Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 25, 1911, Image 3
'.'Cf' ip: ' . A. M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR ORDINARY. Circumstances force me to get Inti J^the "game” this eurjy and announc myself as a candidate for Ordinary | ^ at the next Democratic primary, elec* I $ tifn. Should any ane else occr Cor | P this place I trust that he will be as I | fine a man ar, iny good friend D. H. J f Thomas, which would insure a clc,iv. '> raff If elected I will se<- ihat 11« • * t office Is kept open all da>. I so.Ui: my share of the votes. A. M. Knight. . MAJOR McGEE FOR MAYOR The Herald is authorized to ancoun c« that Mr. F. H. McGee will be s candidate far Mayor of Way cross tubject to the action of the Demo cratio primary. Official announcement, of his plat form Will be published later. NO BETTER MACHINE MADE, AL-J WAYS READY FOR SERVICE. NOTHING TO EUY CUT GAS AND OIL AND GO A YEAR WITHOUT RE PAIRS. ONLY SIX MACHINES AL LOTTED TO THIS. AND PIERCE COUNTY. ORDER NOW. EASY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF. Dandruff means that down near the rcota of your hair there Is a vast ar my of little Invisible germs or mi crobes. ' And ‘his army never sleeps; it tra cts a war of detraction night and dr y. I; tie;-troys the * nourishment ■’JAN SAGS now fold all c . will destroy these genus same time furnish the 1 . FOR MAYOR. Waycross, Ga., Sept. 0, 1911. . To the Citizens of Waycross: I will be a candidate for nomina tion ns Mayor of Waycross in the approaching primary. Within a few days I will publish a short statement of tho principles that I shall advo cate in asking the voters of the city to support me. (Signed) Harry D. Reed. the ike Ilf proper not ow lustrous ami T SAGE Is guaranteed b; •n Co., to banlsW^ftandroff hair and itching scalp o It is, a delightful hair dressing that, wins Instant favor with refined women. Sold for only 50 cents a large bottle by G. It. Brinson Co., and druggists everywhere. Girl 1th Auburn hair on every cartoon and hot tic. Oct. 17, 2C hX'TiKfM FCR ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman for the Second Ward, City of Waycross, subject to tho ensuing white primary and ivsk the support of ail classes of citizens. I promise fidelity to the trust If confer red upon me. , W. C. Butler. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not be a candidate to succeed myself ns Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and the people having elected me to that position for one term, which has better fitted mo ‘■a f: * ’it position for a succeeding ■f-rm, 1 have decided to yield to tlv Felicitations of my many friends who ivsve importuned me to stand for ro Wsycross & Southern It-, it. CO. Schedules of Trains Ecective Septem ber CO, 1011. Notice: The arrivals and depar tures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Suthbound Train No. 1. Miles Station 0 Kebardviile i,v 10:00 a.m 2 War j. Albany ave. Lv. 10:0,7 a.m 5 T.avlr.ia Lv 10:20 a.m weeem; .<"'N c. DRUGGIST Sleeping Csr Service Cctween Way crocs end Atlanta, via: A B.IH& A. R. R. KflTcc vi;h first FOR ALDERMAN. I beg to announce that I am a can didate for alderman from the second ward, subject to the white Democratic primarjAo be held later. If elected, my part toward giving the npartlal, business administra- H. Hengeveld. elect ion and hereby make this ray io Fredel Ar, 30:20 a.m announcement for Ordinary of Ware; Northbound Tr^in N<6. 2. County, subject to the Democrat!? J io Fredel Lv 2:45 p.m l>rinary to be called by the Democrat-} 8 Lavinla hr 2:50 p.nr. Ic Executive Committee of Ware coun- 2 C. W. PARKER FOR MAYOR. To the Citizens of Waycross: In making this, my announcemeti of my candidacy tor Mayor of the City of Waycross, I beg to say I do so with the kindest personal feeling for those who may oppose me. 1 [ expect, if elected, to look closely offer the a ft hi r 3 of the office of Mayor and to spend the larger part of my time in attending to the important duties of the office. I expect to make a fur- thor statement In regard to certain matters later. r. w\ Parker. FOR ALDERMAN The friends of Mr. Scott T. Ponton announce him ns a candidate for Al derman from tho Fourth Ward .sub ject to the Democratic rrimaty to be called later. We feel quite sure if elected ,Mr. Beaton will make a most efficient a: \ active official, and as;t the hearty eupport of the voters of the city. MANY FRIENDS. Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Ordinary ot Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to he held later. If elected, I ; promise to give my atten tion to the office and keep it open, li will be no side line with me. This early announcement is made necos- nry by the fact that other candidates have already announced for this of flee. Soliciting the support of iny' friends, I am, yours to serve, G. P. FOLKS. FOR ALDERMAN. 