Newspaper Page Text
That Is Causing Much In-
'terestiug Discussion
Just At Present
From The Torpedo Boats
... Which Were Bound
For Norfolk
o Be Held On Tomorrow
Afternoon—Mayor And
Council Invited
Makec His Announcement
To The Voters of
The City Today
- ** * ■ *
Atlanta, .Ga., Qct. 25.—Haa the
comet which haa been appearing in
the easern iky for the laat few morn
ings got a tall, or ia It tall-less? This
Ik , Vn„ Oct. 25.—Because
has been heard from the tor-
Oct. 25.—Henry C.
Traverse Jurors—First Week.
T W Morrison
' AIvhBmtth
R *B Oavla
J L Wildes
Lonnie Jordan
W H Thrift
W T Royal
A F Fnlcs
T. H Finn
U N Broale ,
A J Music
W K Dempster
E J Seay
Berrlan Mills
W T Mlncbew
J W Starling
W C Paul
H C Seaman
B W Luncoford
A A Allen
D A Jordan Jr.
H F Jeffords
3,C Morton
0 I Steele
P A Edwards
W Ctsws
L R McFoy
M Sears
U M Webster
J A James
D M Josey
J F Austin
T 3 Parffc
E M Hern*
F B McDonald
Sam Lee's Chinese laundry will t>»
moved Monday to No. * S Tebeatt
street, corner Ewjlng street, and near
English block.. - . < 2« 8t
H SI Pafford
E J Remley
H J Mollis
C 51 Eunice
L 8 Alfrlend Tr
K -M Cason
T SI Purdom
J1. Ward *
| P H Skelton
I J A Rowell
I John McClellan
| Jack Sluslc
| J F Bennett
! H J Waldrou
| H J J Markey
J R Cribh ..
J M Beach
Advertising talks—try the Herald*
a round or two.
Second Week.
H E Henderson W R Strickland
H L Herrin E I. Gorman
P L Parker J M Cox
S M Canhon . Elisha Mlore Sr
Henry Strickland lllllender Music
S J Stanton W E Birmans
C M Williams R I. Strickland
Henry Jordan B W Holt
G R Austin L R Rouse
B TWlWn W 1, Harper
W k> Strickland VP L Hinson
Jas L Jordan WD GIllUril
E A Berber , J Cannon
Frank Middle- J T Barnes
brookn B J Secklitger
C M Potter H P Roddick
Perhaps you could hive It, In as pret
ty a pert of the' country as you ewer
tew. ,
Call ui-:o ns and see, If you say that,
you are interest*, It It quite likely
thet we can'do eomctblnt for yon.
& Son
i 1 i
New Publication Means
Much For. South
It is with pleasure that w© not© Tifton, Ga., Oct. 25.—Chairman's,
the publication of “The Developer”, a M. Butler, of the Board of control of
Two Others Were Injured
When One Car Was
Turned Over
magazine devoted to the resources
of South G^oijgla, of which yWaro
county ia recognized to be one of
the best- counties; our pleasure is
©ven greater on noting that Wade H
• Leahy, general passenger agent of
the Atlanta,' Birmingham and Atlan
tic, Is editor of the new publication
This, in our opinion, means much
r for the magazine, as* we have always
found Mr. Leahy an able and untiring
worker for the counties along .the line
of the road for which he is exploit
Jng the wonderful resources o7 South
Therefore, be It resolved by the
Waycross Board of Trade, in regular
meeting assembled, that we tender
Mr. Leahy a vote of thanks for start
ing a publication that Is destined to
be of such value to our own county
as well- as the whole of South Geor
gia, and
Be It resolved further, that. ws
pledge him in this new work ou!
hearty co-operation, and join with
him in his efforts to bring our ad
vantages and opportunities to home-
Be^'nrs throughout the country.
it resolved also, that copies of
Viese resolutions be furnished the
'daily papers and W. H. Leahy, also
the American Automobile associa
tion, was instanly killed and Mr. P.
J. Walker, referee of the Gliddcn., „ , ... . . „ „
J is the queston that is causing a good
tour, end his wife, were seriohsly in
jured, three miles below Tifton short
ly.. after 9 o’clock this morning, when
the automobile, in which they were
driving, was overturned.
