Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 31, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROS-i CVsnrr. HERALS ; 1 THE LEDERLE LABORATORIES SUPERVISE SEAL-SHIPPED OYS TER BEDS. THE GREATEST AM-j ERICAN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZA-J TION FOR FOOD PURITY PROMO-\ TION. ITS AN EXCLUSIVE SEAL SHIPPED FEATURE. YOU KNOW j YOU EAT OYSTER3 OF CERTAIN PURITY WHEN YOU GET THE SEAL-SHIPPED. FOR SALE ONLY AT ►MIm Carrie Perham Social Editor ? • Jhls is the last day of October and It la reining* some this morning. Grand Fall and' Winter Display This Is fine weather for docks arid such like. Mr. Thomas M. Wectberrv, Bachlo:t r Ga., is in the city. Mr. J. S. filers, of Millwood, guest* of the Phoenix today. ,\ Pierce, of Fitzgerald, of LaGrande last night. /. W. S. Hardy SUCCESSOR TO HADDY BROS. E. B. MITCHELL, D. 0. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Physician and 8uryeon. Ofilce < 10-21 LnGrande Building. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p. in Residence Phone 402; Office 321. For nice Georgia pork or any other kind of fresh meats I can please you. W. J. Parker, phone 2«8. 27 2t RING 174 FOR WOOD. FOR SALE. One of the host small farms in Ware county, one mile from city llm- hr, on R. F. O*. route, about thirty- fi.c ncrec cleared and stumped, good house, barn and enno mill, tnulq and nil necessary farm Implements, heal thy and fine locality. Any reasonable terms accepted. Address Box B., c *'1. 2S 3t cod NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between C. E. Scott and S. T. Benton, under tho firm name of Scott A Beaton, has been dissolved by mu tual consent, C. E. Scott retiring and S. T. Beaton assuming all liabilities and collecting nil lehts of the firm. This Sept. 28, 19U. C. E. Scott, 8. T. Beaton. BARREL FRESH CRANBERRIES, 15c QUART AT J. W. 8. HARDY'S. TWO HUNDRED CHICKENS, ALL SIZES, 12 1-2 TO 20 CENTS POUND, AT J. W. S. HARDY’S. 25 It Got the habit, smoke “Y. Clear Havuna. 27 tr Mr. if. M. P-agler, a prominent •itizen of Hc’servllle, was among the rieitore to Way cross yesterday. Mr. George M. Dame. Ho. erville citizen, was yesterday. i well known in the city Suits Mr. A. M. Basinger, of Salisbury N. C., was among the guest? at the V’irdlc yesterday. Dr. T. W. Dorsett nnd son, of Wl lacoochee, were Waycross visitors yesterday. Tho atmosphere feels quite stormy today. Look out for one of those ••blows.” A raw day did, you say? Perhaps, indeed you told the truth that time, no matter what club you belong to. Dr. J. R. Dedge, returning to P son from a professional trip to Mc Rae, was In JVaycross last night. Maybe its Oysters you want. Phone G2 or 301 for the Seal Shipt. 3 fardv. 31 It Don't freeze. We have blankets and comforts that wlU keep you warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture Company, 27 tf Plant nnd Albany Avenue. SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Minufac'u-td In WaycroM, Ga, By PIT I MAM CIGAR CP Mr. Richard L. Singleton, organizer for tho Carpenters and Joiners of America, Is at home In a short visit. Mr. John W. Beaton, who is engag ed In the saw mill business at Millen, Ga., is here ori a visit to hts family. Chickens! Chickens! grown roosters 10 cents jKjund, hens 18 cents. Phone G2 or 301. J. W. S. Hardy. - 31 It The meeting* at the operp house last night was largely attended. Sup porters of all the candidates for may or were present nnd a number of speeches were made.. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD 8PECIAI. DETECTIVE WORK! Ex-Deputy Sheriff John P. Cason will engage in »peclal detective work Waycross and South Georgia. If you need his services telephone No. t, court house. 6-2*1 The Editor of the Herald is not a candidate for any city office, but we do want to make enough money out of the campaign to buy us a new au tomobile.. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf A DREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Barnum, of Freevllle, N was tho fever-pore that hod plagued bis life for years In spi»e of many remedied he tried. At lust he used Busklen’a Arnica Salve and wrote ’ It has entirely healed with scar elv e scar left.” Heal* burns, Dolls, Ec* r»tna, Cut*, Bruises, Swellings, Corns a:d Piles like msgic. On.y 25.* at All Druggists. C. A. DOWNEY, M. D. V. Vetenarlan. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycross, C\ y** Day and Night Phone 698. WARNING! All parlies are warned not to trade tor check 368T9 drawn in favor of the Darling Construction Compahy for $500 on the Blacksbeae Hank.- signed by A. P. Brantley. This check was lost by Mr. Darling out of hts buggy Saturday night. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to*Attend J. M. BELL. W. M. W. J. CLARK, 8EC, Buy ot ,us nnd save money. Satis faction in goods, price and terms, or your money back. Home Furniture Company, 27 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. Mr. A. J. Hamilton and wife, of Mnrshallvillc, are are tho guests of Dr. G. P< Folks for a few days. Hamilton is the big peach grower of Marshalvillc. He }s welcome to tho Magic City. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Morgan nre ex pected to arrive home today after a stay of aomo weeks In North Caroli na. Mrs. Morgan’s friends will gret to learn that she is still far from well. THE -BEST FRESH EGGS ON THE MARKET, 25 CENTS DOZEN, AT J, W. 8. HARDY’S, PHONE 62 OR 301. 