Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 24, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS WtftKIV HERALD A bank pays you divide nds oil what you save, we pay you dividends on what you spend. rREBABSOl ware citizens league. Whereas, In response to u call Is sued and signed by many cltkens, thcro nssomblod at tho Court House In the City of Waycrpss, on tho ove- nlng of October 12th., a representative body of mon, gathered from nil walks and vocations of life, composed of ministers of the Gospel, physicians, lawyers, bankers, merchants and members of tho organisations of Holl er Makers, Machinists, Ca Workers, Blacksmiths, Locomotive Engineers, Conductors, Switchmen, Hrakcmen, Moulders, Inspectors, Carpontors, Clerks, Travelers T. P. A*s„ Farmers* Union, U. C. T’s., and tho other ele ments going to mako up our cosmo politan population; tho object and purposo of this mooting being to con sider matters political affecting Way- cross, and to decldo on candidates and measures, to urge before the voters at the approaching municipal primary, and administered honestly, economically and equitably. The Tn* rate should bo as low as possible consistent wlffi mooting tho needs for revenue, and all property should be assessed alike. Wo condemn all InciTaalitlcs in as- soBsments as rank favoritism, and pledgo ourselves to an assessment based on value not on ownership. We believo that tho Street Tax should be mode not to exceed 12.00 per an num. Un-turns of property by Tax payors should be adjusted only after a full hearing and an examination oi the property. incnt to our. schools, colleges and oth er educational institutions. The needs for a ppblic library is apparent, and steps should be taken to secure one without delay. All our elleraosynary institutions should bo fostered and aided, and especially do we commond the I<ing6* Daughters Hospital for its noblo work. i Resolved, IV. That this organlza- | tion stands committed to giving all due encouragement to hew enterpris es, manufactories, public service cor porations and those things which make for tho upbuilding of a cTfy, yet no right to use city property should be granted without adequate compen sation, in money or service, to the city or lts poople. We believe the time has come for tho city to own its City Hall, and favor the erection or purchase of such building as will be adequate to the needs of tho city' for f the next decado at least, believing the same (o bo conducive to economy in public service, and for the better affairs. A cen- 10 CELEBRATE RezolveU II. That this organization itnml. for progress. Wo believo In a I'rogres.ivu age, and In a progressive city. No backward step should be taken. Not only should our tax rate | be ns low as possible consistent with ■the city’s legitimate needs,’ but the'management ol clt I money so collected should bo expend-‘ tm] City market should be provided led to tho very best possible advan- for ns early ns practicable; also the Whereas, by a mnjorlty ballot of tape, with uolthor wasto nor grnlt. garbage of the City should be removed over one hundred voters. H. D. Rend | Tho Sinking Fund provided to moot frequently, and cremated or other- wns endorsed for Mayor, Dr. W. K. the outstanding bonds should bo kopt wise disposed of so us not to menace Hecks was endorsed for Alderman, Intact, and so invested ns to bring the public health. Second Ward, W. E. Chandler for the host returns, so that the payment T|ila declaration of principles Is put Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A. of bonds may bo made promptly and ,’orth for tho purpose of defining tb, I-erount for Alderman. Sixth Ward,— our credit preserved. Next to the position of those responsible for tho these being the or.!.' Aldermen to bo preservation ot our credit, as outlined Citizens League movement, and wo elected at tho ensuing election, and above, comes tho needs for streets, honrtlty Invito all who desire good Whereas, by tho endorsement of sidewalks and drainage, and thcao government for Waycross, who be- those candidates for nomination at should bo Improved Just as fsst as Hove In theao principles, who desire tho primary, as men deemed worthy practicable, but the work should bo equal rlgfcw to all, special prlvllges to hear tho standard raised by this done by a competent Supervisor, un- to none, to Join with us In carrying mooting; U becomes proper and right der bond for faltbrul, honeht work, this tanner to victory by nominating that tho pnrpc.es for which this so that tho money apent for these In tho primary tho candidates ea- mooting stood, and for which the or- Improvements may be a permanent dorsed, and who stand pledged to caniiatton there effected stands, gain lo the city. Weeding edges of hearty accord with tho pisiform nor- should be act forth la a declaration cf streets sad throwing sand In the mid- enunciated. principles. dlo Is a waste of time and energy, il tf TU2 CITIZENS LEAGUE. Therefore, he It resolved— frcic rhlch no benefit 1s derived. We __ I. That the Cltliens League, form- .'land for hard surfaced streets and BIG SALE OR SEATS FOR ed at said t ooting, stands for n for the Irving of good sidewalks for "THE MAN ON THE BOX."'llncton Ellis. SCrd RE DEAL, for l oth rich r.nl the people who walk thereon. The seats for -The Man on the Box’? i Finance committee: Mrs. Harry peer fcf ’ to- ' av.- Vo -Ot i’.m SstOI-ad, in. Tbit this organ!-'. »eut on sale today ctd free the rttsh Te d. c'r.Irmnn: Jferdan-ei.;E. p. wafer the fa*. Lit JL’STICi.’ tc xl!. 'ica euads ter a "SQcr.ro deal" cn! r.t the htqfasit* cf the sib they rcatody, Alvin Jelinxcn, J. W. Phil- Ola - -ut i ts or PROGRESS, hut It advocates ,:V are sure to lave a full house ct the lira. Georgia Hilliard, J. A, Wall. ■■ -t-l a..