Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 31, 1911, Image 5
WAYCROSS FVIN NY HERALD PERSONAL ID LOOM. Mason and Campbell gloves at the Don Ton, 30, 2t THE LEADING GROCERY 8TORE. New goods are coming every day. The housekeeper will enjoy an inspec tion of our stock. No store in Way- cross presents so many unusual fancy article*. Every article must have a clean and clear title to enter our store. Mr. Joseph H. McCarthy, of Gary Where are you buying your goods? ind., was In Waycross yesterday look- The guarantee wo give has no string , j n g after property purchased some tied to it. No "if s ‘ .or "ands”; j time ago in Deenwood. Mr. McCar- simply means that if the goods : W good notify us and we will sen.1 ^Jror them promptly and pleasantly. It \jlso covers the matter of full weigitH and full count. When you fully real ize the pleasure and profits of doing business with such a trading place you will come to our store as a regu lar patron. SPECIAL MENTION. Imported goods, such as Holland Herring, Dill Pickles, Uoqufort Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Edom Cheea*, Limberger Cheese, Herring in bullion, •etc.. Remember, on Friday of each weo« we get our Tennessee butter, chickens and eggs. Complete line of gra'u, hay and feed. We are still selling our fam ous C. C. D. butter at 23 cents pound. We extend to the public an invita tion to visit our sto -j and compare prices, and we will ba satisfied with the verdict W r e guarantee satisfac nn and first olass tfervlqe and to please all who are afflicted with the eating habit. THE WILSON GROCERY COMPANY W. M. Wilson, Manager Phone No. 128. Wi’son Biock. time ago in D^enwood. thy expects to return to Wave some time in the near future to prove his property. HALLOWEEN PARTY TONIGHT. We are requested to say that thfs Halloween parly announced for to night to be given at. the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Godlard will take place rain or siting. Everybody Invited to attend. The party is given under the auspices of the Westminister League of the Presbyterian Church. RVWL BAKINS POWDER Aitso&sat®Sy Pur® Economizes Balter, Flour,> Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Koya! Grape Cream of Tartar L. J. COOPER, President. J. W. BELLINGER, Ctthler. -• ■ : ' § St’s Too Easy Save CABINET WORK. I am still at the same old stand, 22 Brewer street, and prepared to do all kinds of cabinet work, upholstering, trunk repairing, etc. Having done your work f<y the past six years I think I know how to give you the Ind of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, phone 2P4. 22 tf Our New Stock 0/ Cut Glass, Sterling Silver China and Brass Novelties JUST RECEIVED. Select your wedding presents and gifts from our NEW CLEAN 8TOCK SOMETHING NEW AR RIVING DAILY. Jewelers and Opticians. Little & Odom J) "Grandma” Sausage We have Installed an electric sau sage mill, and will make a specialty of “GRANDMA" SAU8AGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to head the procession.. Try us and be convinced, We have installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable egg Ajfctducer at a very small cost. We iJm:e you to try a small lot and see the' increase In your egg supply Then it will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly supply so that you will be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard 108 Piant Avenue. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD TO WRITE UP WAYCROSS. Mr. John F. Gilbert, representing the Florida Flower, a Jacksonville publicaton, is here for # the purpose of securing data for a write up of Waycross and Ware • mnty. No charge will be made for the. work, and all should assist. Mr. Gilbert ts se curing information for the write up. Young Mens' Christian Association. Thousand members in this ten dayi campaign. This big movement ends next Friday week November 10, with a big oyster slipper given by fifty ladeis from all the churches. There are twenty handsome presents given by the enthusiastic merchants to the ones that bring in the greatest num ber of members. The presents will bo shown in tomorrows paper. The board of directors have kindly consen ted to give every man and boy a chance to he a member by paying $2.30 and tlie balance in $2.30 pay ments monthly. Call at the associa tion at once and see about those twenty handsome presents free. Near ly every kind of present that a person needs. Don’t forget to watch tomor- s paper. Phone or send me your ordees for Georgia pork, sausage, beef, etc. W. J. Parker. Phone 288. 27 2t THE WOODMEN OF) WORLD. CAMP 16& Mvr.» first and third Thursday »i each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. singleton, G. