Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 31, 1911, Image 2

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; 1 A' mamm v/AYCROSS; EVENING HERALD , THE EVENING HERALD — I Publl»K»d fcy *~ - THE HERALD PUBLISHING! CO. A. P. Perham, Br. A. P. Perhxm, Jr. Editor. and Proprlatorc, I ' Mlaa Carrla Parham, 1 Ptraanal, Society and Local.' SUURPED POWERS NOT THEIR 7 0WN - (Prom Tbo^Macod Telegraph.) The membera of the atate Democrat ic executive committee did what waa expected, of them. Tfjey met, did not deliberate, but railroaded, through the plan mapped out for them before. -r ..Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Wayoroaa Herald founded In , h , Mked 0 , her , th . . IMS. The Dally Herald founded In . ty ,ool “ ><1 ** CB otlier ln t,ie '*<*• IMS by A. P. Parham, qr.’.‘ ■ ‘ Telephonee Bnalnue Offlce IS Editorial Offle 25 . Realdence 268* Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Vfflce No. 8 Jane Street. "Let toe' ateam roller roll", .aid j Mr. Paul Trammel, the man who had Juat tjirk hie molars Into the beat > piece of pie of hit life, handed out by {tbe power above aim, this ai . be raf* . .. — , - _ down to work In ihe committee. Entered at the Waycroaa, Qa., Ppab Mfte aa second claaa mail matter. | And It rolled over the people In this fashion: The cornmi11te. assum* eri to make Itself the convention of RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. j the people. - It, adopted tae county • Month J -J® unit aysfettLall right, contrary to the t Month. .,),, 11.25 . . S Montha , - 12.50- Hoke Smith plan Indorsed in hi3 two I Tear 55J>0 I state convention*, -a id agreeable to NOTICE TO‘SUBSCRIBERS \ - the Jo ° Brown plan—ihu* far go Bobflcrlhets to The Herald that do good—but they denied tiie right of V>t receive She paper promptly and Mtrljr will pleaae rlng*up the Circuia- Bie people to aggemble In Htate tlon Manage' and report the trouble vention and take charge of their to hJm, a* IMg In tbe only means that . tre c*n t»?ure you prompt and early affa * r8, They reaol.ed to re.^vt delivery. j people of this duty ' and privilege. SPECIAL NOTICE j Thcy conitltutod tliemselveg the co AH obituary notice*, card* of thanks,! ventl.m and will ronveue themaelvi resolutions nnd notices of entertain* dent*, where charges are made, will and tl)e ro11 of 1110 countlea, pai ha charged at advertising rates of S on contestK, make rulos, perhaps gents a line. platform, turn down this and turn i THE HERALD IS THE ,ha - Thcy a(lo l ,tC(1 exactly the plan Official Organ of the United States forecasted by The Telegraph on Wed- court of the JJouthen, Dlatrict ol j B-dw> excepl thal Uley dia not „ ro . for a second primary in counties WAYCROSS, GA., OCT. 31, 1911. We notice by the fashion page that high hips are coming round again. The progressive Republicans huve their disagreements, to.i. Hotting u Jury in the .McNamara ise Is ulmost as prolonged a matter extra session of congress. ns IgiUollett’s friends say they have the support of Roosevelt for their candidate. They will need mortr than that. If the six-year old Kmperor of Chi- nana loses his throne as a result of the present itjvoll, he may grow lip to ho a really happy man. * The committee met In Atlanta and did it do, that if wha«. luid to do and It knew what It had to do before it it e*. in Ail* nto »' do It co Out In Missouri they lined a deaf mute $10 for swearing nt his wife, n deaf mute also, oa his lingers. Those Missouri people certainly do things. * Mr. Tnft Is now on the hack stretch and returning fast, hut the tariff ve toes are gaining on hitn at every Jump and will give him n snapper Oar rlson finish under the wire at Wash ington. —*— Hnvernor Smith declares that he didn't say tlmi the outlook .in Georgia indicated the election of Joe ilrown as governor. Mr. Smith would not been wrong If he had said so.