Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 24, 1911, Image 2

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T* THE EVENING HERALD MR. E. L. VICK^rtS' CARD. Valdosta Time*. Mr. E. L. Vickers, formerly of TIf* HERALD_ PUBLISHING CO. ton, and a leading"worker In the Lay- j men's movement, a consistent prolil* unionist and good citizen, is oat In Published By- A. V. Perham, 8r. A. P, Parham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. P.rSn.‘l, C iIe r !;.y P In^e.l. |» card telling how ho stand, on the — ■" pi'eteiit situation In Georgia. mS* tK'SS llerald ££S S | — >** * 129? v >y A. P. Perham, Sr. ward manner, and there Is no mistak ing what he means. He say«; "I am a prohibitionist, a member cf the^ Methodist church, and ?nh z to vote or u I.Ittlc Joe" Drown. “ninter-d at the Wayoro.s, O... Po.L | aD1 not " oln * “> ” e le<1 ; or foll9W #rf to as second class mall matter. ■ any set of men that may choose to toil mejiow.to* vote in order to best promote the temperance cause. . 1 am a member of all the temperance Telephones Business Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 26S. Every. Afternoon Except 8unday. Office No. 8 Jan# Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. I _ Month t ; 45 j I Mouth $1-25 mnlzatlons and such Jlke that come f Months « M along. I don’t stop-at being a tnem- I Tear 15.00 | her. I pay every time they call tor money. I think some of our temper- , SPECIAL NOTICE ' All obituary notlcea, card, of tbanka,, resolutions and notlcea of entertain-1 once brethren can fall Into every manta. Where charges ar, made, wllj . trap t j lat eonK . a along, the easiest to be seen. Some of these prohibition Isis are now ready to run off after an- Tho Kind You Haro Always Bought, and which has keen in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of i and has been mode under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-ns-good” are but KxperJinonts that trifle with and endnngcr tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. bo charged at advertising rates of 5 cent* a line. other candidate. That’s all right to NOTICE TO' SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to Tho Herald that do yot receive the paper promptly and } vote for whom they seo fit, but to tarty will 'please rlng-up the Clrctiio-j turn nn( j eay i Q me> «y 0U are Hon Man03cr and report the trouble 1 te him, as this Is the only means thnt ! a whiskey man If you vote for Util* We can *s*ufe you prompt and early i j oe jjrown." I say, you aro wrong tellvery^^ HERALD IS THE r that's all there 13^ to that. Ser* how Official Organ of the United Dfates j some cf there Jollowa went off and let Court of the Southern District of . .. I4 Georgia. Hoke Smith make a Jackrabblt out j of them. After lie worked and fought for whiskey as long as be could, and ( maintain the respect of tho best peo- WAYCR0S8, GA., OCT. 24, 1911. The gubernatorial campaign Id Georgia Is now fairly opened and we confidently expect a big crop of fic tion. says so we know It Is true, that Joe Drown would be Georgia’s next Governor, and If Hoke Smith says so wo kr.lv/ It Is true. 'Hen. Topn Brown spoko <.t Stock- ton last Saturday,, but reports Indi cate that a large majority of the crowd were talking for “Little Joe".— Valdosta Times. , H la becoming more evTaent every day that a majority of the prohibition ists, as well as the amis, favor sub mitting tho whiskey question to a direct vote, rather than entangle it with tho aspirations of every man who wonts an office In Georgia. * Did you ever think what your ud In tho newspaper Is doing for you? When you clooe your store In the eve ning and go home to your family and fireside, not thinking gbout your bus iness at all, then It Is thnt the paper la being pored oVer In hundreds of homes—the homos from which your trade Is drawn. And there Is your nd doing Its work silently, but surely, and If you have taken the pains to make It attractive Its work will be nil the more attractive. This Is pealed over and over again, and is j no doubt what Inspired some writer to call newspaper advertising a “si lent drummer.”