Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 21, 1911, Image 4
Grand Fall and Winter Display ♦»♦«♦♦♦»♦« t* *♦»»•'♦»♦»»»<* Personal Now Ready with Seal Ship! Oysters £ Ml«» Carrie Parham Soria! Ed.tbrg THg'-SONG OF THE MAN. I’ve washed up the aliver and dishes, rve mide all the beds for the day, Tre finlthed prepaying thedlsKea ; ' * r»» ordered fpr’Inyetraon today; . The floors hare been swept, and the I AM NOW .BEADY TO SERVE YOU WITH THOSE • • ORIGINAL 8EAL-SHIPT OYSTERS—NOT 8E>£ EO IN TIN CANS, eUT MEASURED TO YOU FROM THt PORCELAI5J tlNED RECEPTICAL, THEY HAVE THE REAL TANG OF THE SEA, AND ARE SUPERIOR IN QUALITY RND FLAVOR TO ANY OYSTERS SOLD IN THE CITY. PHONE 62 OR 301. • Canfe In for » clean and wipe. When breakfast was eaten, the rug* were all beaten— And -Sow for a whack at me pipe, i've pou *>cd the mirrors and dusted The cupboards—they, needed it, too— And mended a chair that was busted, And blackened the range and the flue. I've hooked up the . waist of the missus, e She's off for a lecture on Knelpp, The week's washing's over, and I a.u In clover— And now for a whack at me pipe. William Wallace Whltelock. Tee seed soewthlsg to dean ep» disinfect tad kill parasites. • KRESO DIP No. I A will do the work. £ DEPENDABLE. SURE SUCCESSOR TO HADDY BROS. Miss Irene Waldron Is spending this week with Miss Georgia Newborn. f LR SALE—1 horfi kagg? kbd htr- netf, 1 heifers, 1 cane mill hhd boil er, Sir*. Yorrhgblood, R. No. L box 4. . 1« « WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. *7 \ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. • ijjjh i Meets «f3| Moadae /ySfe STsttlns at liOO IS 1 49Im 0 ** 0 * HiJ1> in lisBhsn s*w requested Mrs. W. l>. Murray and’ Children, of Waycroes, were tbs guest of her mother, Mrs. Maggie Wheeler, last week.—Jesup 8enttaaL FOR RENT—10-room house, El Jans street Apply J. W, Moore, <1 Tebeau street IS ft WANTED—Furnished rooms or part of house for ll^ht housekeeping. Ad dress “M. M , Herald oOee. It tl Rev. W. IT. Scruggs has returned from Ashsvflle and will ba in hla pulpit at both morning and aventng boor at Central Baptist Tabernacla. Mrs. D. W. Randan, hair dretear and manicurist hat secured a section of Miss Eddie Parnell's millinery store aad will be pleased to have the ladlea of tha city call and see her. Wanted At Once, LOST—Check on First National Bank, made to cash fey Jv T. Turner, endorsed by Mrs. T. Jeffers. FlnAr pisses return to this offlee or Mrs V. Jeffers. Three tint class representatives to fepfeatot THE GEORGIA LOAN « INVESTMENT COMPANY, la Way- cross, and South Georgia, they most be sober, •*ntn end truthful, and must corns well recommended, dot*- mission propMtlofa, good money to the’right men, none hot the shore need tpply. Call on or write, W. R. RUTLEDGE, DISTRICT MANAGER. Rooms No. 9 and 10, • Exchange Bonn of Waycrbsal (formerly the Jefferson Hotel) Waycroes, Otu Summer Colds Seals’ Cold Tablets PARK MOR RAND CO. -X'GINEERS AND CONTRACTORS GOING AFTER THE LICE. 6EH PHARMACY T. S. Paint, MAY’S WE ARE NOW GIVING MEAL FRC<i NEW WARE COUNTY CORN. WE GRIND IT FRESH EVERY DAY. TRY SOME OF IT AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM 5o WROTH, UP. PHONE NO. 3. Very Serious bis a vary serious mouse to ask | for one medicine end bare the I wrong one given yon. For this [ reason wd urns you in buying ter he cactAU to got the gtnulaj— Buck-Draught Liver Medicine 1 t . Tb *!f'! BUUon cf,hl * °“* relle- ble medicine, tor constipation, to. dsgeeUon and liver trouble, laton* ly established. It does not Imitate other medicines. It to better than otbma, or it would not be tha to. vorlto Ever powder, with a larger ■ale than »I1 others combined. SOLD PI TOWN F» WAR DECLARED. Catarrh Ganns Must Be Conqu«red_er Health Will Be Destroyed. If you. have catarrh you must vgn- gutah an army of ponlstent, destruc tive microbes before you can get Hd el It Tou might as well choose your weapons, declare war and snnlhlllste Ibis army of catarrh germa tight Stomach dosing won't kill thsm; neither will sprays or douches.- HTOMEI, a pleasant, antiseptic, germ destroying air breathed over , the entire membrane will put catarra germs out of business in short order. HTOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o-me) is guaranteed by G. R. RHaeon Co., to end catarrh, asthma, bronchltla, coughs, colds and croup, or money i tack. If you own e Unlo KYDMEI herd rubber pocket Inhaler ymt can get • separate bottle of HTOMEI for only SO cents. If you haven't ae Inhaler buy a complete ontflt that o» I* costs |1.00. OflL U. SI; 1 C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetsnarlan. 