Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 21, 1911, Image 5
pSHHPPPfp* (joining every day. ^ETipiitn^ wHl enjoy an Inspec tion of oar etock, Xo'store In-Way- . cross present* so. many unusual fancy articles. k f ■ Every article must have a clean and clear title to enter our store. - Whera’aro you buy In- your goods? The,guarantee-v.e give has r.o string ■tied to.It. ‘-No •■Ifs” or "ttnd's"; ' ■simply nfeans that ■.( the‘goods a-, Hot good notify? *b and tve jrlll sen. I for them pftnjptV and-pleasantly. L. J. COOPER, ProstdOnt •>■ W. BELLINGER, Caehler. • Architect Plans for remodeling the Civ i plat 0 j In Riverside. Park* for "Mr." r .d lire. Youngblood. A .gas mAchinr plant,! hot alir ptmp faf a .waterworks sye-j' tom, modern plulnbtng and a general' 1 re-arrangement of the Interior so as tenlan to irake a modern country home : is contemplated. ‘ N. Makes Home Baking Easy i No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods li-.-CIS A "ATTER OF SPEND ING LESS THAN YOU . EARN. KEEPS GROWING EASIER TOO;. BECOMES 8URPRI8INGLY EASY AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE .FALL IN- TO THE , HABIT OF SPENDING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT 8AVE. CULTIVATE ' THOUGTHFULNESS AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO SAVE. THERE'S PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN A SAY. INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVING8, The only Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime PhosgthsfeB First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 mptly and-pleasantly, .'also covers the. matter%£,full weight* •-^nd full count.'" When you fully real ise^ the pleasure and profits of doing business wlth ruch a trading place You will come X.> our store as a roga- , far patron. SPECIAL MENTION. imported goods, such’ as. Holland Herring, Dfll Pickles. Hoqufert Cheese, Swiss Chieso, Edom Cheese, Llmberger Cheo3e, Herring in bullies, etc.. v Remember, on Friday of -each week ■we get our TeancEsee butte.-, chickens and eggs. Completo line of gru'u. hay and feed. We are still telling our fam ous C. C. D. butter at 23 cants a pound. •- We extend to the public nu Invita tion to visit our sto ■ j and compare prices, and wo will b, rails lied with the verdlcL ... : „-..»«£$<** • \ 1 TYe guarantee satisiac'i-m -m l first class service and to please all who are afflicted with the eating habit. THE WILSON GROCERY COMPANY ' x W. M. Wilson, Manager Rhone No. US. Wi’son Block. Young Men’s Christian Association, Tha Sunday men’s rally ‘will lie something that sifould instruct all Waycfoss men. Dr. .Rippard , will speak^o men only. His point* of lu- terest as a Christian doctor should in struct every Waycross father. The special music by the Bunn-Bell Orchestra wlll.be heard with pleasure. Miss BaswoJIan, the leades, has k/fcd* 1> consented to aid the association in all its work. Remember the hour, 3 p. w. Men only—all men the same, rich or poor, high or low. Mr. Thomas R. Bennett, of Tampa, Fla., is here on. a visit to relatives in this section. Mr. Bennett’s health, which was. quite bad for some time, is much improved, arid he is engaged fn business in Tampa. • MALLETT—M’NEIL, ^ A wedding of much intcrc3t to the many Macon friends of the contract- SrrsOlce! “Oran Chico’s”, “Ver Best Smokers”; and 'Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufflctw-ea in Waycross, Bp . PITTMAN CIGAR CO MEETING OF MINISTERIAL UNION* The next meeting of the Minister- j ing parties was that of Miss Mary Hy- fa! Un.'gn of the city of Waycross J man Mallett and Mr. J. H. McNeill, win be held In Sunday School room ! both of Albany, whiejt occurred on the First Methodist Church, x Mon- j Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock at St. day a. m., 30 o’clock. The following j Paul’s church in that city, ministers are urged to be present: The bride’s dress was fashioned of Pastors of all Baptist churches in the j white satin embroidered In peafls city; pastors of all Methodist chuch-1 and draped In real lace that was worn es In the city; pastors of the Pre3by I on her maternal grandmother’s wed- terian and United Brethren churches; ding dress sixty-five years ago. in Albany.