.48 to $2.50 each • Boys’ Suits aiid Odd Pants Suits $1.98 to $6.50. Boys’ Pants 25c, 48c, 98c to $1.48 Now how about that suit Men’s all wool serge and fancies, $10.00, 12.50,15.00 to 18.50. A. B. Kirschbaum guaranteed lor shape, color and style. You must see these b'efore you buy. Complete line of gents’ furnishings. Won’t you drop in some day and slip on one and let us tell you and show you where we can save you money on this winters’suit. It will be a pleasure to show you. a 1 11 T> ,1 MAY MAN r ON urchwell JDrotners patternsioc WAYCROSS, CA. PHONE NO. 58 jflortli ftrortita ^griniltal Mlcp 1 C. /?. GLENN, A. M., LL. D,, President ■ Dahlonega, Georgia SPECIAL ADVANTAGES AT THIS mSTirOTION: lrt-Total Expends Lew Than at Any Other College,-fl25 to S17S Coen Board, Lodging, Booh, Fed, Light, etc.. For Entiro Year. Sd-Magnldecnt Climate; Moon tain Location; Free from City Detractions. ^"studentT*’ <Mar ‘ • R«eularity and Solf-Dependence Taught Every Jth-Finest Military Department and Cadet Band In Geaieia.' Both Under Supcrvislouof uTs. Army Offlcen. 6th—Thorough Instruction in A. B. and B. S. Coatses end, in addition. Full Courses in Agrtco.toro, Mining, Engineering, Commercial Science etc. 6th-Boys live in Our Own Dormitoriei, At AU Tiraee Under Control of ^ Ofietn, ros nnorrot information, address o. r. clerk, president • MWWtMtMt»t»WUMWWWWWW«<MtW» GEORQ 1A SOUTHERN ' AND PUO'iRDA RAILWAY tho Popular (route To All Paint, north Aml West. ThroaghTralnu la eoaBuctlon with A. C. L, from Waycross via TUton to Macon ATI a, KNOXVILLE, CHAT - t.UA, NASHVILLE, ST, LOUIS. CHICAQ0, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullman sleeper* go through without change. Dining. ! Car Bantea TRAINS OF A* B.-A A. R. R, OCNNECT AT CORDELE WITH ! TRAINS OF a S. A F,, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION AS TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT I NORTH OR WEST. APPLY TO ANY AGEt'T OP THIS COM * PANY. OR ADDRESS. J.W. Jamison. T.b. A, j MACON UL 1 » £ ► 'T £ ► > > > > > C B. Rhodes, G. P. A, > MACON OA. used to be a'misery.. Foloy Kldnoy Don't mlas the tale of hl3b grado Pllh have cured me and hare my art SQuares and ruga at Hobardvlile highest praise." Gam Pharmacy: T. j 8tor* .Company for one week, begin- B. Paine. nlng October 29* E. V. JONES PRODUCE COMPANY PHONE 219. 7 St •For first-class rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right, aee J. T. McOoe, 21 Albany avenue. " 13 30t Ten great numbers In Lyceum course— Senator Vardanian Thurs day evening next. 16 St Big supply ot card board, all cob Ira, Just recelrad at Herald. x Croat Advantage to We king Men J.’A. Maple, US & 7th St, Steuben- .IDs. O.. any*: "For Year* t suffered ioe«,h t ini! at prod lotiilJs as any heird abont My'backacho left mo and to one o( my burlaess 'rxpyaas- ■tom weak kldaty* and a severe biad j man. that clone la a great adno'age. ler trouble. I learned of Foley Kl-1- 1 My Jdduaya acted free and normal, ■Of rats and their wonderful ceres. | ... « i evguo i.iWns them and »ur»: i ...j ... , por oath Why, pay Sl.fO to have yrur tooth extr-ctad . whea you cun hove it done for ROc ;inJ Vvitho -paia All other work done at very rjnsc-n«b ? charges. Everything gusra its :J DR.BANIEL - J \ lv-* Dentist c r-x-v-n-P>o-. Brunswick & Florida Steamboat Company. (CUMBERLAND ROUTE), TOUCHING Brunswick. J»'yl. Cumberland na CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL TRAINS TO AND FROM BRUNS WICK; ALSO R. A. L. AT FERNANDINP, FLA. A fpe view of the Club house at Jckyl! the Home of the Camegles end • tbs finest Beach on the Atlantic Coast. LEAVING:. RETURNING; leave - Brunswick ......8:30 a m. Leave Ferna^dina 2:gb p, w ' Arrive Cumberland I0:S0 a. m. Arrive Cumberland 5:30 p. i. Arrive Fernandlnn. 1:30 p. ro. Arrive Brunswick ...... 7-to FIRST CLAS6 PASSAGE TO FERNANDINA FLA, ...,»1.£0 - r -■ . «»duuil s.-' 1 -• b* -it', no»v.’ -• raa .... $ H4J1.RS.AD {6I).£ AGE, HONORED.