Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 23, 1911, Image 4
WAYCRC Now Ready with [Personal Seal Shipt Oysters Miss Carrie Perha*n Social Editor % In* MAKE THE BEST OF IT. A merry heart, a marry laugh, • ' ,• ’ , | A'(ace with lota at tun In It, '■ r AM NOW READY TO SERVE A meny toague.wlth merry chaE. Tl And quip .with lot* Of fun.Iif it! YOU WITH THOSE ORIGINAL] SEAL-SH4PT OYSTEH8—NOT SEAL- 1 * trouble comet, and (rouble will,- When othjsrt make a guest.of It, ED IN TIN CAN8, BUT MEASURED TO YOU FflOM THE PORCELAI LINED RECEPTICAL. THEy'hAVE THE REAL TANQ OF THE 8EA,’ AND ARE SUPERIOR IN QUALITY AND FLAVOR TO ANY OYSTERS SOLD IN THE CITY, fAnd it the worse comes to the worst, t i • j ,And. life, has no mofe zest In it, 1-/3.Q10S- Well, there are fewer clouds to burst, So why not make the best of It? •—La Touche Hanfeock/ , PHONE 62 OR 301. Miss Laura Bardin spent Sunday at Green Cave Springs with rdTatlves. J. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HAODV BR08. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, Ga. Pay and Night Phone 698. CORN. WE GRIND TRY MEAL FROM C6UNTY IT FRESH EVERY DAY. SOME OF IT AND YOU WILL BE PLEA8EO. 80LD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM 6c WROTH UP. PHONE NO. 3. CHILD WOULD NOT EAT. Constant Cough Weakened Him. A healthy child ought to be “hun gry as a boar" at meal time. Poor appetite means falling health. The best thing you can do for a child that won't eat Is to give tea* spoonful doses of VInol. This Is won derfully good In bringing back lost appetite and It Is so pleasant that children take It eagerly. Mrs. E. Stanger, of Bronx Borough, N. Y.. anys: "My little eon, three years old, had bronchitis for a year. Tho cough disturbed hts rest and lie lost his apetlte. "I gave him Viuol for a while and It stopped his coughing and brought back his appetite. Hts health hat tm proved wonderfully He likos "VInol.” It Is the tonic Iron and strengthen ing cod liver element, In VInol (It contain, no oil), that make it ,o strengthening and blood-enriching. It make, weak, pale children strong and roty, and we guarantee It to do exactly what we tell you—If It doe, not you get your money, back. The Seala Pharmacy. Keep os a nulling face, and still Strive on and make the beat of It, Mr. R. E: Camp spent yesterday at Oreen Cove Spring,. Grind Fall arid Of Ladies Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Radies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 ' * Tailored Suits $20.00 ' Ladies’ Tailored Suits $25.00 inter Display In Millinery have • the Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ulmer, of Val dosta, are visitors to the city. Mrs. Ernest Dunn was called to Live Oak yesterday on account of the serious illness of Mr. Dunn. JUST RECEIVED BARREL OF DILL PjCKLES AT J. W. S. HAR DY'S. 23 1t Mrs. C. A. LeCount returned last night from Macon, where she visited her sister and attended the state fair. • Never a better time than today to buy the winter suit for ladies or misses. Humphreys & V&iUamson. The circus of* the 20th., inst., at tracted the largest crowd to Way- a cross we have had in many Years. The kids will go to the shows. Ladies’ Tailored Suits $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Wear Suits. - ' ; and most up-to date Styles,' both in Ready- to-wear and Trimm Hats, Our Millinery .. - AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and we keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED Warners’ Rust Proof Corsets $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Try one,you will have no other. U. Adams, Khone 24 /• Mr. E. Z. Mann, formerly of this county but who has been flvlng a£ Waycross, Georgia, for the* past or eight years, was in town Wednes day.—Emporia (Va.) Messfchgef. SIX 'Mr, August H. Schmidt, a machin ist at the Coast Line shops, had one, of his Angers badly mashed this mor ning. He will be unable to work for several weeks as a result of the acci dent. ’ Notwithstanding the inclement weather, about sovonty-flvo men "gath ered at the Y. M. C. A. yesterday ] afternoon. The secretary says it was one of the most interesting meetings yet . held by the association. Never Build a Douse Apply to H. J. Sweat BOARDERS WANTED—oood hoard can be iccured ac 54 Reed atreeL 7 tf FOR RENT—Rooma for light home- keeping or for young men. All con veniences Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf WANTED—By competent book- j keeper a light eet of book,, can do j vote from three to five hours per j day. Address P. O. Box 135. 