Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 23, 1911, Image 1
WAYCkOSS, G.Am MONDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1911 NUMBER 303 VOLUME XVIII ThElR PARENTS APPOINTMENT* URGED JOINT PETITION FILED IN WADE’S AUDITORIUM FELL FROM STREET CAR TO BE HELD TONIGHT In Austin, Pa., Flood—To Be CarcdTor In Private Homes Meeting at 8 O’clock—Can didates And Others To Speak The Meeting Is Called By The'Supporters of ' C. W. Parker Tho complete ritualistic ceremony cf the church wa* carried out In tho ccnsecretion. Tlio cold wave la coming, and if i a Ine warm blnnket you need or a light downy comfort we can aupply you. Humphreys & Williamson. A meeting of the Citlseni Club will lie held tonight at 8:00 at the Wade Auditorium In Southern Block. There will be speaking by the Cit izens Club, candidates for Mayor and • Aldermen, and by other speakers. Let! porters of Calvin W. Parker, but all Those citizens who believe in a, progressive Democratic city govern ment will rally together tonight at the Op*ra House. Tho meeting is called by the sup- ' every member be present. Matters ■»( Importance to the campaign will be discussed.—ad. CHILDREN OF CpNFEDERACY. The Children of the Confederacy are requestel to meet their leaflet, Mrs. Downer Dimmock, tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon at four o’clock, at the Y. M. C. A. parlor. Every mem ber is especially urged to be present as business of Importance is to be attended to. B&STER BROWN AND TIGt AT H. J. .BENTON'S. On October 23th and 26th, Buster Brown and Tige will b* af the II. J, Benton Store and everybody in the cjty is invite^ to meet them. Espec ially are the children Invited to see ythem. .They will be here for • two days only and will have a present fo every child who comes to see thorn. i’t fall to see them: Big folks as as lfttlefolis" invited. * Head the Benton ad citizens, irreespective of political af filiation, are Invited to be present and discuss the issues of the campaign. It is an open meeting and If you do not agree with the promoters you may be assured you will not be asked to leave.- Meeting begins promptly at 7:45 o’clock.—ad. • CAPTURED RATTLESNAKE. Mr. Lewis Anthony captured a big live rattlesnake in his |ot yesterday. -Ko discovered the snake and set a tin box into which he drove the rep tile. The snake is about five feet long and has twelve rattles and a button. Several, communications and^arti- cles In regard to municipal, masters apd’eandidates havo been received at the Herald office. They must be paid for to insure publication in our col umns. homo on Elizabeth street. In Federal Court, Oppos ing Reorganization of Company New York, Oct, 23.—A Joint petition against tho proposed reorganization plan of tho American Tobacco Com pany was idled with the United States circuit court here tyday by the at torneys general of Virginia, North Car olina and South Carolina. Both petitions ask leave to flle written objection to the tobaccq trust's proposition for dlslntregailon ulrpahy In the hands of the court. Tho three attorneys general say their states raised 260,000,000 pounds of leaf tobacco annually asd that the hundreds of thousands of persons engaged in the induatry there are vitally coscerned in the dissolution of the “trust" as ordered by the su premo court They say Jjiey have made a-careful study of the .dlssolu tlon plans submitted to th. court which in their opinion is funddamen tally defective in that it does not re. store free competition. While not allowing the petitioners to intervene,.the couft in an order re plied that they wi# bo given an oi> portUhtty to present their, objections to the plan and will be heard at the hearing on October 80. > ,11 also saye that written objections, briefs or mem oranda desired to be presented to the court must be handed in before the beginning of the hearing. A Look at The New Fat! Clothes, Siloes, Hats and Furnishings . \ i Will Convince You That You can get as good goods and as nice Styles as pure Shown in the larger cities The Prices Are Much Less. H. G. SEAMAN. NEW LINE OF LADIES, MISSES Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 22.