Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 25, 1911, Image 2
V/AYCR089 EVENING HERALD :tVE HOME FOLKS THE PREFER--! ENCE. It is nite-'red tint quise £ nnmh->r of j IZ' I • ■'? ' n - I? w ;- - r:. doctors, i .,-y ani caan:j olN.uls and others, -ao are dependent upon the * people l or a living, are constantly going or ^nAing to large ci* : «s for things that lit* Th^SSS S SuSdH In th ^ <*“ iuJr ri * ht here in Uldr 0 ’ a IS2 by A. P. Perham, Sr. city and sometimes much lower T#lcphone# P^es. Of course they think they Bueinos Office 25 save money by persuing -this policy Bdirorial Oifi* 25 ♦ or (hey would not do it, but in the Residence zu». fvery Afternoon Except 8undey. 1 Lets Quit this way of doln^ fellow —— ^ aSa< for cvej-y dollar sent away rr akea the town and county that much j>oorer, and ell of us, whether we think bo or not, share more or Ies3 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. | jM lh e joss. Month l <5 ; Mouths 11.25 Let t <*uic this wsp of doing fellow. TME EVENING HHtALB Published *B/ *HE HERALD PUBLISHING CO t A. P. Ptrham. 8-, A. P. Per ham, Jr. * Editor* and Proprietor*. Mil* Carrie Perham, Personal, Society / «r.d Local. Stater**) at the Waycross, Ga., Fost er? •« u second class mall matter. Chr’dren Cry Hr Fletcher's VfTic* No. 8 Jsce Street Idzeai II is cot right. Let’ and help The Kind Yea Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for ever 30 year.*, has borne the signature of i and ha* been made under his per- serial supervision since its infancy. ^ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA An obi‘a; resolution .meets, b fc» charr^ c«ots & ifn 'iOt TO SUBSCRIBERS ■t The Herald tfcr.f do the IH vr promptly and j •rly win 'V.i* r tloa Mar: e 2-A r ■; IA him, af- ihi* is »bfc a w* C*a assure you pro delivery THE HERALD ! Official Orgae of Use Court of the Sou'tfe-r Georgia. WAVCRCS Gllddr-n tourists will find Soutfc xia In proper shape. -* The (Hidden tourists will Valdosta today and there the see one e? the finest and koki perous ciilea In South Georgia. rt the trouble : ly mean* that i pt and early Castoria is a harmless substitute goric , Drops and Soothing Syrn contains neither Opium, 3rorpJi; sub.sti 1 ;u'", its age is ite guaraul and olh y.s Feverishness. It cv.ro.- IMarrfa Colic, Ifc relieves Toctbing: Trouble-. ?-i and Flatulency, ft ascimila^s the IV-mi. Stomach and Eowels, giv Ing health/ and The Children’s Panacea—The Zluzh^r*s Fr: GENUINE CAST0R!A Bears the Signstur lor Castor Oil, Paro le. It Is Pleasant, it ic nor other Narcotic :-c. rt destroys vs cm. .*» nd ALWAvh he w* 1? have n bottle i. - to il go lor i'ope Timea-Enter ,ay go for tot- ry. and fl*e county w Brown.—Tbomasville prlfcc. Ware county i tie* but not for Pope : Richard Washburn C of The Matt In the S Cohasset, Mats. He 1 and at college Harvard Advocate and on the board of The Lampoon; alto llie Ivy orator on graduation of hla class (i&03j. and in hla senior year he wrote the lib retto for the Hasty Pudding play. liras- Ferity with their earnings. Let's stand by our merchants. They are the backbone of the city, and »e can't have a city without them. They need oUr help and we need theirs Therefore, let us urge you once more net to 70 away to do your shopping or send orders to catalogue houses, but keep your money st home and help to build up your own town by patronizing its merchants and its yar- ‘oxis other enterprise*.—Exchange. The Kind You Have Always BoagL In Use For Over 30 Years Ware County LigM and Power Company. PAR \Z 131 A a-/ AC 7 * IlL i Child, tho author Shadow, lives in ■ is a youn* man president of the Wliliar !. Ha «ld eat Section Conf The Americas Times Recorder does ! *50t believe that the people ought to vote drectly on the prohibition <tues- tlon. We presume that i* would l*»'e thaf qa«I!cn ao a son o! foot- ball lor the politicians.—Ex. SmOke! “Oran thico’s”, “Ver Best Smokers”, and ‘rnmao’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. M*nuf*ctt"e<! In Waycrc**, G*^ By PITTMAN CIGAH CO High class Subdivis* i ;n for whits people only, on easy terms, close to A..C.L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. | ROOM NO. 1 Sonliiern Saiel Bibt» | i i ~irtriri‘<r r ;t'ro^~rCfTimirirn- j - l rntg-J We Are Headquarters Fo r Everything in the \ We do not know whether It Is a *i -n that the world is getting better or worse, or whether civilization is a failure or not, when fifty thousand h' white folks are willing to quit busi ness and spend their hard-earned shekels to see a baseball game. We pass it up for some one else to ans wer the question, ''whither are we drifting '* d- A girl who is gentle, brave and Blomsdah yet), WInte Seals Phar uest onion s seeds at IS tf The c- J wave i» coming, and if s a In- warm blanket you need or light downy comfort we can supply Humphrey* & Williamson. The (Ridden tourists missed it when they failed to take in Way- cross. * spirited; who is unselfish, high-mlnd- FOR ALDERMAN, ed and Intelligent; who has sweet I hereby announce myself as a can- ness and depth of character; who didate for Alderman from the Fourth does not think of herself, but works . Ward, subject to the Democratic pn- for the happiness of otben; who Is j mary. I solicit and appreciate tfca merry and dainty and wholesome, as j support of the voters of the city, a girl should be, will never lack ; W. E. Chandler. either lovers or friends. She Is the j tight of the home, a good friend to her sisters and brothers, and the sun shine of the old folks. God bles* her. + A OREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Barnum, of Freerille, X was the fever-sore that had plagued his life for years in spPe of many rt medics he tried. At hat ho used Ousklen's Arnica Salve ard wrote* ‘‘Little Joe” Brown is a* good a Baptist as Pope Brown; his moral character is ju*t ns good; he attend* church Ju*t as often; pay* the preach- Fit has entirely healed with »car<elv er just as much. He has been vt^ng # * *car left” Heah b’.rna, Bolls, Eo the prohibition ticket Just as lone, j .*« ma, Cut*. Bruises. Swellings, Cams He Is recognied “everywhere all the-ard Pile* like magic. Oniy 25; at time and by all" as being loyal to All Druggists. Georgia# highest interest. He is just as independent of the "influence". , These things being true, he ought to ha given another term In the Govern or’s chair. His first administration tntitfed him to It HU defeat was larrely to carry out the old Idea or giving a governor a second term — Valdosta Time*. oooooooo oooooc OOO«.*0<>0<><>X>00<X^>0<>0 OWN A HOME ‘AE LOAN YOU MONEY TO 8«J1LD. PAV BACK IN YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WILL SELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI Waycross Savings and Truift Co ♦*>♦0000 Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite For flrsi-olai» rubber tire and wire wheel ucrlt at price, right, tee J. T. McGee, ;i Albany avenne. II IOt Ten great number. In Lyceum courre— Senator Vardanian Thura* day craning next 1( St NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKE3 TO 00 THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU. I KNOW I CAN SHOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM AND MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE**. WHEN MAY I CALL? m. «#. mmmm Hardware Co. J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. waycross. ca. LaGrande Pharmacy