—Colum* bus Rnqulrer-Sun. that went for tho lowest man. In all the range of political histo ry thi/t we have known, seen or read ubour, this usurpation of the rights of the people's delegates to assemble in state cosventlon is something now under the sun! A county unit system minus a state convention of delegates from those county unit Is a, polltcal monstrosity and usurpation which is fraught with danger to the people. With 90,000 white people wholly disfranchised lasl year, and all of the people partly dis franchised this year by this usurpa tion, what nro wo to expect on the next turn of tho wheel? COAL! COALI COAL! WHEN YOU WANT GOOD COAL, A8K FOR RED A8H. THE MONTE* VELLO 18 THE COAL THAT MAK* E8 RED A8H. I AL80 HAVE CHEAPER GRADE OF COAL. HAVE THEM ON HAND AT ALL TIMES AL80 DRY 8TOVE WOOD OF ALL KINDS. TELEPHONE 70 FOR PRI CES. QUICK 8ERVICE TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. GOGD WOOD. ANSLEY COAL COMPANY, 10 tf. W.. W. AN8LEY, PROP. COFFE COUNTY FAIR, DOUGLAS, GEORGIA, November 14th*1i:h, 1911. A GREAT 8HOWI The Fair will be given on a bigger scale than ever. LOW EXCURSION RATE8 VIA A. B. d A. Tickets on salo November 14th to 18th, Inclusive, with return limit No vember 19th, 1911. W. H. Leahy, G. f. A., Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent, Waycross, The fct.Va lemtr.'h.*\«ng refuse 1 to submit the-liquor question to a vote of the people of the state, rules It out of the present campaign, leav ing Hon. "Honest" Pope nnd Hon. "Plain" Dick without a platform to stand upon.—Ex. Hon. Warner Hill Is probably, very much surprised, if not astounded, to find that he is popular today among af faction of Georgians who, only a few years ago, were almost to the point of stringing him up to the near est telegraph pole.—Columbus Enquir er-Sun. You can let people reform, j can’t you. \ + I From the Macon Tolesraph: "Urn Morula. The Telegraph reported that 1 an examination of the netr.papera of, the ,Ute out.We of the large cttiei, ao far M they have committed them-1 .elver .bowed twenty-.il for Joe I Drown, nine for Pope Drown and none | for RuueU. A week later the count ! .land, thlrtv-one fur Joe Drown, and ' twelve for Pope Brown and none for Rutaell. Joe Drown ha. gained .lx and Pope Drown three. RuueU It absolutely out 'ot It, ,o far as th. ' newapapera go." v AT THE FRONT Tou have to be on you. .guard ton ar ec.ught napping. It Inrltea Jlrastar. waycross busing*. collM. GRADUATES ARE NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They are .ought alter by men ot iSalrr You find thorn In leading ,-cilttoni of truat. Our DIPLOMA la an open arum# -0 petition and preferment Our ipeclalty la to fit you for btnlneaa; to make the pay-roll larger; to In. .-tease tbe salary of the “Mg mas.' Enttr At Any Time. Waycross Business College Wayerogs. Oa, R. r. Mttar, Pres. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been - In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of _*• and tins linen made under hltt per- -' Btmnl supervision since Its Infancy. ” Allow no one to deceive you ln this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jast-ns-good” are But experiments llmt trifle with nnd endanger tho health of Infanta and Children—Experience against Kxpertinent. ' What is CASTORIA Castor! a la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrup#* It is Pleasant. .It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Rurcotta MibHtui.'*'*. Its ago is its guarantee, it destroys Worms ond allays Feverishness, it cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Htoniuch and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Tho Children*** Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS •Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have'Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 7T MURRAY TREAT. NEW YORK CITY. PARK PLACE High class Subdivis* ion for white people only, on easy terms, closeto A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. BOOH NO. 4 ' Southern Bole! Bldg Ware County Light and Fewer Company. i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGOOOOOOOOODOeOOGO OWN A HOME WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BUILD. PAY BACK IN FIVE YEARS; MONTHLY PAYMENT8. WILL BELL YOU A LOT ON SAME TERMS—SEE USI Waycross Savings and Trudt Co ♦OPOOOOv vvOK>.oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( Farming With Dupont High Grade Dynamite NOW IE THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO REMOVE YOUR STUMPS. THE HOTTER THE WEATHER THE LESS DYNAMITE IT TAKES TO DO THE WORK. LET ME GO OVER YOUR PROP- ERTY WITH YOU, I KNOW I CAN 8HOW YOU PLACES WHERE A LITTLE BLASTING WILL IMPROVE YOUR FARM>NO MAKE IT MORE PROFITABLE. NO CHARGES FOR ESTIMATE*. WHEN MAY I CALL? J. C. CRANE, Expert Blaster. Ask Watt-Hardware Co. wayems. c«. We Are Headquarters For * Everything in the. HARDWARE LINE! R. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. LaGrande Pharmacy % V