Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 24, 1911, Image 7
.«.(■»i’RAS^/ Cs *RK5 OF .DANDRUFF Circumstances force me to get Ink. the “game” this early and announce jnyself as a candidate for Ordinary at the next Democratic primary elec- Should ajjy one else ocer r , 'this place'I trust that he will be fine a man as my good friend B. Thomas, which would insure a clean race. If elected I will see that the office Is kept open all day. I solicit njy share of the rotes. A. M. Knight. NO BET7ER MACHINE MACH. AL WAYS REAi>Y FC'K • GIF.VICr. NOTHING TO BUY CUT 0 %C A.VD OIL AND CO A YEAH WITH CUT RE PAIRS. ONLY SIX MACHINES At- LOTTED TO THIS AND PIERCE COUNTY. ORDER NOW. fir cars that down near th? -*V| r oib fit- >cvv-Mr -there4s a vast ar J.-r of little invisible germs or, ml this army never s!cr t s; it ?■ vnr c. fioiruciloa night anJ the ir most ho /a in or» vl rcrously and abundantly Lie-TAX SAGE now told ell or 'will dertrey t!***o gcxir >.? time furnish tho hair *'■’-I.h Just tho proper n ustro ana MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald Is authorized to announ ce that Mr. F. H. McGee will be a candidate fjs^efayer of Waycross, eubject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. Official announcement of his plat form will be published in tor. M. KELLS • Agent FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga.,- Sept. 9, 1911. To the Citizens of Way cross: ■ I will be a candidate for nomina tion as Mayor of Waycross in the approaching primary. Within a few days I Will publish a ?hort statement of the principles that I shall advo cate in asking the voters of the city to support me. (Signed) Harry D. Reed. tantea dandro! i delightful ha Lottie-by 0/ It. 13! gists everywhere. Girl hair on every cartoon FOR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to the ensuing white primary and ask the •upport of all classes of citizens, promise fidelity, to the'trust if confer red upon me. W. C. Butler. FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subject to the white Democratic primary to be held later. If elected, I will do my part toward giving the city an impartial, business administra tion. H. Hengoveld. C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemen of my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg to say I do eo with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppo-se me. expect, If elected, to look closely after tho affairs of the office of Mayor and to spend the lnrger part of my time in attending to the important duties of the office. I expect to make a fur ther statement In regard to certain matters later. C. W. Parker. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not bo a candidate to succeed myself as Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and the people having elected mo to that position for one term, which has better fitted me to fill that position for a succeeding term, i have decided to yield to tho solicitations of my many friend-3 who have importuned me to stand for re- .*..«► -4>-■<» + i eo GO. ISfayc r::sf R. Schedules Tral.r; Notice: Tie airivals turcs are ruv-c-n a* informal) are not guaranteed. Suthtcnni-Train So. Miles Station Kebardvlile Lv 10:< W/iyx. Albany ave. Lv. U): 1 Lavjnla :,v. x^ardinary ■ AsLjraeemeat Sleeping Car Service Between Way A. BM A. R. R Effective wi;h first car leaving Wa; croc3 S:(»0 p. m„ Monday Septembe election and hereby make this my ho Frodol Northbound announcement for Ordinary of Ware, County, subject to the Democratic | io Fredei I.v. primary to be called by the Democrat ic Executive Committee of Ware coun ty. Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ALDERMAN The friends o! Mr. Scott T. Beaton announce him as a candidate for Al derman from the Fourth Ward,sub ject to the Democratic primary to be called later. We feel quite sure If elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most efficient and active official, and ask the hearty support of the votem of the city. MANY FRIENDS. V BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald is authorized and re quested to announce that Hon. J. E. T. Bowden will be a candidate for the State senator from tho Waycross dis trict in tho primary to hr called later and that a plain afattment will ap pear some time U ter 13 6t FOR ALDERMAN FROM THE 8IXTH waId. To the Clfleens of Waycross: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself, os Al as derman for the sixth ward, subject to ^kthe Democratic primary, to be held Waome time in December. In making ^this announcement, I wish to thank oie good people of Waycross for their many kind words, and warm support while acting as their representative, and if elected, I will try and serve . them as faithfully for the next two - years. Very truly yours, LL LeCount FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held later. If elected, I ; promise to give my atten tion to the office and l^eep it open, li will bo no side line with me. This early announcement Is made neces sary by tho fact that other candidates have already announced for this of fice. Soliciting tho support of my frionds, I am, yours to serve, G. P. FOLKS. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announco my canlidacy for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to tho primary to bo called later. I will appreciate the support of tho ciitzens of Waycross, and it elected will work for the Interest and upbuilding of the city. W. II. Fondt. 