Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 28, 1911, Image 1
AYCROSS * f VOLUME XVIII = WAYCROSS, GAm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1911 V NUMBER 308 '^TO HAVE RALLY NEXT MONDAY NIGHT At Opera House—Platform To Be Read And Ratified l'. **The Progressive Democratic Club” mm hold a "rally” at Opera House oi» Monday night next, October 30th,, At 7:30 p. m. V When the platform and principles of the club will be read and ratified. 8everal good speakers # have been secured. All Citizens who favor a liberal, pro* gressive city administration, who oppose the threatened revival of “Ring Rule” in our city and who be lieve that all classes of our citizen ship are entitled to a voice Jn the • ncairs of our city without regard to their pureity or wealth, are cordially Invited to be present and enrol their names in the Democatic Club, in the . •-•ommon interest for Waycross and her progress and prosperity. •The Waycross Band will furnish music. Harry M. Wilson, President. Sad. 28 2t NEW SHOE STORE OPENS TOESDAY SHOES - EXCLUSIVELY Will Be Handled By The Standard Shoe Store t MRS W. B. LAMAR HEADS 0.0. G. MEET NEXT AT ATHENS IS JOSEPHIH. BROWN THE STREET CAR ISSUES CARO MATTER SETTLED STATES HIS POSITION AGREEMENT REACHED WHITE WAY OFFERS United Daughters of The On The Prohibition Ques- That Seems To Mset The Confederacy Elect Officers (Irlffln, Ga., Oct. 27.—The following (Beer were elected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy of Georgia at the closing session today The Standard Shoe Store, next to the post office, will formally open its doors for business Tuesday. The r,ew store will be under the manage went of Mr. W. N. Jones, who is well 1 Mrs. Walter B. Lamar, of Macon, ar.d favorably known all over this sec j president; Miss Anna Caroline Ren- lion. The new firm will handle. r'ng, of Columbus, first vice presi- thies exclusively, and has one of the joint; Mrs. Herbert M. Franklin, of strongest lines of footwear ever j Tennille, second vice president; Mrs. tion In Gubernatorial Campaign "October 27, 1911. "To the Feople of Georgia: "The State executive committee of Hearty Approval of All Concerned If elected Governor Joe Brown oposes to let the prohibition law nd Just as It is unless otherwise reeled by a vote of the people. Ladies end MJsses sweaters in all jT«olor*L V Humphreys & WUlianttoh. brought to Waycross. Mr. J.'C. Pittman, one of the best known and most popular salesmen in tbe city, will be in the new store. The stock is being arranged and the store will present a splendid ap- 1 finance. The people of of Way* c*. oss and vicinity are most cordially Invited to visit the new store. CASE CO. TO ENTER RACES Savannah, Ga., Oct. 28.—The J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company ieW have two of their Case cars in the Vanderbilt Cup races, and have been assigned a camp at Isle of Hope tiflfcf* Joseph M. Thomas, of Grifflnn third vice president; Mrs. E. K. Overstreet oi Sylvanla, recording secretary; Miss Mattie Sheivley of Rome, treas- iii er; Mrs. Howard McCall of Atlanta logistrar; Miss Mildred Rutherford of Athens historian; Miss Jessie Cobb of Athens, auditor. Athens was chosen as the place fqr the next annual convention. At last night’s meeting of the City Council, without n dissenting \otc, nn agreement on the street car the Democratic party has refused to j franchise amendments was reached permit the white citizens of this state rrd adopted with hut little discus NOTICE! The Home. 07ft Foreign Missionary Societies of the Frst Methodist Church will meet at the church Mon day afternoon at three o’clock. The members are urged to be present. si Barbee’s Pavilion. The cars and drivers will take charge of their quarters here the first week in No vember, when the famous Chatham county roads will he open for prac 1.C vote upon the alternative of local option or itate^prohlblton in tho coming