Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 25, 1911, Image 7
Grev/ a Full Growth of Hair on a Bald Head Here’s the F - h ■-> birthright of every man, v/ortian and child—a full ' V head of hair. If your ir iu _falling, if it is full of r . I'diuff, or si it is faded or ' ‘ : gray, it is diseased and ".i <uid be looked after without delay, WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR kAIR PEMED1. a true Hair 1'onic and Restorer, removes dan druff in a few days, stops hair failing in one week, and starts a -lew growth in a month. Does not soil the skin nor injure the hair: but it is an ideal hair dressing that will restore faded and gray hair to natural color and keep the hair soil and glossy. 60 Cents and $1 a Bottle — At all Druggists Or Sent Direct, Express Prepaid, Upon Becelpt ol Price WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 CORTLANDT ST, NEW YORK CITY, N. V, Trade limited this full. Satisfaction guar S. M. Gibson Co., Meggett, S. C. FREE vl wrapping and mailing the soap. B IG STORES and little. stores are catering to the telephone trade. Goods may he ordered by Bell telephone locally or in distant cities with equal satisfaction. The universal Long Distance Bell Telephone System insures prompt and efficient service for the dweller in the suburbs or in distant towns. Many store Managers offer inducements for orders by Long Distance Telephone. It increases business and saves time anti trouble. The door of every store within a radius of a thousand miles is open to the shopper by Bell Telephone. By the way, have you a Bell Telephone ? Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company OUR CUT PRICES FOR THE PAST 33 CAYSS HAS CONVINCE!} US THAT THE PECFLE HAVE PLENTY OF liPMEY TO EUY WHEN SAL BARGAINS ARE OFFERED. '"E ARE HAVING A GOOD BUSI NESS, MAKING SALES IN ALL THE COUNTRY ADJOINING WAY- CROSS AND ARE GETTING A GOOD BUSINESS FROM FLORIDA. WE WILL- CONTINUE OIJR CUT PRICES DURING OCTOBER. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF BUGGI ES, WAGONS AND HARNESS TO SELECT FROM. CUT PRICES: $55.00 GUGGJ-3 REDUCED TO * $75.00 FOR CASH $75.C0 BUGGIU3 REDUCED TO $55.00 FOR CASH $55.00 BUGGMuS REDUCED TO $55.00 FOR CASH $55.00 PUGCrrO REDUCED TO $15.00 FOR CASH $50.00 BUGGIES REDUCED TO $10.00 FOR CASH $•10.50 WAGONS'REDUCED TO $35.00 FOR CASH $35.00 WAGONS REDUCED TO $30.00 FOR CASH WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIND THE STYLE AND QUALITY TO SUIT. YOU. If you are needing a buogy cr wagen, buy now ar.d cave the big discount we are offering. iy Co. WAYCROSS. GEORGIA. BMEEBgBSlSanMBBBBBaW Common Colds must he taken 3er iously. I For tinier75 onv'd they e;»;> rh»> v l- D'di’y i lower the vital reslaumc* your children end yourcelf by tho. prompt '-So of KoU-y’s Honey mid Tnr fYn j oriul and note its quh-lc and de- results. For coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and af’ections of the throat, cheat and ii.pya it if an over ready and vnlua- tVECl/ .. :-C f-;riV5 WORK! NullCE OF DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore bxlut- ln« between C. K. Scott and S. T. Renton, under tho firm name of Scott -v Heaton, has hem diarolved h.v nru- ’"el consent, C. E. Scott retiring and T. Heaton Assuming all liabilities • I eo!looting all lobtn or tho Arm. i’his Sept. 28, 1911. C. E. Scott, S. T. Deaton. HO # W'S THIS? Hnndr ! ID. II;. s P.e* any case or Catarrh that cured by Hairs Catarrh NO NEED TO STOP WORK iVhen your doctor orders you p work, It r'•aggers you, “I cm calf sivo ton. Btre CKLE 0mm ■09 h '(V ft/' Guars When the sun has tanned your skin and your freckles begin to show plainer than ever, use Wilson’s Freckle Cream. It is Guaranteed to Remove Freckles, Pimples, Motb, Sunburn, Tan, Chaps. It is absolutely pure and harmless, anil will not injure the most delicate skin. It 13 truly a toilet salve, leaving the complexion soft, clear and velvety. Wilson’s. Freckle Cream does absolutely what we claim for it. Try • Jar at Oar Re£«!