—Not one of the children left an orphan by the disaster that swept away the heart of_ the borough of Austin will become a public charge. Every one will < be cared for in a private home aid if the number of little ones who Ipst par ent^ by the flood was twice as largo, good homes could be found for them, More than sixty letters offering to care for orphans or dostltuto children were received by Bromley Warden, secretary of the state board of char* Itics, who handled (hat branch or the state's relief work at Austin., These letters came not only from Pennsylvania, but froth' as far South as Florida and as far west as Wis consin. In many cnees people who had no children of their own offered to provldo for the future of two or throe of tho Austin, sufferers. Thanks to tho # kinffne3a of tho peo ple In the northern, part of the state, most of the children will bo brought up In iiome3 not fa4 from where they lived. v MINISTERIAL UNION. The/Ministerial Union met this morning at the First Methodist church "at 10 o’clock. The follotflps officers were electod: ' Rev, J. B.,Thrasher, President. Rev. W. H. Scruggi, Vice Presi dent. f , >v. R. A. Brown, Secretary. To Vacancy- Caused By The Resignation of Judge Holden Col. W. W. Lambdln, of this dt>,- one of the mosf prominent lawyers In Georgia, is an applicant for ap pointment to the Supreme Court bench to ill! the vacancy caused,by the resignation of Judge Horace M. Holden, who has sent his resignation to Governor feoke Smith to take ef fect November 1. Many telegrams have been sent to Governor Smith urging tho appoint ment of Col. Lambdln, And his friends feel confident that he will, receive the appointment. Col.. Lambdln is a graduate of the Urtlvorsity of Georgia, In the class of 1879, and won the first honor in his class. After hla graduation Col. Lambdln taught school in Atlanta for some time. He moved to Way- cross from Barnesvllle, where he was solicitor of the city court. He has been an ardent supporter of Govern or Hoke Smith In nil of his eampalgnp. Ho is eminently qualified to fill the position on the 3upre:no Court beuch, ond his appointment is being strong* ly urged. ^ DEBT LEIGH IN “THE MAN ON THE BOX.” It is an old but true saying that "all the world loves a lover,” And'a dramatic offering with it strong ro mantic story is always a source of! splendid entertainment to those who Visit the theatre. Such a play Is "The Man on the Box", with Uert The union thanksgiving services ■ LoIrIi starring, which will ho present- will he held at Central Baptist Taber-! ed at Parker Theatre flh Wednesday, nacle this year, and flio sermon will; October 25, for ono performance, ho preached by- Rov. R. A. Brown. '• Tho scenes of the play afe locate^ Hereafter the union will meet every jin Washington. The hero Is a young Monday morning at 10. o’clock at the lieutenant, lately resigned from the Y. M. C. A. United States Army, a dare, devil kind of fellow and a practical joker In u spirit of fun lie assumes the po sition of a conchpian, hence the title of tho play, "Tho Man on the Box”. The occupant of thd vehicle Is In truth tho young man’s sweetheart, , but-she is unaware of the identity of Light of the nogroeA were caugnt in * .. .... , , uu _ tIt m ' j the coachman. When ho assists, her from the carriage he kisses her sev eral times, which of'cout-ae is very | rude in a coachman, but that’s the f starting point of the fun. This pro vides the ground wofk of the hum- j orous romance and Judging from what SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUSY. Since Saturday night, Sheriff Pitt man and his deputies have been quite busy, having arrested up to tin* me?, ning no less than fourteen sogroos.. a gambling game, while four charged with selling whiskey. Among tho number arrested wa^'BIU” John son, a negro, who baa "done time" on the gang for the dealing In whiikey. Jchnson was arrested at bis place on Parallel street. Aged Manager Veterans* Home In quanta Is - Probably Dying . Atlanta, Qa., Oct. 23.