— a ho lag every prucr help aaj encattra.s lat.er Thcstrj to-torren algii. o. King, Mae Bannatt, L. B. Joiner. To celebrate the fiftieth anniversa ry of the Womans’ Missionary move- raent a canvass of tho woman mem bers of the Protestant churches over the United States is being made to secure more members for the mis sionary societies of tho churches. If possible to have every woman who Is j member of any ckurch Tiecome a member of her church society. The; campaign will end after a weeks cam- j paign with a big jubilee day lasting; all day with mass meeting at night I when ther wOl be ah especially inter- J ; eating programme. Committees have ] been appointed including ladies from every church society in Waycross who will liavo charge of the Jubilee day which will be November 2nd., to ( take place at First Methodist church. : Old members of the societies will wear blue ribbons, new members wear ing white. The blue ribbon memoers | will serve luncheon to the w hite rib-1 Ion members at .‘he church. j K. K. Roberson; J. C. Woolard, Ber- Committees appointed are: tba Woodard. Luncheon committee: Mrn. J. L. Music committee: Prof. Zeiglei, Walker, chairman; Mesdames. B. J. ! chairman; Mesdames. J. T. Hopkln3, The French Market Coffee Drinkers CooM Not Be Fooled Only tho wonderful mountain-side coffee from Jamaica, blended with choicest bcrrica from Gvuloraala, Venezuela and the Pan- American countries, would satisfy them. Cheap coffees could not be combined into that marvelously smooth and deliciously aromatic beverage that hns been served: for over a century at tho French Market in New Orleans. “Voyoas! 'C’est le meme qce nous avons bti'a Paris!” (* *Beholdt It is the same as sve drank in Paris!'') one emigre would say to another as they sipped their coffee in ♦he French Market, Then—and for a century since— Reach Marketftie could be tad nowhere in America but at the French Market in New Orleans. But NOW you all may servo it daily at your own table. For the old Flench blend is perpetuated by The Some Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and French Market Coffee it now delivered everywhere in hermet ically sealed tins. “There Is only one real old French Market flavor** coffeo with a history. Get It From Your Grocer—Tod ay I rj,m French Market Mills (New Orleans Coffeo Co., Udre Proprietors) New Orleans, La. Berry, Chai. 0«t, W. J. Carswell, U. j R. T. Hitch, Daisy Perham, E. M. B. Ballard. M. C. Wynne, W. Bladen; J. C. Ellis. (McLaury, Bessie Bladen, Miss Me- i Ewin. Literature nud Decorative commit tee: Mrs. C. H. Lowther, chairman; Mqidamcs. O. P. Murphy, L. R. Rouse, Mrs. Parker, Will Croom, R. A. Brown, Lewis, Bernice, Woodard. Young Peoples* committee: Mtn Emma Myers, chairman; Mesdames. J. W. Seals, O. M. Pittman, Car- jpenter, Mies Addle Belle Lowthor, 1 Miss Clyde Lott, Minnie Wilcox, Sid- HALLOWEEN PARTY. A Halloween party will be given Tuesday evening October 31, at the home of Miss Etienne Goddard, 23 Hicks street, auspices of the West minister League of the Presbyterian j church. Various amusements sugges tive of the season will be provided. ! Candy, peanuts, popcorn, salad and j pumpkin pies will be sold. 24 6t NO GAME. The Presbyterial Institute boys, of Blackshear, scheduled to play a game of foot ball with the Bunn-Bell boy* yesterday afternoon, failed to show- up, and there was no game. The Bunn-Bell boys say the P. 1. boys were afraid to cotrC, as they acted unfair in the game at Blackshear some days ago by having outsiders li the game. CONSIDERING OFFER. Information has been received from Washington to the effect that tile gov- ernmen Is considering the proposi tion made by Waycross for the avty tion school. The offer made by thlj^ Mrs. J. H. Redding .pent todav Ini 1 ' 17 “ 1 VCry U# *™ r one ’ and ,ho - - i nevernment nr- 3?cf'!o to acc:?t it„- Postmaster Murphy la out today at- The Ben Ton := th» up to date coatfc'iud suits For the past 15 months we have been returning to our customers who bought on our easy payment plan 10 per cent, of the amount they paid, in trade coupons, this has meant a saving of hundreds of dollars to the people of Waycross. This plan of dividing our profits has proven so popular that we are going to continue It, and we have now arranged the follow ing plan of dividing our profits with those who buy for cash. We have contracted with one of the largest manufacturers of high grade dinner ware, for a large amount of the handsome ware shown in the illustration. With each cash purchase we give you a coupon showing the amount. Every $5 00 worth of these coupons entitles you to from one to seven pieces of this ABSOLUTELY FREE! For the benefit of our cus tomers who buy on our easy payment plan, we pay you 10 per cent, of the amount of your monthly payments, in TRADE coupons, (as good as cash at our st}.*3! for making your pay ments r.t th3 store instead of,to a collector. < THE STORE OF GREAT VALUES, WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WaSker-HoodFurniture Co. 80 PLANT AVE, PHONE 499 First - Class Goods, Low Prices and our liberal policies, have made this the fastest growing , ore in South Geor B j. This beautiful China Ware is on display at our store*. We want you to come and see it # The decorations are the newest out, very handsome and will never wear off; the patterns are all matched, are neat and attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous ware, the best quality made in America. We give it to you absolutely free. The reason is, we want your business, and we are willing to show our apprecia tion of your business by divid ing our profits with you. If you want SPOT CASH prices on your goods and it Is not convenient for you to pay SPOT CASH, you may pay us ONE THIRD of the amount cash, and the balance in three more payments, due in 30, 60 and 90 days. No extra charges, its for your convenience.