Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 21, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING HERAlfi ^^ YmQTOBRIBe pope VttYdoHfA Times.. . # We have be«?n wondering and are Published By *HE HERALD (PUBLISHING CO. A. P. rartwn, s>r. A. P. Pferham, Jr. I* Editor* and Proprietors. Mitt Carrie Psrham, Personal, Society and Local. The Waycrose Herald founded Ul 1885. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perbam, Br. Telephones Businus Office 25 . Editorial Offle 26 Residence * 268. Pvery Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycross, fie., ^ott* off te at second ciats mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. t. Month .............. 8 .45- I Months $1.25 • Months $2.50 I Year .1 85.00 * ' SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notice* of snterUIn* ments, where charges are made, will be charged,at advertising rate* of 6 tent* a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber* to,The Herald that do >ot receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-up the Charts- • tkm Manager and report the trouble It him, a* this Is thp only moans that E i can assure you prompt and eArly livery. THE HERALD IS THE * Official Organ of the United States Court of tbs Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR08S, GA., OCT. 21, 1911. One good thing about the football fever, It doesn't Inst * A good many castles In Spain seem to be In danger these days. r- War ships are all safe enough un til somethin? happens. Cheer up! Even Ty Cobh doesn't make a hit every tlmp ho goes to bat France blows up her warships by accident, while we take ours out and ahoot holes through 'em. * *It might ho wise for the young Turks if tiicy should get s' little el der. —* Wo nre pleased to learn that most of our friends are recovering from their vacation. * Possibly It is called “Indian sum mer" because football rooters carry on like Indians. * * A Chicago man admitted killing his wife because ho could not tell a lie to save his life. This is rather freaTc- ish for Chicago. .{. Paradoxically, notwithstanding su gar and whiskey wont up simultane ously, they will continue to go down the samo way. * If Mr. Hitchcock’s magazine freight Is overloaded, the Governor might consider sending sotno of the light lit erature by air route. —tr— Edison says ho iikea America better than he does Europe. America ahould he content, even while losing Us Astors and Crockers, If it can keep its Ed Isons. , ’ * still wondering, why It was that any body wanted to bVlbeV'HOnest Pope * Brown to get on the “local option side of the temperance Question, We have also wondered h lew times who it is that has so much loose' change as to be passing It around that way. Pope’s “headquarters” announced a few days ago, that $H><f,Q00 In “filthy iucr^' was laid before him, and he turned his back upon it—spurned the offer and told Satan to “go away back and sit down." We know Why thqj amount was not doubled on the spot— itwas because “Honest -Pope” *to!d the tempter, that n<Tamount of mon ey could buy or bribe him. That is plain enough. It is plain enough, too, that Pope refused to yield. Rut the original proposition 3llli stands; Why was the offer made nd who made It? Wo are told that it was a “responsible party”, but the Is not given. Who was it? And why was the offer made? Did the “responsible party" think that Pope could be bought or bribed? Did he think Pope bad a cinch on th' governorship and that he ought to be captured in advance? If this “repsno- slble party” had $100,000 to put on this campaign, is it not probable that the same interests had some mone. to put on the last campaign? Who got It? Where was that money plac ed? Pope might have done his pro hibition friends a good turn by find Ing out that. We could have easily done so from thlB "responsible party approached him with the “bar- if Pope does not mind "headquarters” will make hlin ridic ulous. There are many reasons why do n*#t believe the report. One of them Is because “a hundred thousand collars Is a heap of money,” Joe Brown said when a youngster asked him if he was worth that much. “Responsible partfse" do not bid that high on the first bid. They might go up that high before they would let good tiling go by, but there would be a lot of dickering before they would go that strong. If Popo had made the figures they would have “jewed" him down. The amount was great. The man who got up the re port is ovtdently given to ‘“seeing things." ^ There, is another reason why wc do not believe It. Most of the "re sponsible parties'* know that “Hon est Pope" would not sell himself for tiyo or three times that much. They could not go after him that way. They merely "confer" with him— lhake a few motions bofore his eyes with their hands and fingers (like hypnotists do) and stop there. If one representative of the “Interests" could not turn the trick they would send others like live Coast Lino did when It vauted Its tax values reduc ed a qur.rter of a million dollars be low irtiat It gave In under oath Smart lawyers—strong mentalities— did what no amount of money could have done. When "Honest" Pope was pushed out of the gubernatorial rr.ee on two former occasions, he was not bought or bribed. Ho was “con ferred" out of ft, and he hlmsolf Is quoted as saying. He merely "gave, in" before stronger minds—not that Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use lor'over 30 years, has home the signature of and has been made under his per* sonal supervision since its Infancy. ****** K /-CiCCfU/X Allow no one to deceive you In this. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as.good” are but Experiments that trifle with and. endanger, tlio health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. . What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Scraps. ‘ It Is’Pleasant. . It . contains neither Oplnm, Morphine 'nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys ATorms and allays Feverishness. It cured Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowols, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ware County Light and Power , Company. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Use For Over 30 Years In MTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STRCCT I fVCta SINRNMlRM>iSM»SlR(MNRUNilWfnifWlNiMNIN ig PARK PLACE i High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, iiloseto A.C-L. Shops. s W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. < , . Southern Ootel Bltijj OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ’>0000000000000000 OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAV BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. . WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE U8I Waycvjss Savings and Trudt Co ♦opoooo- - ooooooooooooeoeee It was pretty tough on the*Ku..l»n r ° w " not a ’"f man ' nllcnlstlc expert, thet they were not| for he "• but h * " not » “»“ l given an opportunity to ".how their ,orce ’ He " * foltower-eMtly per larnif" nnd try to obfuscate the l 8u,,ded to d “ what 1,8 do “ not ’ court by attempting to prove thut to do PopB “’ ade “ v<ry *«"> State Stolypln’. assassin was .ufferlng '- r ” ,nrer a,,d he uould “ ttk * a *°° d from brainstorm. # —^ It Is becoming more evident every d*y that a majority of the.prohibi tionists, as well as the antis, favor •ubmiUlng the whiskey question to a|' w * to ’ ay " n0 " ! " hen u ’ look * “ “ Agricultural Commt.eloner. but doubt It he I. ot the right tempera meat to grapple with the duties and responsibilities ot the Governorship. TUeto are times when the Governor direct vo'e, rather than entangle It I ,h * * hole wot,d *’ a * a * nst vlth the asplrsllons ot every man ■ ro, ‘* could n0 > “» " who wants an olhce in Georgia,— 1 Vah , dot la Times, fr "Dtck” Rua.ell has made him. j FOR ALDERMAN. ; t hereby announce myaelt at a can- vlgo- didate for Alderman from the Fourth tnary. I solicit and appreciate the support ot the rotsri ot the city, tv. E. Chandler. rona dental that he apoke In a dlarc-1 Ward, aubjeet to the Democratic specttul manner ot the ministers ot the Gospel. Candidates are so often misrepresented that we arc Inclined to bellere that "Plain Dick" has been given a raw deal In this ease, it We handle the fatnoui Mascot dcea not sound like a sensible candi* cook stove, every one a winner. Cash due 10 islk :!mt way—ttadoita Tlai- 1 or easy terms. ®* J Home Furniture Company, Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THEHOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN 8H0W YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE' YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATES, WHEN MAY I CALL? t l We 'Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWAREUNE! R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. J. C. CRANE, Expert Bla&er. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. waycross. Ga. LaGrande Pharmacy A