19:20 u.m ..10:20 a.m -Grill No. 2. 2:45 p.m 8 Lavinla Lv 2:50 p.r*. 2 Wayx. (Albany ave.) Lr. 2:10 p.m. 0 Hobardville Ar 3:15 p.m. •Trains Son. 1 and 2 .daily except Sunday. John M. Hopkins, Gen-oral Superintendent the 3. Ms Oin: rvico elegantly appolnte Uted sleeping, cars, equip 11 modern conveniences ?’rjr Advantage You may secure youf steeping cai li tgrams are kept contlnuosuly open, space at the ticket office, Union Sta lien, at ar v v time prior to your trip, ThcA. B. & A. Railroad represents the “Standard of Excellence in Service. S.hcdule of Sleeping Cm- Litic. Leave Waycross 8:00 p.rr.. Arrive* Atlanta, (1:40 a.m. Leave Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Airlvo Waycross 8:45 a.m TRAVEL “THE RIGHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniol, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. It. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Ga. A CLOSE INSPECTION A;in f appens y-i FOR ALDERMAN. To my friends and citizens: I hereby announce myself for Al derman of Sixth Ward, subject to the primary to be held in December Ir doing so, I reoi>ectfully ask the sup port of all the citizens of Waycross, and if elected, I will at all timee use ray vote to what I think is the best Interest of Waycross and her citi zenship. Yours for progressive Waycross, E. P. Owens, Sr. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Ware county: I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Ordinary of \Va r e county, subject to the Derro- cratio primary to be held later, if elected I promise to give my entire time to the duties of the office and solicit the support of my friends. Respectfully, E. S. Henderson. FOR ORDINARY. This is to notify my friends that I am in the race for the office of Or dinary of Ware county, subject to th« Democratic primary. If successful ! vlll not only keep the office open for he convenience of the public, but will stay in it myself. Yours truly, M. J. Carswell ire Diet race to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK, to may be a friend, but he inotets oi scrutfccls'.lng jour linen, Be on th< tie and sura side and have us do LAUNDRY WOR KTHAT 13 IRRESISTIBLE, t'g as cheap as “slop” work ■v)ks a •'hean'* better. V/ilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 9. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Will leach your Individual aeso if you have cny form of kidney and bladder trouble or urinary irregularities. Try them. Gem Pharmaey:, T. ?. Paine. C. R. BRINSON COMPANY Guarantees Parisian Sage for Failing Hair and Dandruff. We want you to know that the girl with tho Auburn hair is on every bot tle and cartoon of PARISIAN SAGE. We want you to know this for you: own protection, for there are many imitations,, and it is an easy matter to get the spurious article. You can always get tho genuine PARISIAN SAGE at G. R. Brinson Co., for only 50 cents a bottle one they will no tdecelve you. PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly gudran teed for dandruff, falling hair r.m' scalp ltcb. It is a most delightful and Invigo rating hair dressing that puts 1!'< nnd brilliance into the hair and eauf os it to grow If tho hair root be no: dead. , It’s the tonic you will u«e alwayr if you use it once. r:.ioun matter to nsk i ub*3 and have tbs ’i you. For this re risen wo ur~o ycu in buying to Tf Y .rr tr. •' >, in f.r:.v 1‘ 'Ig . i r.t Imitato •> li ic.t?r than j V.HU12 uot he the fn- r.- lcr, v'Lh n lorgor CATARRH OF STOMACH. Indigestion and Stomach Agony Quickly Ended. * I* you went to thirty doctors and paid each his fee for a prescription for indigestion or stomach raisorv it'ia ton chances to ono you wouldn’t get such a good prescription ns the one from which MI-O-NA stomach tab lets are made. flow ran such a thing be? you na turally nsk. Simply because the man who wroto the prescription from which MI-O-NA tablets ere nmdo knows more about stomach diseases than 96 per cent of all the physicians In America, and be ots paid for knowing. *\ And when you can a largo box of tablets made from thte doctor’s prescription for only 50 cents, are you going to continue to suffer? Sold by G. R. Brinson Co., and druggists ev erywhere. Oct. 9, 20 3«J We are headquarters for low prices \nd easy terms. IS tf Home Furniture Co. 3poc!al low prices and easy terms on bed room sultos, iron beds, odd pieces, etc. We will please or re fund your money. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. ; / , ' v ; X G. Payne DRUGGIST WILLIAMS' BLACKSMITH SSiop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE / WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING. HOR8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRE8 PUT ON WHILE Man Works From Sun To Sun WomansWork Is Never Done FOR 80ME PURPOSES YOU WANT TIN.WARE, FOR OTH- ERS CRANJTE-WARE; AGAIN ENAMELED WARE OR WOOD EN WARE. WE HAVE -WHAT YOU WANT AND THE WAY YOU WANT IT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SMALL EXFEp'sE OF A PROPERLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN, THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU SPEND IN IT, AND HOW MUCH DEPENDS UPON YOUR COOKING, YOU CAN wfeLL AFFORD TO HAVE THE PROPER UTENSILS FOR THE WORK. P. N. Harley Bdw. Co. LHouse Furnishers to the People 44 Plant Ave Phone 18t