Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 27, 1911, Image 5
- ■ - , * = • ‘ * * . ■ . WAYCAOSS EVENING HERALD THE LEADING GROCERY 8T0RE. New gnodi are comlns every day.' The housekeeper will enjoy an Inipec- j PERSONAL MO AT THE MAJESTIC. The picture programme for tonight will be to (pilows: tlon of oar stock. No store in Way* j CONDUCT ROLL., 6TH OR/ i A.; Film No. 1. “Mutt and Jeff" an' cross presents so many unusual fancy/ MRS. A. A. HEIDT Ti ACHER. .the riows boys. Another ono of tiio3* articles. -* ■ _ ■ j {very laughable pictures produced b Every article most have a clean and j ^ Heroby, De'.lo York.j U “ l “N«ator" Company, clear title to enter our .tore. jvriHhm fSii,. m.t.. ,„.i. *n.„ Film No. “The Ka.k of Re Boys: BoTney Hem by, Bo".: \ViHlam Guing. Girls: Mario Allen. dr goods? 'Margaret Bates* Hazel Elli^ m, Mar ! Death ‘" Th,a ,s an exceptTonall; ve Jive has no strip.; 1 gurite Flefcen, Helen Griffin, Nonna! S°° l1 . P Ict " ro produced by foe Amo;. " ir '" ; or "aU'JV; ' : Hargreaves, Vivian Mneon, Ruth R. j e! ® Company. Too best motion pi. !:at :f'tlie goods a" - Sillier, Ruth Miller. Iture in the world. ’•«* and we will sc::: _ , I :Iy urn! pleasantly. It I „ r „ -■ „ • NOTICE LADIES! i The II. T. Benton Company store | vatte? of full wels ;!h L-, a ol ‘ t _ WE HAVE SECURED Th-2 GEF iuus selected by the Buster Brown When you fully reel- . - VICES OF MRS. CUEST, AN EX • ‘r 1 -* j bore people as one of the best of and profits of doing . , . PERT FITTER, V/HO WILL HAVf wx **'niteen accounts in the state to gfvo ' * CHARGE OF OUR LADIES READY Where ere you buying The guarantee we give t tied to It. No “if'g” .ci simply means not good noil for them npor also covers :I> and full count ize the pier.su business with you will eome lar patron. SPECIAL MENTION. Imported gcods'. such as Holland a tradin, ■ store as ? place a regu- hay and eur fain- Herring. D411 Fickle®, Roqufort Cheese, Swiss Cheese. Edom Che?s», Limberger Cheese, Herring in bullion, «tc.. Remember, on Friday of each weeii ■we get our Tennessee butter, r.Hfckcii* and eggs. Complete line of gr.t feed. We are still sell! ous C. C. D. butter at pound. We extend to the public n Invita tion to visit our ^to 'j and compare prices, and we will !vj rntlslled the verdict. We guarantee satls/ac ion *in.l first class service and to please all who are afflicted with the eating lu'jit. THE WILSON GROCERV COMPANY W. m. Wilson, Manager Phono No. 128. Wi’son Btock. AT THE MAJESTIC. Tonight at a apodal attraction the management will present the groat j ‘Troy Comedy Four." This act i> vhat Is known as a "Comedy Quar ette". The program rendered by •hem all consist of comedy, as well at- harmony singing. The management Jorgonally guarantees this attraction, rnd feel sure that It will prove to bo one of the most enjoyable as well the highest priced act wo have ever presented. the Buster Brown and Tige demon stration Several thousand people enjoyed seeing Buster ‘ and fTigi while they were here. ADMASCUS COMANDERY NO. 1S. A regular conclave of this Coman- dery will be held this (Friday) even ing at 7:30 o’clock. The Order of the Temple will be conferred. J. D. Mitchell, E. C. J. Mitt Wells, Recorder. TO WEAR DEPARTMENT. DON’T FORGET THE SALE STARTS FR1 DAY OCTOBER 27TH. F„ULL LIN^ CCAT SUITS, COATS. SKIRTS SERCE AND SATIN DRES3E3. COME! — 26 4t * CHURCHWELLS. Fo Infants and Children, 5a Kind You Have Always Bought The Bon Ton is the place to got tip to date coats and suits. 24 2t m CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all hinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work for the past six years I think I know how to give you the ind of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, >22 Brewer street, paone $Pi. 22 tf Childrens sweaters, leggings and toques to match. Humphreys & Williamson. Our New Stock Of Cut Glass, Sterling Silver China and Brass Novelties JUST RECEIVED. Select your wedding presents and gifts from our NEW CLEAN 8T0CK SOMETHING NEW AR. .RIVING DAILY. Jewelers and Opticians. little & Odom GRAY HAIR TALKS hair index or age. LOOK OLD. ^ How often one hears the ex pression, “She Is gray and U begn- Slng to look old." It la true that gray hair uaually denotes age and la always associated with age. You never hear one referred to as having never hear gray hair and looking young. The hair la generally the Index of age. If your hair Is gray, you can t blame your friends for referring to you as looking old. You can’t retain a youthful appearance If you allow your hair to grow gray. Many per- • tons of middle age Jeopardise their future simply by allowing the gray hairs to become manifest. There la no necessity for this. If your hair >«oa wnm'A faded or sf(7i try Wyeth a has become faded or gray, try Wyeth’ Gage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, tho preparation which a chemist by the i..