31 2t A pint of Seal Shipt Oysters is a plenty for an ordinary family—all Oyaters—no water. Phone 62. J. W; S. Hardy. 31 It Bloomsdale Onion Sets Winter Lawn Grass Seeds • and Pansy Seeds . at Of Ladies* ’Tailored Suits in all the Lead ing Colors. Ladies’ Suits Ladies’ Tailored Suits $15.00 Ladies’ Tailored $20.00 Ladies’ Tailored $25.00 Ladies’ Tailored $30.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $50.00 Ladies’ Tailored Suits $60.00 We handle the best on the market i n Ready-to- Suits Suits Wear Suits. the latest In Mllnerv We have and most up-to date styles, both in Rea^= to-wear and Trimmed Hats. • Onr Millinery AND Suit Department is on the second floor, and We keep expert trimmers to wait on you. Make us a visit before buying your Fall and Winter needs. Humphreys & Williamson CLASSIFIED Never Build a House > ^30Affl!>iRS , YfA?F^^ can be secured ac 64 Reed street. 7 tf j FOR RENT—Rooms for light house keeping or for young men. All con- eniencos. Couple without children preferred. Ring 149. 4 tf WANTED—Positldn as stenograph er or cashier by competent young la-1 dy. Address “H”., care Herald office, j 19 tf. FOR RENT OR SALE—Nice two-! story bouse on Carswell street. See* me at once. W. D. Youmans. 28 4t Unless you have a first class ar chitect, as It is cheaper to study the plan on paper than to waste the time of your mechanics and lumber. Owing to catarrh and hay fever in my family it became' necessary for me to move my office from the north, and.am now located at 427-429 La- Grande building. I have a large sterk of plans for all kinds of buildings, either private or public, flrerproof, semi-fire-proof and otherwise. CALL IN anl see what we have got; it may assist you In making up your mind what you want; and then we can make It for you. Office Phone'177, Residence Phone 467 P. O. Box 182. D. S. SCHUREMAN, Architect ipd Structural Engineer. ROOM FOR RENT—to a gentle man. Bath and electric lights, phone 462. pt lm FOR RENT—Seven room house near A. C. L. shops, with or without truck garden. Phone 233, or upply to Mrs. A. L. Cottingham. , 31 2t Tho railways continue to complain of the high cost of running. Blomsdale Pearl, (tre best onion CAUSE8 MUCH DI8EA8E. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 27 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. * yvW-'.v Meets ev-wv Moidaj evening at 8:00 IS yet), Winter Lawn Grasrf seeds Seajs Pharmacy. * 18 tf For flrst-clavs rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right, see J. T. McGee, 21 Albany avenue. 12 30t Go to the Bon Ton forj kid glov- i. 30 2t REMOVAL NOTICE! Sam Lee’s • Chinese laundry has been moved to No. 5 Tebeau street, r.rar English block. He thanks his many customers for past patronage, and solicits a* continuance of same. .* 28 6t Get ttie hablL smoke ”0. O. 6* Cigars. Clear Havana. 27 ti Pine Georgia pork, beef, etc. W. Parker, phone 2SS. 27 2t Castle Hal ?1ant ave. Members are requested attend, aad visiting Knights are most car* dlally invited to meet with cs. J. L. CRAWLEY, C. C. T. H. Mibei. tC. ol K. & S. & M. of F. ; Advice About Stomach Troubles and How to Relieve Them. Do not neglect indigestion which may lead to all sorts of ills and com plications. An eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of all the Ills of tho human body have their origin In a disordered stomach, Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to tie among the most dependable rein edles known for the relief of indiges tion and chronic dyspepsia. Their in gredients are soothing and healing to the inuamed membranes of the stom ach. They are rich In pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief they afford is ery prompt. Their use with persis tency and regularity for a short time tends to bring about a cessation oft . . the palm caused by .tomach dl.or- ln the,e large and dl,cerDln * amus °- ders. ' * Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help to “THE G RL IN THE TAXI.” The press and the public of Paris, Berlin, New York, Chicago and Bos ton and other cities where “The Girl In The Taxi” has been presented are unanimous in acclaiming It as the greatest laugh-producing entertain ment ever devised for the delight of theatre-goers who go to the playhouse to be ainused. The long runs which "the Girl in The Taxi” has scored THE SEALSlPHARMACY v m RKXALiwronx Have taken orders today for 7 twenty five thousand cabbage plants, send in your order a few days before you need them at we are having trouble in getttng them promptly. C. 8. Hardy ft Son. Phone 316.- 25 4t insure healthy appetite, to aid diges tion, and thus promote nutrition evidence of our sincere faith ln Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them nt our risk. If they do not give ou entire satisfaction, wo will return ou tho money paid us for them, without question or formality. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain them cqly at our store— The Rexall Store. The Seals Phar macy. WAYCROSS HERALD ADVERTISE IN THE ment centers nre infallible endorie- meat* of the play’, power, to delight the ipectator. The Boiton Globe sold: 'The Girl In The Taxi" U one of the. merriest show, that ^^r *ei the Tremont Theatre rockjakwlth laughter. The house was inched to the last Inch of standing room and at very short intervals roars of mer riment swept across in gales, com pletely slopping the dlalo;.) time*.” e "The Girl In The Taxi" will be seen at tue- Parker Theatre for an engagement of one night, Friday, No vember 3. oj^e at RING 174 FOR WOOD.