Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 25, 1911, Image 1
VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 19J1 NUMBER 305 BEST DEFENSE DR. ANOA SHA.W & FDR HIRISTER ACCUSED OF MURDER Love Letter From Dead Girl To Richeson Has Comes To Light Boston, Mass., Oct 24.—A love let ter written to the Rev. Clarence V. Richeson by Avis Linnell forms the best defense that has yet developed in connection with the charge against Richeson of having poisoned Mias Linnell. The letter was found among Riche- eon’s effects at his Come. In it, cording \p one of the lawyers inter ested in the defense, Biss Linnell asks the minister, as a friend in whom she could trust, to meet her and talk wiTn her about the serious trouble she was in. “This letter,” said a man close to the defense, “was found in Mr. Ricne son’s room before the police got there and is now in the hanas of his attorneys. It will prove, with other evidence we have found, that Mr- Richeson was not responsible for Miss Lirinell’s trouble.” The Jiody of Mss Linnell will be ex humed today in the little cemetery at Hyannis and brought to Boston by the prosecution. The body is to be taken from the grave upon the order of District Attorney Joseph C. Pel letier. . “*We wlslTto account for every atom the cyanide which we believe Rich eson gave the girl,” said Deputy Su- AGAIN ELECTED HEAD SUFFRAGETTES Wife of Senator LaFollette Selected As One of The Auditors MEETING ON THE “WHITE WAY” PROPOSITION PPEP ARED -f Louisville, Ky„ Oct. 24.—Dr. Anna Howard Shaw was re-elected presl Merchants And Property Owners Will Meet Tonight Tonight at 7:30 at the Board ot Trade the white way situation In Waycross will bo discussed, and those dent of the National Suxragette ns j intereste( , ore cord i ally lnvlte d to ho sociation by a vote of 2.0 to 37 for on hand The matter 0 f establishing her nearest opponent, Mrs. Catherine j a white way in Waycross has been discussed for some time and the agi tation has caused quite a demand for Waugh McCullouch, of Chicago. A feature of the election was the objection made to electing Mrs. Bello a white way. A proposition that means the estblislunent of the white LaFollette, wife of the Wisconsin way wI jj bo considered, with other senator, an auditor on the ground that she was not sufficiently inter- jsted to attend the national gathering She wos elected, however. The East elected six of the eight 3cer:-: Chicago captured the two that went to the West. Jane Adams and Sophonisbo BreckentTridge were elected vice presidents. perintendent of Police Watts today in discussing the exhumation. “Furthor than this I can say nothing at the present time. homas V. Richeson, who reached Boston lato last night from his Vir ginia homq to take up the battle for tho life and liberty of his son, de-. tho last drop of his blood for bis boy if ho is innocent of the henlous crime charged against him, but if he is guilty the law should take its cdurse. matters of interest. COTTON DAMAGED BY RAIN. Valdosta, Da., Ocir24.—The farm ers report considerable damage done to cotton by the he'SVy rains of Sat urdoy and Sunday. Many of them had done very little packing and the staple was open in vast quantities. Much of it was beaten out upon the THE FIFTH SHIT WARE’S EXHIBIT ! AGAINST TRUST! IN “GATE CITY” WAS BEGUN TUESDAY ATTRACTS ATTENTION Trying To Break Up The Big So-Called Lumber Combination Shows Products Never Before Seen In Atlanta -vsa St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 24.—The fifth | Atlanta Journal. *nit In the country wide light to j Tho second annual display of agri break up the so called lumber trust I cultural posslblitica and resources of was begun In the United States ! south Georgia is now on at the city courts here today by Clark McKerch- j ticket office of the Atlanta, filming- er, special assistant to Attorney Gen-j ham and Atlantic on Poachtree street, eral Hickersbam. Ware county leads off this year, and The suit Is directed against tiiq [ has installed following concerns and persons: Northwestern • Lumberman’s asso ciation; Lumber Secretaries Bureau of Inforfatton, an Illinois corporation already under fire In another suit in Colorado; Lake W. Boyce, owner of a THE SAVANNAH MILITARY CO. GRADUALLY GETTING Further From State Ser vice-Drifting To U. . S. Government Savannah, Ga., Oot. 25.—The Savan nah Volunteer Guards oro getting further and further away from tho- idea of state militia and nearer and nearer to owing allegiance only to- the United States Government. It Is now announced by the Guards that they will perform very little service ns infantry In tho future but will give their time almost entirely to tho work very creditable and comprehensive exhibit with the assls tance of W. H. Leahy, general passen ger agent of t!:e Atlanta. Birmingham [ f„ connection with the Coast Artillery, and Atlantic. The series of exhibits The Guards have recently been as- that will he shown in the next mouth I signed a large amount of Wiuipmont or two will be made up of counties j by the National Government which private detectivo agency, and the Lum j nlon^ the line of the Atlanta, Birmingj they will place in position In tho Park berman Publshing Company, publish-j ham and Atlantic and Will undoubt- j Extension and practice with it. ers of a trade journal which, the gov- | edly prove of nterest to all who passj Tills will bo a dummy fort wTCTT all eminent charges, hn« been tho organ ! the window of the city office. its paraphernalia. Tho Guards have of the trust in tl*s section. Ware county, recognized as one of j been classed as Coast ArtilTery for As in similar suits now pending, ( Die liveliest counties of the southern some years but have clung to many the government allege, clared today that he would fight to as stenographer, rendering any other that the lum- ground and the hard rain will causo J ber trade i ia0 been unreasonably re- much rot in the fields. .strained by illegal agreements which — {prevent the consumer from buying of A full lino of kid gloves in o«l col-i w jiom he will, which absolutely for* ore, long and short at Miss Eddlb j b j d competition and which have di* Phrnell’s. 24 2t. v ^ ed the country into non-competi — tive districts. WANTED—Position by foung man J A „ tho allegations in the bill, 'which is replete with exhibits of mrt of Georgia, shows in its exhibit 0 fthe infantry tactics for parades this year r.orro products never before'and such’ events. : shown In Atlanta. service possible. Salary not so much an object as to be ot home. Prefer law office work. J. V. DIckins, Gl Brunei street. 