Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, November 01, 1911, Image 8
OUR FALL OPENING NEXT TUESDAY NOV. Tth. From B A. M. Until 9 P, M. We extend to EACH and EVERY LADY in Waycross and vicin ity a CORDIAL INVITATION to cal! at our new store and inspedt what we consider to be the HANDSOMEST, BEST ASSORTED, MOST UP-TO-DATE and the LARGEST STOCK of furniture ever shown in this city. Our stock will be przdtically complete by next Tuesday, and will compare favorably with any ^tock of goods shown in Savannah or Jacksonville. We have secured at considera ble expense ONE THOUSAND beautiful and unique souvenirs which will be presented FREE (as long as they la&) as a token of our appreciation, to each LADY calling at cur &ore next Tuesday. NO souvenirs will be given to ladies UNDER 15 years old or to MEN or BOYS. Walker-Hood Furniture Company Phone 499 80 Plant Avenue The New Concrete Store OF PEOPLE’S LEAGUE Mr*. Hack, pleasantly remembered licit' a* Miss Gladys Jeffers. Ih In tho city visiting relatives. Mr. and Mr*. Hack make their home at \\ liming- loti. Mr. Knoch Jenktna la In the Vlty today. Mrr. Jenkins has Just return- Endorsed unanimously at the great Democratic rally at opera house Oc tober 30th, 1011. Preamble. WUKRKAfcJ, An organization lias m formed In our City, the object of which, wo bolleve, la to re-establish tho "litnx Rule” that Is subversive to Democratic principles, nud will. In sary, and each department should be required to curtail their expenditure* iu accordance with tho appropriation made. d. We believe that an*, itemized statement cf tho receipts and ox.en- dilures of the city should be careful ly prepared and published quarterly. ■1. Bids for all supplies, also fur all contract work done for the city We advocate that all regular of Waycross. 11. We advocate that Immediate steps be taken for the pavement of the fildewalks of our City, especially in tho bcslnesa section, and the grad ual, permanent improvement of our streets as rapidly as funds will per- water to all our citizens who may de- and special meetings of the board of sire it. aldermen shall bo held at night, "so 19. We advocate tho Immediate that all citizens who wish fay haver fmrovement of Oak 'Lawn Cemetery, opportunity to attend tho session. a3 a natter <. C public decency, aud j 23. We advocate the abolishment believe that it will materially add tojcf the office of City Treasurer and the income of tho City from the salo that the Bank or Banks designated as of lots. the City depository shall porform the . 20. We favor a reduction of the duties of Treasurer, giving ample street tax, and suggest that the board bond in a Standard Surety Company of aldermen should, If possible, And for the faithful-performance of such Believing that every citizen is j Individuals, or enterprises, and insist | a mere equitable^nd practcablo metb duties, eutitied’to know what is being done that they be solely employed in workjdtf for collection of same. j 29. We favor the immediate revis* by tho board of alders*rv we advo-jon public highways. 21. We Javor that that the specific ion of our City Code, the repeal of cate that the proceeding of the bpard 13. l Wo favor a more efficient sy3-|er occupation tax b© re-adjusted and old obsolete ordinances; and tho pub- protest against convict shall bo advertised and allotted to .labor being used in any way in an- the lowest bidder. ItagonUm t0 free l al)0r » or for private of i be published in detail tea of sanitary inspection for the pro- based on a graduated scale In justice lication of said code and city charter od from Camilla where Jenkins Ja r opluicn, seriously militate against Jenkins have Just conducted n moat' advtnccrient and progress of within three days after- each meet- successful sale. J;y. / Wo, the Peoples League, believe 1 6. All cjvtnacces suggested by tho board et aldermen shall "ho Va’b- ai.d maintain that the future of Way- llshed at least cue week before adop tion in order to give opportunity* fer TIME TO 80W RYE RAPE, AN3 OATS FOR YOUR CHICKENS, To| tro6tj ; 8 gbsctntcly dependable upon. ■UPPLV OREEN FOOD WHEN THSj ( „j p snd e^ltable-representatlon and| r -' otctt or a » rov »>; oy ciUioaf ( bo- WEATHER GETS COLD, 80V/ NOW nn udnilnlstratlon of our civic affair ANO PREPARE FCR THE HIGH that shall represent every phase o ;fore they PRICES OF EGGS LATER. WE HAVE THE SEED. PHONE 315. .1 3t C. 8. HARDY A 80N. For (Irst-chm rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right, see J. T. JUcGcc, 21 Albany avenue. 12 JOt Hi\ and Mrs. I. D. Cunningham. %rho have t»een miking their home l»crv. for tho past year, will leave shortly for Fulton, Missouri, where (hey will make their home. Choir practice will be held tomor row night after prayer meeting at Central Baptist Taberuacle. The choir member* arc requested to be present. our citizenship. Therefore, be It resolved, that the Feuplc’s !.cogue enunciate aa their principle* and platform their unswerv ing tui port to un economical bu&l- parsed upon finally 7. We advocate t^.? re-organization cf a’i city departments a^ons program give lines, both in interest cf econo my and efficiency. < - 1 8. Wo favor the installation of an up-to-date fire alarm system, and tho ovement In tho equipment for acis administration of tho civic af* efficiency of our Rro departfneat, so ff,,ra Waycross, believing iu a kov-.sjj^j ^-ju provide ppotectfen W crnmoct for and by tho people with-l evc -y pnPt our city, aut regard to wealth or influence. j g, \ve f avor tho appointment -st Wo advocate the liberal encourage-j least two mounted pcliconien fur rnent