™. Of Wyeth devised a few year* ago. It la simple. Inexpensive and practical, and will banish the gray hairs In a few days. It la alao guar anteed to remove dandruff and pro mote the growth of the hair. It la a pleasant dreaalng for the hair, and after using it a few day* itching and dryneaa of the acalp en- Itehlng and dryneaa tirelr disappear. ■ Thla preparation la offered to the S public at fifty cepta a bottle and la AT Y. M. c. A. Mrs. J. S. Elkins as chairman of the committee appointed to serve re freshments at the Y. M. C. A. terday, assisted by Mrs. DniT Lott, Mrs. Atwell, Mrs. Henderson; Mrs B. Wood, Mrs. C. A. Bennett, Mrs. J. S. Everett, Mrs. B. M. Nor- ell Miss Elen Blhine, Miss Maud Reach served delicious hot chocolate and cake to a number'of metiers. Each afternoon this week a commit tee of ladies will serve. For this afternoon Mrs. Tifttvy Reed, with her assistants will have charge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan have anuounced the birth of a little son, born on the 23th of October. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan arc both well and pleas antly remembered hen). Mrs. Morgan was popular hero as Miss Annie Thompson. They are now making their home in St. Louis. Mr. .!. M. Joyner, of Folkston, the city today. HARRY D. REED, CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR, WILL ADDRESS THE PEOPLE OF WAYCR03S, IN PHOE- NIX HOTEL PARK, SATURDAY, EVENING, OCTOBER 28TH, 1911, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. NO MATTER WHOM YOU EXPECT TO VOTE FOR, COME OUT AND HEAR HIM. 26 3t ARE MICROBE8 IN YOUR 8CALP? It Has Been Proved That Microbes Cause Baldness. Professor Unna, of Hamburg, Ger many, and Dr. Sabourand, the lead ing French dermatologist, discovered that a microbe causes baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply erlfied through research experiment^ carried on under the observation ot eminent scientists. Thrs microbe lodges In tho Sebum, which Is the natural hair oil, and when permitted to flourish It destroys the hair foli- cles and In time the.pires entirely close, and the scalp gradually takes shiny? appearance. When this happens taere is no hope of the growth of hair being revived. have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dandruff, ex- terminate the microbe, promote good circulation in the scalp and around the hair roots tighten and revitalize the hair roots, and overcome bald- <fness, so long ns there is any life left in the hair roots. We back up this statement with our own personal guarantee that this remedy called Rexall “93” Hair Tonic will be supplied free of all cost to the user if it fails to do as we state. It will frequently help to restore gray and faded hair to its original color, providing loss of color has been caused by disease; yet it Is In no sense a dye. Rexall “93” Hair Tonic accomplishes these results by aiding making every hair root, follcile, and pigment gland strong and active, and by stimulating a natural flow ot coloring pigment throughout the hair cells. We exact no obligations or promis es—we simply ask you to give Rexall *93” Hair Tonic a thorough trial and f not satisfied tell us and we will efund the money you paid a tor It HALLOWEEN PARTY. A Halloween party jvill bo give: Tuesday evening October 31, at tl: ; home of Miss Etienne Goddard, 23 Hicks street, auspices of tho West minister League of the Presbyterian church. Various amusements suggos tlve of the season will be provided. Candy, peanuts, popcorn, salad and pumpkin pies will be sold. 24 Ct LUCKY OLD PEOPLE Have Seen Wonderful Progress From Ox-Carts to Aeroplanes. What wonderful progress the old people of today have lived to see. In their young days the railroad was as much of a novelty as the aeroplane ie now, and nearly everything else has progressed as much. Another modern