25 It A Look at The New Fall Clothes, letters, lists, regulations and minutes of meetings indicate that the govern ment is in possession of much origi nal edividence. The government asks injunctions restraining all tho defendants .from continuing the acts of which com plaint is made. In this initial exhibit of the 1911-12 seaeon Ware county comos to the front cs a sweet potato and sugar CHANGE IN SPECIAL TREASURY AGENT. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 25.—A change cane county, it hus always beenijn special treasury agents at Savon- SETTING TOGETHER ON known that sugar cano and sweet po tatoes were products ""easy to grow and easy to mako money in south Georgia. Besides tho two products named tho Ware exhibit shows up well with grains, corn, onto and tb,cdike oceu pying a prominent plaoe in tho win dow. The sea Island cotton, a pro duct for which South (Teorgia counties are famed, grows unusually well in jWare. The showing of hay and ve!- [vet beans is one that will mfftfe the J stock man take notice. Irish potatoes, largo ond very Shoes, Mats and Furnishings Will Convince You That You can get as good goods and as nice Styles as are Shown in the larger cities The Prices Are Much Less. STREET CAR HEATTER At a spocial meeting of the City Council last night the stroet car franchise was dscussed at lengtn. and an agreement is now almost In nah went into egect yesterday when Mr. Wesley II. Rowe surrendered hia offleo to Mr. J. C. Cummings who came from New York to take charge. Mr. Rowe has been transferred to New Orlcuns and will leave for hla post at that port tomorrow. Mr. Rowe has been stationed in SuvannaA about three years and durng that tlmo he hos formed some very warm friendships. The people of Savannah regret to* see him leave. They also dislike to* have Mrs. Rowe depart because she has been popular with a large circle smooth, aro shown, and from a big of friends during the time she has part' of tho average truck farmer's crop in Ware. The red onion, whicr. grows better in south Georgia than almost any other section, is any easy crop In Ware, as well as the white Bormud.J, The com exhibit rfiow* r..z:o than a bushel of the average sight. At another mooting of tjie t from a corn field. I City Council next Friday night tho | Mr. Leahy will have tho various l matter will bo finally settled. lived heee. ElMRDTir IT H. J. BENTON’S Buster and Tlgo were delayed title H. C. SEAMAN. . 6. D. LEWIS exhibits judged by competent men of morning in reaching Waycross, but the city and after all have had a'arrlvod at one o’clock and will be showing opinions on tho exhibits will .delighted to Bee their friends at the ibe given. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE]G, ft, MILLER PRAISES CITY |11. J. Denton Store. Every womar jand every child In tho city especially I should see them, for they are show* ] ln~ something well worth going tr see. NEW LINE OF LADIE9, MISSES AND CHILDREN* 8HOES COMING IN EVERY DAY. ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND fNLL THE LATEST Mrs. (1. D. Lewie, residing on Al- j buoy avenue, attempted to kill her* I self yesterday evening nbout 0 o’clock, j ‘ter aim, however, wa3 bad and nelth-| VWaycrois Is certainly a progres* er one of the three hullots tired framjetvo and energotlc city," said Oeorge 1 pistol entered her body. Ilor dress j A. Miller, today when ho arrived In was aet on f:re, resulting In blistering from Atlanta. He is here In the In- You can find ovory thing you need In millinery at the Don Ton. 24 2t her arm. Ill health Is assigned as he cause ot the attempt at lelf'.le '.ruction. Mr. Lewis, husband of tho woman, runs a grocery store on tho corner of 3.. and Paralleel sleet.. Mrs. Lewis ind three children were In the bouro vben tho sroottng occurred, but the of the pistol soon brought .ei.hbors to the Lewis home. KINDS’ DAUGHTERS NOTICE. The City Union Kings Daughters will meet Thuraday afternoon at four o'clock at the Ftrat Vethodlat church. Mra. Whitley Langaton, Leader, Mrs. J. H. Cttrr, Secretary. FOR SALE AT RETAIL. Cue barrel new Georgia cue iynp, itr'.r.- roaUtjr at No. 49 Walter root. Fhcae No. *7*. W. L. Bern ost'g place of business. - 21 It terest of the "White Way" and !» highly pleased with tho prospects of Waycross. Ho Is known throughout the country as the father of white waya and haa some spocial designs for such Illuminating schemes that are certain to please. Mr. Miller bos been over Waycross today and stale* that while be had heard a greet deal about Waycroas be had no Idea the city wu aa large aa he found It to be, not did ha think there was as much gofhg on u be found. The bnlldlng gfilrlty Tn all -0(1000 appealed especially to Mr. Miller, and be regards that aa lee mrest sign that Waycross Is forging to the front. At the Board of Trade noma to night Mr. Miller will make a shirt talk en white waya as advertisers, and will point out the advantage of such a system for’ Waycrosi ’ WOULD YOU LIKE A kbUUE LIKE THIS? Perhaps yon could have It, Id *s pret ty a part ot the country u you ewer tew. IF YOU DON’T THINK SO * Cell upon u* end see. If you say that yea are Interested, It le guito likely thet wo esn do something for you. A.MKnight & Sen REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE mm