—Macon News. Miss Mallett has been a frcqucrtit visitor to Waycross, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Redding and has number of friends here who will be interested in the announcement of her marriage. at the majestic. Film No. I. - “An Indian Love Af fair". This la n marvelous Indian pic ture played by real Indians. For that reason it can’t help being an inter- also Secretary of Y. M. C. A., ami j Immediately after tho ceremony | estlnj , picturee prodneedd ‘Bison’’ Picture Company, Blomsdaie Pearl, (tre best onion yet), Winter Lawn Grass seeds Seals Pharmacy. 18 'tf ) 18 t %, \ We aro headquarters ror low prices and easy terms. • > ' 18 tf Home Furniture Co. > P FALL cabbage PLANTS Our fill cabbage plants* Wakefield and Flat Dutch, are now ready for shipment, and we want your orders. Prieea f. o. b., Meggett: 1.000 to 3,000 at f 1.50 per l,00o 4,000 to 8,000 at .... 11.25 per 1,000 10,000 and over at .... $1.00 per 1,000 |» .Wp advise that yon place your op iers promptly aa the supply la very limited this tall. Satisfaction guar- ■‘-e-lny.,* pj?rt- -» S. M. Gibson C6.r~’Z-! Meggett, S. & FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY (Liquid) , t J* a great medicine of proven ralne lor both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It !* especially r» tconnpeoded to elderly people for It? voodeefal tonic and reconstructive -qualities, and tho permanent relief .and comfort It glrea that Gem Phar moor; T. 8. Paine. . , Captain of Salvation Army. Business j Mr. and Mrs. McNeill left on an ci* of importance, let no member be ab- tended Jioneymoon trip and upon their sent. ■'■.ci’T' return will beat home to their friends by talners, In an act Truo to Nnturp. This Is a very laughable comedy Film No. 2. “Speculation." Thl.'ls 6ket?h .' f . you Bc ° “ nnd d ° n,t iaugh a wonderful dramatic picture playod U gj a qg’gne place ea Amer= m m Srouve dti bon cafe. by a cast ot all star actors by tho “ Thanbouger” Picture Company. In the way of vaudeville we take great pleasure In introducing “Morris .and Parker’’, black-face comedy enter- you had better see a doctor. Paradoxically, notwithstanding su gar nnd whiskey went up simultane ously, they will continue to go down the same way. FOR 8ALE AT RETAIL. One barrel new Georgia cane ayrup, superior quality at No. 40 Walter street. Phone No. ’76. W. L. Ben nett’s place of business. 21 3t A good many castles In Spain i to be In danger these days. Mils la, c*est magolfigue! 99 '(“ There is only one place in America where a good coffee can be had. But there, it is magnificent/") . Over a hundred years ago the coffee v ' served at the old French Market in New Orleans was celebrated. Even • in France, where the French Market Blend originated, it was widely known. “Nous aurons une tasse de cafe chez le Marche 7 de Francais a New Orleans!" \ >, V'tPt will have a cup tf affte at the'*' V the emigre Would say to bis friend For The Sake oi YOUR Appearance ie emigre would say to his Inend i they left la belle France for the new colony. This same delicious blend can be had today in the old French Market at New Orleans. Until the building of the French Market Mills Ad. •’■Oei — CASTORI A Tor Infant, tad ChlMrsn. Thi Kind Yon Hava Always Bough! Bears the Signature of U. B. CONFERENCE. The Sputh Georgia Conference of the United Brethren.church will con vene at the church lu Gilchrist Park -ext Wednesday morning. Blab^p ot Chattanooga. Tenn,, will The conference will be In - teuton up to and Including Bunds/. . number of delegates will be In at- . r tendance. There will be preaching ty"every night * during the conference, ■—»and the people of Warcrott are men cordially fnrited to attend. could be had nowhere in America but at the French Market. But MOW you all may genre it daily at your own table. For the old French blend is perpetuated by The Same Uniq Hygienic Roasting and French Market Coffee is now delivered everywhere in hermetically-sealdd tins. “There is only one real old French Market flavor”—only one coffee with a history. Get it from yoar grocer—today! Blended, roasted and packed only by the French Market Mills (New Orlaea* Coffee Company, Ltd. Proprietor,) New Orleans, La. And your pocket book, you'd better come to this store soon a: d look over the new styles in Clothing, Shoes and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You'd Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let ua put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Stor< AO PLANT AVE.