The accident Was due to a broken
steering knuckle on the Cunnigham
peacemaking car of Referee Walker,
in which the victims were riding.
The car urned a complete somer
sault and pinned the victims under
neath it. Mr. Butler was instantly
killed, when his body was crushed
by the wheel hub.
It is feared that the injuries of
both Referee Walker" and his wife
may prove internal. The driver es
caped unhurt.
Mr. Butler was one ot the best
known officials of the American Au
tomobile association. Referee Wal
ker is an official of the association in
California, and was selected to ref
eree-the Gltdden tour, which is beitig
run from Sew York to Jacksonville.
Mr. Butler's home was in New York.
to the managing oUTciala of the At-
lanta, Birmingham, and Atlantic at
deaj of interesting debate pn th©
part of those who have arisen in the
wee small hours to see the flaming
The comet is described as being
about three times as large as the
largest planet, shining brilliantly in
the sky about three hours high*at 5
o’clock when the Hunter of the East
begins to cast his stones.* The
et is the very last to take flight and
shines till well after 5 o’clock after
the other stars have all disappeared.
But how about Its tail—well, some
say they ht*Ve seen that, too. Stretch
ing straight up Into (he heavens they
say It has a beautiful appearance,
being long and flmsy and about the
size of Halley’s tail when it flrlt ap
peared. Wednesday morning,- howev
er, quite a, number of people arose to
look toward the east and saw the
comet but not the tail.
"The comet shone brilliantly, a*
alone,” they reported afterwards.
"Not a sigh of tall being visible in
the sky.”
Can it be that the comet Has lost
A Look at The New Fa
Shoes, Hats
and Furnishings
Will Convince You That
' You can get as good goods
- and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
pedo boat destroyers Barney. Craven,
McDonough and Wilkes, which left
QAjarleston, S. C., soveral days ago
bound to Norfolk, naval authorities
Iby dispatched the destroyer Reed
1 the tug Potomac to search for
the missing crafts. ,
A meager report telling of the burst
log of a steam plpo on the Wilkes is
afl the news naval officials have re
ceived from tho boats since they left
They were due to arrive here yos-
jter(|ajl Efforts to locate the tiny
fighters by wireless proved fruitless
today and as a las resort the Reed
and Potomac were ordered to Be a to
search for'thorn.
The following is a list of the granl
and traverse jurors drawn for the
December term of Ware Superior
Gffurt: * '
Jq G Parker I R B James
J P Lido R G Bennett
W B* Goodrieu B P Bryant
J J Hargraves J A Tomberliu
A great white way for Waycross Is
now regarded as a possibility for
Waycrofcs, and at very low cost to
the merchants and property owners.
The real white way man, G. A. Mil
ler, of Atlanta, is in tho city prepared
to close a proposition that will give
Waycross a white way Second to none
In the country. The opportunity is
hero and -it is up to those interested
to say whether or not \Vaycro3B will
take the lead In establishing white
ways, in this section.
The proposed white way for Way-'
cross will have five-light ornamental
iron ;csts. making a much better ap-
peartnee' than a three light post with
extra lights at corners. Mr. Miller
Is here from Atlanta, where white
ways raid to bo tho greatest In the
country have been installed.
At the Eoard of Trade last night
the white way was discussed by Mr.
Miller briefll, ho outlined the plan
and aJiowng how It could be put i.i
Waycross at once to great advantage.
Everyone interested in ftie white
way is urged to attend the meeting
at the Board of Trade tomorrow af
ternoon promptly at' 3:30 o'clock.
The mayor and council have been
asked to attend and will undoubtedly
do so, as well as members of the
Retail Merchants Association.
Dr. W. K. Meeks For aldSrman ......
Dr. W. K. Meeks, the well known
dentist, makes hiB announcement to
day for Alderman from the Secdnd
Ward. Dr. Meeks is one cf the city’©
best citizens, and if elected would
make a splendid official. '
Following is Dr. Meek’s announce
ment: 0
I hereby annouce myself a candl* .
date for Alderman from the Second
Ward, City of Waycross, subject to
the Democratic primary to bo held
later. If elected I will at all timet
have the best interest of Waycroa*
and her people at heurt, and will
stind for a safe, progressive, impar
tial, business administration. 1 will
appreciate the support of tho votera
of the city. ,
,W. K. Meek*