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. * Ladies, call and see Mrs. Randall at Miss Parnell’s in regard to hair goods. She can make your old braid over. 26 2t CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /Tp Signature of C/ut&XMbtcJuAZ AT THE MAJESTIC. The picture programme for tonight will be as follows: Film No. 1. "The Red Devils”. Mystifying the Indians. This is a very interesting picture produced by the “Champion" Company. . Film No. 2. "The Godfather". A very beautiful dramatic production by the "Reliance” Picture Company, great pleasure in presenting to the patrons of the Majestic^Thentre "John and Alice McDowell”, introducing, original comedy, crying, singing, talking and dancing that is rich in humor—well dressed and pure In sentiment. Shekel IfcuMefl! Get the .Original and Genuine HORLIGK’S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. F'lr Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. b ure Nutrition, up building the whole body. ' invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted main, in powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Adc fer HORUCK’S. Hot in Any Milk Trust PHYSICAL CULTURE CLASS SCHEDULE. Helow' wo give the schedule of tho gymnasium classes which wero begun last night at the Y. M. C. A., under tho directions of Mr. Tddd, the PyhsI- cal Director: Young men, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 8 to 0 p. m. Rusiuess men, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 5 to U p. in. Roys, Monday and Wednesday, 3 to 4 p. m., Saturday, 10 to 11a. m. Basket Rail, .Tuesday and Friday, to 9 p. m. TO THE LADIES OF • GRACE CHURCH. Every lady is requested to take two table forks which she will hand with her lunch to some member of the refreshment committee on hand to receive them at the Methodist church Thursday morning, tho 2nd November. Mrs. Claude F. Ost, Chairman Refreshment Coinmittoo of Grace Church. MERELY A MATTER OF SPEND ING LESS THAN , YOU EARN. " KEEPS GROWING EASIER TOO; BECOMES SURPRISINGLY EASY AFTER YOU HAVE PRCTICED.IT FOR A 'WHILE. PEOPLE FALL IN- ' TO THE HABIT OF SPENOING MONEY THOUGHTLESSLY, AND IMAGINE THEY C/^NOT SAVE. CULTIVATE THOUGTH FULNESS AND CAREFULNESS AND YOU ARE BOUND TO SAVE. THERE'8 PROTECTION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION IN A SAV- £ , INGS ACCOUNT. 4 PER CENT PAID ON SAVINGS. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS OUR CAPITAL IS*$200,000 PARK MOR RAND CO -WGINEERS AND C0NTRACT0R& Lott-HItch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. Miss Eddie Parnell has a full lino of wool sweaters, otips und boobies for the babies. 21 2t Before You Reach me Limit of physica? endurance and while your condition is still curable, take Foloy Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, .'benmatisf, and nil kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. S. Palno. , Mrs. James Polk Stewart has re turned after spending two months in North Georgia. i For The Sake of YO UR I Miss Mary L. Young is expected home today from Gainesville. GRACE CHURCH. Tomorrow, Wednesday, being tho Festival of All Saints, the services in Grace Church will be as follows: Holy Eucharist, 7:30 and 10:13 a. m. Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. m. Mr. W. R. Nicholas, formerly of Wayno county, dropped dead on tho streets of Tampa several days ago. Heart disease is assigned ns cause of his death. The remnins V’ero # earned to Screvep, Ga., /or burial. *«uv3| •p»T *xa»duio_ s ium wmi ®®JJ°D • oujnus? ©m «j 1! ©«i« ©q »ng p3|B3s-X|[B3fjaujj3tj up ©iai|AiXi3A3 aajjoo jv’ qausij jaAipap AVON 5 ssadojd SupsEoy oiuarSAn anhruft antes aqi Xq pajcntadaad si paapq laxivpf'tpua.tj piaaqv iOA ‘tjqoi u<no xno C to *Xji And your pocket book, you’d |f better come to this store soon 8 and look over the new styles in j§j Clothing, Sh oes | ana Hats § If you are looking for a suit gf that combines Style, Comfort, Quality and Service, then you are looking for The Steele Clothing Store. You’d Better Pick Out Your Fall Suit NOW. A great many men are finding some very nice things here. Let us put one away for you.' The color, the weave’and the style yourWant is here. • 5 ’ ; ppnoa noX ujt/x ’oJfn satjniuaa cueapjQ a\®k m jaq.nifj qo^-L* pjo aqj pa^nojqj ogAi sm’UiniJ pun satjnnaq aqj pun Xnpo XjaaH'uosjpnr MOjpuy paiqJfiRP os Jnqi puajq qousi.q snoioifap atnns aqj it jp pay. 'Ayjnpndod up X|fHp ^apsnaanut sp aoyo^ uauajj j.\\ -sanaX pajpunq omj Xpjnan joj aapnap pajudsipun josanpd oqj ppoq ppuoa Xjppmb imopaAJBOi jo aayoo tj Xpuo Jnoi os P»AJ7 babh i.npjnoM. If aojjoj pooQ l.nsejn u |] „o8v Suoq jo 33jjioo PiO pooo ^qx,. Suits From $15 to | The Steele Clothing Stor I 40 PLANT AVE. P ■BhHI