13 Albany Avenue. Wsycrose, Cx Pay and Night Phone 608. Ml' -C3- Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you will have no other. /. H . Adams, Phone 24 ■tot tho Original and fitnulnol H0RLICK1 MALTED MILK lit PNMrhk fir H Ikm. For lnfants, lnralii,and Growing children. Pise Nutrition, up bolding the wnole body. Ensashtis Attt Inch mon! fa • mhwie. I Take no safatiMe. Ask hr HOUiCK’S. Mot la Any Milk Tnmtl Miss Hester Brewer, of Douglas. s|ient yesterday In the city. - .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewer, of Doug las, came over yesterday in their car to attond the big circus. Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead- mg Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies* Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies* Tailored Suits' $20.00 Ladies* Tailored Suits ‘ $25.00 Ladies* Tailored, Suits ; $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. Mr. I,. I- Bonriult, of Nlcholla, was among tho visitors to Waycrosa yes* terday. Mrs. H. A. Slelnhllpe, from Bruns wick, Is visiting relatives and friends here. Judge Robert G. Mltcrell, of Black- shear, spent yesterday tn Waycross attending the circus. Mr. John O. Ward, of Blackshear. was among tho visitors to Waycrass yesterday. Mr. C. C. McRae, of Brooks county, to visiting friends and relatives lit the city. . . • c,- " -v. In Millinery We have the latest and most up-to date styles, both in Ready- to^wear and Trimmed Hats. Our Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & f«ni9 CLASSIFIED FOR8ALE—Vacant lot on Folka St Apply to H. J. Sweat 19 tt Mias Alice Mae~Ansley, of Thomas- title. Is the attractive guest of Miss Susto Mao Watt. Mrs. Randall hat Just returne from New York with a line' of hair goods and would like to have tho* la- dies call on her at Miss Parnell’s. hair Ladlea, carry your cut combings'to Mrs. Randall at Miss Parnell's and have them made up. Ur. H. V. Barbed, fo the delight of hla many frlendiTTa able to bo out on tho Streets again. —■ '>*>’>- One good thing about tho football (over. It doesn’t last long. the Ware Cddbty Farmers' Union hold a mooting dt (ho Coart House today. President James Cowart, of MlllwoOd, presiding. FOR RENT—Two furnished roomr gentlemen, with bath, electric lights and phone. Apply to F. A. Bates, CD Elizabeth atreot. • -i 21 tt BOARDERS WANTED—Dood Board can be eocnred ac 54 Reed street 7 tf .FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con. venlenoes. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf LOST—On streets, between It Brunei street and Central aehool, gold broach. Finder please return to Mias Ludlo Rlppard. U cf WANTED—By competent > book keeper a light feet of books, can d» rota from three to five hours pot day. Address p. O. Box 135. U Ji Never Bnild a House • Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as It Is cheaper to study tho plan on paper than to waste tfie time of your mechanics and lumber. s Owing to catarrh and hay fever In ray family It became necessary for mo to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-129 Isa- Grande building. I have a’ large stock of plans for all kinds of .buildings, either private or public, fire-proof, semi-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN anl see what we have got; It may assist you in making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone 177, Residence ?4ono 4C7 P.O.Box 182. •D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. E. a MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. - 0 * TB0PATH « tV. »nd , Phyelelaii IIM «urfleon. '<^ Office 419-21 LaGrande Building. Hours; 9 to 12' and 3 to S,p. m Residence Phone 401; Office 321. , War ships are all safe enough un til something happens. X.WAYCROS8 LODGE.No. 80S. . . F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUE8DAV EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. \AJI Masons Invited to Attond v>. i. M. BELL. W. M. j : W. J. CLARK, 8EC, ' ’.} A DREADFUL SIGHT ‘ V . ; ,. v — TO H. * amnia, of Fnartlto, K fy "** the feveMdfd that had plagued hto Ufa for years fa fa#e ct many remedied he tried. Ail last he used Buiklen's Arnica Salve atd wrote.-; nt has entirely healed with (ckrrelr e ecer left" Heals touaa. Bolls, Ee- imm. Cuts, Bruises, SweBtngs. Come aid Plies Hke magic. Only 25} at All Druggists. .