« «t : ^ Ilia *1.00. Yoor Moaey RetitJcd if Wilson’s Freckle Cream doe3 not give satisfaction. Sold at all drag stores. If your druggist can not supply you, send us his name ana SOc in stamps and tee will mail you a regular sue jar. Fair SKn Soap for the bath, champoo and toilet. 25c • Cake. When using this perfect medicated *©ap in connection with the Freckle Cream, the be>t results are always obtained. THE WILSON FRECKLE CREAM CO. Ciiu-ieuicG. S. C. ROi'i. ouSini.*’! GRADUATES ARE NFVLM SLEEPY HEADS. They are sought ultor by men at "airs. You find them in leading millions of trust. Our DIPLOMA ia an open ae-samt o position and preferment. Our -•pecialty la to fit you for business, o make the pay-roll larger; to In- »oaao the salary of tho “big man. v Enter At Any Time. Waycross Business College •V.ycroo, Ca. R. F. Zelgl.r, Pr.« r, dotes «eec" ?o of Chills and Fiv prev 7-20-tf CFLEY’3 HONEY AND TAR COM POUND Still retains Its high place as tho best household remedy for nil coughs) and colds, either for children oi grown persons. Prevents serious re -Milts from a cold. Take only the gen ulne Foley’s Honey and Tnr oom- j Bound, and refuse substitutes. Gain Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. f ■vn and build you up. Don’t c. sickly or ailing when Elec- j D*'UIoti. ■era will bcn»*i5t you from th houoands bloso them for orlous health and strength n. Every bottle iu gunran uly 50c at All Druggets. m. j F - ’ r - CIIF.XEY li CO, Toledo, O. j Wo, tlio undersigned, have l-nown F. } .L Cheney for the la?L 15 years, and belters him perfectly honorable Id all i business transactions ,tnd financially i ablo to parry out any obligations t0 : made by his firm. ! Welding, Kkinnn £ Marvin, 1 i ’ Wholesale Drugglrlr, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure te taken Intern* ally, acting directly uj on tho blood and mucous surface's cf tho system. Testimonials cent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. , Take Hall’s Family P'.lls for const!- WOODMEN OJ«\ THE WORLD. . CAMP 161 Wilts first and third Thursday •» ■*aeb nonth. Masonic Hall. Richard I - Singleton, C. C. D. P. Wool lev. Clerk. Have your nutoraobllo and buggy top work done at .1. T. McGee’s by a llrst-clflos trimmer, 21 Albany ave- nuo. , 12 3Pt To those wishing low rt’Ico'i and easy terms, wo can please, anything In furniture and furnishing goods. Special orders will receive our car^ ful attention. Home Furniture Company, 26 tf Plant \nd A'bany Avonus. NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Don’t worry any more about the bed bugs, roaches, rats and mice. Call 62 or 301. No kill no pay. J. W. S. Hardy. COALI COAL! COAL! WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, ASK FOR RED ASH. THE MONTE- VELLO IS THE COAL THAT MAK- ES RED A8H. I AL30 HAVE A CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM* ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. ALSO DRY STOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI CES. QUICK SERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOGD WOOD. AN8LEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. AN8LEY, PROP, A splendid example of e.uavallln? heroism Is the Ml»-r rf on#* of the old New Ye***- - v- •> defend ing the Payne-Aldrlcb law. FOR RENT BY Hie Riverside Park Co. ONE 2-3TORY 8-ROOM HOUSE FOR PER MONTH ONE 2-STORY 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR PER MONTH ONE 1-8TORY 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR M-00 PER MONTH FOR SALE ONE BEAUTIFUL 2-8TORY HOME *2,760.00, EASY TERMS ONE 6-ROOM COTTAGE *1,000.00, EASY TERMS ALSO FOR SALE A FEW VACANT LOT8 RANGING IN PRICE FROM *100.00 TO *400.00 ON TERM8 SO EASY YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN MEETING SAME. WITHOUT PAYING TAXES OR INTEREST YOU WILL BECOME A FREE-HOLDER BEFORE YOU REALIZE IT. PHONE 468. RIVERSIDE PARK CO. S i, Ga. LA. GRANDE BLDG. ITH. FLOOR.