Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, October 31, 1911, Image 8

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    . ■ '• ' - ' ■ .
1. t
From 3 A. M, Until 9 P. M.
We extend to EACH and EVERY LADY in Waycross and vicin
ity a CORDIAL INVITATION to call at our new store and inspect
what we consider to be the HANDSOMEST, BEST ASSORTED,
MOST UP-TO-DATE and the LARGEST STOCK of furniture ever
shown in this city. Our stock will be pndtically cc mplete by next
Tuesday, and will compare favorably with any ^tock of goods
shown.in Savannah or Jacksonville. We have secured at considera
ble expense ONE THOUSAND beautiful and unique souvenirs
which will be presented FREE (as long as they larft) as a
token of our appreciation, to each LADY calling at cur ^iore next
Tuesday. NO souvenirs wjll be given to ladies UNDER 15 years
old or to MEN or BOYS,
Walker-Hood Furniture Company
80 e Plant Avenue
Phone 499
The New Concrete Store
, oralty candidates, Messrs. Cox, Parker (duties of Treasurer, givtns ample | abundanjt resources, wherewith the
| and McGee, and several representa-1 bond In a Standard Surety Company j unstinted tjounty of God has enjoyed
‘her words, Jacksonville is swatting,
le vagrant earnestly and from the
j tatlves of the Citizens Club were | for the faithful performance oj such | us we are unselfishly glad when other ehoulder.
present. The harmony of the meeting j duties. I peoples pass onward to prosperity It has come to be recognized that
was perfect, the solo Idea being to j 29. We favor the immediate revis- and peace. That great privlvllege wo 1 the idlers which infest the cities add
The nil, of the Dcmocrale at opera wo are brought Into conSiet with
houie laat ntaht waa a great aucooaa. thoao who aro arrayed on the other
The hall waa crowdod anil manr ride. Since the, haro atarted the
ttnahle to get scat*. Judge Harry M. tight, It ta up to u» to put our ahoub
Wllaon presided, and spoke ta fob der lo the wheel, and detent them la
low<; a clean and fair fight. The political
Addreen of Praeldent H. M. Wlan, batllo la now bn. and It will bo a light
rrienda, Fellow Citizen* and moajbe:* to tho finish. HERE LET ME SAY.
of the People. League: It I* not how many men who are In
' We bare met here tonight tn tho favor of our principle!, on election
Interne^ of our Club. The flrat matter day thi\t count* but thoee who hare
of vital Importance ta a platform, «et- registered and can rote their conrlc-
ting forth the principle, for which tlcne. We have until tho 20th day of
wo Stand, the carrying out of which November In which to attend to tht.
I believe will servo to promote the out I urgu you to attend to It at your
beat Interest of our City. joarllctt convenience. I tru.t that on
On laat Monday night an advtaory election day thcro will not be a mem-
committee waa elected to prepare the- ber of this club, nor those In sympathy
same and tonight they submit a plat,i with ua who ha* not registered,
form which they tru.t will meet your j With the tncntber.hlp we now have,
hearty approval. 1 believe that thejand thoso who will Join later, and
planks embodied In thle plntform will. with a Band parpoeo tn view, with our
appeal to all who favor a fair, liberal I mind Intent upon the welfare of onr
and progressive administration of the | eity. there can bo no question of our
City affair*, and should meet the ap- succee*.
psora! of the laboring man, the boa- The vessel which will bear the etan-
tnees man. and the protee.tonal man. dard of our elab, ta oot destined to be
It looks to the Interest of all; the wrecked, she .alls under yonr snsple-
poor sa well ae the rich, the email • ee, and under the proper guidance
aa well a* the great. j will sail safely through the
At a mass mect .g held at the court < political atrife on the the port fit
hgmee at which time the citizens victory.
League waa organized, and candidate* | Put the plsnks for which we stand,
endorsed for Mayor and Alderman of and the manner of our organization
the Clip of Wyerosa, wo had no right i In on* scale, and the planks for which
St seams, then, even to discuss, much I the Citizen* League stands and their
lees expree* onr opinion on the pro-j manner of orgairatten In the other,
ceedlngs which affected the right* of snd lot truth and Justice, In Heaven
onr citizenship. All 'men when the] above, and on earth below, liberty and
weld together n great organization
and defeat the Citizens League. The
advisory board was Increased to 60.
so that all three candidate* should
have full representation on aame.
ten of our City Code, the repeal of I enjoy may continue and that each j towns of Florida are a menace to
old obsolete ordinances, and tho pub- ■ coming roar may see our country life and property, nnd the authorl-
llcatlcn of said code and city charter more ffrmly established In the regard Wee. here aro no longer ^derating'
In n convenient form, eo that all j and esteem of onr fellow nation* It It. excuaee for idleness which won't,
tcltcena who desire may have Dll {the prayer that ahould arise In every. stand verification. Jackaonvllle news
Among the speakcra who address- knowledge cf tho lawa governing our' thankful heart. papers now Contain each day records
od the meeting were Jas. Sinclair, C. city. i "Wherefore, I, William Howard.of dozen or more of Idle negroes who*
Q. Lewa, C. W. Parker, H. Henge- 30. We advocate City Council tak-jTaft, president of the United States 'are sent to the county chain gang o.
veld, S. T. Beaton, W. H. Fcndt; lag actlcn and , promulgatis*, stjcb jof America, designate Thursday, the aaaafoipal. work houe*.