of the Investment of foreign; the protection of. the outlying dls capital along industrial lines in Way-jtricis, and the purchase of a * patrol crose that will tend to-develop herj* afo n, to enable police offi<^rsiAo resource, and five employment to | Tore efficiently handle tbo' buainosi her citizens, especially ^our skilled j ;f their departments, mechanics, thus redounding to the! In connection with patrol wagon, benefit of our merchants and our en-j we advocate the installation^^ a tire citizenship. j system of Police Telephones, t> be 1. In view of the wklely distribu- t placed at convenient points^ w^ere ted area of our city, we believe thar j police, cn beats, can register, *nnd tection of the public health, a re- to the smaller merchants of opr City, in a convenient form, so that all organization of our system for collect- J 22. We favor the creation of a Vritzens who desire may have fall >" ins and destruction of garbage, and! sinking fund commission, and Insist knowledge of the laws governing our iflvor the rigid enforcement of all or- j that no part of that fund shall be city. finances pertaining to health. - | loaned- on anything save real estate 30. We advocate City Council tak- 14. Wo believe that tho present (collateral and in the city of Way- lag action and promulgating such'V Qity Hall can be re modeled to meet .cross, laws as may be necessary to compel the present needs cf the city, and be- 23. We advocate tho appointment Ico Vendors; who hold franchise in lieve that; the funds of the City can of a s'andlnt: Board T>f Tax Assessors, cur city, to deliver Ice in all parts, of he emricycd for more necessary im-jto ccntlrt.cf ono man Trent crc:; the city in the interest of health >ro. entente, end oppose a large ex-j ward, the Jax Collector to he f>cro- c.nd comfort of our ciil*ena in-accord- Have your automobile and buggy <tfc « Clty v thbuld be r5-d!ktricted> thus* which will be available for calling U»p work done at J. T. McGee’s »»v |M»* all the residents of our City j cut patrol wagon. A smell cost adea a first-class trimmer., 21 Albany *v; -ore representation on the board of: to fines. w4 believe, will cover cost peediture for a new City Hall at this } tary of cold Board. The Tax Collec- time.. \ j tor to be required to devote a portion 15. We- favor the board of ,tolder-jcf his time to carefully investigate men taking immediate steps to en-jprorerty In each Ward with the As* arc© nn improvement' in our present, sesscr from that Ward, and to pro inefficient-telephone system. • ‘pare data for tho Eourd, so that the 1C. We favor the reduction of the »Atferrors can Intelligently determh: Mayer’s salary frern fCCO’bO to $300.G0- f the valve of all property on cn eqult- per annum and the ostabllrhment ! able and fair basis, at as earlier ’date as possible Off' 21. We favor the special tax urcr i Recorder*3 Court to handle the crim-i carnivals and other'amusements ct ir.al bbIThets x cow coming before thfc tuch character, being reasonable end n aycr. ~ ! based cn sinillar taxes levied in other 17. We faver the deposit cf the'citjfs the size of Waycross. Cty funds in the City bank offering j 23. Wc Favor Free Public Schools. lihest rate of interest on the believing that the City should msrv|*t a ’ J ! ccacty and ci:y. primaries, deposit ard chirging the lowest rate.liberally ttrpport the rchccls and oN| .TMERrrCRr, Be I? Hciolvci, We, of interest fer loans made - to thc -viatc tSe necessity fer the objwtioc- 'the Perplco L^cue, v.Ph no altcTTor City, ^hereby, the City wilt save able tuitlcn fee now-being charged iu J r’.ctive. to conserve r.y-f promote ancc with franchise granted. 31. We advocate City Council tak ing steps to require all electric wire* in the business portion cf the City to. be placed under ground, in the inter est of the Improvement of our streets and for the protection cf the public. We desire to heartily com- mend the present City administration for the progressive City improve- meats that they have accomplished during ^the last, two years. . We demand that eqvel repre- catat.’on he given all frj|9|rs *pr fccnnf:do, clubs in the pollf^^ootha Big ahlpmeet electric fans recoi 13 37t Llderman^ . % 2. Wo believe that the City should at the beginning of each year make many hundreds of dollars. In view of the fact that a con siderable r?o£t *« now being made by tho City Waterworks Department, we advocate either a reduction In preaent rate of water rent, (which will tend Bytk RWciik .*u,>piv ce . Uwt. Street of both, wagon and telephone" main tenance. 10. Wo deplore the present unsan- «'*M critical, cf the nc«!> otjltar- ccnilfcn of ourCI'jr Jail and j t° reduce houte rent,) or we odrocate | erh <>;:.r;- ent and appropriate rrrroT.ir^r.J ttj rr r-’Pfsltas ; cr ahe t-r,*. the rroiti-cede a, chore be ,1 ■ tor •„» I: -vo’.tho ap-xunt, ntro!--; crectlrs ct izorber. redre YV a«4W-‘; teli'as s iefsntte fchd'«ti-aapend- ' ' ‘ ———- ■ iad aic.ctiveLr • for the-exteaitoa V our public echoole, which tverk .crccrifho f-reraso c' V.'cyti -5 hlo^s pro- hardships .on many cf cur "citizens, j.-rof.^e i.omccfrtfc incr, with a pro- 26. We adrocato the rrcct goner- ^f^r.a-j and abiding cmf.dsnce in the oua aupport of tho Klrfi,' Daaj'.terJjoWruto t-'vn rh of fV.o rrfcj^les tre Hospital by both, the City sad Cowi advertie, pre.’esr tbf-, our platform, ty. and adrocafa Ute relieving of these to tho tstcliliect niter, of the City, food ladle, cf the ’rurtl-a of ro-ros --*■ rs.Trlt r.sd InvIV th» h>:rly ,u> L ' stbRlty they are re- t»> ror ct -bo icilr; ~ 5 \fjt .vir- tcnduel-cf-this lastltalioa. «’> -i- thi ’ V z.