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n .#-■
A bank pfiys yqu
ilivi d€-i ds oh what
. you Sftve, we pay
you dividends on
what you spend.
; For thq past 15 months we
have been returning to oil?
customers who bought on our
easy payment plan 10 per cent,
of the amount they paid, in
trade coupons, this has meant a
saving of hundreds of dollars to
the people of Waycross. This
plan of dividing our profits has
proven so popular that we are
going to continue It, and we
have how arranged the follow
ing plan of dividing otir profits
With those who buy for c&sh.
We have contracted With one of
the largest manufacturers of
high grade dinner ware, for-a
large amount of the handsome
ware shown in the illustration.
With each cash purchase we
give you a coupon showing the
amount. Every $5.00 worth of
these coupons entitles you to
from one to seven pieces of this
For the benefit of our cus
tomers who buy on our easy
payment plan, we pay you 10
per cent, of the amount of your
monthly payments, in TRADE
coupons, (as good as cash at our
far making your pay-
m:nts at tka store instead of 4 to
a collector.
First'- Class Goods,
Low Prices and our
liberal policies, have
made this the. fastest
South Geor*
This beautiful China Ware
is on display at oilr store. We
want you to come and see it
The decorations are the newest
out, very handsome and will
never wear off;, the patterns
are all matched, are neat and
attractive, it i3 Semi-Vitreous
ware, the best quality made in
America. We give it to you
absolutely free. The reason is,
we want your business, and we
are willing toshowour apprecia
tion of your business by divid
ing our profits with you.
If you want’ SPOT CASH
prices on your goods and it Is
not convenient for you to pay
SPOT CASH, you may pay us
ONE THIRD of the amount
cash, and' the balance in three
more payments, due in 30, 60
and 90 days. No extra charges,
its for your convenience.
citizens imam.
Whereas, In rciponco to a call U
sued and signed by many citizens,
there assembled at tUo Court Houso
In tbo City of Waycross, on tho eve
ning of October 12tli.. n rcpresentatlvi
body, gathered from all walks
and vocations of life, composed of
ministers of the Gospel, physicians,
lawyers, bankers, merchants and
members of the organizations of Holl
er Makers, Machinists, Ca .Workers,
Blacksmiths, Locomotive Engineers,
Conductors, Switchmen, Brakemen,
Moulders, Inspectors, Carpenters,
Clerks, Travelers T. P. A’s., Farmors’
Union. U. C. T*s., and the other els-
snenta going to mako*up our cosmo
politan population; the object and
Rurporo of ibis meeting being to con
sider matters political affecting Way-
cross, and to decide on candidates
and measures, to urge before the
voters at the approaching municipal
primary, and 1 1 \
administered honestly, economically
and equitably. The Tax rate should
bo as low as possible consistent
mooting tho needs for revenue, and
all property should bo assessed alike.
Wo condemn all ine^alltter In us-
ir.ont to our schools, colleges and oth
er educational institutions. Tho needs
for a ppblic library Is apparent, and
steps should bo taken to secure one
| without delay. All our ellemosynary
institutions should be fostered and
aided, and especially do we commend
tho Kings’ Daughters Hospital for Its
noble work.
Resolved, IV. That this organlza-
. . ... , tlon stands committed to giving all
sessments as rank favoritism, and
d “° encouraseimrat to.qow onterprls.
pledgo nursolfos to an assessment
i used on value not on ownership.
We bolievo that the Street Tax should
!>o made not to exceed $2.00 per am
num. Returns cf property by Tax
payers should be adjusted only after
a full-Rearing and an examination ot
the property.
cause FOR ALARM.
Less of Appetite or Distress After
Eating A Symptom That Should
, Not Be Disregarded.
Appetite is just h natural deqiro.fdr
food. Loss of apetitb or stomach
distress after eating indicate indiges
tion or dyspepsia. Overrating is a
habit very dangerous to a person's
good general health.
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that does you
good. Some of the strongest, heav
iest; and healthiest persons are mod
es, manufactories, public sorvice cor
porations and those things which
tknlte lor the upbuilding of a city, yet
no fight to use city .property shouiajerate eaters.
be granted without adequate compen- There is nothing that will cause, 1
sation, in money or service, to the ,more troublo than a disordered stom-'
city or its people. We believe the f ach, and many people daily contract
timo has come for the city to own its
City Hall, and favor the erection or
purchase of such building as will be
adequate to tho needs of the city for
the next decade at least, believing
the came to be conducive to economy
In public service, and for tho better
management of city affairs. A cen
sorious maladies simply- through dis-;
regard or abuse of the stomach. |
We lyrge all. In Waycross v/Uo suf
fer from any stomach derangement,
Indigestion, or dyspepsia, whether
acute or chronic, to try Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets, with the dfsfinct un
derstanding that we will refund jthelr
money without queation or formality,
if after reasonable use of this medi
cine, they are not perfectly s&tlstled
Resolved U. That this organization
stands for progress. We believe in a
progressive age, and in a progressive
city. No backward' step should bo
takem Not only should our tax rate
be as low as possible consistent with
tho city’s legitimate needs, but the
money so collected should be 'expend- ’ tral City market should be provided
ed to the very best possible adraln ifQr as early as practicable; alro the
Whereas, by a majority ballot of tage, with neither waste nor graft.' gurbogo of the City should be removed
rer one hundred voters, H. D. Reed The Sinking Fund provided to meet frequently, and cremated or other • with the results. We recommend
woe Endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. tho outstanding bonds should be kopt wise disposed of so as not to menace them to our customers every day, and
have yet to hear of any who h&3 not
been benefited by them. Wc houeutly
believe them to be without equal.