16 St j Unless you have a first class ar chitect as it Is cheaper to study the plan on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever In my family it became necessary for me to move my office from the north, and am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I have a large Btock of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, fire-proof, semi-fire-proof and otherwise, CALL IN anl see what we have got; It may assist you In making up ^our mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone 177; Residence Phone 4C7 P. O. Box 182. EFFICIENCY HowMany Man Know Hew ta Keep It at Par. Thousands; yea ten of thoiiMuda of men grow old 10 years too boo’ If you are a man and realise that your efficiency Is on the wane and that you are loang money and liappl- nea, In consequence, got a 60 cent box of MI-O-XA stomach tablet, today and take two after or-with each meal for three days; then take one with each meal regularly until you feel well and vigorous. MIO-NA stomach tablets disinfect tone up, restore elasticity to the stem ach and intestinal canal aud end in- ^ digestion. They do more ;they In- erase the nutrition ot the body and la can of nerve exhaustion, sleep- leanness, night sweat,, bad dream, or any condition that require, a re storative they act with astonishing rapidity. They can be found at O. R. Brinson Cc, end helpful drug- gists tic world ever. Oct. 13, 23 Xov 3 fill ths Origin'll and fimulns HORLICK’S MALTED MILK Til Feed-drink fer. All Agee. For Manb,Invalids,«nd Grown rehildren. FWNufriboo,up building the whole body, bviaontcsthenunng mother and the aged. Rich milk, mahed grain, n powder form. A quick bach prepared b u minute. Take oo mbttitite. AikfsrHORUCK’S. Mot InAnyMHk Truat Prof. M. W. N. Gibbs, a piano tuner of Huntington, W. Va., has bought a •mall- farm near Waycross and will probably locate - here permanently. Prof. Glbba will move his family to Waycross in the'near future. Henry B. Harris, a former and well known Rome man, who ha, been a resident of Wnycros, for a number of yean, was In the city Friday. He now holds a responsible position with the Starr Plano Company.—Rome Tribune Herald. FIRE INSURANCE AND BONDS. Oao good thing about the football (ever, It doesn't last long. Miss Marie Johnson, of Talbotton, passed through the'clty yesterday af ternoon,, en route to Waycross. Mias Johnson has made many friends on the aeveral occasions that' she has vtsltsd Fitzgerald, and her numerous a'dhilren will be Interested to know that oa her return home next week she will stop over In the city for sev eral days With Sirs. Thomas-J, Dick ey.—Fitzgerald Leader, - Summer Colds bad as they era, have about tha same chance Vlth Seals’ Cold Tablets f t R 8ALE—1 horae buggy and hv- ness, 2 heifers, 1 cane mill and boll, er. Mrs. Youngblood, R. No. 1, Box 4. 16 6t D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect and Structural Engineer. FOR RENT—10-room house, Jane street Apply J. W. Moore, 64 Tebeau street. 19 LOST—Bunch of keys on streets. Finder - please return to Herald of fice. ' ' ’’ " 23 St WANTED—Position as stenograph er or cashier by coifipetent young la dy. Address “If’’., care Herald office. 19 tf, LOST—Check on First National Bank, made to cash by*J. T. Turner, endorsed by Mrs. V. Jeffers. Finder please return to this office or Mrs V. Jeffers. -100M FOR RENT—To a gentle- in. Bath and electric lights, phone 46“ pllm BUSTER BROWN AND TIGE WILL RECEIVE THEIR FRIENDS AT THE H. J. BENTON STORE WEDNESDAY 25TH AND 1 THURSDAY 26TH. THEY WILL HAVE A PRESENT FOR EV- ERY CHILD WHO VISITS THEM. 2, 3t . ! yJs--- ’ LOT OF FINE CHICKENS AT J.! ’.V. 8. HARDY’S. 23 It that a snowball does In sunshine. ' > Try them on guarantee. THEISEALSI^HARMACY V OX XXX ALL STORE lOOOOOOMOO* 1 PARK MOR RAND CO. -NGINEERS and contractors. Lott-Hltch Building. REINFORCED CONCRETE. E. B. MITCHELL, D. O. M. D. OSTEOPATH, / and • Physician and Surgeon. Office 419-21 LaGrande Building. Houra: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 p. m Residence Phone 402; Office 321. AV^L ahlpa are all safe enough un til something happens.^ WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYTniAS. Meets ^v-jry Moadar availing at 8:00 to Caatts Hal ?Jant ave Members i« requested to attend, aad rutting y Knighta are moat dlally Invited to meet with oa. J.'L. CRAWLET, C. C. T. H. Miller. K-alU.AS.AM.ofF. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON tECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Maaone Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. v W. J. CLARK, 8EC, Before You Reach roe Limit of physical endurance and while your condition la still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. Mr. M. C. Sweat, of Offerman, waa a Waycross visitor today. ■ Wanted At Once. Three first claw representatives tb represent THE GEORGIA LOAN X INVESTMENT COMPANY, In Wa: cross, and South Georgia, they must be sober,- honeti and truthful, and must come well recommended, co mission proposition, good money to the right men, hone bnt the above need apply. Call on or write, ■W. R. RUTLEDGE. A district manager. Rooms Xo. 9 and 1<\ Exchange Bann ot Waycross, (formerly the Jsff.-rson Hotel) Waycross, Ga.