Idea Is that peo ple may be active and vigorous at 75 or c 0 years If they will be careful ' - up their strength, r. Jno. N. Kelly, aged 75, who lives at Lake Charles, La., says he s badly run down from overwork, and took two or three bottles ot Vinol by advice of his druggist. He is now better than for tho past ten years and actually feels fifteen years youn- gor. There is certainly nothing like Vi nol our delicious cod liver nnd iron preparation, to build up nnd keep up all weakened, run down persons. ); is especially good for old people tor because It Is very pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. There is no cod liver oil In Vinol. We guar antee It to give your perfect satisfac tion. The Seals Pharmacy. A Few Applications of a Sirrtple Remedy Will Bring Back the Natural Color, .,y*Pq11 ont one gray hair and a dozen will take its place” Is an old saying, which Is, to a great extent, true, Jf no steps aro taken to stop tho cause. When gray hairs appear it is a sign that Na ture needs assistance. It is Nature’s rnll for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that Is falling out, is not necessarily n sign of advancing age, for there are thousands of elderly people with perfect heads of hair without a single streak of gray. When gray hnlrs come, or when the hair seems to bo lifeless or dead, some good, reliable hair-restoring treatment should l»e resorted to at once. Special ists say that one of the best prepara tions to use is the old-fashioned “sago tea” which our grandparents used. The liest preparation of this kind Is Wyeth’i Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prep- oration of domestic sage and sulphur, scientifically compounded with later dis covered hair tonics and stimulants, the whole mixture being carefully balanced •nd tested by experts. Wyeth’s Rage and Sulphur Is clean nnd wholesome nn<l perfectly harmless. It refrei&ej dry,«parched;- hair,- removes “•member, you can ofn.-.n ' ,t p \ “ FOLEY’S KIDNEY REMEDY (Liquid) Is a great medicine cf proven ^alue '°r both acute nnd chronic kidnoy and bladder nilments. It ib especially re commended to elderly people for lt*> wonderful tonic and reconstructive lunlities, and the permanent relief md coinfort It gives tlicf. Gem Phar macy; T. S. Paine. Too Easy to Save REGISTRATION NOTICE! Office Clerk of Council. Hooks for the registration of voters ire now open nnd will remain open from October 2tith to November 2fRh. exclusive. (Sunday's excepted) from a. m. to 12 m.. nnd 2 p. nt. to C p W. Strickland, .Clerk of Council. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHT* OF PYT-.-A*. . . . Meets ev M.md. v'y;, •renin* at 8:00 In < ' V , Cast!. Hal 1 ttlaui ovt. ' . Members .requestee - / to attend, sat) visions Knights are most -nr •tally Invited to meet witb ua. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. I\ H. Miller, K. ot Ji. ft 3. dr M. of P MERELY A MATTER OF SPEND- ING LES3 THAN YOU EARN. KEEPS GROWING EASIER TOO; BECOMES SURPRISINGLY EA8Y AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED |T FOR A WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- TO THE HABIT OF SPENDING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND IMAGINE THEY CANNOT SAVE, CULTIVATE THOUGTH FULNESS AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO SAVE. THERE’8 PROTECTION, ENCOURAQEMEN1 AND SATISFACTION IN A 8AV- INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS $200,000 Before You Reach me t.imlt | of physical endurance uud while your condition Is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action nnd positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatlaf, nnd all kidney, bladde.* and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Paine. BUSTER BROWN AND TIGE WILL RECEIVE THEIR FRIEND8 AT THE H. J. BENTON 8TORE WEDNE8DAY 25TH AND THUR8DAY 26TH. THEY WILL HAVE A PRESENT FOR EV- ERY CHILD WHO VI8IT8 THEM. For The Sake oi YOUR ’ Appearance U A ndyour pocket book, you’d better come to this store soon and look over the new styles in Clothing, Sh oes and Hats If you are looking for a suit that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. a great mauy men tkte finding some very nice things here. Let u» put one away for you. The color, the weave and the style you want is here. Suits From $15 to $30 The Steele Clothing Store PLANT AVE- -mm* v.--* Jt