—Hartwell 8un. Every growing, ambitious town Is composed of three elements. Those who work patriotically, vigorously, and intelligently most for its advance ment; those who are in a state of apathy or Indifference, and those who take a curious delight In discourag ing the efforts of others by ridicule, and by a persistent denial thnt any progress ran or has been accomplish ed, and by boasts of every town be sides their own. The last class nro called croakers, but they are really something worse, for their opposition does not arise simply from despon dency but front that unenviable spirit that will neither net or suffer others to act.—Ex. * | pie, when Hoke Smith found out he was going to have opposition by Joo ; Brown ho made haste to make an Izauo and fell full length on the pro hibition platform. Got beat, of course, because he drove a good many whiskey votes to Mr. Drown be cause they had a kind of contempt for Mr. Smith's manner of conversion. Many of tho best temperance people felt the same way, and knowing Joe Drown’s record was better on the pro- bitlon question, they likewise voted for Brown, and tho result was Smith was beaten. Then he forthwith ran again, and finding from past exper ience that ho could not fool all the temperance people, in this last race ho nevfer advocated the temperance cause; not a word did he say In its behalf, nor did ho turn his hand nor open his mouth to try to got the Tip pins bill through. He could havo told tho legislature If they did not net on | this bill he was going to call an extra BesrJon, It would have been worth all Sts cost. It was said while he was j running that Smith and tho whiskey I people had reached a tacit under- i standing that ho would do them no i harm, and his notion showed, that I * they had guessed tho truth. “Now when this race is over, and 1 Little Joe gets ns many v^tos as Pope i Drown and Dick put together he will j find more teu r ranco people volet) j for Little J v than they did for Pope Brown, j; ; because they know Little Joo is v". right, but the point is this, they h'.ve brought temperance Into a false light. Little Joo Is. now elect ed by u. largo majority. "E. L. VICKERS." What is CASTOR!A Castoria Is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opinm, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS. (Bears the Signature of Ware CoaiSy , Light and Power Company. The Kind You Have Always Boagld Use For Over 30 Years In 7 MUHttfY STRtCT Ntfo VOWX C The Gliddeu tourist* missed it when they failed to take In Way- cross. * FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic pri mary. I solicit and nppreclato -tho support of tho voters of tho city. W. E. Chandler. A DREADFUL SIGHT | To U. J. Barnura, of Freoville, N Y., was the fever-soro that had plagued his Iffe for years In »pPe of many The following from a North Geor* { remedies ho trlod. At lust h© used i*>a exchange is worthy of adoption 1 RuBklca’a Arnica Salve ard wrote by our own people: “Whether you ’ll lias entirely healed with icarolY talk with your neighbor or stranger s tear left.” Heal* b^rns. Dolls, Ec» at home or abroad, riding or walking f .*• mn, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings, Cams always have a good word for your «txd Pile* like magic. Omy 25.* at town. Speak or tho beautiful homes, Ail Druggists. the nice streets, the excellence of the ] surrounding country and the Intellt-< For first-class rubber tire and wire fence and enterprise of your neigh- J wheel work at prices right, see J. T. tors. Stand by your town through ; McGee, 21 Albany avenue. 12 30t thick and thin as you would stand — - bt your best friend In times of dls- ! Ten v great number* In Lyceum tress, and you will find your town course— Senator Vardaman Thur* proaperin ; ana thriving as never be- day evening next 16 3t fore." I I I PARK PLACE 1 High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bias; iwws now i wn)»»n*v; | w r MW ooooooooooooooooo <x>ooooooooooo<xxx> OWN A HOME | WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAV BACK IN FIVE £ YEARS; MONTHLY. PAYMENTS. < WILL 8ELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE U8I / •> Waycross Savings and Trusft Co < ♦.,>♦<>000. - -->*o^ooooooooooooo<yyy>( Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO 00 THE WORK. LET ME 00 OVER YOUR PROP ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLA8TINQ WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE 8 . WHEN MAY I CALL! We Are Headquarters For Everything in the HARDWARE LINE! * f Si. J. MMimmW Hardware Co. J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. Waycross, Ga. - LaGrande Pharmacy <