primary. "This action can only be construed to meap' that the state executive com mute holds.that the liquor question is not properly an issue in the present campaign. Since attempts had been made by others to lug it in, 1 asked that this mo3t important matter be sion. By the provisions of the ordinance Hissed the holders of the franchise rre to give bond in tbe sum of J5,000 In some good surety company to be* tin actual construction not ifitfcr than Junuary 15th next. The city is to receive 2 per cent of tho gross re- ciipts after the franchise has been in opernGon ten years, for a period submitted to the primary, in’which! of ten .'ears, and thereafter three white voters alone will participate. | per cent during the life of the fran- "The other two candidates for gov-loWse. The company is to have cars csrnor hkve puhllcl.v expressed the j m operation by November 1912...... conviction that tho question of local Feur routes havo been practically | 80 that n the ovent * o city want option or prohibiiticR is one to be egreod u;.on, settled by the people alone. It is to j le regretted that t!.c white voters have been denisd the right, at thji time, by those who are in charge of their party affairs. *1 fee! suro that The Meeting Presented With Iwo Offers, Both Good Ones As a rceult of another white way offer made at a general meeting at the Hoard of Tnde yesterday after noon a special committee has been named to Investigate both propositions and make a report on same as soon as possible. The committee is head ed by L. J. Cooper, with M. L. liunn, H. J. Benton, J. M. Bell, C. F. Dunn, Burdette Loomis and B. Q. Forks os members. D. S. Schureman, recently of Rock ford, III., made an offer for posts ret installed and for the completed rystem. G. A. Miller, of white way fame, made nn offer with the white five acres cleared and stufped, good complete but not erected. The twn propositions of each party were made this regret will be shared by a great majority of the white people, irre spective of tl^elr Individual preferen ces on this question. "While I have uniformly voted fhe Inhibition tfeket, yet. feeling as : WAITING TO GREET LOYER ♦c aid by using labor or the property {owners wanted to purchase posts j outright and care for the lighting j t-’emselvos the matter could be ar ranged. /oung Men’s Christan Association. Tho big rally for men only Sunday' J p. m., will be conducted by Rev. Mr. J. D. Wyant, of Florida. Rvqry men welcome whother a member of Savannah, Ga., Oct. 28.—Miss The resa Just, a pretty young womau Y- C. A. or not. These sor- ttvongly as I do that tho people have‘,, om Norway ls gtm here waiting to v ‘ ( ’ e ® are {or tho of Waycro«**4 tho inherent rlsht to dotcrmlno their) „ P gr «ot«l by Olio Mathe.nn, 11 Sweeil or,d every man should b. on band policy upon this question, so lntl-1 vhom hR3 como hero ,„ a rry. promptly nt Y p.' nt., for one hour., matoly nffectng dvory household. 1 Matheson It believed to he employed special music by'(ho men. declare tu'nt, In tho event of my oloo-1 ra , dredge working several mllcB Vhe great opening of the gymnuslum t on, I shell not favor any legislation Gown lhe r)ver a nd ir he hour - that class will bo Tuesday S if. m. All upon this subject unless It carries I . )(£ , ,; ancc0 la j iere walling for him 11,0 a *w apparatus will ho opened up with It nn opportunity tor approval l|t |a cx p cele d he will burry up to cnd t,le new rulB » will bo given out by the people at the 1,allot ho*. •••icethcr. "JOSEPH M. BROWN.” A Look at The New Fall Clothes, Stocks, Mat© and Furnishings , Will Convince You That You can get as good goods and as nice Styles as are Shown in the larger cities The Prices Ard Much Less. H. C. SEAMAN. NEW LINE OF LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDRENS SHOES COMING ( lu tho vnrlr.it classes. There will bo The young peoplo wore luvert In a tpe.’lal training in tho hatkot hall ' j Mobile. Ala., where they both llvod >rague >« order to play .lackaonvllle j COMMITTEE’S WOF.K IN BRIEF. 