They give very prompt relief, af«T;ng
to neutralize the gastric Juices,
strengthen the digestive organ?, to
regulate the bowels, and thus to pro
mote perfect nutrition, and eradicate
all unhealthy symptoms.
We urge you to try a 25c box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which gIr
es 15 days treatment At tho end of
that time, your money will be return
ed to you If you are not satisfied. Of J
course, in chronic cases length ofj
treatment varies. For such case3, j
we have two larger sices, which sell
for 50c and $1.00. Remember you!
can obtain Rexall Remedies in . t '.to
community only at our store—' he
Rexall 8tore.* # The Seals Ptarx; -
If'A’*! »*’ >•***
endorsed for Alderman, intact, and ao tnveated aa to bring the public health.
Ward. W. E. Chandler for ( the beat return,, ao that the payment Thie declaration ot prinetplea la put
aa Fourth Ward, and C. A. of- bonda may be made promptly and forth for the purpose of defining the
ImCcctit for Alderman, Sixth Ward,— our credit preserved. Next to- the position of thoeo responsible for the
thee being the only Aldermen to be preservation of our credit, as outlined Citizens League movement, and we
«lecte<l at tha ansutug election, and | above, cornel the needs for streets, heartily Invite all who detire good
Wherccr. by tbo endorsement of sidewalks and drainage, and titese government for Waycross, who be
these caedldatee for nomination at j should he Improved lust aa fait as lleve In these principles, who desire
the primary, at men deemed worthy practicable, but the work should be equal rights to all. apecial privities
Id by this done by a competent Supervisor, un- to none, to Join with us In carrying
t and right, der bond for faithful, honeht work, this banner to victory by nominating
that the purposes for which this so that the money spent for these In the primary the candidates ei.
meeting stood, and for which tho on- improvements' may ba a permanent dorted, and who stand pledged to
saaltaUoa there effected stands, gain to the city. Weeding edges of hearty accord with the platform here
should bo set forth In a declaration of itrcots and throwing sand la the mid- enunciated.
•riaclplaa. [die le a waste of dma and energy. Si tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE.
Therefore, ba It resolved— from ybteh no benefit Is derived. We ,
1. That the Cltlsena League, form- stand for hard surfaced streets and
ed at raid meeting, stands for . a tor tbo laving of good sidewalks for : Hoke Smith Is report ei to hav*
8GCA.1B nnA! , for both .rich and the people who walk thereon. told a North Carolina gentlemen re-
poor, Jlltij end. .‘o«n~w0 .itcritl-ni Resolved, III. That this .irpautv,- jently, tin,, he Isi-'c.eJjioz, ntewr
♦z-'tia’ta ’ ' '■ “ ‘ ' -
ilott stands for a "«qiure dsaJ 1 ;.,ii lo. q:opted r;
Lor .PROOR333, hut It advocates g!v-' net ut f.f-tt tip,*, C-.-.ojr.ct,
lag every proper hdp aal-aaoeasu.^ k.. re.gkt to,:;..
Kill (he Dandruff Germs—Stop Hair Falling
Thousands ol mothers are looking younger. Their grey
‘ ‘ with ft
hairs are gone. The natural color has come back, end
a new growth of eoft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should you
look old before your time, w’ -
by using
when you can look years younger
Dandruff Cured,
Three applications
removed all tha
dandruff and left
try scalp clean,
white and smooth.
Wm. Croat
N. Y.
Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color
•If other •■so-called" Restorers have failed, don't give up
REMEDY a trial. You run no risk. It it is not exactly as rep*
exactly as rep.
resented, your money will be refunded.
Grav Hair Restored Grew Heir on a Bald Bsad
lty hair w*s eettlnr «»lt« rr*r and For two or thrro run mr bnlr
falling out rapidly and I wan troubled had been railing out and r.ttlnc
with a tsrrlble Itching ot Ihe scalp. My milt* (his until tha -— “
head «u full of dandruff, which fell
upon my clothe* and kept me continual*
ly brushing It off. While on a visit to
Rochester I heard of your Bar# and Bul-
phur for the hair. I pot a bottle and
used it. A few applications relieved tho
Itch tny. my hair stopped falllnr out and
rradually cunt back to Its natural color.
St la now a nice dark brown color, soft,
glossy and pliable: Several of my friends
want to on It. and I want to know what
quite thin until the top oft my
head was entirely bald. About
four months aro I commenced »•-
Inr Bare and Sulphur. The
bottle seemed to do some
and X kept uslnr it rerularly
» used four bottles.
now i nave ucea roar bottles. Tho
whole top of my head Is fairly
covered and keeps comlnr la •
thicker. X shall keep on uMnr It
a while lonrer. as X notice ja eon*
slant Improvement.
• re.«vel el H*
advertise In YhM