—In Jumping from a moving Lakewood car net night at 6 o'clock at the corner of Washington streSt and Woodward av enue, Superintendent W. J. Hudson, of the Soldiers’ Koine, was eo severe ly injured that hie death le expected. He was carried to the Atlanta hos pital, whore it was found his skull was fractured. Eye-witnesses, standing on the rear of tho crowded car. Bay that Mr. Hud son Bovcrnl Hines asked Conductor EL P. Bolks to stop for him at the cornet of Woodward Avenue. When the trol ley was within forty or more foot of tho designated street, Mr. Hudson pushod toward the roar platform, jumping from the car ns it was slow ing down. ^ Tho momentum of tho car threw him heavily to the pavement, alight ing-on his head, and knocking, him unconscious. An ambulanre was im mediately summonod, and he was car ried to tho Atlanta hastltal. Mr. Hudson resides on Capitol avf- nue, noar Woodward avenue, and 1» well-nnown throughout the city. He Is 73 years old. AT THE MAJESTIC. Tonight as a special attraction the management will present tho great "Troy Comedy Four." This act ll what is known as a "Comedy Quar tette". The program rondored bp them all consist of comedy, as well as harmony singing. The management personally guarantees this attraction, and feel sure that It will prove to lie one of tho most enjoyable as well aa the highest priced act we have ever presented. Tho plcturos will be aa follower Film No. 1. "A Sioux Spy”. This le a thrilling western story by the greatest ot this class producers, the Bison poopte. Film No. 2. “A Boy’s Bolt Friend". This Is a beautiful Imp drama, wo all know what kind of. plcturoa the Imp people produce. AND CHILDRENS. SHOES COMING IN EVERY DAY, ALL THE LATEST BTYJ.ES AND ANLL THE LATEST LEATHERS. | has been said of tho comedy it. Is | ono of the most entertaining ns well REV. DR. DAVIES CON8ECRATED. jus amusing plays that has been of- Special To Tho Herald. J fered to tho public for several'years. Worcester. Mass., Oct. 3.—The; Probably nib re than 3,060,000 peoplo Rev. Dr. Thomas Frederick Davies, I bake read Mr. McGrath's novel and Jr., for eight years roclor of All 1 should be familiar with the text of ElV’S BODY AT HOME. Davenport, Iowa, Oct. 22.—The body of EugentO Ely. the aWhtor who was killed at Macon, do., Thursday, ar rived In Davenport, hie old blme this afternoon. The body was at once tak en to Williamsburg, Iowa, Ely's birth- ptneo whore the funeral will be held. Saints' Church, this city, was today cocrccrntcd bishop of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Western Mas sachusetts. Tre ceremony took place In AH Saints' Church' In the presence of a large assemblage of bishops, clergy add laymen. Bishop Tuttle of St. Louis presid ed and was assisted by Bishop Law rence of Massachnsetta and Bishop Brewster of Connecticut. Bishop WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25fH., AND THUR80AY, 26TH., BU8TER BROWN AND TIGE WILL BE IN THE CITY. THEY WILL SPEND THE TWO DAYS AT THE POPULAR H, J. BENTON STORE, AND EVERY Burgoss of i-ong Island -preached the j BODY IN THE CITY IS INVITED sermon and Bishop Johnson of Los TO SEE THEM. FREE SHOW, r Angeles and Williams of Michigan- DON'T MI8S SEEING THEM. 23 31 were the presenters.. the play, as the dramatist Is said to havo adhered closely to the origins! plot. Seats on sale at LaOraodo Pharma cy. • Mrs. J, R. Crlttendon, of KuosvRIe. Team, who I* grand vice president of he O. f. A., spent last night here the | WIU receive another shipment of I meat of Mrs. George Barnes. Mrs. j horses sod mules not later than Toes- CrlttecdoB left today for Manchester. I day afternoon. M. Downey. . 3131 ReAL ESTATE AND IN8V ‘, I WOULD YOU HOUSE LIKE THI8? Perhaps you could have. It, In aa pret ty a pait of the oountry aa you ewer easri . IF YOU DON’T THINK.80 Call upon us and see. If you say that you are Interested, It Is Quite likely that we can do something for you. A.M.Knight &Son