Fred IBrowcr; W. E. Dempster. laws as may be necessary to compel soth. of November, as' a day of Thanks I On the water front the cry la tor
Ker.dquartes will be at once secured Ice Vendors, who hold franchise In | giving and prayer, and 1 earnestly, more labor to load the vessels, at.
nnd —e . ;*j, lea Leagues get down to, our city, to deliver lee In all parts of j call upon my countrymen and upon the various Industries the supply of
buftnesa In systematic style.—ad. i the city In the Interest of health jail that dwell under the Bag of our {men Is fifty per cent under the vlsl-
i and comfort of our citizens in accord- beloved country, then to meet In their
jance with franchise granted. {accustomed places of worship to join
| 31. We advocate City Council tax- In offering praise to Almighty God
CF PEOPLES’ LEAGUE. tng Etep , , 0 rc: - u | I . ( j a |j electric wires ond devoftt thanks for the loving mer-
(Continued from Page 1.)
ble requirements and throughout the-
state fruit men are.already beginning
to call for help. Yet there are hun
dreds of negro men who live In ap
parent ease without working more
"In witness thereof, I have here- j titan just enough to keep their names
est of tho improvement cf our streets unto sot my hand and caused the seal on the payroll of some shipping man
and for the protccf'cn'cf tho public. I of the United States to be aHied. ’ L ' ; ' Industrial concern. This la a con-
We dezlrc to heartily com "Dene at the city of Chicago, this Ui A a which obtains to a degree
n the business portion of the City to ctes He has given to us.
seascr from that Ward, and to pre-J,, placeJ under Eroand . ln tho tnter .'
pare data for the Foard, fo that tho
Arsesrors can intelligently determine
the value of MI property on .an equit
able and fair baits.
A. We favor the aeecial tax upon
carnivals and other amusement* ot
•ueb character, being reasonable and
bated on similar taxes levied in other
cities the sice of Waycroes.
ren* the present City administration
for the progreMlve City improve
ments that they have accomplished
during the last two years.
S3. We demand that equal repre-
icut.'on be given all faction* \pr
Si. We Favor Free Public Schools, t . onlg(!8 oluba ln the polling booths
believing that the City should mere
liberally support ths schools and ob-
. at all county and city, primaries.
1 THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, We.
vlst. the necessity for the objection-' P<op ,„ L(actI8 . with BO ulta Kor
.ble tnltlea fee now being charged to c0n38: „ aaJ pro:not ,
onr public ecboole, which work great 0 f W.ycrcs. nleng pro-
bsrdihlp* on many of onr citizens £r „. rt ieMcnltIe wUh a pro .
* adT0 “ ,e ,he m0B ' * ,ner - found and abiding confidence In the
on. support of the Kings' Daughter. d|;i|t( trlun ,. ph o! t5e pr - 13e :ple. we
30th day of October, in tho year of “Hke In all towns and cities of the
the Lord one thousand nine hundred
and eleven, and of the independence
of the United State* of Amifrtoe the
one hundred and thlrty-alxtb.
"By the president: p. c. KNOX,
"Secretary of State.
Hospital by both, the City ini Coun
ty, and advocate the relieving of these
advocate, present this, onr platform.
ntrtotlsm decide the preponderance.; and special meetings of the board ot
good ladle* o, the burden of respon- Oct «-Flv.
fibility they are rov carrying in the ' . ‘j ^ t inter t,#ault “ and h,shwa y robberie*. four
conduct of this Institution. I F , , * , J of * h,ch proVed teU1 “ the vict,,n, •
eztof Wapcrosg and her peopre. L |thln the Utt two month , have so
„ , — stirred the people and the authorities
27. We advocate that all regular
2>mr the sacred character of the mar — , ,
•1 person are to be respected In ths On motion the name of the dub aldermen shall be held at night, so PRESIDENT NAMES NOVEMBER SO.{that 25 additional police have been
Same degree. ,was changed and ta future wllj he, that all citizens who wish fsy have Continued From Page I. J put on the force of the city.
The CiUzeni League Kas hurled the krown aa "The People* League.": opportunity to attend the session. the comrades tn the universal broth- ; Both the city and county author!-
of Partisan politics' tn our The platform and principle* were read! 2S. We advocate the abolishment ethecd cf nations. Strong In the tie* have become very active and ef-
It la this class against which the
campaign of the authorities la dlrac
ted. Finding that the old lame ax-
cnee wiu no longer be accepted be,
fore the trial judge, many of them-,
are beginning to put la six days at
week rather than rnn the risk of betas
made to work for the oounty. The
Idle white men whose means of sup
port Is open to question are also be
ing raked In. This Is largely a* a.
safeguard against crimlnijs who may
-o preying up.m the public.
Have your automobile and bn
lace; I say that It la not a queetloa by secretary and were unanimously of the office of City Treasurer and terse ef Ihe right* of ctherr. we live fectlve in their dealings with men top work done at J. T. McGee's t>y
d perxena but a question of prfncl- -seemed, fu the crowded meeting that tie Beak er Banks designated aa 'a -esce rri h-rmcry with the world, vio decline to wrrh asd yet Lie *?:l s ftst-elas* trimmer.. ;i Albany ar>
gjA KliMt sjH tissue*, that wete rany friends ct ua tbrgs m*y-;'-!.e City -c;.;.;cry cht'.l pc farm its FRt In the rotieisloa sad vitheut metes cf ulillle ipipc.-h la rue. • . 12 jjg
- ‘ * i . *
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