Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 25, 1911, Image 5
m IP; 1 WAYCROSS EVENING MEAAtD = THE LEADING GROCERY STORE. New goods are coxing every day. The housekeeper will enjoy an Inspec tion o! our stock. No store In Way- cross presents so many unusual fancy articles. Every article must have a clean and clear title to enter cur store. P Where are' you buying your goods? The guarantee we give has no string tied ,to It Xo '‘If’e” .or "and’s"; * simply means that if the goods a’, not good notify r.s and we will sen i for. them promptly und plea'santly. . j a-Vo covers the matter of full weights ‘ an> ' aiXytnll count. When you fully real ize the pleasure and proflt3 of doing business with such a trading place you will t^‘me ‘a our store as a regu* lar patroj SPECIAL MENTION. Imported goods, such as Holland Herring, Dill Pickles. Itoqutort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Edom Cheese, Llmberger Cheese, Herring la bullion, etc.. Remember, on Friday of each week wo get our Tennessee butter, chickens and eggs. Complete lino of gra'n, liny and feed. We are still selling cur fam ous C. C. D. butter at 23 cents a pound. We extend to the public n:i Invita tion to visit our xtb ‘3 and compare prices, and we will bs satisfied with the verdict. We guarantee satliiacbii und first class service and to please all who are afflicted with the eating habit. THE WILSON GROCERY COMPANY W. M. Wilson, Mummer Phone No. 128. Wl'son Block. wag homm mum WILL ATTEND Buy the befit seed tl * Georgia. j Appier, a Rust proof oc and the. befit oat yet, also seed rye, onion set*, rape seed, etc. For sale by C. 8. Hardy & Son. Flione 315. I Savannah, Ga.> Oct 24.—Savannah Mr. Owen Carswell camo up from sent away a largo representative del- Brunswick and spent Sunday with I c-satlon of members of the U. D. C iicme folks. Owen holds a responsi to Griffin last night to attend the ble position with the Downing Com!'-'tote convention. Among!,these who went were Mrs. It. A. Grady, will represent the Savannah Chapter, In the absonce of the President, MrB. X. B. Harrison, who could riot go, Mrs. L. A. Falllzant, Mrs. F. A. Smith and Mrs. Billy Emerson. Mrs, Max Wolf, chairman of the program committee also left last night. 0. 8. CONFERENCE IS IN SESSION HERE The annual conference of :ho Vi.lt- oooolioloo upflflflflflflflflccccccccm ffiffl ed Brethren Church In Gilchrlt Park JUST READY TO DROP. When you are "Just ready to drop”, this morning, Bishop T. C. Carter, when you feel so weak that you can of. Chattannooga, Tenn., presiding, hardly drag yourself about—and be- The bounds of the conference embrac- cause you have not slept well, you es South Georgia and Florida. The get up as tlred-out next morning conference will be In session up to and including Sunday. There will bo preaching at the church tonight by Rev. J. L. Lelchliter, of Fitzgerald. There will be preaching every night by one of the various ministers In attendance, and the public generally is Invited to attend these services. Big shipment electric fan* recei? PARK MOR RAND CO, r w GINEER9 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hltch Building. REINFORCED CONCRETE. Miss Eddie Parnell has a full line of wool sweaters, caps ’ and boobies for the babies. 24 2t The Bon Ton Is the place to get up to date coats "and suits. 24 2t Byck Electric Supply Go. 20 T>ott Street 12 tl CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the past six years I think I know bow to give you the Ind of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, phone 2P4. 22 tf when you went to bed then yo need help right away. Miss Lea Dumas writes from Ma lone, N. Y., saying: “I was in a badly run down condition for several weeks but two bottles of Vlnol put mo on my feet again and made mo strong and well. Vlnol has done me more good than all the other medicine I ever took.” v If the careworn, haggard men and women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks around here would follow Miss Dumas’ example, they, too, would soon be able to say that Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and made them strong. It Js n wonderfully strengthening and Invigorating body builder, and sell it under an iron clad guarantee of satisfaction. You get your money back if Vlnol does not help you. The Seals Pharfacy. * Big supply of card board, all col* ors, Just received at Herald. tf . AT THE MAJESTIC. ' Tonight as a special attraction the mac* rernent will present the great' “Troy Comedy Four.” This ajt Is what la known as a "Corned^ Quar tette”. The program rendered by them all consist of comedy, ns well ns harmony singing. The management personally guarantees this attraction and feel sure that ft will 1 prove to be one of the most enjoyable as well as the highest priced act we have ever presented. . L J. COOPER, Prtsld*nL J. W. BELLINGER, Cashier. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. fhe Kind Yog Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signature of FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY (Liquid) Is a great medicine cf proven value for both acute and chronic kidney and bladder ailments. It is especially re commended to elderly people for lt° wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and tho permanent relief and comfort It gives tbet. Gem Phar macy; T. S. Paine. REGISTRATION NOTICE! Office Clerk of Council. Books for the registration of voters •o now open and will remain open from October 20th to November 20th, exclusive, (Sunday’s excepted) from S a. m. to 12 m., and 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. J. W. Strickland, Clerk of Council. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYT-»**8. Meets ev-'-v Mosrf*. evening at 8:00 lo | Castle Hal? ?lant ave Members »*. requested ’ to attend, sad visiting Knights are most “»r dUIIy Invited to meet with us. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Miller. K of H. ft S. ft M. of F. SS’s Too Easy 1® Save MSSELY A MATTER OF 8PEND-* ING LESS THAN YOU EARN. KEEP3 GROWING EASIER TOO; BECOMES SURPRI8INGLY EASY AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED IT FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- TO THE # HABIT* OF 8PENDING MONEY THOUGHTLE88LY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT SAVE. CULTIVATE THOUQTH FULNESS AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO SAVE. THERE’S PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN A 8AV- INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 Before You Rea of physical onduranc condition Is etlll cun Kidney Pllle. Their < me Limit and while your le, take Foley ?k action and politico results will delight you. For backache, nerrousner,, rheuraatlsf, and all kidney, -bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S Paine. DUSTER BROWN AND TIGE WILC RECEIVE THEIR FRIEND8 AT THE H. J. BENTON STORE WEDNESDAY 2BTH AND THURSDAY 26TH. THEY WILL HAVE A PRESENT FOR EV ERY CHILD WHO VISITS THEM. ■}T ryv;;; Wednesday and Thursday “Buster Brown” atrl “Tige” These two well known ch;< acters will be nourstore Wednesday andLThursday,Oct.25th and 26th to entertain the people of Waycross and lo demonstrate the superiority ot Butter Brown Hosiery x For The Sake of YOUR I Appearance Buster and Tige,real and alive 9 wdl furnish wholesome amusement for old and young. Don't miss it. Free Souvenirs for children Wednesday from 10:30 to 12 q. m. and 3 to 5p. m. GRAND JUBILEE Thuisdatf morning from 10:30 to 12. Every child invited. Free souvenirs, slates, books and whistles. H, m 1 1 1 si ii nr And your pocket book, you’d g better come to this store soon x and look over the new styles in jjj S m ■1 i i> J. BENTON Clothing, Shoes and Hats If you are lopking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to f>30 | The Steele Clothing Store 40 PLANT AVE.