1 hereby unnonnro ny canlldacy for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to the primary to be called j later. I will appreciate'the support j of .the < iltzens of Waycross, 'and 1! elected will work for the Interest and upbuilding- of the city. W. H. Fendt. Wayx. (Albany ave.l Lv. 1:10 p.M. 0 Hobardvlllo Ar 1:15 p.nt •Trains Noe. 1 and 1 daily axocpi Sunday. John M. Hopkins, General SuecriaiaadcftK. fng Way- S;0i) p. m., Monday September Tho A. B. & A. have secured :in rervJco elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cars, equip pod with all modern conveniences One Big A>!v.n-.ia ;t“ You may set”.;;*.! your sleeping car 'diagmms are 1f eoatlnuosuly open, space at the ticket c.Tce, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, The A. B. £. A. Ftsilycsd represents the “Standard «f excellence In Service.” Schedule of Sleeping Car him. Loan. Waycro-t 8:06 p.m. Arrive Atlanta, 0:40 a.m. I.eav« Atlanta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycross 8:45 Am TRAVEL "THE RIGHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, O. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycross, Go. Sliop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNJGHT STREET,.OPPOSITE * WILLIAMS STREET WHEELRICHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. RUBBER TIRE8 PUT ON WHILE BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald is authorized and r* FOR ALDERNfAN. To .my friends and citizens: l hereby announce myself for Al* •’ rn-nn of Sixth*' Ward, rr.hjcct to, tho primary to be held in December 1 doing co, I respectfully ask tho sup- rrt cf all the citizens of Waycross, .usd ff elected. ? v:V 1 at ail times use -:-v vole to what I think is the best V.‘erect o' Waycross and her citi zen ship. Venn for progressive Waycross, L\ P. Owens, Sr. qnc-ited |o anno T. Bowden will State senator ft trlei mi the prBi and that a p!a thi K. pear so time U tc.- lion. .1 undid ate for the to Waycross dls • t-r called later r.emeut will ap 13 Gt pen alderman from the sixth WARD. To the Citizens of Waycross: i* j j barely announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself, as Al derman for the sixth ward, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held tome tir e In December. In mantas; this announcement, I wish to thank the good people of Waycross for tholr FOR ORDINARY. To the Veters of Ware county: 1 hereby announce thut I am a ran- in,'ate tor th& office of Ordinary of Wve county,, subject to the Deiro- roue primary to bo held later. «f elected I promise to give my en?5i*e Lit:.{ to the dut.Ic*3 o? the office and solicit the support of my friends. Respectfully, K. 3. Henderson. for ordinary. This Is to notify ny friend* that I i in tho race for the- office of Or many kind words, and warm support j dice ! >’ ot Ware county, subject to the while acting; as their representative,| Drrrocratic primary. If successful I and If elected, 1 will try and serve - . Ill net only keep the office open for tj.--, z ~ 8-tfV-Uf *r- p'xt t*v i ^ ct the public, but ycr , r t- | will BtAy in it myic-If. Very truly tours. | • Tear? truly. - , C. A. LaCount _ M, J. Car*w*!L »•- f i A CL05E INEPcCTION * whn» always happens when yw vre met ip.ee to face BY A LAUNDRY CRANK do may ho a friend, but he u* ■i;nii*i.jizlng your linen. Tig on th-- •nfo and pure side and have us do LAUNDRY WOP KTHAT IS irresistible. as /’heap rh "sj'ip" work an* ■>cM* n “hean” hater. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE POLICY KIDiN’EY PILLS Will i each ycur Individ havfl cny form of kidney and bladd trouble or urinary irregnlailMcu. di«m. Gem Pharmw: T. Paine C. R. Tr.IN30N COMPANY iuarar.tccs Parisian Saye for Fail Hair and Dandruff. We want you to know that the Nth tho Auburn hair Is on every I ie end cartoon of PARISIAN SA We want * a to know this for y iwn preioi ;'on, tor there { e mitallons, and It la an enry matter o got the srurious article. You can always get the genuine ’ARISIAN SACK at G. ft. Url.ieor jo., for only 50 cents a bottle r.Ul Id- scalp Itch. it is a most deJightfnJ and tavigo rating hair dressing tliat puts life and brilliance lnlq|the hair and caus ■*s R*to grow if the hair root lie nc dead, , it's the tcnic you will w*e alvay- \t you use it once. a Special low prices and eaey Term hed room Bultee, iron be-la, ode piece., etc. We will plea.e or re fund your money. Homo Furniture Company, 26 tt Plant and Albany Avenue. WARE, FOR OTH- EO WARE OR WOOD* m v:l r.-. -t:z HAVE V/HAT YOU WANT AND fliE WAY YOU WANT IT. TAKING IMTD CON3JDEBAT10N THE SMALL EXPENSE OF A PR'PZ' --Y EQUIPPED KITCHEN, THE AMOUN” OF TIME V'U E.'CffO IN IT, AND HOW MUCH DEPENDS UPON YOUR COOKING, YOU CAM WELL AFFORD TO HAVE THE PROPER UTENtlLS FOR THE y/ORK. P.N. iHouse Furnishers to the Peof lc 44 Want Av«s Pnoue lot