1 f C , r ttvertl ystrt. Mitt Just went to 1,1,1 Svannth tcaiut. All young mon ! Fixed Tuesday, Doootnhor 7, aa dato ,j B j t . or parent,; Norway and ere urged to ho on hand Tuotdny No- ,f.r .pedal - primary. | when she returned and wired Mat he-' romlter 1st promptly at S p. in. The j Did not rrovldo for a state convon- 10n from Newport Newt that site was tint ttlpht of tho clast It vory Impor- ji nn os Is customary. 'coming to Savannah she expected him ! '»»*• “ r0 moro lha » twenty Adjourned to meet nn December mcct ilGP ja not beloved he reasons why every man should start . 1.' to consolidate the vote* and declare - ct telegram. on t * le ^ rBt enrollment. t..e winners. . While tho authorities and fritr.daj * j Combined the "unit rule" with plu- 0 f the ;!H are trying to find Mat he- j nlity vote; the candidate getting tho yfjn ^11 ies Just 1b comfortably located I irost votes !n anv coumy will control t j, 0 Young Women’s Christan As- | nl tho debates ts bo prorated n: -oc’r.tlcn Having been found at the ,,oe:i moved to No. 5 Tebeau street, 1 -l.o rnto of two for each represents- t n)on Dopot ty one of tholr Travel* K "’-r Emjllrh Hock. Ho thunke hi. REMOVAL NOTICEI San l.co'a Chile,c laundry ha. I er's Alda and tnken (hero, tiro utitP** the Ipltt census apportion r’-'tit; ti)o candidate t.cttrng a pin j rt-llty of tho whole will ho declared too nominee. j HON. LEONARD TAYLOR IN THE, The polls are. thrown opan to all I CITY. I ’•quaJlrod nfc'fo eloc ors.” ; Hon * Lecnord Taylor, roprosenta- Cntran-,8 foe Is SI SO for uubern- ’ ;l '° from Ware countv I. hero today, lorlal and C73 for commissioner of •* lr * Taylor ravg ho ha* hoon very 1,101- aaplraltti. j busy of late gathering Ilia crop which. Declined to submit the prohibition h ' 5 cta,ez ** » *°° d on ®- ! I ouerflcn on tho ballots, holding that ,n !lnt!U "' t0 a <lllp,t ' on regard to ;. o. ancl tc nn iseuo at this time. 11,0 report that he might bo a candl-, j leclr.cd to lot tho people vote on '- aU ‘ for 3tnto Senator fr*tn *tt(i t ;*,o pro*ld.tt!al candidates. cl.trict, Mr. Taylor .tetou mat ho ; Carrie I out a i rtmrranreS schedule 1 ' ad “or 7“ decided a» to lilt ciurte ! ’itrort v.lttcut change or dl.cus.Ion. ,a ,hat d < racUoB “ a<1 11 ld not ™n'.r:n Mr do an appeal lo the "patriotism l,r deny tl19 report, raving that ho tt,d lcyaity" oL porty member, to *' ,uld ir-'batly lot u. heir from him; . hell the primary without charge for '“‘ er - i ; c;xonal tcrvice*. wzny curtorrers for past patronage, and aollcUa c cocticur.nco of ’tho ca:r.c. 28 6t Fine Georgia pork, bocf, etc. W. J- Pcrkcr, pfccn# 28S. 27 2t IN EVERY DAY. ALL THE LATEST styles and anll the latest rJr strawberry plants SALE BY C. S. HARDY & SON, rrOM JT-S BROWN HEAD-’ p H0NE j 15 _ 5-JARTERS. ! The fc-Jlowln? wan given out nt ’the i .ncroased this v»ar I canrot say, but; WOULD YCU LIKE A HO’J®E LF.Ce 7H137 r*rhnM you co^Id hare if, in at fy a vatl cf the country as you er* iBcwi dtwrMr-^naim mggggmlggfsm» Ltadquartcr3 cf former Governor Joe j that he will carry Colquitt county is Frown: j rhsolutcly certain." * W. J. Ve:cen, a prominent citi-j "Colonel J. J.fndfer Johnson, editor jzen of Moultrie, was a visitor at the u» The Rcire Trl’.m.e ilsraid, was in j Joseph M. Crow n headquarters yes- \ Ailanra Tuc?Cay a.a ! Wedne*day, ! terJsy and ported Colquitt county t lollDwln? r.a extended trip through ’u7a\n for "Little Joe". Tn the first - u’b Gpcrr'u. He reported, thafi iaco', said Mr. Veree^, 'Colquitt gave wherever he went he found the pr» jjj* *'* rbom m majority, afline sentiment favcrini the tlec- Whether ’UtUe Joe’q’ ? «•*,goveyncr/v - u \ 1 tP Y7U DON’T THINK 30 Ceil upon ui and see. If you ray that 7-u ere interested, 1t i9 r.»<'to Iikoly that we can do soxcth.'sc for you. A.M.£Cnight &Son . REAL C*TA— r Id’JRANCt